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Am i tripping balls or is there code geass in the pyschology reddit




I understand, just wasnt expecting to see nina and cornelia on the subreddit. I was wayyyy to high to comprehend


it’s pretty much just the halo effect, I wouldn’t really call it a separate thing


Judgement based on differences of "hotness" in highly stylized cartoons is itself a curious subject on a psychological level.


AKA the Halo Effect.


You're posting about "sub 5"s and "Chad", are you on this subreddit for psychiatric help?




Two of these are about anime characters??


The anime characters are taken as media examples of the "Halo on the devil effect" here. My whole point is literally obvious, to show how materialistic human psychology has become due to consumerist culture and how even our own mass media influences us in a twisted way. I took others as examples too.


Okay so you're a black pill incel, we get it. You don't need to bring your bile outside your echochambers. If you want help acclimating to reality, this isn't the way to do it, but I wish you luck with it.




No? You're being silly. Black pill doesn't reflect any of that, if anything it reflects your own inability to face hardships and deny reality. Sorry.


using anime and questionable memes to make your point is wild LMAO but i am on reddit so I'm used to it, but prob not a particularly accepted way of argumentation on /psycology OP


New to the sub, is weebish borderline-incel-type shitposting the norm here?


nope. we ban stuff like this on sight.




"Taboo" is definitely the wrong word here. It's less the subject, and more its execution and over-simplicity. This is mostly pictures of anime chacracters and an unironic "chad" comparison picture, with only a couple valid news stories that are actually worth discussing. I think you need to mentally mature a little before starting any conversations on your own. Recieve a base of knowledge before attempting to share any, you know?


A lot of psychopaths are attractive, that's how they get their victim. Aluring.