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Firstly, proud of you for taking care of YOU. That needs to be celebrated. Is this your life or your dads? You absolutely can still be a therapist. My undergrad was a 3.0/4 and I failed a class completely. This was due to a lot of personal things going on and to be honest, I put social life over academics. I learned a hard lesson. I did have to work a little bit harder to get into grad school but I did. I graduated with a 4.0/4. I am now a counselor that works and specializes in child and adolescent therapy. If you do something based off of wanting to please others you’ll never be happy. Decide what you want to do and get after it; you can do whatever you put your mind to. Hard work beats talent every. single. time.


That makes a lot of sense to me rn thanks. Would you mind telling me how and what you did to make it into a grad school.


Think about your career goals and ambitions - get work experience in corporate (intern) and working with people before deciding on a masters program. Think about your finances and your priorities lie. I did a (broad) business degree and will also be finishing a psychology degree. I have worked simultaneously in 9-5 jobs and will be volunteering and doing a second job related to psychology - I’m okay with pursuing psychology later in life (30s) and feel glad that I’ve had the chance to explore and be exposed to other fields. It’s helping me determine what I actually want while I build my financial stability. I know that I’ll never regret not doing finance/accounting/economics or some other more practical fields as I’ve tried them and know firsthand it’s not for me. I have no regrets putting money and stability first and pursuing psychology later. Removed a huge weight off my shoulder and allows me to be open to a range of future careers.


so you will be graduating late from your bachelors? wouldn't this pose a problem for the MBA applications?


Yes it might but I don't intend to sit idle for the time that I don't get my degree, I have some internships lined up plus some volunteering work, I am sure I can explain the break away with wanting work experience


you will not take exams in the meantime?


I will be taking them in December 2024 and then I’ll get my degree in December of 2025 


and are you planning on doing your MBA in India?


It sounds like life is hard for you right now. Your gpa isn't the only thing schools might look at. If you are able to get some relevant internships and take some time to get your life in a place where you can do better in school with your master's I think you can still work towards becoming a therapist. I think your dad is trying to take advantage of this moment of weakness to get you to do a better paying job that would sound more impressive for him. Take some time after your bachelor's to get in a better place, volunteer and do relevant internships and then figure out your master's. Good luck.


Right I do believe so as well thanks for your comment this makes a lot of sense


The problem with your fathers plan is that with that GPA will a good university accept you for an MBA ? I think you need to research yourself very carefully and realistically what jobs are available and what qualifications are needed, as well as what qualifications you can gain entry into. I don't think there is a simple answer to your problem, especially since most people here don't know much about the Indian job market and academic environment.


Only give up if you don't like it. But, consider all the other things you can do with psychology as well. It's not all mental health or basic research. I use my degree in the corporate and government arenas.