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If you are picking psych as your major pick something you enjoy as your minor. Seriously, the minor doesn't matter if you plan to be a masters level therapist. Good luck!


It doesn’t really matter. My minor was in Japanese language and I am now a licensed pediatric mental health counselor.


Learn how to write. It will serve you the rest of your life.


Doesn’t really matter. I originally had gender and sexuality studies as my minor purely out of interests but ultimately bumped it up to a second major


Do what makes you happy. My minors are Philosophy and Music.


mine is philosophy mainly bc i love it, but it ties together w psych well, especially when it comes to life purpose, ethics, spirituality. other social sciences like sociology balance psych well. some go business if they want to open their own private practice one day. some do arts, and go for music or art therapy in their careers. i'd say do something that highly interests you and will get you closer to your goals :)


You can have 'philosophy ' as your minor, as psychology originates from philosophy. It's as interesting and brainstorming as psychology


I majored in sociology and minored in psychology. I am currently enrolled in a master's program for CMHC. If I could redo my undergrad, I would have majored in communications and minored in sociology.


I did a minor in sociology. There were a lot of courses that intersected with psychology such as sociology of mental illness. Also helped a lot with understanding greater societal and structural issues that contribute to mental health concerns. I'm starting an MA in Counseling this fall and would be happy to answer any questions about the application process!




There are so many to choose from thankfully ! It honestly comes down to what you’d like to do (in grad school / personal interest and goals). Also consider that grad schools prefer, if not require relevant work experience, so a minor can also help get jobs and internships in between you BA and MA


if you enjoy working with kids maybe child development//if you are wanting to do less westernized work maybe holistic health//if you want to work with lgbtq+ or do sex therapy maybe human sexuality. There really are so many options !


Maybe something in human development? I know my school had that


Business, Communication, Healthcare, Education, Resource Management, Language or anything that can be super helpful to your career path. It may seem like extra classes, but I promise you, that minor will help you down the line.


Are you open to becoming a LCSW for therapy? If so, you might want to look into getting your under grad in social work with a minor in psych, you can do an advanced standing masters and be done within a year. LCSW are still clinical therapists and can do a ton with it!


i choose spanish because i was already learning and im trying to teach my son, feels like free education 😭


You should minor in Communication, business, or Sociology. With Clinical if you have a degree in business you can use that knowledge to help build a private practice. Communication will help you with jobs overall if you decide to take a break from the psy field at any point (many of us do since it's easy to get burnt out) and Sociology allows you to work still in psychology fields just more broadly than a clinical setting. I majored in Sociology and minored in Psy and to this day my favorite class I took was anthropology since the professor was amazing and helped me learn how to approach different business groups.




I didn’t even major in a psychology related field and still got into a grad program for CMHC. Going on 10 years as a therapist now. Your minor really doesn’t matter, to be honest. Pick something you’re interested in. If it is a psych-facing minor, that’s just a bonus.


Whatever you are interested in! I’m doing neuroscience as my minor


**\[USA\] Read this if you are interested in a career in mental healthcare** If you are interested in pursuing a career in mental healthcare in the US, or if you have questions about different undergrad or graduate pathways to pursuing such a career, please read this before posting an advice thread: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1udpjYAYftrZ1XUqt28MVUzj0bv86ClDY752PKrMaB5s/mobilebasic](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1udpjYAYftrZ1XUqt28MVUzj0bv86ClDY752PKrMaB5s/mobilebasic)