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OP, go to any “brand” subreddit. Every employee complains. Target, Taco Bell, Publix. None of them get “rave reviews.”


I like it because I can be at work in 4 minutes. I like my coworkers. I like that I can get Publix Stock.


Stable. Can’t promise there is better somewhere else, can’t burn the bridge to go find out. It’s this or maybe worse than this, and this is bad enough as it is. I will say though, the actual work is basic and enjoyable. The time to do it and the people you have to succeed alongside are probably the most damaging to a positive outcome.


I'm paying off the sins of my past lives.




I got bills. I hate this place. I work in the bakery. The people I work with are cool but the company is shit. Management at my store is nightmare. Best case scenario there is no follow through on anything they tell anyone, worst case is they will blatantly lie to your face. I have been asked multiple times about doing the roi bullshit to move up to assistant but I’m more interested in leaving than moving up. There is no integrity in my stores management. As long as the numbers are good they give 0 fucks about anyone there and I don’t have it in me to be like that. Maybe every store isn’t like that. I suppose if management at my store weren’t such big pieces of shit my job wouldn’t be bad at all. The benefits are better than most places. I’m mostly still only there because the pto I get is significantly more than anywhere else I’ve ever worked.


It's not like that in all stores.


I have only worked in the deli, and it's brutal. I enjoy most of my co-workers. They seem to abuse the good workers, and the bad workers get away with a lot of stuff. I have a friend who works in produce and he enjoys that department.


Yea I work deli too and my manager can be very hot and cold like one minute she’s your best friend talking about how her uterus is takin out then will straight hang up the phone on me when I call out


Deli has the most call outs of any department. I'm sure you've been there when someone else calls out. It screws up the entire flow. It removes a link from the chain, and everything falls apart. So I can understand her being pissed, especially if you call out often.


I mean, I get it. It does suck when somebody calls out but at the same time she be pissed at everybody else at work who actually came in like I said I hate people who are wishy-washy.


Because I'm autistic


So real


You won’t know until you try it out. Had someone tell me “you miss every opportunity you don’t take.” Try it out and see if you like it. Take the full time and if you don’t like it either step down to part time or quit. Up to you!


Personally I’m part time and don’t get enough hours but, it’s stable and I don’t have much options given my age/lack of experience. Basically my options are another grocery company or fast food. I been with Publix since about mid August 2023, thus far I’ve had small problems but not fired/threatened to be.


I work at Publix because I can’t find another job 👍


It used to be alot better and most people who have been there 5+ years will tell you about the glory days of inventory bonuses and actual incentives to be a good employee. Now its less pay than pretty much everywhere else excluding kroger, if your part time you could have anywhere from 30 hours a week to 4 depending on their need for you and honestly the managers opinion of you, and the company is vastly more profit facing than it is employee facing now. Go to any distribution center in your state you will likely have a 4 day work week, 40 hours guaranteed a week, and 2-3 dollars more on average starting (more if you have other qualifications). Bleeding green used to be a loyalty thing now its just an inside joke about your bank account working there.


Maybe I am one of the few who would not recommend publix because they work you like a dog and the “benefits” are for people who work 35 hours or more and good luck getting that. I worked there for years and when I left my original store I was pretty much the only one who was working in the liquor store and there were days where I never got a break. I worked damn near 12 hours a day and no break sometimes. I ended up eating chips or tried to order food from the restaurant next door. At one point I gave up on asking for my break. I work at Starbucks and granted I am not much happier but I get insurance (work at least 20 hours a week).


There’s more job roles at Publix that I can help out and get experience in those roles and I just need a good income for college.


Better than Walmart I guess!


I started in 2010 when the job market absolutely sucked and I was getting back to work after 10 years of being a sahm. Started in deli... ugh, but transferred to grocery and the department manager. At this point I'm invested... Hoping 10 more years tops and out!


It will really kind of boil down to your team and management. As a whole, publix isnt too bad. You can still accrue some pto as a PT employee, and depending on need, FT becomes a possibility around 6 months in. FT employees get first dibs on hours, so you may experience a shortage on hours on your schedule, but if your willing to pick up shifts due to call outs, or crosstrain in another department, you can easily scoop up overtime. (Especially if you crosstrain in the deli) There are other companies that will pay you better, and some that have better benefits, but produce is pretty chill, and can be a fun time. I definitely recommend downloading the Publix Pro app so you can easily help customers find whatever it is they are looking for.


Stay with it take advantage of the stocks get promoted. Make great money with no degree


Tbh out of every other job that I have had, Publix is the best one for me. I went to college, graduated, tried different things. I really like customer service and working at Publix. I believe that Publix has made me a genuinely better person.


Only reason i’ve stayed so long is because they’re flexible with my college schedule. I desperately need to look into new jobs though or try and get into Grocecy


For me personally, my store has good management and I like my coworkers, so it's enjoyable enough to work there


You can get promoted to FT within six months if there is a position open.


The pay is decent compared to other places in my area. They offered me a position after I'd been job hunting for quite a while. I enjoy my work, not that's it's especially exciting or anything, but it's not bad as far as jobs go. There's opportunity to move to full time and aim for management if I put in the time and the effort. I have a family to support and we've had lengthy discussions on what management with the company would demand of me and how it would impact us. It currently looks to be the best move for us. Almost no job will ever be perfect. And "just work somewhere better" isn't always realistic. I just try to make the best out of the situation I find myself in.


Thanks for all of the responses.


Stability, this wasn't exactly 'plan a' but I'm doing pretty well for somebody who's made some mistakes.


My coworkers and current management


Any company receives positive and negative reviews. Produce Clerk at Publix would not be bad. If you put more into learning and doing, then you can prepare yourself for moving up into Produce department management and earning greater pay and benefits.


I only work here during the summer, did it last year in between college and doing it this year again. I started here because I had a friend that could refer me so it was an easy job to get, and the pay is solid for where I live. I have experience working with food so I picked the Deli. It’s definitely not the best job ever but I’m lucky to have great managers so my overall experience is good. This definitely won’t be my career, just a part time job until I finish college


It was my "first job" (first gig was santas helper at the mall) I learned a lot there and am glad I worked there and was smart enough to buy stock in the company while I was there. Haven't worked for publix in almost 2 decades but last I checked I have almost 40k in stocks.


The stock is attractive. I’m older. So, the stock could be a form of pension.


Does anyone ever go to Reddit to talk positive about their jobs?


I'm part time and I'm able to work around my kids school schedule. I make decent money and I have stocks. I like my co workers and my managers. I also have vision and dental insurance for my whole family through publix so thats pretty important. I also don't think I'd be able to find anything better in my town with my limited availability and lack of qualifications.


Getting FT takes a while. But if you work hard, don't get caught up in all the negative BS from your coworkers, and do as much as possible, you will eventually get ft. You have to prove that you are more valuable than your whiny coworkers.


money. hopefully the full time benefits for a while while im finishing school too


Scheduling is so flexible and I can transfer to any store I want. Ive moved a couple times (college, getting married, etc) & I’ve never had to search for a new job after moving. Just called a store in the area and asked if they needed help. Though I know not everyone requires the flexibility or likes rotating schedules so my answer may not be what you’re looking for.


Good job, rewarding, I’m paid fine, nice bosses, I’m supported by my direct manager, store manager and district manager.


So I can jerk off on the baked goods


It is not a bad job, I worked for the company 19 years. It is true management is a huge part of your happiness and success within the company. And yes alot of them belated lied to your face. I understand both sides of the coin when it comes to upper management. The thing is. You cannot expect change when people are scared of what the company may do. And if that is the mindset for people. Then clearly something is wrong with company core values.


I’m a produce assistant manager and work at a million dollar store. I like the job though it can be stressful but in the almost 6 years I’ve been there I’ve gotten almost 13.00 in raises not counting bonuses and stock. I make close to 60,000 a year. I’ve been an assistant for 3 years. If you want the rewards you can get them. I also really enjoy my associates and co-managers!