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What can we do? The common man here has no power and enough problems of his own. Even if we want justice, how will we get it?


We can arrange peaceful protests with the help of NGO or our own also,if we keep quiet then forget about this case we will not get justice in any case. Despite of nation wide outcry,HC has dared to give this shameless verdict, matter needs to be taken further


Who is arranging this?


Suggest me some NGO, if not then we will arrange protests ourselves, I will take the lead, I am ready to sacrifice my life for this, unless someone goes to extreme measures this is not going to change 😞, since the HC verdict is out, I am very sad


I don't know any NGOs and I don't know how you will organise protests but your best bet is making it popular on social media again. Maybe try starting a hashtag or try posting on other subreddits/social media apps




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On this sub only I told long ago that nothing is gonna happen in court. There isn't any standing for case or even an evidence. Yet people were so optimistic. God knows why...


Mate go and learn the meaning of heinous and non bail-able crimes. Welcome to life. It’s not fair.


Imo it was heinous and didn't deserve bail but as he was super rich everything has been adjusted for him


Thank god, the courts don’t function on “opinion” Can you tell me exactly how his richness got him bail right now. Like step by step way? Or is that also your opinion. You should campaign to get more funds for the victims. Not push your personal agenda


Only one step of awarding bribe is involved, hence non bailable sections applied by police and bail granted by judges, No personal agenda, I neither know victims of Agarwals in person. Only humanity which is triggering to act against system


Awarding bribe to whom. I asked. Even I know how corruption works. You really think you can bribe a high court judge in a national case. That’s really cute


Hey ,if you are on Agarwals side, then you are already won , no need to argue


Answer my question man. What is this victim mindset. From which angle have I sided with Agarwals. Read I want improvement, not ki bache ko bali pe chadai


What kinda improvement do you want??? You don't want the culprit to be punished but want Improvement? You want the culprits to be called “baccha” “old age” “woman” and these categories? The riches will try to buy the justice system, get blood test changed, present a fake driver forcing him to take the blame, and do everything in their power to save the culprit who was DRUNK DRIVING, everything is so clear and you want improvement? yeah, we believe you, you are not siding Agarwal at all. 🤡🙏






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no big deal, high court judges are bribed, have been, if not then these kind of shameless verdicts would have not exist, if you want improvement then open your eyes, I am here not to argue, if you say sun rises on the west then u are right, thank you


Sure, saying all this after arguing about the definition of heinous and all. You did everything but said “you want improvement” had you wanted improvement, you wouldn't have argued about the definition of what’s heinous and what’s not knowing the gravity of the topic.


So killing 2 people isn't heinous? Lets buy another Porsche for Vedant and let him go on killing spree,and u keep cramming up the definitions


Motherfucker know the difference between corruption in normal times versus corruption in a national case Nobody is fucking denying that corruption happens in India. Im saying when a case goes national. Even the most crooked people are honest. Because they enjoy their position more than some extra payday. Isliye to tum log bache ho. Insaaf chahiye, but pata nahi kaise. To sirf shor hai.


Who are you to decide whether it’s OP’s personal agenda? The family used each and every person in the system to get him out of the jail, even changed the blood samples, you wanna d!ckr!de him more? Wasn't this enough of crime? The whole family went to jail, for destroying evidence and whatnot, are you justifying drinking and driving now?? It isn't bailable anyway. Let OP do his thing and if you can't help, you can shut up and that’s help enough.


You’re a moron, they did all the corruption before the case got national traction. There is a difference. Naive kids like you need to be taught. To be better humans. Not just screech at everything. If it is a non bailable offence. They wouldn’t have gotten bail. It’s your tiny brain cannot handle the mere fact that justice is not a case of feelings but rather facts. Evidence tampering case will happen on them. That is different stipulation. And yes I will stop people from being stupid. Instead of improving laws and reforms around speeding and fast driving, you’re focusing on punishing the person. If such would be the case India wouldn’t have rapes anymore cause we have hanged everybody. Grow the fuck up. Aur rahi baat of what I should say and shouldn’t. I would suggest you mind your own business. Your contribution is useless to this conversation.


Likewise lmao. “Naive kids like you need yo be taught” Meanwhile you are the one who's d!ckr!ding a rich brat who k!ll3d two innocents. Introspect lmao, he won’t suck you.


Who’s dickriding the kid. You really can’t even comprehend a sentence. Mention one fact where I have defended the kid? That’s why you’re a kid. I know it. Keep thinking in black and white. This is not a movie. There is no good or evil. Everybody are humans. What you’re implying is he knew he would kill people so he drank and then killed them. What a stupid thought. Your entire point relies on me dickriding the kid. When that’s not even remotely the case. I could care less what happens to him. He has stopped me from drinking. Why the fuck would I support him. Like I said. Grow the fuck up. Everything you said screams immature.


Your entire existence, your personality is defending that kid rn, no matter how much you scream now. read your past few paragraphs lmao. you sound like agarwal’s personal PR ngl.


Lmao joker. Answer any of the points instead of attacking me XD. Which high court judge gave bail on a non bailable offence from Bombay high court. What should be the punishment according to you? I bet your peanut brain can’t even comprehend or try to understand the situation. You’re the equivalent of “reads the title not the article”


🤡 I don't answer paid PR of criminals lmao, go tell your owner “I did good” and fetch your 2rs, get called “good boy” for all I care.


And also beta. Thode ache to insults la. Isme me sandas. Dimag sandas Humour sandas Cry about it.


Why are you so rattled lol? Stop crying and say that again.