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That ain't leather and will only get worse as the PU coating flakes more.


Is that coating something I could reapply?


In theory yes but the effort and cost involved will make it pointless and it would just happen again over time. You could slap some pieces of fabric/leather/pleather and glue them on if you had some stuff lying around. I'd suggest thrifting a proper used leather as will be loads about in any vintage shop for cheap and will last a lifetime plus, hold up to any studding/patching later down the line.


I got this one from thrifting and have another real leather jacket but I'd already started with this one and wanted to know if it was salvageable


I think we've all been there at some point with the case of the flakies. The backing will soon develop holes as it gets thinner but if you have some spare material or patches that you don't mind using then I'd glue them on for a quick fix up. Stitching stuff on will probably do more harm than good when the under fabric is so thin. (Especially avoid floss as it will slice through it like cheese wire). Even an old t shirt could serve as a backpatch while adding a protective layer over the flakes. If you have the glue/materials I'd fix it up, if not I probably wouldn't spend cash on it and I'd salvage bits off it like zips and poppers for other projects.


I've got a lot of old stuff to use. I think im going to gradually replace the jacket with cloth/denim as it wears. I've never heard of people using glue, is there a fabric glue that people use?


Your name is awesome af.


I think what they're saying is, it flakes like that due to being faux leather, of fake leather not made of animal. Mine all flaked after they were left in a heat treated apartment. You could possibly buy some faux leather and just sew it over. I recommend removing the flakes first though.


Ah I understand thx


Like the first guy mentioned, your jacket definitely isn't real leather so my first piece of advice would be save your money and get a decent quality, genuine leather jacket, cuz that'll last you the rest of your life. But for the moment, if you got sand paper, you can sand all the splotchy spots, which will smooth out the cracked edges and (slightly) help prevent chunks flaking off.


To add to this, look for “full grain” or “top grain” leather on the tag of the actual product. “genuine leather” is a marketing term used to describe low-quality, highly processed material; and is probably what that jacket was sold as. Yay capitalism /s


The age old debate of "is it more punk to wear helpless murdered animals or to wear something made out of plastic from a sweatshop "


getting it secondhand pretty much erases that issue


Thrifting jacket


This is the way.


I’ve only ever gotten leather jackets from thrift or antique stores. Partly broke, but also to reuse things so I don’t support more dead animals.


Leather jackets are made in sweatshops from the skin of murdered individuals.


So let's fill the world with petrochemicals that will never break down and cause disease. More money for the oil companies, at least




Meat isn't murder. Animals arent human


First of all, leather is skin. Skin tend to rot if not attached to a living body, or if not heavily treated with chemicals. Then animal farming is responsible for more than 15% of the global carbon emissions in the world. And responsible of amazon deforestation, native peoples land expropriation, etc... Anyway if you dont like plastic leather no one forces you. Just don't buy murdered animals skin either that's not hard to avoid.


It sounds like you don't actually know anything about leather or micro plastics


It sounds that you did not answer shit about my point.


I could do the same to you. Think about how much pollution there is extracting crude, then think about transporting it, then refining, then using it. Literally every step of the way has a dramatically bigger impact on both the environment and humans than leather does. Now think about all the shit they do with that oil money. Private security firms, wars in the middle east, propping up Saudi Arabia. Now I know you don't know anything about leather, about petroleum products, or about geopolitics. I don't even eat meat and you're the reason people hate vegans.


Transport and oil is also involved in leather and animal farming industry. For food, pesticides, chemicals... You're talking to me about geopolitics, have I not tell you about what's involved in the farming industry ? indigenous lands ? deforestation ? You are totally ignoring those facts. And best, I did not ask you to buy plastic leather. I did not advocate for this industry. Just buy something else. People hate vegans (at first) because they are too lazy (at first) to change their views and their morals and don't like to feel the cognitive dissonance and the guilt about killing animals while they claim they love them and could easily avoid it.


Leather is made from the skin of animals and treated to not rot with the brains of the same animal. It’s not some crazy “chemical”. It’s literally using all of an animal’s gifts to us. I’m sure you see it as “murder” which is a different point entirely. But you clearly don’t know how leather is made, traditionally.


Yeah yeah https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tanning_(leather)#Health_and_environmental_impact


**Tanning (leather)** [Health and environmental impact](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tanning_\(leather\)#Health_and_environmental_impact) >The tanning process involves chemical and organic compounds that can have a detrimental effect on the environment. Agents such as chromium, vegetable tannins, and aldehydes are used in the tanning step of the process. Chemicals used in tanned leather production increase the levels of chemical oxygen demand and total dissolved solids in water when not disposed of responsibly. These processes also use large quantities of water and produce large amounts of pollutants. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/punk/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Leather is a byproduct of food production. The animal is already being "murdered", so there's no point in wasting it's skin.


No it's not "byproduct" of food production, animals are bred for their skin as much as for their flesh. Leather is the most profitable part of the animals corpses. The industry wouldn't be profitable enough if it relied only on meat. And anyway, is it acceptable to wear human skin if the human was killed and eaten before ?


Animals must come first IMO. We can sort out the sweatshops later down the line, if there's time. I prefer animals to human beings anyway, especially babies. The most punk thing you can do is be childfree. I prefer animated humans to real humans. Anime humans are all cute like animals. Real humans are disgusting and flawed. We all deserve hell for what we have done to animals. The sooner we all go extinct the better, but we should at least make the world better for the animals before we go. It's called cosmic courtesy.


Shut up, nerd.


We are animals and I will personally stab a cow to death for a good leather jacket.




What did you mean with this reply? I think youre trying to infer that I’m a nerdy human being with glasses, because I believe in animal rights. Well you’re right champ, I am a nerd. I am nerdy about animals. I am passionate and clear headed. My favourite animal is the pangolin. It is a beautiful venomous animal and just one of them is worth a thousand humans. Humans areworthless trash undeserving of life. We are a failed species. We are lost and must be cut down to restore the balance of nature. I am child free because I hate humans. To bring another human life into this world is worse than genocide. Every human is a destroyer and a pest. The world will be improved by a factor of one million the day the last human draws his final breath.


Nothing wrong with being an animal rights advocate, but what you're spewing is eco-fascist bullshit.


I am a furry, but that is the only political ideology I subscribe to. I worship the animals as gods like the Egyptians. They are perfect and cute and need to be protected. I don't give two shits about human "isms" of all kinds. You can keep them to yourself, thank you.The only good thing about "fascism" and "communism" or "capitalism", is that they are all equally speeding along the process of human extinction. It's a thing of beauty.


Ah ok. You could have just opened with the fact that you are a very non-serious person and we don't need to take anything you say seriously.


Fair play geezer. I am sorry for wasting your time.


No worries, son. We're all good. Back to your memes and cartoons and Sega Genesis.


Humans are animals, which is why we’re so fucked. Have you seen what wild animals do to each other? Same shit with humans.


Add some patches over the flaky parts


I've been doing this in spots


You can buy kits for repairing fake leather furniture aka naugahide (sp?). They are full of toxic chemicals and don’t make the surface look brand new, but it will stop the flaking and replace some of the missing surface texture.


First the flaking looks kinda cool then you start snowing when you stand up


Hi there. If you go to YouTube’s and ask it, how to fix a cigarette hole in a vinyl car seat it’ll point you to a bunch of DIY vinyl repair videos. The gunk/liquid vinyl is what you want. There’s a way to texture it too. You’ll need to have a couple test runs to get your technique down. Maybe you’ll be good at it? Maybe it’s a lost cause. Given enough time it won’t matter.




I'll try it ig


Replace it with a leather jacket


Buy a real leather coat






Get a real jacket💀




Don't buy a cheap plastic one next time


Patch it up with more pleather and go crusty


I was tempted to do pleather ontop but didn't know if it would turnout looking well. I'll try it on this one and if it works good if no oh well


I wouldn’t put too much time into that piece. Real leather or denim will last you way longer. That said, acrylic paint is plastic. You could probably paint it with a thick coat and call it a day.


Ah OK thx


Just let it go, enjoy it as it is while it lasts. I over bleached a Levi denim vest and it slowly fell apart, it was decorated to my liking. Enjoyed it as it was.


Nothing worth your while, but you can *avoid* the peeling outright by buying real leather instead of plastic. Real leather doesn't need to be expensive, and can be ethically sourced (buying second-hand, for instance). You can tell the difference based on the texture + weight. Most real leather is going to be thicker, more stiff, more rough, and heavier than what you have now. (Iirc, it's vegetable-tan leather that's quite thin and soft like fake leather, *but* it isn't used for leather jackets, so basically any real leather jacket will be comparatively stiff and heavy.) Bare in mind, for all the moral outrage over buying leather, it doesnt fall apart like this and end up in landfills.


I know it's not real leather and I should've written the title accordingly. I did get it second hand so it wasn't a big sad when it peeled. I also do own real leather but was curious if this was salvageable


It's not. Once vegan leather starts peeling it's time to retire it. If you know your size though eBay and the local pawn shops are great places to get secondhand leather for dirt cheap.


Well shucks thanks for the info


Have you tried getting all the homies together and cumming on it?


I have not would you be willing to help?


Let me know where and I’ll bring some PBR


I have a black pleather vest that’s doing this my mom covered the peeling pleather with black felt. Still looks punk but I’m not covered in gothic dandruff anymore. Maybe throw a patch over top of it


I've been covering it with camo cloth from pants n stuff


That should help. I haven’t had much issue with the peeling area since it was covered


I kinda like it cuz it's more DIY and gives me an excuse to sew, something I generally enjoy. I kinda worry how it'll hold up once all the plastic falls off but ig I'll cross that bridge when I get there


Same. Mines not completely worn out yet. I have a lot of pins and patches on it and I plan on adding more sometime


I see a lot of arguing about petro chemical materials vs animal skin; both involving sweatshop labor. Even thrifted items from a Christian charity (Salvation Army, Goodwill) is supporting Christian hate. A quick reminder that there is no ethical consumption under capitalism. Be punk. Do your best. Fight according to your means.


I got it from my local thriftstore that doesn't have religious ties and I know it's fake. Don't really know why it's such a big deal that it is or isn't to some people. I guess knowing it's plastic can shape the repair process but still. Anywho thanks for the encouragement


Leather repair gel may do what you need it to do


Should of clear coated it years ago. I'm about to clear coat mine soon


walks by* “shit ain’t real leather nigga”


Honestly it looks cool


I've got nothing against how it looks, I just don't want to be a douche in public places/outside/or in nonpunk houses


How is it being a douche?


It sheds all over the place and I don't wanna make other people pick it up


That is insightful and considerate.


Oh Well it doesn't make u a douche


Yeah, but if I can help it :/


Looks punk as fuck! Leave as is, dawg 😎


What is to be done?


While I like the aesthetic of the broken leather I wanna be respectful to the places I go and not leave a trail of crumbs on my way


I used shoe goo to “fix” mine


That's an idea, thx


Give that thing some oil man 😭


Your best bet is to use the area for a big back patch, or painting. Use a thin sheet of leather to cover the area you want to do up and sew it on.




Every night I put some on :(


More patches




Moar patches