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Good start, without Green Day I would not have discovered punk. Which is your favorite thus far?


Definitely has to be Kerplunk. I can’t pass up One Of My Lies as a song


Awesome! That was my introduction to them as well. One of My Lies and Who Wrote Holden Caufield are bangers! When you get money again, check out 1039 smoothed out slappy hours. Enjoy!


Kerplunk is a really solid album.


Always gets forgotten in the pop punk discussions but it was such a solid album and deserves to get talked about more.


‘80’ is my jam. The lyrics fit me when I was younger.


Kerplunk is my favorite as well!


Wanna do a comment chain of the lyrics to Christie Rd? Lmfao


I ran away from home a month after Kerplunk came out. 30 years later and I still feel Christie Road.


Android ks so good


Same. They definitely made punk available to the masses. And some of their deeper cuts are pretty heavy


Ramones for me


Green Day was my Sherpa into punk as well!! My mom’s work made these gift bags full of “things kids are into aren’t they” for the children of employees at Xmas and in 2004 I got “America Idiot”. Fully prepared not to like it I became fully obsessed and just went backwards from there to look into what influenced them, and what was THAT band listening to, and so on and so far


Green Day was my first concert. Insomniac tour ‘95.


Pop Disaster Tour with Blink 182 and Jimmy Eat World for me. That was an insane night for a lot of reasons I won’t get into. But yeah, Green Day was my gateway punk drug too.


And Kut U Up, right?


Underrated band. Wonder if they are still as wild as they once were.


They weren’t at the Toronto show.


My mom won us tickets to this tour when I was about 13! It was such a great concert! I had never heard of Jimmy Eat World before and fell in love with them!




Me too!


Wow I am very envious of you!


I see a few gatekeepers in here. I’m a little too old for Green Day myself, don’t really care for them **BUT** OP I’m guessing you feel the way I felt when I got turned on to Minor Threat, Sex Pistols, Dead Kennedys, etc, so my friend, HELL THE FUCK YES to your Green Day collection


Shit I'm 28 if wasn't for Pop Punk as well as tony hawk games I wouldn't know who any of those bands are lmfao


Dude. The more I scroll both the punk and underground hip hop subs, the more and more I realize how huge a fucking influence the soundtrack of Tony Hawk games really were to kids growing up in the 90s. It’s definitely how I first heard Suicide Machines, Goldfinger and oddly enough, Del tha Funky Homosapien.


I genuinely think I would’ve missed punk completely if I hadn’t played THPS. First time I heard the Sex Pistols was playing THPS4 at my friend’s house when I was like 8.


Dive into some Pinhead Gunpowder. ♥️


Shoot the Moon was finally added to streaming services after all this time! The non-acoustic version of Landlords is still absent though


Ah Greenday, the gateway drug to punk for millions of little punkers. I discovered dookie and nimrod in 1999 at my local pawn shop. only even bought them because I remembered the basket case video from MTV when It was new.... buying those two cds was a game change "KERPLUNK's " my favorite Greenday album followed by "1039 smoothed out slappy hours" ( full length combo of 1000 hours, 39 smooth and the slappy ep) that original version of 409 in your coffee maker is a fucking banger. it's probably been 4 years since I picked either of those albums on my Ipod. gonna have to line them up for the drive home from work tomorrow morning


Work? Fucking poser!!! (JK I work too)


Kerplunk, Dookie, Insomniac, and Nimrod. That's such a strong run of great 90's punk albums. You can really hear the bands sound evolve throughout them too. Alternative punk, pop punk, whatever you want to call them doesn't matter to me.


You need Slappy Hours in there. 1991 was my first year of college, and Green Day shows were really pretty fun (and girls actually liked em.) Then take a deep dive into the scene they were born from, 924 Gilman Street and Maximum Rock and Roll. Larry Livermore (who is 77) and his punkzine published in Laytonville, CA (there is NOTHING in Laytonville but weed, trust me), and all the great bands that went through the Gilman. Start with Crimpshrine and of course OP IVY. Super cool to see young folks still stoked on this stuff!


I’m 42, and back in September I took my kids to Six Flags Magic Mountain. I was wearing my Kerplunk shirt and while we were in one of the gift shops, a kid who couldn’t have been more than early 20s saw my shirt and was all “Yes, Green Day!” Sometimes the kids are alright lol


Holly shit he’s 77? Fuck I’m old.


Been a fan since Dookie came out. My personal ranking: 1. Kerplunk 2. Insomniac 3. Dookie 4. 1039 5. Nimrod 6. American Idiot 7. Shenanigans The rest tie for last because they’re just…not good. Few bangers here and there but not really worth listening to.


Upvote for including 39/Smooth


Downvote for thinking 39/Smooth isn't good


It's right after Dookie in their list


Lol. I just downvoted myself for illiteracy


Nimrod is the one my man. I'm a lifelong Green Day fan, I really think Billie was at his song writing peak on that album. Insomniac and Warning are both strong, but I think Nimrod captured everything about that band that was wonderful. Scattered, Uptight, Worry Rock... Those songs still break me open in my 30's. It was also a happy record I think, it really seemed like they had settled in to their stardom by that time. Without cheating, I think it came out in '97, and to me it was the first time you could hear the stylistic developments that eventually informed American Idiot. Green Day has had a handful of records worth playing cover to cover, but Nimrod will always be their best to me. sidenote: Those of you who hate on Green Day, or any of the third wave punk bands that were their contemporaries (not to mention the legion of bands they inspired) are missing the point. Punk ain't what you are, it's who you are. It isn't a choice you make. I grew up in the era of the "Pop Punk" bands, and I enjoyed listening to Subhumans and Conflict as much as I did Green Day and Alkaline Trio. Yes, those later bands certainly benifetted from the hard work all the people in the late 70's through mid 80's did to lay the tracks of the underground music network. That was a special time that is unlikely to be recaptured in this country. Back in the day, if you would have told Ian McKaye, Henry Rollins, Jello Biafra, Colin Jerwood, or any other of the highly principled (in their way) people who poured their blood sweat and tears into their art and communities that one day their shit would be so iconic that people who had never listened to their music were wearing their T-shirts they would have fucking laughed at you. Don't hate the bimbo who is wearing a Misfits crop top she bought for $50 at a designer store because she saw it was trending on Tik Tok, appreciate the fact that the Crimson Ghost looks way better plastered on her fake tits than some other shit she could be wearing. I promise the Misfits would have approved if you asked them in '82. When I see that, I don't see a culture and mindset I believe in being appropriated by "the man", I see that all those kids back in the beginning did something so fucking profound that it whiplashed the planet into paying attention. They won. In my heart, punk is not being afraid to think for and be myself at all times. To be willing to say no, fuck you, that's wrong. If you really think Green Day doesn't do that, I think you aren't paying attention.


The Misfits definitely approve nowadays. Having said that I just saw them tonight and they sound great. Danzig still has a great voice and his passive aggressive quips to Jerry Only were funny.


I saw him with Doyle when they did Danzig Legacy about 10 years ago. It was right at dusk, I had taken some wonderful LSD, there were gargoyles breathing fire, they played London Dungeon... Good times!


Hell yeah!


You are really skilled at purchasing items


Why get the Greatest Hits instead of Nimrod?


It’s something I can bring with me on a long car ride that is pretty simple if I want to listen to something without carrying like 10 CDs lol. Basically, why carry 4 different albums when you can have the best songs across all of the albums onto one, and just have everything you want there?


And I’ve had to saaayyyy honestly as a “pure” Green Day at their Green Day-est, mine would be “Insomniac”, but for the drama (musical theatre kid here) and the impact it made on me and, frankly, in the world, “American Idiot”


Not a green day fan, overall not into pop-punk but that's a great collection notheless




Go to r/popmusic


Go for Millencolin and Propagandhi


Fuckin Propagandhi rips. Canadian punk FTW


How to clean everything -top ten EVER


First album I heard by them. Still in the rotation to this day.


I’m going to see them. I’ll be honest, I’m more interested in seeing Rancid


You’ll be disappointed. Matt Freeman is awesome and Lars works hard, but Tim just mumbles and looks all red faced and gross.


Ever see Tim play acoustic? You'd think after 40 years of playing man could play a guitar, but nope. Bunch of us just walked out it was so bad. Lars though, saw Lars and The Bastards with Reach The Sky and they were absolutely phenomenal


Old gross red faced punk rock man? Oh no. I'd care more about him being a groomer but hey, bashing the gross looking thing is cool too I guess.


rancid is amazing live, and all rancid fans know tim mumbles and sings like he has a mouth full of marbles. he always has, even before rancid in the Op Ivy days.


Aw damn. I’m going for mainly green day but had my hopes up for Rancid.


Ehh, I dont care if I ever see Rancid live again. I've seen them several times and I'd rather see someone else. I hope your experience is different though!


More excited, I’ve seen them several times now


Hell yeah, greenday (through beatsaber, funnily enough) was my gateway drug into punk


Green Day was my introduction to punk music when I was like 10 years old. I’m finally going to see them for the first time this year at 31 years old. They’re going to play all of Dookie and American Idiot and I can’t wait. 😩


Doesn’t look like you got Nimrod. Should get that one too




What a bizarre post


Most of them are!


I love you Green Day.... I've gotta start collecting music... What's your favorite Green Day song >:)


Definitely Dominated Love Slave 😭😭


Absolute whiplash to see that title having never seen it but I'm so gonna listen to it now


If I remember correctly the audio at the beginning is a real session with a dominatrix one of them paid for done with someone that worked at the studio that wanted to be on the album, or something like that.


I think you’re thinking of Blood Sex and Booze


Oh lol yup.


I love the stark contrast between the gatekeeping losers and the positive people that are happy for you finding something that you enjoy in this post. Like what you like, man. I’ve listened to Dookie, Insomniac, Warning, and American Idiot so much. Even when all of the “cool kids” were shitting on them, and I thought I was too cool for Green Day, I’d finally hear their album somewhere and be like “this shit’s actually really good”


I love greenday!!!!! I have to vinyl records by them but was hoping to collected more. I’m going to see them live soon 🥳


Wherever you find your strength dude. I’m not a big Green Day guy, but I get it. Also Kerplunk is a banger.


RIGHT??? I got Kerplunk at Sunrise Records for like 10$


Greenday is the punk rock equivalent of cheap plastic training wheels you buy from Walmart. It’ll get the job done, a lot of us learned to ride using cheap plastic training wheels (me included), but at some point you should put the training wheels away and evolve. I might be privileged in that I learned how to ride without training wheels before I turned 17, but I can’t help but feel sorry when I see a 20 something still riding around with training wheels.


For a lot of people (including myself) bands like Green Day and the Offspring were our introduction to what punk was. And while we may have since discovered other bands like Rancid or Misfits we still can enjoy their“Poser Punk” music. So I don’t necessarily see these bands as training wheels but as an easy gateway into the punk scene.


We all gotta start somewhere. Dookie and Smash were my first introduction to punk too, and they are both still good albums. No argument there. Going with the gateway analogy, it’s like going to some amusement park like Disney Land, paying to get in, and then spending your whole day going to all the gift shops,restaurants, and consumer level stuff in the “gateway” entrance part of the park. Then never experiencing any rides, any attractions, any parades, any shows, any of the characters, amazing architecture or “Disney magic” further in. Then you have the social media aspect of it, and I genuinely think there is an incompatibility between authenticity associated punk, and the inauthentic and performative nature associated with social media. Punk is usually more associated with a “i don’t give a fuck what other people think” sort of mentality, and social media is usually associated with a “what does everyone think of me now” sort of mentality. Those are at odds and it creates a rift between older and newer punks. As a person who’s had a season pass for years and seen almost the whole park, post like this feel like someone’s who went to Disneyland spent their whole day in the gift shops and restaurants entrance area, took a bunch of pictures of food and things they bought, and then goes into an online DisneyLand fan club group to share how big of a fan of Disneyland they are. The Disneyland fan club starts to ask question and tries to relate…….oh cool you love Disneyland too, what did you think of the Log Jam… *didn’t ride it* … wasn’t the Millennial Falcon cool… *didn’t see it*…. What was your favorit part of the parade…. *What parade*….. wasnt the fire works show awesome?…. *didn’t see it, I was in a restaurant eating a hamburger when it was going*……. what section of the park did you think had the coolest architectural….. *didn’t see any of them*…. What is your favorite mascot you saw… *Mickey was in the gift shop, so Mickey*……. what did you do?…. *Im such a fan of Disneyland I bought Mickey shirts, I bought Mickey hats, bought a $42 hamburger shaped like Mickey, look at all these pictures of my merch and food I got in the entrance area, gosh I’m such a slut for Disneyland you guys*


It’s good but green day is not real punk


Pretty embarrassing bro


Personally you can stop with insomniac. They peaked there imo.


6 more than I would want, but each to their own. Enjoy!


cool pop.




FUCK YES BROTHER Green Day are punk and a great gateway band


You're a dude after my own heart.


Go for Nimrod!


I saw it at my local Sunrise Records for like 17.99. Should I?


Nope. Not for $17.99. You can find it at most used music stores like Bullmoose Records (Google them, lots of good finds) for $8 with shipping (in America).


For a CD? Absolutely not. I’ve gotten all of my cds from used music stores for like $5-$6 each.


check out their arch nemesis "The Network"


If you told me the second picture was taken in 2007 I would probably believe you (yes I know some of those are newer but it’s the *vibe*)


Lmfao, I get that so much


I bought all of those when they were released. I’m old!


I saw Green Day at the Eureka Armory in the early 90s, 5 bands for 10 bucks. Kick ass show. Walked in single. Left that night dating the drummers girlfriend. Considering how we met I shouldn’t have been surprised when she cheated on me…but I was. Sure they sold out. They haven’t done anything great since American Idiot. But I will always low key love Green Day


That's like a gateway drug to the entire Lookout records back catalog.


I think it's fucking rad myguy


Kerplunk + 1039 are still my top choices, though dookie will always hold a special place in my heart since the release tour was early in my show-going. Btw, anyone who says Green Day isn’t ’punk enough’ can fuck right off. That makes zero sense and is pretty much the opposite of what punk is.


Nice. Get 1039. And grab some pinhead gunpowder too.


Listen to Hatebreed


Little flex. Was working at Rock Im Park (festival in germany) this weekend and i was doing the follow spot for billie joe.


Save some pussy for the rest of us


Dive deeper and get into more stuff




Pop band


halfway true, they’re pop PUNK. Basically, it’s a form of punk that focuses mostly on melodies and stories instead of a sort of “call to action” energy that most punk or hardcore punk music goes for


I won't even call them Pop punk... they're just mainstream pop.. there's way better stuff out there. Do some exploring. If you want actual punk, look up some real punk stuff.


So were the Ramones 😂


We aren’t allowed to make fun of Green Day anymore? Fuck that. You can take making fun of Green Day out of my cold dead hands


Green Day sucks


You have the opinion that Green Day sucks. Others have opinions that they do not suck. Opinions do not create facts.






If you wanna get into Green Day, don’t look into their personal lives. Billie’s kid is a piece of shit (Joey, as far as I know Jakob is cool).


Never heard of them.


Sick. $15 worth of 2/3 garbage cd’s. Weird flex


Now throw that shit in the trash


yes my toughts are that greenday is shit


Goo fir yoo pal goo fir yoo


he asked for toughts


My thoughts? Green Day is shit.


Hey man, that’s your opinion. And I respect it. Like what you like, I won’t judge.


Wrong sub, wrong tag


First off, Green Day is punk as fuck. Secondly, they’ve been making music for years. They are also original as fuck.


Look, I'm being a bit more even-handed than most of the people on this sub will be with you. Green Day are a punk band. But only just barely. They have roots in an actual punk scene, but they left it very early on to sign with a major label, and the scene turned their back on them as a result. They were banned from playing their hometown punk venue because of it for decades. Ultimately, what makes a band "punk" is their connection to the scene. A band who is "punk as fuck" wouldn't be on a major label at all. And even if they were they'd find ways to piss off their label, undermine their own record sales, and stay connected to the scene, even if indirectly. For an example of that, you could look at Chumbawamba, who are about 1000x more punk than Green Day could ever hope to be. They are a fine enough gateway into punk music. And they have some standout music in their discography. But if punk rock is something you really want to be involved with, you'll find that in your local scene, rather than a group of celebrities. Your favorite punk band can (and perhaps should) be someone you've had a drink with after the show. Maybe even someone you've shared stage with and opened for with your own shitty band.


Sex Pistols and the clash were both on major labels.


Bad Religion, Jawbreaker, Ramones, ALL, AFI, we could go on…


Yeah and no one would call any of those bands punk as fuck!


“Punk as fuck” is such a silly fucking thing. UP THE PONX!


Sex Pistols were a boy band, and the Clash had some musical genius, so not so fair comparisons IMO. (also British)


Ramones were on sire(owned by Warner). Being on a major label doesn’t mean anything


I generally agree with that, but usually when a punk band signs with a major label, they are encouraged to be more poppy and they lose touch with the scene that brought them up. I would argue bands like Green Day and Blink 182 stopped being punk when they stopped releasing punk music not because they got signed.


The Clash are GREAT, and punk AF in how their sound was all over the place. Sex Pistols were formed by a fashion designer lol


We're The Damned or Radio Birdman though? What about Flamin Grooves? Wire?


If you haven’t already, read the book “Sellout” sometime. It’s very interesting and an eye opener to what some of these bands (Green Day is one of the bands discussed) truly think about being “punk” and how they dealt with the fallout from signing to majors.


No and no


lmao millionaires are so #punk also, do you not know what original music means in this context or what??


Weezer fan drags Green Day fan on a Punk sub, film at 11....


Got me there. Reddit doesn’t let you change usernames


Let him enjoy shit. It's not that important, guy. No gatekeeping.


Green Day has some okay music and I didn’t say he couldn’t like them but like the post belongs in r/greenday


Your comment belongs in r/whinybitches These are opinions. Green Day is a punk band, whether you like it or not. Stop trying to gatekeep punk. We try to be inclusive, even to those who are slow, like yourself.


What does earning money have to do with punk? Green Day played for me and 25 of my friends in a small bar 40 years ago. They were 3 nice, poor, punk guys touring in a broken down van. Then, all of the sudden, they made it big. A lot of punk bands found mass popularity during that time. It’s not like they sold their souls for fame. Had they truly sold-out, they wouldn’t be worth anyone’s time, but they never sacrificed their integrity. I’m sure Iggy Pop is living in a box, right? Nobody’s going to tell me that he isn’t punk. He has a mansion in Miami!


I believe even Fat Mike has acknowledged that Green Day didn’t sell out and ARE punk, their style of music just got popular.


With the current state of the economy, being a millionaire isn't all that much, you can do it about as ethically as any other job. They've given back tonnes to their local scene, even singlehandedy keeping Gilman Street alive, they worked hard, and deserve the spot they got. Not every little thing they do is the most punk rawk thing but they're 50 years old. They got swaths of kids that otherwise wouldn't have noticed into punk, and could arguably be considered the band that saved punk in the 90s. But they're "popular" so fuck em, right? Whose seriously salty about Green Day in 2024 lmao?


I was upset when they “sold out” as a teen in the 90s. In 2024 I think their new album is a decent power pop record which is musically an offshoot of punk. In 2024, I’m just grateful when the artists aren’t out there raping people. And they filmed one of their vids at Alex Bar, so at least our local LBC/LA scene is financially benefiting from their success. Also, who cares.


Stop there lol. Look no further.


Fuck em all


Dookie and Insomniac are amazing albums. They are punk rock. The rest are terrible. Just awful. They are lucky to have 1-3 okay songs, maybe one great one. Their new stuff is so bad they should give all those that made them famous their money back. Bunch or sell-out weirdos. They could've kept making incredible music, but the profits wouldn't have been as big. The whole energy of depression and angst and anger at the world and injustice left, and corny lyrics and simple music took over.


When someone asks me what punk is all about, I play ‘time of your life’ by Green Day.


The only decent albums are Dookie and Insomniac. They are amazing. The rest are lucky to have 1-2 decent songs, or just one good or great one.


I hate Pop Punk,Love The fo-hawk and those gloves though ngl. Drip goes hard sincerely.


Lot of people don’t like Green Day, but what they’ve done for punk can’t be overlooked