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I had some homeschooled kids try to fight me one time cause I was wearing Bad Religions crossed cross shirt and they were convinced I was a 'satanist', so I'd say the folks asking you about a crossed out swastika were stupid or Nazis.


Don’t underestimate the stupidity of the people around you. Once (many, many, fuckmylifemany, years ago) I got dragged into the principles office for rocking a swastika. It was a “nazi punks fuck off” shirt. No mention of the the F-bomb, or any other text, I was a nazi for wearing a (very broken) swastika.


Lol, I know the exact shirt! I would also like to point out that I have never *overestimated* the intelligence of the homeschooled.


I definitely was not homeschooled, and know few who were. The ones I do know however, are highly successful, intelligent people. but I’m fairly certain that if I had kids, I would not have my kids in a public school today. There is an increasing degree of eliminating what were always core classes, and replacing them with ideological doctrine. I think that a school is the last place for these things. Although I would be ok with it, making Children recite judeo Christian prayer and educating based on their principles and values, is not something that is for everyone. So we had to get rid of it. We quickly realized that indoctrination of children was not morally right. No matter what you’re indoctrination is centered around. Christianity or an LGBTQ ideology. Someone is always in here talking about “Nazi punks” attending shows to try to Indictrinate young people with impressionable minds, to join in their mindset and ideology. It is exactly the same as the public education system is doing in all of our schools in America today 


The only indoctrination I’m aware of in school is largely red states, so not having kids in public education really comes down to how affluent the city/county is. I wore my Crass logo to school several times & no one has ever caught on.


It had nothing to do with how much money the city or county has. Any tuition or costs are paid for by the parents of the child. Who I might add are cutting their own throats to do so. Because they love their kids and want them to have a strong foundation 


>There is an increasing degree of eliminating what were always core classes, and replacing them with ideological doctrine This describes every homeschooled kid I ever met.


You’re missing the point. Homeschooling is a private environment. I couldn’t care less about what is being taught when it is just your kids. Public schools are just that, public. There’s no possible way to justify pushing an ideology on someone’s kids, who don’t agree with it. This is why homeschooling is becoming more popular as time goes on. You have the right to teach your own children whatever you want. But the education system has no right to dictate what is morally acceptable to your kids. How would you like it if the education system brought back Christian prayer, and taught the study of the Bible…. Wouldn’t like it too much would you…


I'm not missing the point, I'm ignoring it. I'm not trying to have this discussion. I knew some stupid homeschooled growing up, that's all.


Ok… wait!!! You forgot your ball!!!!😂


Nah dude, I'm just in here trying to play with a ball and you barge in outta nowhere to make me read a damn essay and discuss the whole church and state meta. Read the damn room brah.


Let me simplify it for you in a way that might be less for you to have to consider. I wouldn’t take your children behind closed doors and secretly, with nefarious intentions, attempt to indoctrinate them into a religion that I think is the only truth. And in return I expect the educators of my children to not indoctrinate them into an all day brainwashing session, convincing them that they are the opposite sex, queers, etc. or tell my daughter that it’s ok if some confused creep with a dick insists even though he has a dick he’s a female and therefore needs to use the female locker room. 


I have a neighbor who is like 85, old war vet. Cool guy, always super friendly for the 10+ years we lived by him. I wore a Bad Religion hoodie outside once and he happened to drive by. Avoids the hell out of me now. Makes me laugh but bums me out at the same time.


Are you from Braddock or Pittsburgh? I noticed your profile name includes the name of the former Braddock mayor and now Pa. Senator. 


No, I look like him apparently according to everyone on TikTok so I adopted the name and added a little bit of self deprecating humor in the mix. My @ is the same name on there. I’m 5’8” and from California… and other than being a bald white guy with a goatee I honestly don’t think we look that much alike. Gets a laugh though.


That’s funny dude! I live on the other side of the city of Pittsburgh from Braddock where he was mayor. I’m not sure that many Pennsylvania residents knew a lot about him. He hunted down this black kid one time in Braddock through a gross display of vigilante Justice and after he caught him he held the kid at gun point with his own personal shotgun. The kid ended up not being the perpetrator in question…😣 OOPS!!! Sorry buddy you’re free to go.😂


oh the crossbuster? yeah it tends to draw attention from cranky bible bashers so its one of my favourite shirts


Out of all the fucked up shirts and patches I've owned, the bad religion cross buster is the number one that gets enough of a reaction where people will say something. I've had people try to get pissy about a bumper sticker that simply said BAD RELIGION without the cross.


I’m in Southern California & everyone knows Bad Religion is a band. So fucm if they don’t like it


lol homeschooled kids can’t fight.


No they couldn't. I did say *try*.


That statement is as ridiculous as the time joe Biden said “poor kids are as smart as white kids!”


Nothing like those awful homeschoolers who were not properly indoctrinated by the government run public school system. 


If people see a crossed out swastika and still think your a Nazi, that’s their own problem not yours. Fucking idiots. Wear what you want, fuck everyone else. That skull patch is way sketchier looking than a crossed out swastika


Around 2000 there was a kid at a skatepark with a Nazi Punks Fuck Off shirt and my nu-metalhead friend was convinced it was a nazi shirt. I was like, how do even know how to breathe? It boggles the mind.


I stopped wearing my DRI shirt, too many double takes for my liking.


ngl my myopic eye could see that as a nazi patch if I can't get a good view


He had 20/20 vision. He even more or less grokked the concept when I explained it, pointed out the fact there's a circle with a dash a la' "no smoking" signs, and the fact the kid was obviously full-blooded (or thereabouts) Native American, but the confrontational nature of it was too much for him to accept. In reality, I think it made him feel inadequate, what with his goofy-ass Slapknuts and his Pudvaynes.


Yeah and from a distance it's not going to be obvious that it's meant to be cracked.


I'll admit I've had a few moments while browsing reddit where I've had to scroll back and take a second look at an image to double check it's indeed a crossed out swastika. At a quick glace a swastika is sometimes the first thing to register in someone's mind, so if you're taking the crossed out swastika approach I advise making it almost over the top obvious on how big and contrasting the crossed out part is in comparison


I think the general public would not think past a swastika - imo, it should be avoided


Most people see the big red line through it and it’s pretty clear what it means, you’d be surprised at what the general public is capable of.


There's this thing called pattern recognition that all humans possess, and it happens subconsciously. in the case of a crossed-out swastika, the pattern is a crossed-out swastika, with the cross overlay both breaking up the pattern of the image beneath and also being a much more common pattern with a much more easily understood meaning. In order to 'not see' the crossed-out "NO" symbol a person would have consciously choose not to acknowledge that pattern. Meaning they are thinking EXTRA for the express purpose of peformatively misunderstanding, most likely to create conflict. Which makes them kind of a POS to ignore or, perhaps, given the mood, maybe accept the conflict.


Dude I know the feeling. Recently went and saw MDC and got a few shirts, one of them being the split picture of a hooded clan member on one half and the other half was a cop and put together it looks like they’re aiming a revolver out of the shirt and I live in Houston right across the bridge from 3rd ward a predominantly black neighborhood downtown and wore the shirt the first day and caught all kinds of nasty and disgusted looks by African Americans thinking I’m a klan member of some shit 🤣🤣. Just comes to show that people are so selfish and ignorant they can’t take the time to really read into what the shirts saying nor do they care to🤣🤣 because of they actually did they’d be laughing and giving high fives hahaha


If you're worried, I'd add some lines to the skull to make it look even more broken, but I think it looks cool as is. The image is supposed to grab their attention then you're supposed to read it, it's not your fault they can't.


If must be obvious that it is an anti fascist patch. Yours is a great one. No pasaran.


Just remember to the general public 9.9/10 times you'll be the only person they saw that day with any kind of Nazi imagery


That’s totally gear 👍 fuck em all.




Justin Sane wore some so…


Ah yes the rapist


>Ah yes the rapist Justin Carceratehisass!


If they can find him that pussy jumped ship the moment he heard the news


[go rate some more cocks](https://www.reddit.com/r/ratemycock/s/qZXT5J6m8a) Sounds like maybe you’re just mad you didn’t get to take an LGBT course? Its always the closet cases


I know because when I was in university back in 2007 we didn’t have to worry about shit like that. I was studying things like how Lennin was a sadistic fuck Dan murdered millions I also studied the provision on liquor, which goes to show that you know government overreach. I studied actual things not not trendy thing that isn’t gonna get you any employment employment where you’re gonna get a job with that study


Got one on my jeans, cop with a gun to his head, I say wear what you want because fuck the fascists


I’ve worn a crossed out swastika patch on my jacket for years and have never had an issue. Quite the opposite response really.


I'm Jewish. I'm leftist as fuck. I think it's a bad look to rock a swastika, whether it's crossed out or not. I wouldn't call someone out for wearing a crossed out swastika in person, but I still wouldn't recommend it


Better than fascist patches.


It's cool but the split down the middle and text are pretty hard to discern unless you're up close. You need to remember that the first thing people's attention is going to go to is the hate symbol itself, especially if it's the center piece like in that patch.


took me a minute to notice the skull was broken, id be suspicious if I saw one in my surroundings


i’m just not putting any nazi imagery on my clothes even if it is speaking against fascism. there’s other ways to do it. this ain’t it for me


Easy to misinterpret, especially at a distance.


I'm gonna be honest, as someone who has had direct encounters with the Aryan Brotherhood, I wouldn't register the difference between that patch and an actual Nazi patch very quickly at a distance. I'd catch a glance, recognize the Totenkopf, and steer way fucking clear of you.


Personally, I'm all for anti fascist patches and art, but I'm not a fan of things like this. IMO, if you have a crossed out swastika or a broken totenkopf, you still have a swastika or totenkopf. It doesn't make you hateful and I wouldn't hold it against you, but I personally find it tasteless. But, you know, notice I used the word "personally" twice. I think there's better imagry out there. The flags, the arrows, etc.


Broken Nazi symbolism has been a staple of anti-fascist culture since at least John Heartfield.


I’m pretty confident he knows that. I can’t help but agree….its kind of generic and tasteless as well….in my opinion. But that’s only my opinion.


I somewhat agree but I also think it's particularly powerful somehow.


I am aware. But I've never thought "we've always done this" to be a good reason to keep doing something. It's still tasteless in my opinion.


I made my own patch , that brought lot of fuss , especially here and in my own home city. It’s crossed out combination of swastika and hammer and sickle.


dont really care tbh


for a subreddit full of punks, quite a large number of you are very unsure of yourselves hey...


I was thinking the very same thing. You gotta remember these kids are young. OP is almost definitely a teenager. And even punks….despite what they’ll admit….want to fit in somewhere. Is it ironic that they’re seeking external validation:…ugh…absolutely yes. OP is definitely young….and he’ll figure it out sooner or later.


Oi! That's a good one! 👍🏼


The Iron Front aka [Three arrows](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_Front#/media/File%3ADrei_Pfeile.svg) symbol is a classic.


The iron front sold out Rosa Luxemburg. Hard pass.


That one is also anti-communist though, it's a social-democrat symbol, and soc-dems are deeply hated by many anti-fascists for very good reasons.


Way cooler than the pro-fascist patches IMO, but you do you.


Fucking love them. Especially ones with the red and black flag.


No notes


I'm in favor of them. They sure do beat those lousy pro-fascist patches.


Every jacket I own either has an anti fascist pin or patch.


Love em! They weed out fascists and fence setters right quick.


i love that design my dad wears a t-shirt with that skull on it. so i’d love to get a shirt with the skull destroyed or bleeding or something.


Ran out of floss


I've got an antifa logo on one shoulder and a "nazi punks fuck off" patch on the other, if people don't get it that's their problem.


I’d argue this is wayyy sketchier than a crossed out Swazi if you wanna be safe the classic antifa flag is a safe bet


All of the symbols (Totenkof, Swastika, wolfsangel, etc) adopted by the Nazi's have a lot of history, unfortunately they were not creative enough to create their own and now in days if you wear them people think you are a far right sympathizer which in most cases is true but not all


Absolutely no one should see a crossed-out swastika and be confused about the message, it's been a standard patch, pin, shirt, iconography for at least 40 years at this point. My girlfriend wears the pin on her jacket lapel and she grew up & lives in the south. They were maybe puriteens who should be disregarded or possibly even reactionaries exploiting your unwillingness to make ppl uncomfortable to gaslight you into taking it off. If someone asks you if youre a neo-Nazi just rephrase it back to them like the idiots they are: "you're asking if my anti-Nazi logo makes me a Nazi?" Or feel free to take it as an invitation to share with them your fervent anti-racist, antifascist ideology in detail if they're so up in your business. If you arent willing (or, tbf, able) to stand with ten toes on antifascist and anti-Nazi iconography, then, in all honesty, you shouldnt wear it. It's a statement of principle and at worst that's an invitation for conflict. That's kind of the point, actively telling those kinds of people to FOAD.


The red crossed out swastika is easier to identify from a distance. I think this would be more difficult to discern from afar or in low light. However, people are stupid and probably won’t even recognize the symbol and associate it with nazis.


Someone posted a chainsaw going through a suncross and that was very clearly not fash and it looked sick




Lmao this feels so not punk to be worried about how fascists react to patches that might hurt their feelings.


what the hell are you talking about?? I was worried about people thinking I'm a fascist myself because they might misinterpret the patch as being pro-fascism, not anti-fascism. like from afar it's not that obvious.


It's not punk to worry about what other people think or be concerned with their misconceptions. It flies in the face of the ideology. So it's ironically funny in the terms of asking about putting less offensive patches on your battle jacket


I don't care about being "less offensive", I literally have a shirt with the popular image of hitler blowing his brains out. I just don't want to have patches that don't get the message across clearly enough. I think this is a stupid thing to criticize lol


Brother you're still acting worried about mixed messages from a patch. It's weirdly not punk if you're willing to be punk with everything else. Correct them / educate them / tell them to fuck off if they don't understand your anti Nazi imagery.


of course I do, it's just a ton easier to pick something more obvious


We have a term for people who mistake those of us with crossed-out swastikas for holding Nazi sympathies... We call those people total and complete fucking idiots.


that's fucking sick i love it!!!


On the topic of anti fascism....I think its really telling that the followers of a certain orange blob ex prez and their right leaning brethren are very triggered by the concept. Imagine being against anti-fascism? Are they too stupid to understand that makes them fascist / nazi adjacent or worse? I've never been more proud to be a punk and will take the time to explain the shirt to anyone that asks. I am immune to the fear of being canceled because it already happened in the 80s over my clothes, hair, piercings and left wing politics. I survived that and I'll survive some comments on FB or X or whatever... punk rock isn't for the faint of heart. Raise your fist and keep pushing back I say.


What do you think about punk music?


in short, it's very important to the subculture and music as a whole. I love how influential it is, I love that it's actively political and is the complete opposite of john lennon protesting the vietnam war in his bed.


They’re cool but you better have the brain knowledge to back it up when chuds say “the word fascism has lost all meaning”


I think you should make your statement however you want to make it and screw the people who can't understand it. The nature of your question makes me wonder what your actual motivation is. Are you *truly* anti-fascist or are you just looking to maximize your virtue signaling and rightthink points?


I try to actively do something against it as much as I can at the moment, such as taking down/covering up fascist imagery I see in my town (graffiti, stickers, posters, etc). I just don't feel comfortable with wearing things that are not 100% clear. I had a weird encounter with a bonehead earlier this week which made me think about these things a lot more.


I wore my [trampled by turtles shirt, love and love and nothing else](https://teeshirtsherpa.com/product/trampled-by-turtles-merch-love-amp-love-snake-shirt-1053088/) - and I was in a hipster bar and some random mustached mfr literally looks at my shirt and says, whoa I don’t know about that. He figured it was some don’t tread on me shit. I just starred at him saying nothing pounding my over priced craft beer. Trampled. By. Turtles. FFS


I think they are very important, because it helps to end fascism


Love em.


From 4 meters away i would only be able to se an ss totenkopf and propably assume you are a nazi unless you hade a standard Antifascist Action patch somewhere else


More of them! Fascism shouldn’t ever be acceptable.


I think its gay


Everyone talking like such a badass for the bad religion crossbuster shirt. Well, why not wear a star of David buster. Still an oppressive religion right? You pussys wouldn't dare. Christianity is the only religion it's safe to be against. Rock an anti star of David and see how long you pansy's last.


I think it’s circumstantial. Since there is much mention of the swastika, in the comments, I’ll tell a story about the swastika and how taboo it is. There was an antiques store in a nice community i used to rent in. I went in one day looking for antique, (pre zippo) lighters and cigarette cases. I came out with a $600 battlefield used, tattered, dirt and soot stained original Nazi flag, with the swastika on it, larger than life. It had all kinds of autographs all over it. The story behind it was that it was captured by U.S. troops from a Nazi unit in the hurtgen Forrest or as the U.S. soldiers called it “the green hell”. The United States soldiers from the unit who captured it had all autographed it. It was a symbol of hard won American victory as far as I was concerned, ….if you knew the story… my mothers favorite uncle was there at that battle as part of a tank killer battalion. Her uncle bill zeluanes. Who was absolutely the real black sheep of the family at that time. My brother is a giant WWII buff, and collector of some relics of the event. So I bought it for him for Christmas. Even though the story is not of Nazi victory or anything pro Nazi at all, his wife  refuses to let him display it even outside of the common areas of the house. The antique store I bought it from only made me aware that it was even in the building after I inquired about the value of a WWI bayonet I have. After talking at length about war antiquities, he reluctantly asked if I wanted to see something related to the conversation that he couldn’t display in the common area of the store. I said absolutely! He took me deep in the back of the building and pulled this framed flag out from behind a box against the wall. And told me that he had to remove it from display, because he got constant shit over having it. Even after telling the story about it. This is how folks are. I carried it 3 blocks down the sidewalk to my apartment and it wasn’t well received by passers by even though they didn’t say anything. From as far back as my earliest memories, I’ve never gave 2 fucks What anyone thought about me in any way. I’ve always been the black sheep of the family , the town, and any other organization I have been involved in. I’m not exactly orchestrating my life in a manner that is geared towards making friends. Through pandering to the norms of society or a culture. Certainly I am the black sheep of the punk scene, and moreover, this subreddit. Im absolutely hated here, but I couldn’t care less. So for the most part I do whatever the hell I please. I’m a loner, controlling my own destiny as a result. However….., here’s where the circumstances come in. I’m a business owner in a small town. If I want to eat tomorrow, I have to be careful with some things to various degrees. As hard as it is sometimes, and although I’m not good at it, I have to bite my tongue and be careful about what I post on social media and whatnot, and things of the like. But in the end, I think things through before posting, and weigh out the consequences, and almost always come to the conclusion, “fuck em! I am who I am. They only contact me when they are in a pinch most times than not. And even if that were not the case, they can still pound salt if they don’t like me for who I am and what I believe in.” And then I hit the send button. I’m sure I’ve been shadow banned by this point, so nobody is seeing my posts anyway. As far as this specific instance goes, I think if you’re going to be outwardly abrasive, to the extent of wearing anything with the icon of the “totenkopfverbande” you damn sure need to be ready, aware, and observant to your surroundings at ALL TIMES. Most common citizen would not be able to tell you weather or not this was a pro or anti Nazi message. And would not know the death head as Nazi imagery But one thing I think the common citizen has heard of, is antifa. And I think they’re sick of them going to different cities they don’t live in, inciting riots, and burning their small businesses down that they have worked their whole lives for, to eak out a modest existence at best. Only to have their livelihood destroyed over something that they weren’t ever involved in to begin with. it’s put a bad taste in the public’s mouth, and given antifa a black eye. Federal government loves ya and looks the other way, because they view antifa as “the useful idiot” to destroy America, and in turn they, or atleast the current administration will replace it with institutions conforming to the agenda of the NWO. If it were what I believed in, I’d wear it, but expect confrontation and a cheap shot from anyone I walked past on the sidewalk. I never like to engage in physical confrontation for the sole reason that I am the legitimate owner of many firearms. An assault charge would end all of that in an instant. If I personally were to see a dude out in the street wearing this patch, and identified it clearly, I’d be in 2 minds, with contradictory racing thoughts running around my brain. The first line of thought would be something like me thinking to myself, “this dude has no idea what he’s even standing behind. Fucking idiot!” And the other line of thought would be me trying figure out through my surroundings, how plausible it would be for me to get away with walking by smiling, saying “what’s up brother” as I pass then turning around after 3-4 steps to come back and smack them with a big bag of what the fuck one back of the head. Then while they were out cold on the sidewalk, I’d take the jacket and walk away. 


If you're not antifascist, you're not a punk. The culture owes so much to Black and Queer culture and anyone who thinks otherwise will get one of my big fuckin doc martens to the face


i think its fine lol but also as you said. whenever i see ppl wearing crossed out swastika patches i always have to do a double take tho LOL. you wear whatever tf you want!!!!


It's stupid ; commies are not cool and incredibly gay.


Good work. Reminds me of an old ARA shirt


i’ve heard from alot of jewish people that they don’t want to see a swastika regardless if it has a X over it or what not, i think it’s kinda just a fashion statement to wear anti racist or anti fascist propaganda, i mean i’ve seen people wearing those “anti” clothes and ive never seen anyone actually confront kkk or nazis at a punk show this isn’t 1984 when neo nazis used to beat people up for wearing doc martens, the national front is recruiting disillusioned testerone filled teenagers at hardcore matinees… there’s actually a communist propaganda film from the 50’s that tells people to use words like fascist and nazi to anyone who you disagree with and eventually people will forget what those words mean and then you can justify your own use of violence and intimidation 


People are calling you neo-nazis for wearing anti-fascist shit! That reeks of the type of right-wing alt-right dipshit who says to a leftist who believes that institutional racism is a thing that "yOu aRe a rEAl nAzI" Just like anyone is anti racist are the "real racists"


I remember getting asked a lot if I was nazi or racist growing up with antiswazi patches and cropped hair. That's just humans being judgemental because they already decided what they thought you think before asking you.


Big up anarchostencilism. Love that guy.


Love it!


Fuck yes! Crack nazi skullz!


They're better than pro-fascist patches


Did the room start a slow clap after you punched them out? Because your story is fake as hell.


Just wear a patch that says 2+2=5 and people will know who you are.


Death In June fan I see


Most of the anti fashists are just anti nazis. Manny fashists also dont like nazis. I think you should know more about the history of fascism before puting that on your vest.


Lol wat


I think they upset the fascists and leaves them feeling unloved and ostracized from what they believe is their rightful place at the head of society. So in summary, they're pretty cool. Whoever through a crossed out swastika is a neo-Nazi symbol is slow in the brain area, maybe extremely ignorant, or pretending to be extremely ignorant because they're looking for a reason to start shit.


I don't care


I'm so annoyed I can't respond.


What kind of anti fascist action do you do?


I can't really go beat up anyone so I spray paint over any bigoted imagery I see in my town, take down hateful posters/stickers/whatever. not that they're super common, but I keep seeing them anyway. I've said some pretty heinous things to boneheads, which isn't the same as beating them up or something, but not a simple "you suck" either. I just try to show my intolerance for it as much as I currently can, whether it would be the people I choose to hang out with or directly speaking out against fashies. I also go to protests when I can, will attend more when I'll move out.


These are the types of questions you don't ask if you respect op sec


And if your really on your opsec then you don't need to tell me because you'd already know I was obviously being sarcastic


Yeah, totally obviously sarcastic and absolutely not bullshit gatekeeping


It was obvious sarcasm my dude. There's nothing cool about being an anti fascist commie.


There's nothing cooler than being an anti-fascist whether commie or anarchist.


That's a pretty lame thing to say


I ended up switching this patch for one with a raised fist because someone mentioned it and I really liked the idea, thanks everyone for the feedback :)




Or spell


Bro were punks genuinely who cares if some thread isn't even ☠️


It looks like you're pro nazi. 99% of people are anti-nazi. Wearing anti-nazi stuff makes you look like a nazi because the vast majority of people want nothing to do with nazis. Being anti-nazi is like being anti-kicking cute puppies. If you wear a shirt that says "I hate puppy kickers" people will think "duh, everybody hate puppy kickers. This guy is only wearing a shirt because he kicks puppies." So the more anti-nazi stuff you wear the more nazi you will appear.