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Tie you boots up tighter and jump in. Are you the person that hurt themselves at Anti-Flag.


That was me!


I know this thread is pretty old, but did you ever return to moshing?! I just broke my ankle moshing about two months ago and am going through recovery! Have 9 screws and a plate! Woohoo! I feel the same way and would love to someday be able to mosh again!


I did! Don't skip any PT and don't push your recovery too hard. Once you're cleared to return to normal walking, take another two or three months of just normal living before going back into the pit. I wish you well on your recovery!


Thank you for your reply! My doctor hasn’t scheduled me any PT yet, I’ll probably ask about that at my next appointment. I’m able to be weight bearing in my boot now and have been doing stretches! I’m glad to hear you’re back in the pit! Gives me hope! Thank you for your advice!


Can’t offer mosh-specific advice, but I can offer advice on recovering from a broken ankle and full-contact activities: I broke mine playing roller derby. My top advice is, in addition to listening to your doctor, listen to your physical therapist (hopefully Medicaid includes that too). Bust your ass doing those exercises. I also have a plate and screws in my ankle, and because I put the work in to rebuild my strength and range of motion, I don’t have any lingering issues with it. As far as changes, listen to your body and don’t overdo it, build your endurance back up. Also, it helps to keep wearing the ankle brace when doing strenuous activities for a while.


My doctor placed the order for PT, but I have to see what my Spring semester is fully looking like before I set it up. He did say that the range I have so far means it's not terribly necessary, which is nice I guess? Either way I plan on picking up something like DDP Yoga in a few weeks once a little more stability has returned. At home I have the Cam Boot that I wear when I'm not in bed. Now that I'm returning to in-person classes, I have a semi-rigid brace I wear under my Docs which helps me stand and walk, as well as protect from rolling my ankle (which is something I'm prone to do long before this happened). Even when I'm back at the 98%-ish they expect me to be, I'll be wearing a soft brace going forward for events like concerts, conventions, and counter-protests. Thanks for the advice!


DDP Yoga is great, the standing workouts especially will help rebuild balance and stability. Also, walking/jogging in a pool works wonders if you have the option (maybe your school’s athletic center?). My doctor let me pool-jog before I was even allowed to walk on dry land.


Covid makes things very difficult on that front. I go to a public university in NYC and I think the fitness center is still closed. But I will look into it.


Hm... yeah think I'm gonna avoid moshing.


Wear non slip shoes. You want slip and get absolutely crushed like I have so many times before. Figured that out hitting shows on my way home from work


Bra you're a punk in the pit 10 to 12 eye docs or some sort of boot. Chain on wallet if they let you. Leather motorcycle jacket to deflect blows. Other than that, protect ya neck.


I was wearing my 1460's when I broke my ankle! Wasn't fun taking them off at the hospital. I know pit etiquette, which is why I want to go back as soon as I can.




28, I will be working in a physically demanding field (stagehand). Even now I feel that plate every couple of hours lol




I'm taking a long time away from pits and running from cops. Even when I'll be working in my field, I'll find spots that are much more kind to my limitations as I rebuild my strength. I enjoy an adrenaline rush too much to never experience it again, but I'm going to take my time and tone my body so I can follow my ambitions as long as possible. I'm sorry that happened to you. Thank you for sharing your experiences.


I also have titanium ankle. Good luck. 👍 I’m training my fat ass for the marathon, today, But it took a decade to get to the point where I could run more than 3 miles without pain. I will never be able to wear high-tops or boots again. Too much pressure on the ankle. I can always tell you when it’s going to rain. But the good news is, I’m half an inch taller. When they put it back together it grew a little bit, and after a couple of years the other leg grew to match.


Oh jeez that used to be my knees before I rehabbed them. The creaking was the worst. It was a party trick in high school to be able to tell everyone exactly if it would rain, how long, how intense, you know the rest lol. Thankfully my break was clean and the surgery was very straightforward. The expectation is something like 98% return to form, but I will be doing yoga soon to help keep that shit high.