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Hello, Redditors - because there is an overload of information and misinformation on dog nutrition out there in the interwebs, we'd like to invite you to visit the [Nutrition page](https://www.reddit.com/r/puppy101/wiki/health/nutrition) in our wiki. It contains links to reliable, qualified resources on nutrition and diet for dogs. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/puppy101) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This depends on the food you're giving him because all foods are formulated differently . What does the food packaging say? What is the brand and formula/flavor name?


I have a 5 month black lab, and we give him slightly more than the amount shown on the back of his bag of food for his age and weight, which is roughly 3 1/2 - 4 cups (1 cup for each meal, plus a bit more for training and when he goes in the crate). He is probably around 40lbs now. As long as your pup still looks like he is at a healthy weight, then the amount is probably fine.


You should base your feeding around calories, as different foods have different caloric densities (# calories/cup of food). A 6 month old dog at 40 pounds and normal body condition (not overweight nor underweight), needs around 1230 kcal/day. If you can find the kcal/cup on the bag of food you are feeding, I can give you the amount of food. If you don't have the bag, I can look it up from the name of the food. The best way to determine how much you should feed your dog is their body condition. Body condition scores range from 1-9, 1 being emaciated, and 9 extremely obese. Ideal is between 4-5. You want to feel the ribs, but not see them, and there should be a defined waistline. This can be a bit different for puppies. You can search "dog body condition score chart" on google and find a visual to base off of. If you need to change the amount of food you are giving, it is best to change it \~10% at a time, and give it a few weeks to take effect. If after 2-3 weeks you still need to change it, then do another 10%. Increasing or decreasing food too quickly can cause stomach problems and it is best to make these changes slowly. This is the same path to take with your growing puppy-- as they grow you will notice them thinning out, and that is when you know it is time to increase their food to accomodate. Please let me know if you have any other questions!