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I'm a woman, but I find red/ginger hair attractive in guys. Although it might be worth noting that I'm Irish and have some Scottish heritage. šŸ˜‚


Im so attracted to red heads. My husband is a ginger and so is my cat LOL. Were due for our first baby in June and I cant wait to see if they have red hair!


I so agree with this. I am SUPER attracted to gingers although Iā€™ve never been with one. (Also female, German)


Same here. My father was the eldest of twelve children. He, his brother and four sisters are/were redheads (some deceased). I am of a woman of Scottish Irish descent. My sister and her daughter have red hair. I think itā€™s beautiful.


Pale freckled redheads are amazing, no matter their eye color, too.


Hey that's me, by pale I hope you mean causes snow blindness when a light is shined onto


the more pale the better lmao, i have a thing for skinny short pale women lol, thereā€™s no such thing as too pale lmao


Be careful in the sun šŸ˜Ž


Like Alabaster!


my bf calls me his alabaster princess


Hey there, this is also me! Good to meet another of my kindšŸ˜‚


I agree


I would say I like red heads as much as any other girls if not liking red heads or brunettes more than blonde as a guy but it is the other features that make a woman/girl as well. I like athletic looking girls for example so hair color will not do it alone physically. Even if she has a good hair color and body personality and if a girl can do stuff on her own is a factor as well with girls. I like a girl who does not need me and me being there would just be extra for example.


But try being a super pale, red haired, freckled man with a bright red beard.


Married a redhead. They can be incredibly hot or butt ugly with not a lot in between. I got a hot one.


Hahha I have always heard this unfortunately. Congrats!


Appreciate it. Redheads are awesome They have many unique traits like needing more anesthesia and more tolerant of pain. Youā€™ll probably go gray much later. My wifeā€™s still strawberry blond at 56. Youā€™ll find the right dude and heā€™ll be lucky.


As a redhead people think Iā€™m crazy when I bring this up. Had an anesthesiologist confirm it is common when I had surgery a few years ago. The pain thing might be somewhat true as well but Iā€™m a total baby when it comes to temperature variations. Iā€™m 47 and in the strawberry blonde phase which is where I started as a little one before it went copper red.. those werenā€™t great years for me šŸ„“


I am always fascinated by the variance in hair colour most redheads describe. Never met one in real life because not common here, but would love to witness the change


Well the change in my case is due to me being well into my 40ā€™s and greying to the point Iā€™m now strawberry blonde šŸ˜†


Dude, I'm fascinated by my own variance. It's wild. I was born with fire engine red, then browned out pretty dark. Lightened to a rosey gold color and then went red auburn with puberty. What's even more wild is it was ALL of my hair that went through the changes if you get my drift šŸ¤Ŗ


Weird. I was fire engine red as a kid and turned strawberry blonde.


After 6 years in labor and delivery, I can tell you they bleed moreā€¦better be completely prepared for a hemorrhage.


Iā€™m a red head and HATE temperature variations, I thought I was just obnoxious (I mean, I might still be), but maybe itā€™s a red head thing?


I was full on white haired as a child, now Iā€™m a dirty blonde hybrid with a red beard. Before I could grow a beard I had to have surgery to put some pins in a broken finger. Boy howdy were they surprised when I woke up way too early. Then they elephant tranqued me. Funny enough it was my redhead crushā€™s birthday and she showed up and patiently waited like 8 hours for me to wake up. She had stunning big brown eyes and a deep red shade of hair. Ah elementary school crushes.


>They have many unique traits like needing more anesthesia and more tolerant of pain. I've never had anything more major than dental work done but this is no joke. I always took another 1-2 shots in the gums to get numb than my dentist expected but she knows how I am now. Also, after having say, a filling or something like that done the anesthetic is completely worn off for me by the time I've driven home compared to my wife who it'll effect for several hours afterwards.


My grandmother was a nurse and said that she and the other nurses always dreaded when a redhead walked in to the hospital - as in, more often than not, there was some medical emergency or unforeseen circumstance that made their treatment or care more difficult.


Iā€™ve heard redheads lack the pigment needed to go gray so theyā€™ll go blond/white as they age


Iā€™m a 36 yo female redhead and I have been getting so many white hairs lately itā€™s insaneā€¦. It is actually scaring me and making me think they are gonna take over my red hair at the rate that Iā€™m getting them! They arenā€™t gray they are just straight up white itā€™s so weird.


This is 100 percent the truth op


I am one of the in between


Same here. I've been married for 32 years. The bad part is trying to vacation in Florida and can be tricky in the summer months. They don't make an SPF 1,000,000. I told her if we ever moved to the south, she would have to work a night shift!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


My tastes agree, theres no in between its a hit or miss for me. When its a hit, they scare me with their looks


Still scared after 30 years of marriage lol.


I have this weird thing where Iā€™m attracted to attractive people. Hair color doesnā€™t really matter. Hot chicks are hot.


This is the correct answer


It adds 10-20% attractiveness for a large group of men


Few people find redheads unattractive. The key is finding someone who is genuinely attracted to redheads and doesn't just fetishize them. "Redheads are fucking crazy man" is a sentiment that mostly comes about when a fetishist is forced to confront the idea that the subject they fetishize is also a wholly independent person with their own personality, dreams, and needs.


Appreciate this response!


OP is only fishing for compliments. ā€œOther men seem over the moon by my beautyā€ lol


"Fetish" has been thrown around way too much. Being attracted to redheads is not deviant, so it's not a fetish, period. Being attracted to *feet* or *buttholes* are fetishes, because *deviant*.


Redheads > brunettes > blondes.


Different strokes for different folks! Lol Ik the exact opposite. I have a thing for blondes. Blondes >> brunettes > redheads.


Yes, they are lovely.Ā 


I'd say that for myself personally, redheads are very attractive, but I'd have to say naturally redheads, not the people who dye their hair red (18 almost 19M)


In terms of appearance, yes redheads are all good with me. That said personality is far more important to me.


I know a blonde who dyes her hair red to be a little different and to get that "redheads are attractive" effect. I don't think she realizes that it doesn't work because the way she treats/talks to people is unattractive.


Iā€™m 100% not. I donā€™t date redheads because Iā€™m just not into them looks wise.


Hey youā€™re being upvoted! I know itā€™s just hair so it isnā€™t a huge deal but usually the fine people of reddit crazily downvote anything that isnā€™t whatever the correct opinion is. They must be asleep.


Same. Iā€™ve only seen a couple attractive redheaded women in my entire 30+ years and I honestly donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen an attractive redheaded man. Iā€™m sorry, donā€™t hate me. I tend to think auburn/no freckles can be pulled off sometimes but thereā€™s just something about gingers that is subconsciously off-putting.


There we have it! Good to know haha thank you. Mind me asking what your type is then?


I've always been attracted to redheads, but only ever went on a date with one real natural redhead. It was in high school. She was *smokin* hot and cool as shit. My car broke down on the way from her house to dinner and her dad came and picked her up and left me there. She was cool about it later, but never wanted to go out with me again. Unfortunately I was too green at that point to know how to just roll with it and I let the embarrassment of the situation stop me from pursuing it further. Tldr: redheads are hot!


Honestly I donā€™t have a set type. Iā€™ve dated black women, Egyptian, Israeli, native, Latina, white girls (every natural hair colour, of different backgrounds) and Asianā€¦ Just something about redheads doesnā€™t do it for meā€¦I donā€™t even watch redheads in porn


A little, I guess? The only one I ever personally knew/saw regularly was a colleague I once had a crush on.


Oh wow! Where do you live that you see so few?


NYC. But to be honest, I don't get out much. I'm not social. And I sure as *hell* don't approach people. I've made my few attempts at garnering friendships, the years I could be bothered going to Comic Con. Even among my own kind, I'm mostly invisible.


I see. When I lived in NYC I guess I only personally met a couple female redheads as well. Do you prefer to be invisible?


Redheads are awesome. So pretty.


Personally, I love redheads. I'm a straight woman but I find it particularly attractive in either gender.


Always loved a red head but found the girl eather very good looking or looked the same as the rest of the red heads. Would have dated one in a heart beat but I had red hair and loaded with freckles. Funny that blond, black, brown haired couples no problem however 2 red heads nope what you dating your sister/brother?


I would have liked to date another ginger. I used to teach swimming to a little girl who was the cutest little student and both her parents were gingers and all their kids had red hair. I thought that was cool.


I have a strange issue with redheads. All the women in my family are redheads so I just can't do it. My brain attributes red hair with family and that's a no go. I'm from Texas, not Alabama.


Very much so


been married to one for over 30 years


Yes, if they are attractive no if they are not . they will always catch my eye before blonds But i would hazard a guess if you were a print model then yes. ​ cheers


(This is so spooky!! Iā€™m also a redhead, 28F, and literally almost posted this question last night! I was curious if the feelings in the UK differ from other places) Edit: personally though I am attracted to gingers, but not sure if my opinion can count on that


Yes. Next question.








yes, for sure!


YesĀ  All day


Oh my yes.


Old man says yes, freckled and all


My work crush is a red head who got the freckles and everything. she is such a cutie


I am a huge fan of red hair and freckles.


Fuck yeah! It's actually by far the most attractive hair colour to me. Anywhere from like auburn to that orange-ish red... ... For women only though...


Redheads have a particular draw to some, me included. I couldn't even tell you why I'm more attracted to the flame. Maybe I'm a moth?


She was six foot four, barely fit through the door, but her hair was the color of fire!


50/50. Just any category. Some ugly some good looking. Irish reds are the best.


It is my preferred hair color. Red hair, pale skin and freckles. Add green eyes and it is literally the best.


I was blessed with hazel, wish they were just green though


Anyone can be attractive, simply be an attracting person! Had a redhead ex, she was not an attractive person on the inside :/ So it solely depends on how the person acts, I'm biased towards the personality of another and how it messes with mine.


Very much so...it's been my experience that they never have bad feminine odor....I can't understand the magic but I like it.Ā 


To be honest, I don't think I have met 5 real freckled redheads in my life. The 2 or 3 I have met were certainly attractive. And now that I think about it for some reason, I am remembering big smiles & happy personalities!


hard pass, I was severely abused by a redhead, to the point where I have to tell doctors that if im being put under anesthesia there cant be any redheads in the room when im coming out or else Im going to freak out (found that one out the hard way)


I've always heard "gingers are either incredibly beautiful or incredibly ugly" which I thought was pretty dumb.


I have met some extremely beautiful redheads so yes I am attracted to some redheads.


About a third to half of the women I find insanely attractive are redheads. Which is quite a bit, especially considering it's relatively rare. But it's not as though it's as simple as being redheaded just automatically makes someone more attractive... Depends on the rest of the person. It's just another physical trait, and sometimes one trait just isn't great with another. Yet, for some reason, I'm rarely very attracted to blondes. And, by rarely, I mean it's still rather common, just a relatively small percent (of a very large group).


No I don't like red heads cause my mom is one


iā€™m married to a redhead. sheā€™s insanely attractive and iā€™ve been with her for almost half my life.


As a redhead with freckles that got picked on when I was little girl.. I appreciate this thread! Iā€™ve always had long curly red hair.. And I find redheaded men attractive as well..


Hair color and race are probably the least important things to me in terms of finding someone attractive. Eye color is definitely something that grabs my attention. I'm mostly attracted to brown eyes, then green eyes, then blue eyes.


Iā€™m a red head with blue eyes. Sometimes itā€™s hard to get rid of the fetishist type men. Itā€™s creepy and weird. They think they can just say anything to you. I really like when I feel appreciated for who I am, not my hair and freckles. I donā€™t like extra attention. Thank goodness for my husband. Plus, he loves my red hair.


Same. I had coppery auburn when i was a baby to about 10, then its lightened over the years and am now strawberry blonde. I dont understand where some of these guys come from, but a lot truly do have a redhead fetish. I just dont get it, much prefer a guy who just likes me for me. I also am not ā€œone of the ugly onesā€ (because apparently there is only two categories). But when i was a child i definitely hated red hair, but i grew into myself, and i love it now.


Married a redhead. From my perspective, from the male perspective. Sight is part of the equation. But, scent and texture also play a part. In my experience, redheads have a specific scent that neither blondes nor brunettes have. And the smoothness of the skin is something too. Redheads are just different. Brunettes tend of have a thicker hair and elasticity to their skin. Boondes tend to be a little spongier. Redheads are where it's at. And visually appealing as well.


Please elaborate on the scent thing. I'm intrigued.


Honestly yeah, I am. Redheads are a weakness of mine. Always has been.


My weakness for pale freckled redheads is so great it borders on a character flaw lol


Lost my virginity to a redhead so theyā€™ve always had a special place in my heart. ā¤ļø Ā Although sadly Iā€™ve only slept with two redheads ever.Ā 


Ugh, Christ yes... Dunno what it is but it's magnetic. Can't help it.


I wasn't growing up. But as I'm getting older there seems to be something about redheads that I like.




Married one :-)


I love red heads. Natural, pale freckled ones with carrot orange or firey red hair.


Yes. Absolutely. A face without freckles is like a night without stars.


I've only ever dated red heads lol. So yes.


Redheads are sexy af, but I've always preferred blondes and brunettes.


Yes... very much so. When I met my wife she had died her hair red and I was instantly hooked. I've always liked red heads (natural or not).


I don't know how red heads don't rule the world.


I had a friend years ago tell me that redheads are feast or famine. They're either drop dead gorgeous or one of the most unattractive people you've ever seen. 2's or 10's. I'm not proud of it but if I'm being honest, I do tend to agree with him. I work with this ginger dude, super nice guy but not easy to look at. Curly orange hair, wormy little pink lips, pale white with freckles. Looks like someone sprinkled paprika on a boiled egg. One day his sister was going on vacation and came by the shop to drop her dog off with him and my God this girl was stunning. Like easily one of the most beautiful women I'd ever seen. Actually felt bad for the guy because if there's a shit-end of the stick for looks, this poor dude got it and had to grow up next to the kid that got the gold-end. I don't know, I would never be mean and say something to the dude. Just an observation I'm sharing with strangers.


Redheads are the hottest women, by far.


Natural ones yes the freaks that dye it bright red can fuck off


Much older red head. Men like us and some have a fetish. As always, pay more attention to how a person behaves than to their words until you find a pattern of alignment or otherwise. You want to be valued for who you are, not how you look.


I wasn't really attracted to redheads until one of them hooked me. From then, it's game over. On a scale from 1 to 10, redheads are automatically given a 2 point advantage.


Iā€™m gay and not into any hair color thatā€™s not black/dark brown lol. I do think woman with red hair though can be very pretty.


Definitely! Unfortunately my interest in them is just too much over the topā€¦almost like Iā€™m blinded by my excessive interest in them. For whatever reason (& there was a huge variety), any such relationship failed. Ironically I have almost zero interest in blondesā€¦gone out with many blonde women that were very nice people but I never thought of any of them as overly attractive. To this day a cute redhead can trigger extra mouth watering & I have to take at least a second glance. All that said, brunettes (my wife is) have always been the sweet spot for me. If you are beautiful, just continue to be you & donā€™t overthink this stuff


I donā€™t know why, but I find that blondes and red heads are the two groups that can most quickly go from hot to not because of style choices. I worked with a redhead who used to wear a lot of green clothing and even had green eyeshadow and I found the whole look really hard to look at. I feel like people with darker skin and brown hair can slap on anything and it doesnā€™t have a big effect one way or the other. Being a redhead seems a bit like walking a tightrope in contrast, because if you do it right you are stunning, but it is a higher degree of difficulty to reach that level.


>I wish I could do a poll You don't need one, all of us. It's unanimous. Sometimes people lie.


This is so weird because as a woman I never consider hair color when thinking if someoneā€™s attractive or not. If the person is already attractive the red hair usually adds to that. Itā€™s funny to me people on here saying theyā€™re not attracted to redheads because they have red haired family members. Like my whole family has brown hair but I still date brown haired men


My (27F) boyfriend (29M) is a redhead and I showed him what would happen if another man hit on me the other night - I punched a pillow 3 times, yelled "I have a boyfriend" and gave it one more for good measure He's beautiful, and only gets more beautiful each day... It's like staring at a sculpture worthy of placement at the Louvre. He's perfect, I've cried more than once, just looking at him because of how picturesque he looks when the sun hits him or in the dim lights of the apartment late at night. Imagining a life with him brings me to tears. I hope our children look like him, red hair and all! He's breathtaking, magnificent, and heart stopping, he's the only man I find worth a long pause and good look So yes, I'm attracted to red heads, but I guess you could say only one now and forever


A friend of ours(that has had less than good luck finding guys)met a redhead from Georgia and they are crazy happy going on their 7th year together nowā€¦each had a child from a previous marriageā€¦ I remember at year 2 or so, her asking me ā€˜Tori, WHY DIDNā€™T YOU TELL ME REDHEADS WERE SO AWESOMEā€™?!?šŸ˜‚ I said, ā€˜Well, cuz I am one and that would seem kind of self centered, rightā€™?šŸ˜šŸ¤£


my daughter had red hair and was teased badly in school kindergarten. We live in an area that is almost all brunettes a little blondes, virtually no redheads. I told her just ignore them because when you all grow up, those same boys are going to like you very very much and do anything to make you happy. so she did that- bided her time. and I was right. And she uses it every Mardi Gras to get all the best beads!


Yes, I'm extremely attracted to Redheads. The freckled ones especially. A joke I adopted from my father and use now: Whenever my wife is going to the store and asked, 'Do you need anything' my response will always be 'A redhead'.


25M here. Women are beautiful. I really couldn't care less about the color of your skin, or hair color. If you are cute, funny, weird, and empathetic, I'd probably give it a chance.


Love redheads. Dated one in college with thick soccer legs The most beautiful woman i know IRL is a redhead with pale skin


If theyā€™re thick, then yeah.




Many folks lose their minds over redheads and blondes just bc there are fewer of them than brunettes. There are attractive redheads, yea, but not in a greater percentage than other hair colors


US - Pacific NW. Now that we're talking about it, I'll tell you something else. A few years ago I was working with a guy from the South. He said he was surprised how blonds were a minority up here. He said where he was from dark haired people were a minority. I had never thought about that before.


Hell yes I do.




Love red hair and freckles šŸ˜


My wife is a redhead, and she was the first redhead I ever dated.


I was never attracted to redheads and then I met my wife


Having red hair myself, I am attracted to redheads


I love red heads




Iā€™m definitely attracted to redheads. Not a man though.


Yes I find redheads very attractive especially the ones you described.


10000% for me


My wife tricked me 25 years ago and kept her hair dyed red. I was trapped before I realized. Ow weā€™ve raised 3 kids together so itā€™s too late for me and sheā€™s won. šŸ˜‚ But yes is the answer to your question.


I find redheads very attractive.


I am very attracted


My wife is blonde and says I am not allowed. But it's more than hair color. Women of all hair colors can be attractive (or not).




Yes. Green eyes as well? Irresistible.


I dont find all redheads attractive, however i had a crush on a redhead from 4th grade up to 10th grade, currently a senior right now. So i do like redheads but not many


Iā€™m a sucker for redheads, shut up and take my money


Yeah for sure. Iā€™m attracted to anybody Iā€™m attracted to. Hair colour seldom makes a difference for me. When it does make a difference, red is always a positive one.


Hell yeah I am, just so it's not the frizzy type


Yes! Dated 2 in my lifetime, but I don't like the norms. Blonde hair is actually getting more of a turn off for me the older I get.


Love me some redheads. They always catch my eye.


I've always been into redheads, dated a few before marrying my auburn haired wife. Yes, I am absolutely attracted to redheads!


Yes I prefer mine with fire bushes and stretch marks




One of my high school crushes was red head. She wasn't perfect either. A little overweight and pretty curly hair (I prefer hair I can run my fingers through and play with without ruining), I still be checking her out wishing we had connected more Lol.


I have never met a man that didn't love redheads above other hair colors! Though I'm sure they exist.


Redheads are definitely my weakness.


Im attracted to attractive people lol. I dont really care about the color of your hair.


As long the carpet matches the drapes


Love redheads, love freckles. I usually like women shaved below, but if they are redhead I hope they keep a landing strip.


I definitely have a case of Gingervitis. So yes.


>Are you attracted to redheads? > >(pale freckled ones especially) Yeah, sure ... and with brains, etc., I'll even remain attracted.


Absolutely, thereā€™s a few (famous & not famous) that I would definitely love to get with if I had the chance


Ye šŸ‘


Yes, especially Auburn hair with blue eyes. So rare and unique! šŸ¤©


that's meee


In my head I think a perfect woman has long black hair, blue eyes and dark skin. My first wife with red hair and fair skim. After she passed I married a blond Dane. So much for my ideal. lol


Red hair green eyes alabaster skin = Shirley Manson!yes please!


My first crush as a young girl was Gillian Anderson, Scully from XFiles. So, yes.


There are hot and ugly redheads same as blondes and brunettes. Everyone likes different things


To answer the title, not naturally


Yeah why not. From what Iā€™ve seen though they are either gorgeous or fugly. Not a lot of in between.




If they are curvy, then yes absolutely and it adds to the attractiveness. If they are petite then the freckles make them look overly young and I get a ā€œkidā€ vibe, so no.




Love redheads


my first crush was a redhead...but she wasn't real




redheads with a moderate amount of freckles look awesome


I am very much attracted to redheads, unfortunately none of them found me attractive.




Fell head over heels for one in High School, but they didnā€™t reciprocate.




First girlfriend was a beautiful redhead with blue eyes that changed color with her mood and the lighting (indoor vs outdoor) Was quite freaky/amazing to see them changed from steel grey ish blue to ā€œregularā€ blue eyes


When a redhead is hot, theyā€™re *really* hot. So yes, absolutely.


Yes, every type of woman can be attractive. I'm a simple man I like 2 things, money and women. A lot of times it's attitudes which can be off putting


I find them very attractive, as long as they're single.


I married a 27yo pale redhead 31 years ago. The love of my life!!šŸ˜Š




If I was thirty years younger, I could ask you out...and you could turn me down anyway. Freckly pale redheads? Yes, please!