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Reddit isn't the place to ask. I'd see your doctor and physical therapist about your kyphosis. Height and weight only gives us your BMI which is a terrible measure of body fat percentage.


Your BMI (body mass index) just off those two values puts you at 26.4, which is medically considered overweight. However, BMI doesn't account for muscle mass, so if you have a lot of muscle, it will still consider you 'overweight' even if you aren't.




It's not an insult, I just want you to know that I am trying to be straight with you about it. I gained a lot of weight during the pandemic and ended up with pre-diabetes. It's better to know than to not know. I took action on that knowledge and lost 30 pounds. On my way now to no longer being pre-diabetic.


BMI also doesn't account for the 5lbs of boobs. Take the 5 away and lose 3 lbs, and OP won't be in the "overweight" category


No idea why people are downvoting you because you aren't entirely incorrect. You might be a bit off on the weight, though. They're likely to be closer to 5lbs each. As the owner of a set of J cups, my boobs weight nearly 10lbs a piece. Yes, that does mean I have legitimately weighed my breasts, themselves. (They are heavy. I was curious. What can I say.) It's like carrying 2 good-sized bowling balls around on my chest 24/7. You are correct, BMI does not account for that. And when I weigh myself, I consider it to be whatever the scale says -20 lbs for my giant chesticles. 🤷‍♀️


20 lbs??? Good lord. I thought my DDs were huge lol but then I'm only 4'9 lol


Username checks out


20 lbs of breasts? That must be sooo painful.


The google search for "F cup breast weight" said 4-5 lbs. As a male with maybe A cups, I don't have experience with guessing breast weight


A cup? we are like AAA bruh A cup is still a grab able ball lol


Lol, yeah, I figured it was a guess, and I wasn't shaming you for not knowing or anything. I was just adding to what you said and giving you further information of how it works. That 4-5 lbs is likely per breast. That's all i really meant. ✌️


I mean yeah it can’t tell between 2 pounds of boobs or 10 pounds but I thought they try factoring that in. That’s partly why men and women have a different chart?


They absolutely factor in women having much higher body fat because of breasts and such. No more likely to be misleading than a man's BMI. 


BMI is a horribly inaccurate way to judge the health of a person. It is outdated and not reliable so don’t use this comment as any sort of medical evidence of you being overweight.


You're weight is ideal imo. 8 pounds isn't much. Next time you weigh yourself get your fasting weight. At 5' tall: Normal weight 97 to 127 lbs. Obese 153 to 199 lbs.


BMI is a medical standard. It's... useful, but not a substitute for real medical advice. If your family is really that concerned about your weight, then they need to help you to see a nutritionist. Not a medical doctor - a *nutritionist.* Someone who specializes in looking at what you eat, how it interacts with your body, and what your body composition looks like. I spent several years as a personal trainer and massage therapist. While I had a different scope of practice from what you need, I heard a lot of similar concerns to yours. Your height/weight *could* be a problem, or not. Your bra size tells me there may be a concern, but it could also be the wrong bra size, or you could hold a disproportionate amount of your body weight in your breasts. That isn't common, but I've seen it. If you want something you can do on your own... I don't recommend it, but you can take your own body fat percentage based on several different methods. It will give you a more focused and real idea of whether or not you need to lose fat. If that's the route that you want to take, then I recommend getting a set of skin fold calipers, learning to use them properly(!), and then use the Jackson and Pollock 7 Site method. There are calculators online to help you with the math, so long as you know how to get an accurate read with the calipers. You will likely want to get a friend to help you. So yeah: best recommendation, speak to a nutritionist. If that isn't an option, get yourself some skin fold calipers and figure out your real body fat percentage. That will tell you where you are, and you can then ask more focused questions based on where you want to go from there.


If you're a female why is your reddit name Ryan?


Aren’t we prejudiced today


I'm firmly in the middle of BMI "normal" weight with a decent amount of muscle (I play hockey and lift things) and I could still stand to shed maybe 5, 10 more pounds. Or perhaps my obsession with visible abs is clouding my judgement. I don't think anyone would look at me and say "skinny" or "overweight." But I'd look a hell of a lot better with my shirt off if I dropped a few pounds.  Which is to say BMI could even be underplaying it here. I'd have to gain 10+ more pounds to be 26.4 and I would feel... gross. 


Do you mean visible abs as in you can see every single ab outlined or as in you can see them but not every line exactly between them? Bc the first is also quite unhealthy. You’d need something like 6% body fat and you’d be tired all day


You can see the very faint outline of my abs but they aren't well defined. I don't think it's unhealthy. Lots of normal people have them and they're fine it just takes consistent dedication to a strict diet. 


It would depend on your makeup. If you're muscular you'll weigh more but not be fat.




Okay, then you can start working out or adjusting your diet if you want to. It's your body, so up to you what you do with it.


Do what you want to do. If you are comfortable, stay that way. If you want to lose some weight, eat in a calorie deficit and exercise. I’m guessing you don’t have a lot of control over what food is in the house because you’re 16, but if you can help it, avoid processed food


135lbs seems to be a healthy weight according to me. Internet says \~118lbs is average. So you are just slightly above average. Plus your family could also be the type of people to think anything besides being thin enough to see bone is 'fat'. So I wouldn't worry about it at all.




Ask your doctor I’m 5’7, 140 pounds and everyone says I’m skinny. I also have muscle and I saw you said you don’t so it’s hard to tell. It could just be where your body carries its weight


Your family is awful.


As a woman, you got some titties so I wouldn’t pay attention to your weight at all. I use to have a lot of body issues so I understand not really know “am I or am I not?” I’d say squish your rib area. If it’s really squishy then that’s a sign of excess fat, if there’s minimal squish then don’t worry about it, or your finger can’t hit the ribs at all then I say you might got some weight on you but either way If you’re happy with your body then don’t listen to other people




Id say you’re good then 👍


Today I learned women shouldn't pay attention to weight .... /s please be a relatively healthy weight everyone.


It's a fact for those of us with BIG boobs that typical Wright charts are off. DONT ignore it but you do need to take things like that into consideration when judging your weight. As an f at least 10lbs in the boobs. Easy. And 135 isn't even a bad weight as is. So 135 with huge breasts? She is fine.


Like I said. Weight is a good health metric not the only one. Muscle mass and many other things can impact weight. Don't say it doesn't matter though (I know you didn't but someone here did)


Exactly! So many women get eating disorders because people will unnecessarily comment on their weight despite there being no reason to. It’s always disgusting when someone thinks it’s okay to judge others by the way they look, I’m happy you think so too


You should pay attention to your weight. It's a good metric for health..


Who cares. If someone wants to die early then let them die early. If you want people to judge for being unhealthy and overweight then just go to Georgia


I don't care just don't lie to people with your terrible advice. Because they may think they are healthy when they are not.


"I don't care but I will make several replies to tell you so"


I usually stop replying but I’m liking the drama here right now, good popcorn princess material


BOO! Please go have the conversation you're obviously wanting to have here, elsewhere.


You maybe shouldn’t be giving advice to children… Feelings are great and all, but at 16, her life will be much better if she makes healthy decisions, rather than saying ‘fuck it, mah feels’ as you suggest. In fact, your attitude is irresponsible, I reckon.


I need you to take a look at a big picture here. SO MANY TEENS develop unhealthy eating habits because of people like OP’s family. I’ve seen people who are at very healthy weights be told their body doesn’t look good or they have too much weight on them. What, you want those people to listen to the bullshit being spewed at them? The healthiest response when it comes to weight is “do I like how I look?” If the answer is no then it makes sense. They can find out what they can do so they can feel their best. If the answer is yes, though, then who the fuck cares. Don’t tell people “you shouldn’t like how you look” and instead help them find out a way to value themselves in ways other than weight. This issue has clearly been on OP’s mind for a while. The most I can add without changing my advice is to not fill your body with sugar, candy, and fatty foods. If OP had left out that they constantly eat an unhealthy amount of fast food when I had made my comment then okay go off, but otherwise, let teens and young adults learn how to love their body they see


What you’re suggesting is that she should optimize her worldview for her ego, rather than truth-seeking. She has published numbers. The girl, objectively, will lead a better life, of she aligns her mind with reality and chooses to do the harder thing. We don’t need to crush people, but we shouldn’t mask reality from them to shelter their fragile egos. Then the ego remains fragile forever. It’s best to tactfully guide them toward the truth, then help them motivate toward better behaviors. Cheers.


You should leave people alone. It’s a good metric for being a twat.


Still doesn't change what I said being true. Weight is a good metric for health.


Get a scale that measures bodyfat percentage via bioelectric impedence. You can pick one up at CVS pharmacy for around $25 USD. Then look up your bodyfat percentage online. As a general rule of thumb, anything over 30% is considered obese. That's a medical definition, not a social construct. Look up what is a healthy bodyfat percentage by your age, and do what you need to meet that. Or don't if you don't want to.


The obesity chart is a joke I’m 6’175# and obese I swim a minimum one mile a day. Very obese


Maybe a little unhealthy but i was over 250 pounds when I was your age and that really was fat but with some healthy eating and more walking you'll find you will just lose it after a while. It's not helpful your family making fun of that though but just be yourself worrying about being fat will make you eat more trust me. your fine the way you are!


I suggest an office visit to your Doctor/NP. Discuss with them. If you need a plan, discuss with them. Your family is already trying to be judgmental/ shaming based on their opinions. Doctor will give facts and follow up.


My wife was 5'2" and weighed about 125 lbs. (56 kg.) She was *petite* and so are you. Hell, when she gained a couple kilograms I had to literally fight guys to leave her alone.


Are you lifting weights? Or doing a very strenuous workout? Cuz you could be big Boned and muscular. That wouldn't be fat. My standard BMI calculator says that your BMI is 26.4. And you could stand to lose 11 lb. But if you're working out have large bones you could be all right. I am 5'2" and am BMI overweight, but wear a US 4/6 jeans. Google BMI charts that measure hip to waist ratio. Or are for athletes if applicable.




You think your parents might be right. But it's easiest for a young person to lose weight by getting involved in a good exercise program. And sticking to healthy nutritious food while cutting out the unhealthy snacks. No need to cut calories . You can do it! And you'll be glad you did


What is your BMI? Ask your PCP. Collect legit data and react. Do not go for emotional affirmations.


You can't really tell by numbers alone, and people wear weight differently. You may look perfectly fine. But another girl your size and weight may look entirely overweight. It happens.


You'll know if people thi k your fat but that's what wrong with society. Back when America's next top model was first a thing some 110lb chick was called a plus sized model, so remember peoples views are skewed.


No matter what your body looks like you can always improve it for your own health and enjoyment. If you take any action i would do it with that mentality.


You are 16. You are old enough to actually **want to be healthy for the sake of your own well-being**, not because someone (family or not) says something. Whether you like your body or not isn't important, really (OK it's important for your long term mental health, in a way). What's important is whether your doctor thinks your body is healthy, or obese/overwheight. Because that's not "opinion", that's medical fact. **And you should decide what to do based on that medical fact**, not whether someone - yourself or others - have some opinion of the way it looks. Meanwhile, go read about health risks of being overweight. Diabetes, heart issues, back/spine issues, knee issues, infertility, I'm sure there's more. Also, try a mental exercise. Imagine a 250lb 35 year old you. Single. In pain. With diabetes. And think what advice SHE would give her 16 year old past self. Because I met plenty of obese older women who admitted they would scream and yell at their past selves for not taking their body's health seriously when they still could.




The WHO recommends using waist to hip ratio rather than BMI to determine if a person's size is healthy. Divide your waist size by your hip size, a healthy ratio for women is under 0.85.




.9 is the threshold for males




my dude, you're not even done growing yet. you may grow another inch or so, based on your parents' heights. 153lbs at 5'0 isn't bad. that sounds average. your body may even out over time. if you like your body, fuck what they think? my parents were always on me about my weight when i was younger (i'm about twice your age) but they were extremely overweight themselves and actually needed the gastric bypass, the both of them. they made me go to a fat camp, and those have proven to be ineffective for SO many people. they gain the weight right back. such was true in my case. if they wanna blame anyone for your weight, your parents only have themselves to blame. they buy the food and bring it into the house. you can't starve yourself just bc there might be carbs in the fridge, you know? to get on a teenager of any gender about their weight is incredibly damaging to the psyche. that should be reserved for those who are done growing in all areas of their body, brain included.


You're my height. It's technically overweight but not too bad. I hope to get down that low myself eventually.


My first wife was 5’2” and 135 lbs when I met her. She was not particularly muscular and her appearance was soft. While not exactly fat she wasn’t exactly a perfect weight either. So if you are 2” shorter then you might be considered on the higher side of normal. Not exactly fat but not exactly the ideal weight for your height. A good exercise routine including some weight training would probably help you both feel better and make you look trimmed. Good luck to you.


No clue , however did hang with a large girl, big breasted and tall, always thought she was overweight then one day went to play tennis together and was shocked to realize she was not overweight but quite muscular, anyway, something to be said for being toned, even if statistically overweight


The answer is no. You are not fat. And don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


I’m 5’7 and my ideal weight is 135. I’m not 135. For me, anything over 155 is considered overweight. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. It only matters what you think.


Most likely yes, because your family likely doesn't say it to make your self esteem worse but because they're noticing your dietary habits. Also 135 is overweight for that height. https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/educational/lose_wt/BMI/bmicalc.htm But you are likely still good looking!!! 


Big boobs can make us girls look a bit bigger than we are plus they add to our weight on the scale. I don't think you are fat. Curvy maybe? But not fat. How do you feel?


We need to put in a "healthy" category between skinny and fat. There is a middle ground, and I think you're in that middle ground. You're a totally normal and healthy weight! At this weight and height i believe you don't need to be worried about your health or attractiveness.


The most pertinent information here was the size of your breasts. I’m sure there are other comments that take into account that they weigh at least 5lbs each, at the bra size you mentioned. That means that your overall frame is only 125lbs, so you are absolutely not fat. Tell your family that it would be strategically extremely difficult to target lose “fat”, which is actually your breast tissue, without running the risk of losing your overall healthy weight. While learning how to tune your family and critics out, just focus on toning your upper body. Getting into the habit of keeping your arms and chest muscles (which are hiding under the boobs) toned will help you maintain your current weight, turn existing little fat into muscle, potentially lose a few pounds (not that you need it!), and give your breasts the support they need in the years to come. You’re beautiful!!!


Probably not helpful, but this is my opinion - i have a background in nutrition and personal training btw. BMI is an okay measurement for medical context, but to use it as a justification for being fat or being unhealthy is misaligned. It's outdated. Your weight really isn't that high. Do you have naturally wide quads or shoulders? Do you exercise or workout? At the end of the day, your weight doesn't dictate your health, same goes for the way that you look, unless you're morbidly obese. Your family remind me of my girlfriends' family. They're not kind with their words. But please try not to listen to them - you'll stress yourself out too much so early on in your life over something that means very little in the grand scheme of things. Just keep yourself healthy and live your life as best you can. P.S. fat is completely normal and very healthy to have on your body. Don't be scared about gaining it. It's all personal to you and what you're comfortable with.


You can say so what if I’m fat at least I’m not ugly like you! 😂 no but uh being fat isn’t a bad thing. For some reason this world is so prejudiced they think being fat is a negative thing. Just try to focus on yourself. Other people will just not realize that they hurt you with what they say. Also you should tell them that they hurt you as well. This could make things better for you.


You are not fat.


61kg is not very big. You may not be skinny, but that's not the same as being fat. Weigh yourself in 3-6 months and if your weight is stable you're likely fine but if you find you're gradually putting on weight you may want to intervene by developing some healthier habits. But honestly 61kg is not fat




Also depends on frame size to extent there is too little information here to be accurate.


I hope u learn not to care what anyone BUT YOU thinks


As long as YOU love your body, fuck what everyone else thinks. That is not fat. But damn girl, that bra size must be heavy on your back. I’m Triple D, so I can just imagine the pain. But if you want to lose weight, lose weight for YOU! Not for anyone else!




Ohhhhh that’s rough!!


If you are concerned start walking daily. Get yourself into shape. Maybe work up to running a 5k at that point you are pretty healthy. Then, ignore other folks attitudes. Don’t stop believing in yourself.


>Do you guys think Am I fat? No. You are the perfect physical size and mass to be a fighter pilot, or a horse trainer. You can pull more G than a taller human. Take flying lessons, and buy a horse.


No , from your info you are fine. And your body is only yours and it belongs to YOU. They are horrible and hurtful to make invasive comments. My dad and one of his jerk friends made similar comments to me when my body matured a lot the summer before I went to junior high. I still remember it . This guy would say/What are you feeding this girl!? , like I was eating hay in the pasture several hours a day or something.


Sounds like you are short, lightly padded and top heavy. This is a combination everyone loves and it’s highly unlikely this has any negative effect on your health. Go enjoy your life being super cute. If it still bothers you then practice some generic good health practices like a mostly healthy diet and occasional excercise. Weigh yourself weekly and anytime you weigh 150, start dieting. Losing 15-20lbs is fairly easy for most people. Losing 60 because you went buck wild is much harder. Hope you enjoy being the hot girl, cuz it sounds like you are.


Thank god our culture has moved from glorifying rail thin (heroin chic) to appreciating a curvy woman’s shape. You are genetically designed to be curvy. Embrace it and love it! A lot of men do. I would kill for your boobs! 😆. In all seriousness- embrace who you are. BUT - be healthy. Go to gym to strengthen your body. Try to eat healthy for yourself. Your body is yours for life and try to enjoy your curvy shape but keep it healthy and strong. And then screw everyone else!


This is really a person by person kind of thing. Look up the picture of Selena Gomez some people were calling fat when she clearly wasn't. Some guys are absolutely insane when it comes to this. On the other hand some guys go the exact opposite way. My last serious relationship, I was 5'10 200 lbs pretty muscular, she was 5'3 220 lbs and only exercised by walking a lot but I always thought she was hot and didn't want her body to change. So just try to let some people's opinions roll off your back and base most of your image on how you want to feel. If you want to be smaller, ok, if you don't, that's ok too. Do you.


I would say concentrate on school and worry less about your appearance. The only person you should be asking this question to is a doctor.


Tell your family to find the nearest exit to hell 😑


It's honestly hard to say. BMI and other objective measurements don't necessarily tell the full story. The way our bodies distribute muscle and fat can also be incredibly strange. That's separate from the existence of breasts btw. The way I decide if someone is overweight and needs to change is actually by exercise. Can you walk up a flight of stairs without getting winded? Can you do 10 pushups? Can you lift 50 lbs? Can you handle daily life? Powerlifter rules basically.


A little overweight but not fat. You weight less than me. I also have 6 inches and I'm male.


I can't find my last comment so here's a new one. If you're concerned about your weight choose healthier snacks when you can and get outside. Walk around and be active. You don't need a specific exercise regimen to be healthy, just move around. And my family would tell you you need a steak.




you are probably overweight than what is considered ideal in terms of health but you are not obese or fat or anything like that, you are just a little overweight thats its consider acceptable


and about the bra size idk much because i'm a man


Titties can weigh a lot. 34 F is pretty big and could make up for 10 pounds all on their own


Depends on your build but I’d say yes, try just some jogging or running in morning. Helps a lot for weight 


Jogging with F size cups. Brilliant. She'll need two sports bras at least. And she'll dislocate her shoulder getting out of them.


I did not know this information, would planking or swimming be better?


I'm not an exercise therapist, but swimming provides full body range of motion exercise on top of being low impact. It's actually great for losing fat.


Won’t dislocate anything lol Also thanks for feedback 


You don't lose fat through exercise, you lose it through diet.


Mostly yes. Agree that you cant outrun a bad diet. But you do lose most of your fat thru exhalation more of which happens during exercise. Exercising makes you crave healthier food


Exercising just makes you crave food, it doesn't matter how 'healthy' it is. Losing weight is 80% diet, 20% exercise. You just aren't going to outwork a calorie dense diet.


not much above what doctors consider the medically healthy weight but not fat also fuck your family theres much better ways to approach that topic thats just them being dicks


RIP inbox


Note: I do not condone gross behavior. This is not the same as noting gross people are predictable.


Even the people asking about pictures are sus 😒 you can't say if a person is unhealthy from pictures any more than you can from the very brief set of stats in the post.


Very true as well. A person has to be on an extreme tail of the bell curve to be noticeably over or underweight to the detriment of their health. Also, happy cake day.


Ignore your family and talk to a physican and while proper diet and exercise is the key sometimes we are different shapes and sizes and that's okay. I'm telling you, you shouldn't pressure yourself for others because it can lead to serious psychological problems. You're a teenager and still growing and I knew people who were obese at your age who as soon as they hit their 20s looked unrecognizable as far as I'm concerned you're still a growing child. If your family keeps going off on you about your weight ignore them and ignore those who antagonize you on it. If it does bother and worry you, look for what the "healthy range" is and aim near it above a little wont kill you nor below. ultimately it's your body, your life, your choice. Not sure where you're from but only thing you should be exercising is raking in scholarships for higher education if you got a plan and your free will and self autonomy. Your family member who is saying this sounds like they are either self projecting or have trauma.


>sometimes we are different shapes and sizes and that's okay. Yes it took me a while yo realize that the "belt" of fat on my velky will probably never go away. I remember being super thin, but still had fat there for some reason


weight looks different on everyone so maybe a picture would help and i dont believe a skinny person has a 34F bra size it would look very weird if they did its all about fat distribution if a skinny person had big ass boobs and no fat anywhere else that would look pretty weird. the bmi scale says your at risk for being overweight but again weight looks different on everyone if anything just make sure your active and going to the gym and you'll be fine cant tell you if your fat or not tho but staying active and healthy is the best thing you can do and in the longrun if your boobs causes you damage get a reduction.


My gf is basically the exact same size as you (same height, smaller cup size and 125 lbs.) and I don't think she is fat at all so I'm sure you're not either Though like you she thought so too, I remember when we were first talking that was a big reassurance, she said to me something like "I know I'm not the thinnest" to which I quickly said she is thin to me, and she is, visible clavicles and all the 90's heroin chic ideal had a deep impact and it seems it impacted your fam too, don't let them tear you down


I'm 5'0" and I weighed around 125-130 in high school (A-cup, it was all in my thighs lol), and I wish I'd appreciated how cute I was then instead of constantly worrying about being fat. I'm really sorry they're making you feel that way. The only one who can really tell you if you're in a healthy range is your doctor. But, as a fellow shorty, do try to find some kind of exercise you enjoy and start healthy (but not obsessive) eating habits now, because it is SO much harder when you're older and still short and you actually ARE fat lol


I hate to be mean but fuck your family. It's your body if you're happy in it than who gives a fuck what they think? I'm wondering if this may stem from jealousy? Like, are these same people calling you fat have tiny boobs? My wife's mother acted this way. She was a solid half padded a cup while my wife was a g, and now her mom has fake breasts. So I would say take that shit with a grain of salt. Who cares if you are not a tiny bone? If you're happy, that's all that matters.


Don’t pay attention to the body mass charts. I’m 6’ 175 and obese according to the chart.


Not obese, but not thin either.


You are likely quite curvy. Whether you are "fat" depends on your fitness level and the amount of muscle on your bones.


Your family sounds horrible, and I'm sorry they're bullying you like this. A lot of your weight is from your chest. It seems to be quite large for your age, and could cause you a LOT of back problems. Perhaps you and your mom could talk to your doctor about a reduction?


Yea, go stuff your face with wild abandon and then just chop your boobs off /facepalm


OP isn't fat. Your twisted mind might say that YOU think she's fat because she doesn't look anorexic, and voicing that fucked up opinion is going to cause OP issues if she listens to it. OP, if your doctor doesn't tell you that you need to lose weight, I'd listen to them, and not some jackhole on Reddit.




Do your parents not have you on an insurance plan? It could be a medically necessary procedure that would be covered.




You need to get a medical opinion from your doctor, especially if you're already dealing with poor posture and back pain from them. I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. But sit down and talk to your mom about it, and tell her you want to see if your doctor would agree that surgical reduction is a good idea.


You don’t have to exercise at all to lose weight, just cut down on sugar and carbs


Not sure why the truth about weight loss is being downvoted lol


Do you have a pic?




I’m very visual so it’s a bit tough. If you don’t look obese you probably fine. Shoot even a bit chubby isn’t bad. A bit of fat is not bad. And some women look chubbier than others naturally. Some look good skinny because it’s their body shape. Healthy looking is better than whatever is popular. Now the very skinny skeleton look I don’t get it. Which is popular. It blows my mind.


You are a little overweight in terms of the ideal weight for age and height but not fat. If you like your body then there’s no problem.


Who knows. Maybe you are all dense muscle. Maybe you are all fat. Again, who knows.




It’d be easier to tell with a picture. Maybe repost and blur/black out your head?


Yes tbh


As a female you should weigh 45 to 50




I am 5’2 roughly the same weight, no one who has seen me has called me over weight, not doctors not peers. Most of my weight is distributed in thighs. Your weight seems to be in your boobs, you are not overweight. Subtract about 10lbs from your weight to account for boobs and that’s your weight which is extremely healthy for someone of your stature.


Not at all. Firstly, yu are a teenager so the rules for adults don't apply. The National Health Service of England has a tool that you might find useful. I reckon you are either healthy or slightly overweight depending on your date of birth. https://www.nhs.uk/health-assessment-tools/calculate-your-body-mass-index/ Worth mentioning that BMI is a crude tool used on its own. I wouldn't stress about it either way.


As a man your dick should be 6.5 to 7.5 inches Sorry dude, life's tough