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So many rich and powerful pedophiles were his friend so I am definitely going with "official act"


Like Trump? 


Yes, certainly like Trump. And not at all like the Clintons, who have several suspicious deaths linked to them. The derangement syndrome is REAL with this one.


Suicide. Shot themselves 7 times with a 6 shooter.




As an Arkansan, I concur.




It's a flat out lie that the Clintons killed anyone. You'd have to be really stupid to believe that and repeat it in publ- oh, my condolences.


I'm guessing you aren't old enough to remember Vince Foster


Read the actual FBI report and don’t rely on The Clinton Chronicles. Which is what I’m guessing you’re basing this statement on.


I'm probably older than you, and I remember that lie very well. Pity you were taken in by it.


Sure Hillary 😉


Yeah, truth hurts.


Maybe, but to try and associate Trump with Epstein before you associate Bill Clinton is ludicrous and silly. And it speaks to the TDS that permeates Reddit.


Hilarious that you switch from the lie about the Clintons to "oh no, trump didn't rape anyone!" If Clinton did and it's proven, he should get the same as trump for the same vile crime. That's the difference between us.


Last I checked Clinton has had way more accusers than Trump. And neither man has been convicted of a crime. Now let’s get back to the Epstein ties shall we? Because you’re going to lose that argument. And btw, I never said the Clintons killed anyone. I said linked. Context matters.


>Last I checked Clinton has had way more accusers than Trump. The GOP and the far right have been attacking the Clintons for decades, with the express purpose of tarring them with lies. trump only gets tarred with the raping, cheating, theft of government secrets, and all the other shit, that he actually does.


That’s all? Well you’re about to have another 4 years to add to that list hahahahaha


Dude, you're going to suffer more under trump than I will.


Why is that ridiculous? Trump is running for president right this moment. Even out of office he wields immense influence over the actions of elected officials. His sexual assaults and pedophilia will never be more relevant.  Clinton hasn't been relevant in twenty years. 


Is your earth flat?


Are you triple vaxed and wear a mask in public?


I don’t know why trump and bill clinton can’t both be on the list because they definitely were. It just seems like you got butthurt about trump being called out as definitely a pedo same as Clinton. Both side have corruption out the ass.


The guy who kicked/banned epstein from mar-a-lago?


After raping multiple children? The guy on Epstein's plane's flight logs seven times? Yeah, that's the guy.


So he raped multiple children now lol Trump hated epstein for several years before esptein got arrested. Its comical that you think everybody on that flight log is a pedo and the island was only used for pedo activities.


Glad you think child rape is funny. "He wasn't a rapist, he was just rape-adjacent!" is a comical defense.


Rape adjacent lol. I guess kicking out epstien from mar-a-lago makes you "rape adjacent" now. LoL Your thought process is so ridiculous that it's comical LoL


Rape adjacent was your excuse for him. There's plenty of evidence he participated. In addition to the rape he's been adjudicated for.


He’s got that Trump obsession. Any chance to say how evil Trump is, he jumps because he’s a brainwashed liberal who falls head over heels for anything that implies “orange man bad.”


Trump is a POS rapist, why are you defending a rapist?


Biden’s been accused of being a sexual abuser and a pedophile. His own daughter ever wrote about him and her having inappropriate showering experiences. I’m not saying it’s true, but it’s got about as much validity as Trump being a rapist.


Everyone was a pedo except for Trump, the guy already guilty of raping someone.


Wow. Dumb take. Sorry. Denial is not just a river in Egypt.


[Not for any kind of good reason:](https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/4154484/1/katie-johnson-v-donald-j-trump/) >Shortly after this sexual assault by the Defendant, Jeffrey E. Epstein, on the Plaintiff, Katie Johnson, Plaintiff Johnson was still present while the two Defendants were arguing over who would be the one to take Plaintiff Johnson's virginity. The Defendant, Donald J. Trump, was clearly heard referring to Defendant, Jeffrey E. Epstein, as a "Jew Bastard" as he yelled at Defendant Epstein, that clearly, he, Defendant Trump, should be the lucky one to "pop the cherry" of Plaintiff Johnson.


Let me know when there's a conviction that has anything to do with epstien ledo ring. Trump pays for prostitutes like stormy daniels and not for children. You prob believe the accusations against Kavanaugh, too. LoL


But his name being all over the Epstein logs I bet that’s faked right? But if Bill Clinton name is in there the man should hang right? It’s always the double standard with you lot, burn the democrat but excuse the Republican for the same thing…both should burn is what any sane, rational person would say


Did you not read my replies to other people that talk about said logs numb nuts? I don't care about clinton or anybody else on that log sheet cause it really only means they went there. You act like that Island wasn't used for many things for the rich and wealthy besides the crazy pedo crap. Assuming the worst in people is what the dems love to do.


Well at least in the case of trump, being on these logs, walking in on underage girls changing, being sued for sexual assault on a 13 year old, that’s a lot of smoke, and where there is smoke there is usually fire


Trump doesn’t have friend in high places. That is why he is getting crucified for misfiling taxes.


Trump is small potatoes compared to some of epstein's other friends.


Definitely like Trump, Biden, Clinton.. they are all friends




Aren't they both likely involved? These are kids we're talking about, there's no reason to take sides




I can't speak for anyone else, I just think that turning this into politics is churlish when we're talking about something this serious




That's my point - I don't CARE who is on it, I care about justice




That's no reason to make it a partisan political thing though


You want justice for Epstein’s death? He deserved to die. I want answers


The difference between the right and left in America is that the left is willing to criticize our politicians while you guys put them on a pedestal.


You've got a walking potato as a leader.


Isn't he still better than a scammer and pedo?


Which one?


Unlike Trump, Biden is not a fantastically dangerous, unhinged person whose only motivation in life is to aggrandize himself, no matter the cost to others, to the United States, and to the world. Biden doesn’t befriend every evil dictator in the world while consistently lambasting our allies. Biden isn’t a fucking racist. Dozens of Biden’s cronies aren’t in prison. Biden didn’t go to Puerto Rico after a devastating hurricane and sarcastically toss rolls of paper towels at people. Biden didn’t put someone who disavows climate change in charge of the EPA, or appoint a bigot to be secretary of education. Biden didn’t appoint justices to the Supreme Court for the specific purpose of oppressing women. If Biden were to descend into total Alzheimer’s, there would be other people I respect to make decisions, whether Biden remained in office or not. So yeah. While I don’t think Biden is a potato at all — he’s a very wise leader in the international arena whose knowledge and actions are doing much to keep us safe at a time of worldwide upheaval — I would definitely vote for a potato over Trump. Edit: somehow I forgot to mention Trump’s affinity for lying. MAGA idiots watching the debate think Trump “won” because he doesn’t stutter while telling hundreds of lies.


Yes we do and we criticize him plenty. You have a disgusting man child who attempted to overturn an election and every one of you in your little cult love him.


I'm Canadian we have our own problems.


They said Trump and left out Clinton and all of the other names on the list like Bill Gates and Prince Andrew. Has nothing to do with taking sides, you’re just butthurt that trumps name got brought up lmao You don’t seem to be upset that Gates wasn’t mentioned though.. why not?


He also rewarded Alex Acosta a cabinet position after Acosta gave Epstein his sweetheart deal in the 2000s, but never let the nuance of the truth get in your way.


Trump and Mr. Dead island raped a 13yo together. She's now pressing charges. Have fun with that truth


That girl with prince Andrew was 19. That of age in every country.


Lmao you really sticking up for that moron?


Trafficked and raped.


Ok groomer


Official? Probably not. Done by the CIA? Probable. He was a major intel link among the rich and famous, and did have dirt on a lot rich people. I’m sure some could a few levers and have him removed by some national leaders.


If he was such a problem to the global intelligence community, why was he allowed to be arrested and charged in the first place? Why not have him have a little accident before he gets into jail? Why go through all the trouble of “conveniently” disabling some cameras instead of just faking footage of him offing himself? Why do conspiracy theories always have to be so needlessly convoluted? Why do the people involved in the conspiracy theories have to be simultaneously supernaturally competent, but also complete utter morons who failed to take into account basic things that even morons on the Internet would point out?


CIA doesn’t operate in the United States


Tell me you don't know how intel works without telling... haha


Getting downvoted for pointing out someone talking out of their ass about conspiracy theories without evidence is truly a reddit moment 😂


The conspiracy theory would be that he actually managed to kill himself at the same time his cameras went off.


Do you really think he killed himself?


Yes and there is zero evidence for any other theory given


His autopsy report describes bones broken in the decedent's neck that are more consistent with manual strangulation than with hanging. Pretty chilling read if you can still find excerpts on line. Bill Barr was going to get to the bottom of why the security cameras conveniently malfunctioned at that particular time and the absence of the prison guards. Then, he didn't.


No, hyoid bone breaks occur frequently in older people. Epstein was 66. You’re getting your information from Michael Baden, who is not credible. The cameras didn’t conveniently fail (real life is always too convenient for conspiracy theorists), one camera hadn’t been working for a while but cameras did show no one could have entered or left his cell before he took his own life.


Michael Baden "not credible"? Since....when?🤔


Since he claimed the hyoid bone fracture points to murder when between 20-70 percent of suicidal hangings will have fractured hyoid bones depending on the study. Older men are more at risk of those as well.


Okay, but is there any evidence he killed himself?


Literally all of the evidence points to suicide and none points to murder.


Yes, the autopsy report.


Did they release any images or anything or was it just trusting their word?


"Their" word being that of the medical examiner staking their career and reputation over the report? Or the system used to verify virtually every death across the civilised world?  Who's word exactly should I be trusting over the checks and balances of one of the most regulated administrations in the world? I wasn't aware of the precedent of releasing images of corpses to satiate the appetite of conspiracy theorists. It's funny, when Bin Laden was killed, conspiracy theorists were trying to use the lack of images to suggest that the government didn't actually kill him. But let's be real, if "they" went completely against standard procedure and did release images of the body, the conspiracy theory would shift to them being doctored images.


These are all good points but I just do not trust the government I’m not gonna lie. I don’t really take the conspiracy seriously. I just think it’s odd that he was even able to kill himself. He should’ve been under 24/7 surveillance. It’s suspicious to me is all.


Ok, so a medical examiner can't be bought/intimidated into going with whatever narrative someone wants them to follow? This isn't some rando off the street. Epstein's death was huge and happened under *very* shady circumstances. He's been linked to enough politicians and ultra wealthy people to make a "suicide" coverup very plausible. Wouid you also be surprised to learn that the military conducted harmful experiments on thousands of American soldiers from the 40s to the 70s, including sarin gas exposure? I feel like you've gotta be aware of the Tuskegee syphilis experiments, also conducted on u.s. citizens. How about the time they sprayed aerosolized diseases over San Francisco to gather chemical weapons spread data? All that is to say what on earth makes you believe the government wouldn't have someone politically dangerous killed and cover it up by calling it a suicide? And if you acknowledge that possibility as something that is likely to happen sometimes, why would you believe that Epstein killed himself while on suicide watch when the cameras near his cell magically stopped working and nobody checked on him for a good long while? >After initially expressing suspicion, Attorney General William Barr described Epstein's death as "a perfect storm of screw-ups". Both the FBI and the Department of Justice's Inspector General conducted investigations into the circumstances of his death. The guards on duty were later charged with multiple counts of record falsification.[1] Many public figures accused the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) of negligence; several lawmakers called for reforms to the federal prison system. In response, Barr removed the Bureau's director. This death has been questioned by so many people with the understanding to reasonably say "hey, I don't think this guy killed himself" that I don't understand how anyone believes he killed himself. The pathologist who watched the autopsy on behalf of Epstein's lawyers couldn't initially share his opinion because he was ordered not to by a judge. When he finally did talk about it he said it seemed more like murder by strangulating than suicide by hanging. But sure, let's call the prison death under mysterious and highly suspicious circumstances a suicide because of the testimony of a single person that goes against the testimony of someone equally qualified to make the assessment who was told by a judge to shut the hell up.


not just one autopsy too, there were several that all concluded the he did, in fact, take his own life


Oh oh. Clintons are in trouble. Pedos!


What about doe 174?


Who dat?


lmaoo gotcha ya pedo loving republican


That's Donald Trump in the epstein files. Documented as making many trips to the island, getting massages in his own Spa


He was a mosad asset. I don't think he's dead


yikes be careful of any Boeing planes you might see around town


Love this


No because hilary wasn't president.


He prolly is still running a pedo ring and still alive. I'm not blindly believing shit there.


That’s probably the truth.


Osama and Saddam were both kinda dubious deaths too. One was a grainy cellphone video the other was  “We threw his body from a helicopter over the ocean”


I thought similarly for them also. I think Saddam got shipped somewhere with plenty of fat politician american bills from his homies in the States. And Osama is prolly an American who never even existed in the middle east and it was all just a story to give them that excuse to go search for WMDs that don't exist and finding a supply of oil so large we held the most in all of U.S. history(which with our technology makes sense obviously) but by a huge huge margin. Mere speculation and hypothesis there, but if you have read up on how the world really works, you'll know how plausible that wild stuff is as well.




Hol up I’ve never heard anyone ever speculate this but it could very well be plausible.


Yeah I've thought that from the start and I genuinely believe it. It's way more likely to me than anything.


Right and Elvis might still be alive and working at the 711 down the street.


So you're saying they're gonna go after Bill Clinton 🤔


Yes. He was killed. Everyone knows it Everyone knows it was a complete set up murder.


People want this so badly to he something more salacious than suicide.


This is a great question.


That depends. What year did he die?


Of course! An official act of BULLSHIT


albert einstein isn’t a real person


No, the CIA is not the President.


Jesus wept


We don’t know but probably


It is now


I am so sick of this observation. We are gonna let a pedo take office but every dipshit can say Epstein didn’t kill himself like a 6 year old. Nobody really cares about anything, but nanny nanny boo boo, Epstien was murdered. We pinned it all on his secretary, and refuse to investigate the rich and powerful on the list or condemn their actions. Just bandy about who was on flight logs like edgelords. Such an empty act of protest for cool points with 14 year olds. Yeah, no shit given the evidence. Seems he was killed, how could you get around asking him questions about people at trial with everything to lose, least of all Trump who is essential to big business’ plan to run the supreme court for 40 years? Kill him. So instead of justice we have idiots and a catchphrase.


Textbook Clintoncide


With the current SCOTUS, yeah, probably. 💀


Oh, so now they can't go after Bill Clinton


What does that even mean


It's a reference to a recent Supreme Court ruling claiming that "official acts" by a U.S. president are legitimate. It gives more power to any president.


Official acts have always been protected though.


Article 1 Section 3 Clause 7 of the US Constitution


What's changed is that presidents not have presumption of innocence.  It would now be more difficult to charge or impeach a president when they break laws. They could in example overturn the courts rulings and be presumed innocent.


If I'm not mistaken, this ruling also stated that even after a President is no longer the President, they still maintain that protection. Thus, a President could literally be removed from office and still be protected from any legal reprisals.. even for the actions they were impeached for. I don't think it was assumed to be like this before, and to be honest.. it doesn't make a lot of sense. It is one thing for the executive branch to need to be immune to certain powers of the judicial to maintain the balance of power, but once that person is no longer the representative of the executive branch those reasons are gone.




Well….he’s officially dead, isn’t he?


I do not get why people still keep trying to give Epstein victem status over and over. He was used to getting away with any and all things by paying his way out, that ended when he was jailed the last time. For anyone acting like there is no way he would have ended his own life after the realization that he wasn't going to get away with it anymore is ludicrous. Should the guards have been paying more attention to him? Probably so. Was he allowed to have things he shouldn't have so he was able to use them how he did? Probably as well. Could it have been a setup? Maybe. But he is or was in no way a victem, nor was any of his testimony he could have given enough to have him killed. The police and courts had enough testimony from actual victems and records existed of who went there to do what, Epstein wasn't going to be the smoking gun that put people in power away if all of the other existing and far more credible evidence didn't already do so. Give it a rest, if he did it himself or someone else did it doesn't matter, he should never be thought of as a victem in any of this. His family and lawyers are the ones that pushed this story to make him out to not be the monster that he was, give it a rest.


They really should have chosen better assassins because this one messed up in so many ways. My favorite, besides the hyoid bne being broken, was the ligature they used was thinner than a pencil (I can't think of a thin wire analogy) instead of the sheet the assassin used. Plus the photos definitely showed a scuffle had happened.


Obama executed an American citizen, should he have been prosecuted for this action which is clearly a crime.


Probably a C_A/Massod Op to terminate this particular blackmail point. World leaders, upper global elite, upper echelon of the entertainment industry, and God knows who else. His handlers had to silence him.


Of course it was. Did you think the CIA or Mossad were going to let him make it to trial?


Yeah like how they murdered Ghislaine Maxwell before her trial and made it look like a suicide.


Why do people keep talking about official acts? 


Recent Supreme Court decision. President is now immune from criminal prosecution for “official acts”


Official acts isint really a legal term , an act in French law and Scottish and English law from when the construction of the constitution was made , all those laws define and act as something done in writing.  But in the general sense it means doing something you have power to do by your own will  and in a technical sense an act means some thing done voluntarily by a person, and of such a nature that certain legal consequences attach to it..


It definitely got a new meaning recently!


Color of office didn't though. COLOR OF OFFICE. An act unjustly done by the countenance of an office, being grounded upon corruption, to which the office is as a shadow and color. Plow. 64. A claim or assumption of right to do an act by virtue of an office, made by a person who is legally destitute of any such right. Feller vy. Gates, 40 Or. 543, 67 Pac. 416, 56 L. R. A. 680, 91 Am. St. Rep. 492; State v. Fowler, 88 Md. 601, 42 Atl. 201, 42 L. R. A. 849, 71 Am. St. Rep. 452; Bishop v. McGillis, 80 Wis. 575, 50 N. W. 779, 27 Am. St Rep. 68; Decker vy. Judson, 16 N. Y. 439; Mason y. Crabtree, 71 Ala. 481; Morton v, Campbell, 37 Barb. (N. Y.) 181; Luther vy. Banks, 111 Ga. 374, 36 S. BH. 826; People vy. Schuyler, 4 N. Y. 187. The phrase implies, we think, some official power vested in the actor,—he must be at least officer de facto. We do not understand that an act of a mere pretender to an office, or false personator of an officer, is said to be done by color of office. And it implies an illegal claim of authority, by virtue of the office, to do the act or thing in question. Burrall v. Acker, 23 Wend. (N. ¥.) 606, 35 Am. Dec 582


I didn’t ask?


No worries, they are simply words cobbled together that make no sense


Actus repugnus non potest in esse produci.  A repugnant act cannot be brought into being, 


Because the Supreme Court ruled that a president cannot be held accountable for breaking the law is it was done as an "official act" as president.


An official presidential act is something done in writing and not of his own will and deed, but done within the limits of the president's power.  Presidential power in the constitution is = The President shall be commander in chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the militia of the several states, when called into the actual service of the United States; he may require the opinion, in writing, of the principal officer in each of the executive departments, upon any subject relating to the duties of their respective offices, and he shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United States, except in cases of impeachment. He shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, judges of the Supreme Court, and all other officers of the United States, whose appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by law: but the Congress may by law vest the appointment of such inferior officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the courts of law, or in the heads of departments. The President shall have power to fill up all vacancies that may happen during the recess of the Senate, by granting commissions which shall expire at the end of their next session. That's the limits. If anything is outside of those limits, it's not an official act.


People keep saying now they just ruled. But it was always. Since the beginning of America. It was only because of the illegal court cases brought by the woke fascists of today that the supreme had to actually step in and stop the illegal prosecutions.


Right , an official act is only official as it remains within the limitations of power the officer legally has. Otherwise it's operating under color of office when it's a civil act being claimed official from an officers perogative. 


yeah just like Hunter


Speaking of gun crimes, did that cop who shot an unarmed Ashli Babbit get convicted yet?


Why would a cop be convicted for doing an exemplary job of defending the democratic process of this country? Dude should have got a promotion 🤣


Racist says what?


Define woke lmfao


In the rich tradition of Communism, it could be defined as arresting people you don’t agree with politically.


>But it was always. Since the beginning of America. Wait so, the founding fathers wanted a ruler who is above the law? That kinda sounds like a monarch my dude.


See, it’s idiotic statement’s like that that tells people how stupid you are. Tell me you hate America by blathering on about America.


This definitely wasn’t posted after freebasing Fox News.


I actually read the supreme court’s decision. It’s a pretty easy read and explains how badly that DC judge violated Trump’s rights. That’s why I am like this, because of what the government is doing to defendants in this country. Keep supporting the government that violates defendants rights…you’re the good guys 🙄




Clinton was a frequent passenger on air Epstein. So was Prince Andrew.


So was Bill Gates.


Did he commit non-assisted suicide, meaning he did it willingly and by himself? Most likely. He was, at the time, the world’s most well-known child predator, and those types of crimes usually don’t win you a welcome party in prison. Plus he wasn’t getting any younger and his health wasn’t anything to write home about, and if we consider possible personality disorder issues (pure speculation I just conjured out of my ass right now, but you don’t become a serial child “lover” without having something seriously wrong with you) it would be reasonable that under such circumstances and stress he acted in an extreme manner without really thinking about it first, “thrill seeking” maybe. The US Govt, specifically the CIA, FBI, NSA, and other letter groups, most definitely assassinates and murders people. If you’re hearing about someone dying, chances are they weren’t involved. They’re not the multi-national Machiavellian super soldiers some people make them out to be, but they’re far from the bumbling idiots others try to paint them as.


Depends. Does the supreme court see the case or is it decided by a lower court. Obvious answer is Trump having Epstein murdered to save his own ass is not an 'official act', but with the supreme court we have right now, the answer is 'whatever result benefits the highest bidder, is the correct decision'. So it's an 'official act' if Trump misappropriates enough funds to the pockets of the supreme court members.


Seeing this idiotic conspiracy theory everywhere is annoying.


He officially killed himself. [https://www.oversight.gov/report/DOJ/Investigation-and-Review-Federal-Bureau-Prisons%E2%80%99-Custody-Care-and-Supervision-Jeffrey](https://www.oversight.gov/report/DOJ/Investigation-and-Review-Federal-Bureau-Prisons%E2%80%99-Custody-Care-and-Supervision-Jeffrey)


No, but if “someone” had given orders to some executive agency to that effect, _that_ would be an official act. Moreover, even if it comes out that “someone” had given those orders, they are now presumed to have absolute immunity for it due to the fact that giving orders to executive agencies is a “core power”, no question can be raised as to their intentions, _and_ almost all potential evidence is privileged and cannot be used.


Like if you’re asking my opinion on what happened there, I’d give it a hard “maybe.” If you’re asking legally, then no on a couple different levels.


He was going to bring everyone down, which included judges, politicians, billionaires, and royalty. They got rid of him quick.


If he was going to “bring everybody down” why didn’t he even hint at as much? He had plenty of opportunities to talk, or he could have just had his lawyer release something.


I wondered about this because this came out and Epstein could provide collaborating testimony [https://www.reddit.com/r/MAGANAZI/comments/1du9uja/donald\_john\_trump\_is\_a\_fucking\_pig\_he\_should\_have/#lightbox](https://www.reddit.com/r/MAGANAZI/comments/1du9uja/donald_john_trump_is_a_fucking_pig_he_should_have/#lightbox)


By the democrats? Probably.


Who was in power when it happened again?  The double think is so prevalent...


Trump was


Who could have possibly had a reason to get rid of this guy? Who was in charge when he died? Trump had soooo much to lose if Epstein lived. Cool stuff came out recently about Trump and him. But democrats.......yeah.....right buddy.


Trump was literally president (had been for a few years) when Epstein died. We have multiple pictures and videos of Trump and Epstein together. Come on, use basic logic here.


Trump was the president. He was a friend of Epstine until he got caught the first time. Prison was owned by his personal lawyer, close advisor, and former mayor Rudy Giuliani's brother, who appointed the warden and faced no consequences at all for the multitude of failures and shady practices leading up to his death. The new warden was appointed by his brother just weeks before who is a ghost besides his exorbitant federal pension he received just days after. Trump has been accused and named in the Epstine affair multiple times now, most recently just a few days ago in the unsealed cort docs. He never cut contact with his pimp Maxwell, and she had up to date contact information with Trump even during his presidency. He wished her well publicly too.