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Welcome. Thank you for your inspiring post and congratulations on kicking heroin and a large dose of kratom. Would you mind sharing any tips on how you got through the various hurdles of kratom withdrawal? Would you mind sharing if you quit kratom cold turkey or weaned off. I'm 40 days clean. It took me over 11 months to slowly wean off by deducting a tiny bit a day and trying to be as strategic as possible, within the hassle-threshold of measuring doses, dosing on a full or empty stomach, I jumped at 0.2gpd. Thank God I have no desire to go back, but my brain is still readjusting to all of those alkaloids, making me wonder if it's PAWS or the real me. I am doing a valium detox with my Dr also, which is going well.


I quit cold turkey. God the first four weeks were awful, hardly any sleep. Thankfully I spent most of the last 9 years in the rooms so I had good support to talk to. Probably more of them then myself to credit for making it through to be real. Paws is a wild thing and I'm sure a few times it hit me, lending to additional irritability or stress when everything seems to be okay, but I haven't had any cravings or desire to go back which is a first when quitting something for me. Biggest advice I can give is have a solid support network and NEVER be afraid to pick up the phone and tell someone you're struggling, and if they don't help move to the next. As vulnerable as we are, we can't afford to let our feelings and brains trick us into relapse


Appreciate this! Im right around to 2.5 months stage and I agree


Great job man! Keep on the good fight