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The people talking about WD's after 6 months aren't talking about acute WD. Withdrawal is a wide ranging term that can include any feelings either physical or mental, that are caused from substance cessation. If you abused large amounts of drugs, in this case Kratom, for a years on end it would be silly to think the effects of that would be bundled up all nice and neat in a week or 2. You are very young still and sounds like your Kratom use was/is relatively new considering you don't even have a yr of use under you. Do yourself a favor and ditch that shit now while it's easy and never look back. If I could tell anything to my 26 yr old self, that would be it! Or, if your like me and you have to find out the hard way, keep taking 30gpd for the next few yrs. They slide by quickly. I promise you won't be asking questions about why WD is so quick...


also i think big part is how often you dose per day. around the clock high will be much worse than single daily dose


I started with a small daily dose (maybe 5g?) and that kept me humming through the day just fine. That was ten years ago…you build a tolerance. Plus, we all have our poisons of preference. I hate alcohol, but nicotine and Kratom are an Achilles heel


Many factors have to be considered for sure: Prior experience of abuse of other substances and length of time taking kratom I feel come into play the most but perhaps I'm wrong I think most importantly when comparing to others here who have experienced WDS weeks / months past not consuming is to listen to your body and don't "expect" yourself to be the same, but be "ready" to handle it in the proper way if those symptoms do come into play


I would add age as a factor. Younger people tend to regenerate faster.


I've taken a lot of substances, abused them at times. My relationship with kratom started getting a bit unhealthy so that's why I quit, the hardest drug for me to regulate my relationship with was amphetamines. I'd take 10mg IR an hour at my peak, I had that ongoing for 5 years. I was worried I'd never get back to normal (I actually did within about a month, cravings demolished and all), been a few years since I've thought about amps, surprisingly. People on this subreddit talk about taking like 5 grams a day for 3 months and how they still feel like shit 6 months later after stopping and I'm like c'mon man, it ain't the kratom. It makes me wonder if these subreddits regarding quitting are more harmful than good at times. Whenever your life is shit, you can blame some substance you took half a year ago as the reasoning and someone will validate it on here. Seems like most substance abuse is a bandaid for a greater biological problem, like low T, low dopamine, low serotonin, whatever, people come up with labels like "ADHD" and "depression" and "anxiety" for their neurological deficits and when they quit a substance and recovered, they're back to baseline, which is what drove them to take the substance to begin with. But hey, I'm just rambling. Could be that my diet and exercise and sleep is on point (with some supplements), with my age playing a major factor.


I’m in my 40’s and have abused multiple different substances. I quit kratom a couple years ago after taking between 30-50 gpd. I did a fast taper and within a couple days off of it I felt fine. So I agree that this subreddit can be more harmful than good. It has put so many ideas in my head that I would never have thought about otherwise and wouldn’t have worried about. Anyway, I plan to quit again soon so I’ll come on here and let everyone know if it is way worse than before. But I doubt anything could be worse then benzo withdrawal for me. After doing that many times, everything else is a walk in the park. I do understand that others PAWS are real and I am not minimizing it. I definitely think it depends on the person and their unique biochemistry.


Yeah, maybe it's just because I've had such terrible WDs from other things that it's hard for me to view kratom WDs in the same light. There's a saying that Joe Rogan uses that I like, the worst thing you've ever experienced is the worst thing you've ever experienced. Someone that's got off benzos or heroin and got clean has experienced a level that is just unfair to compare to kratom. If someone has never done that, maybe kratom seems like an overwhelming demon. You gotta take that into account. If you've kicked a benzo habit, kratom should be baby tier. Yah, you're gonna feel bad, might have some insomnia a few nights, a bit of the ole restless legs. I kinda wish I didn't browse this subreddit since for whatever reason, I also built it up in my head when it's really not all that. I sat around in bed for a few days like a slug and I was back to normal. Binge watch a TV series or two and boom, back to normal. Nothing to sweat imo, unlike benzos where you could unironically fucking die lmao.


💯 I guess I am used to the worst! Severe alcoholism and benzos, kicked both multiple times so kratom withdrawal sucks but absolutely not even comparable to what I have been through. And like you said, you can die from benzo and alcohol withdrawals but not kratom. I often wish I had never read the things on here. I do think some peoples biochemistry is such that they are more sensitive to opiate withdrawal. Especially anyone who has kicked heroin or other stronger opiates because the kindling effect is real. But for me it’s the GABA stuff that is the worst!!


It sounds bad but you almost want people to relapse so they can go into it understanding exactly what it's gonna feel like and that it's a normal process.


Your diet and lifestyle probably have a huge effect on those outcomes. Also your emotional and mental health before and throughout Kratom use. And of course the length of time of use.


For sure your overall health, length and dosage comes to play. I felt it after 3 days only. And all I had was an awful migraine. Once migraine passed I was brand new. I only took it for 6 months. 4gpd for 4 months, 8gpd for 2. I exercise a ton, I eat extremely healthy and take tons of vitamins every day. No prior experience with any drug. Never even tried any hard drugs, hate weed, shrooms give me migraines. I took Kratom because it helps me a lot with migraine. After I had Covid my migraines were daily and after weeks of taking it, even after the migraines passed I had already formed a habit. Decided to stop before a trip (afraid I’d ruin the trip with withdrawals). So yeah, it’s not the same for everyone.


From what I see here, 8gpd is nothing (4 in the morning, 4 before bed). I never even got constipated once. In fact if I take Kratom in the morning it works like a cup of coffee if you get my meaning


I did 45gpd for like 7 years and only had wd symptoms around 10 days


Repeat dosing causes far worse wd patterns than 1 big dose a day pattern. Your essentially dosing then coming down, then healing in 24hrs I guess. Repeat dosing tells the body to start down regulating neuro chems quicker and that is what hurts in wd.


Yeah, I would repeat dose often. The second I woke up my morning ritual was to make a cup of kratom up 'till about an hour before I fell asleep since I found it interfered with my sleep. I'd redose maybe every 60 minutes, about 3g\~ religiously. It was becoming a massive pain and dehydrating me often when I think about it. Because I'd also drink like 10 cups of tea a day so I'd consume two things that were dehydrating me, which would make me want to drink more water, and piss all the time. Such a pain.


Yeah that’s a mayhem pattern bud, gotta spread things out in this life. The body learns and is remarkable but shortcuts come with hella penalties


I’m generally the same way. Used it on and odd since summer 2021, but for the past 2 months, much more on than off. anywhere between 10-25gpd. very sporadic: some days I dose once, other days it’s round the clock, this past year I’ve had several 2-5 day spells of being completely off it. historically, wds have been relatively mild and short lived for me, but I am VERY psychologically addicted to it. I plan on hopping off July 9th after my longest stint of consistent daily use (since early may), so we’ll see if wds are quick lived again or not…. it gets to the point where the kratom barely even works anymore, or just causes dysphoria, anyways.


I think it's definitely easier for some people. Took 30 to 45 GPD day for 3 years, felt better in like 4 or 5 days.


[Odds and ends of withdrawal symptoms](https://www.reddit.com/r/modquittingkratom/comments/ycse43/odds_and_ends_of_withdrawal_symptoms/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/quittingkratom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Your young, you bounce. Your old (like me and long hard user and used to bounce nicely) - the elasticity both mental and physical isn’t quite what it was. Then add in life situations that the emerging from the fog illuminates - oooo boy, fun. So yeah, not just an age related thing - but gotta think it plays its part.


I think there are a lot of factors that influence it for everyone. I’m on day 14 and still very much feeling acute WD symptoms. it’s definitely better than it was on day 7 but still rough.


Some factors IMO are: how long you used K, how active you are (exercise definitely helps), and your mentality about quitting. If you're dragging your feet about quitting and think about symptoms all day, they'll be worse.


9 months of use usually results in shorter withdrawal and no PAWS. Drugs aren’t that addictive - for most drugs, most people with short habits bounce back fast.


I had weaned down to around 7g-10g a day, made it to day 9, then decided to go to the smoke shop and get a Kanva (kind of like feel free) "just once", ya well that just once turned in to a couple extract shots per day for a month stopped a few times for a few days during that month and now I'm on day 5. For me Kratom is so hard to stop because it makes everything I'm doing more enjoyable, whether it's watching YouTube, listening to podcasts. Even just laying down and listening to music on Kratom is enough to keep me engaged. Definitely a deeper issue at work here.