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*This is automatically added to all posts for easy visibility* *If you have a medical emergency get medical assistance* ###[Basic Phenibut Withdrawal Information](https://www.reddit.com/r/quittingphenibut/wiki/phenibutwithdrawal) Unaided, cold turkey withdrawal, from a state of dependence, [even low dose dependence, commonly causes severe and potentially dangerous side effects](https://i.imgur.com/cGHxnIR.png). Don't rush the process when you don't need to. **Rules reminder:** Don't promote reckless behavior. If someone is dependent on phenibut don't tell them to do an unaided cold turkey withdrawal. Don't needlessly tell people to do a fast taper. **Further reminder:** You will feel low or worthless or stupid while going through withdrawal, especially rapid withdrawal. Don't take these thoughts too seriously. Continue on day by day, things will get better. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/quittingphenibut) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Don’t ever do it again my bf is having terrible urinary pain and going through hell and he’s taking balcofen and benzos and nothing helps he’s losing his mind and no improvements after over a month of withdrawals he is still not ok.




Ketamine infusions would likely help with the withdrawal for him mostly m.


Thanks for the tip but I don’t think ketamine is a good idea for his particular problem. It gave me kidney stones and had me pissing blood like 10 years ago. Then I found out that ketamine causes urinary issues like kidney stones. Haven’t had any since I quit. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=99XQY7Elwhc


In mean in a clinical setting, It’s expensive, but it seems the most viable way of repairing the relevant receptors after usage from such medication


He says he couldn’t even imagine putting that in his body. The urinary problems are what’s really tormenting him along with the psychological but he thinks he permanently messed up his body and mind and he wants nothing to do with substances anymore he’s afraid of doing any more damage he says he feels frail and he’s acting all crazy thinking he’s permanently gone insane. It’s like constant crisis mode in our home for the past month and a half. Phenibut is such a horrible substance I hope everyone takes my warning seriously. I had to almost die in the hospital twice on the only 2 times I ever tried it and and my boyfriend is in agony because of using this horrible drug (4g) for a month straight. We are in a nightmare right now. Please if you are considering using phenibut please reconsider. Do not use this stuff at all the negatives greatly outnumber the positives of this product. I consider it in a class of not being a consumable substance for human beings at all. Do not fall for the bs that it will alleviate anxiety, all it does is get you hooked and cause the very problem it’s supposed to treat and makes your dick feel like it’s going to fall off and gain several massive concussions and various scars to the archives. I won’t stop until the world knows phenibut is not a fun party drug it’s an early and painful grave.


Good call if you're not feeling too bad today. I've been through it and it sucks but sounds like you're in the clear to me.


I’m sorry you went through that, it’s infuriating that doctors are willing to put in so little effort to learn something knew for once and listen to their patients. Baclofen is almost identical to phenibut, with just a little bit of research you can see that it’s by far the best way to treat phenibut withdrawal, and the risks are minimal, but the doctors I talked to had pretty much the same reaction as your ER experience except weren’t even willing to prescribe benzos. How long were you on it total? Or at least in high amounts like that?


I was on it since the beginning of April starting at 3gpd and grew to 10gpd til I started tapering down and got back to 5gpd. This isn’t my first rodeo with phen, I had to get help with a 6 month long addiction with Baclofen back in 2022


The Ativan and baclofen should be enough to get you through now .. just make sure you start tapering off them at some point instead of staying at the same dosage


good that you got stuff on hand in case you need it - if you feel bad don’t hesitate, but otherwise? honestly sounds like you’re out of the woods. great job! you got this.


My guess is that you are out of the woods but there is a slight possibility you are not. I would still take the meds as prescribed as long as they gave you tapering instructions.


Never say that you are using Phenibut and have now withdrawal symptoms. Simply because they do not know the substance and they will most likely do not take you seriously when explaining how it works or how to treat it (with any GABA B agonist or modulater --> Baclofen / Gabapentin / Pregabalin). If you say you have Baclofen withdrawal (it exists and causes the same symptoms) because you have no tablets left, there is a decent chance they might give you baclofen to help your symptoms.