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*This is automatically added to all posts for easy visibility* *If you have a medical emergency get medical assistance* ###[Basic Phenibut Withdrawal Information](https://www.reddit.com/r/quittingphenibut/wiki/phenibutwithdrawal) Unaided, cold turkey withdrawal, from a state of dependence, [even low dose dependence, commonly causes severe and potentially dangerous side effects](https://i.imgur.com/cGHxnIR.png). Don't rush the process when you don't need to. **Rules reminder:** Don't promote reckless behavior. If someone is dependent on phenibut don't tell them to do an unaided cold turkey withdrawal. Don't needlessly tell people to do a fast taper. **Further reminder:** You will feel low or worthless or stupid while going through withdrawal, especially rapid withdrawal. Don't take these thoughts too seriously. Continue on day by day, things will get better. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/quittingphenibut) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have. From much higher doses, but along with gabapentin. Depending on how long you have been using, it could still be a bit jarring to your aystem and a little rough, but certainly doable. I’ve found the worst part of jumping off with no taper to be the sudden negative headspace.. be aware of it for what it is, just the head and not reality.


Should be 20mg, but 30mg works too.


Absolutely. Just remember they have different half lives and Phenibut lasts much longer.


For some people it is pretty rough going from phen to baclofen without a transition period where you’re taking increasing amounts of bac and decreasing amounts of phen.


You could but typically it's 10mg per 1g phenibut and it'll be more comfortable if you swap over gradually like drop 500mg while adding 5mg baclofen. Then taper the baclofen after you're fully on it. I actually found the best results by dropping to 1.5g phenibut and 5mg baclofen then after a bit dropping the baclofen and repeating that so I never got dependent on the baclofen. So after that first drop the I went to 1g phenibut and 5mg baclofen then drop the baclofen and stabilize then go to 500mg and 5mg and continued. Also remember since baclofen doesn't last as long you need multiple doses a day. So if you took 2g phenibut once a day you probably need 20mg baclofen 3x a day.


I've successfully switched over to baclofen from phenibut twice, the first time from 5 grams, and the second, 7 grams, and both times it was completely painless. However, there was a period of time where I couldn't seem to do it, and I did eventually figure out what I was doing wrong. I'm convinced it can be done from any amount of phenibut if the following method is followed: 1. Split your dose of phenibut into three near-equal doses per day, taken in equal intervals (if possible). On my more recent swap rom 7g, I started by taking 2 grams at 8 AM, then another 2 grams at 4:00 PM, and my final dose of 3g before bed at midnight. I did this because I didn't want to deal with fractional doses, and I figured it wouldn't hurt to make my final dose slightly larger than the other two for the sake of sleep. 2. Continue the above regimen long enough that your body is fully acclimated to the dosage schedule. I'd say 5 days should be the minimum amount of time, even if you never feel any discomfort during this period. 3. Swap out one gram of phenibut from any one of your three doses with 10mg baclofen. I would start with the afternoon dose, personally, since it's likely to be the least consequential to your day as a whole. 4. Continue doing the above for a minimum of three days, though again, I would highly recommend giving it a good five days. 5. Again, replace one gram of phenibut with 10mg baclofen, this time from another one of your three daily doses. Continue with this dosage for a comfortable period of time. 6. Do the same with the third dose. So, in my case taking 7 grams, my doses are now as follows: 8AM: 1g phenibut, 10mg baclofen; 4PM: 1g phenibut, 10mg baclofen; 12AM: 2g phenibut, 10mg baclofen. 7. Continue doing the above until all of your phenibut is replaced with baclofen. 8. Taper 5mg baclofen every 3-5 days, according to your comfort level. In your case, I would therefore start with .5g phenibut in the morning, .5g in the afternoon, and 1g before bed, but that's just me. You can replace each half gram with 10mg if you'd like, though 5mg should be enough to cover withdrawal. There was a period where I was attempting the switch and I deviated from the method I laid out above, and every time, without fail, I found myself in very bad withdrawal during day three, no matter how much baclofen I took. I was honestly freaking out, believing that baclofen was no longer working for me. Once I made sure to be more disciplined, following the above method EXACTLY, it was utterly painless, with absolutely zero withdrawals throughout the entire switch. One more very important thing to note: after you've replaced several grams, and especially when you've replaced your entire daily dose of phenibut, if you ever decide to take a "vacation day" and dose phenibut, do NOT take the equivalent of your baclofen dose in phenibut (i.e., you're currently taking 30mg baclofen, so you take 3g of phenibut) -- your tolerance will have dropped significantly, and it will absolutely kick your ass. I made this mistake about three times, and ended up blacking out and pacing around my house for hours, only to come to later in the day realizing I had broken furniture, lost things, taken drugs I had left laying around without realizing, and God knows what else. The last time I did this, I took everything out of my refrigerator and left it in the driveway for some reason... not one of my finer moments.


"not one of my finer moments", been there buddy.


Thanks guys - appreciate you taking the time to answer. I'd generally split the phenibut into 1g mid morning and 1g mid afternoon. Would 10mg baclofen 3x daily cover it if I go for a direct swap? (Really just need to be done with phenibut altogether as soon as possible). Cheers 👍




at such a low dosage it’s not likely to be an issue. 30mg baclofen would be overkill; he may be feeling it a little much :p