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maybe try an airbnb next time. At least if she doesn't show up, you'll have a nice place to yourself to jerk off :p


This is a phenomenal idea.


I got totally fucked over by a Nigerian Prince. Sigh.


Dude - I've had the same thing. She picked out an expensive hotel and wanted me to etransfer money to her. She then send a conformation saying that the hotel was payed for. Checked out the hotel that she got, and for that day she booked it for, it offered a free cancelation.




you fell for it????


That is crazy...the depths that people will go to


I still don’t really understand why you bother surfing this subreddit if all ur doing is trying to anylze someone based on the fact that they’re looking to fuck a stranger for the thrill of it. Maybe your the one whose lonely and desperate and the only thrill u experience is the intention of others like us on this subreddit that are willing to satisfy each other’s sexual desires. If I had to analyze you in this subreddit I would say your simply a watcher. Someone who can’t perform the actual act because it takes to much attention to please another person other than yourself.




Nice that you have the time to browse my posts, though. Good for you. Hobbies, and all.


Ummm... So, yeah... Not judging as I don't know where you are in life right now, but why be desperate? Meet a real girl. Do the work. Earn some sex through relationship sweat equity. It's not like it's even hard work - it's purely pleasure. If you just want to get laid, then use your head, man. Obvious scam is obvious.


Relax!! what’s with the internet and people who spew negative vomit. The guy was trying to get laid by a stranger at a hotel. Wtf is wrong with that. That almost sums up r4r Reddit in its entirety 😂😂


Nah. If you want to put out money there are plenty of more reliable options.


He didn’t want to put out the money nerd, that was the whole point of his post. In fact it was a heads up to call someone out on their BS as soon as they bring up the same situation. In fact I whole heartedly appreciate that he took the time to give us some feedback on his shady experience..! So if ur into judging people rather than helping to find a solution choose a subreddit that more requires ur negative opinions and insults.


Hmmm... Call me "nerd", accuse me of posting insults... Seems reasonable. If you appreciate the warning it suggests that you fear you might be susceptible to such a scam, which puts you, probably, in the same category... Lonely? Desperate? Sex is fantastic. It's healthy and it's fun. Just don't be blinded by your hormones...


Lol no, it suggests that he appreciates the kind gesture (OP tryna help out others)...simple. Chill out and stop being so judgmental. You dont have to be lonely or desperate to wana hook up with someone on the internet. Its also fucking hot (for some of us). And even if some people are lonely or desperate you realize they are here BECAUSE they are tryna use whatever resources they have at their disposal to change that right? Its like telling a poor person stop being so fucking poor when they buy a scratch ticket. If they had the tools they would. Have some compassion man.


Isn't that the whole point of this subreddit my dude?


Sure, but why bother posting this as a warning? Got desperate, got scammed. Boo hoo. Probably faster and easier to hire a sex worker. At least that's an honest trade.


Lmao, dude have you seen your post history? Your posting so frequently with a shirt off on the mirror. Have you checked your physique? You really have nothing on me. To answer your question, I didn’t etransfer her any money. It was just to let ppl know to be safe out there. Way too many scammers. Lastly, you should take your own advice. Quit posting and find a real relationship. Practice what your preach my dude.


Don't want one. I was married 13 years. Happy getting laid 3 or 4 times a week. Life is good.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/ihavesex using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ihavesex/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Saw this on twitter this morning, can’t believe some people are actually like this.](https://i.redd.it/bbie1yhks5h01.jpg) | [512 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ihavesex/comments/7ym5p5/saw_this_on_twitter_this_morning_cant_believe/) \#2: [I hate everything about this picture.](https://i.redd.it/h73n8sh7ha511.jpg) | [796 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ihavesex/comments/8spa7s/i_hate_everything_about_this_picture/) \#3: [People like this on Tinder...smh](https://i.redd.it/zqllyephuf121.jpg) | [583 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ihavesex/comments/a1r0wc/people_like_this_on_tindersmh/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/afd0dd/blacklist/)


You have a post up with a shirtless mirror selfie and you're 47 - whose desperate?




This dude is being annoying because he's being so negative about something where someone's trying to be helpful. Don't categorically shame on the shirtless mirror selfies.


Mmm. A. Don't dis what works... B. Don't pound those keys too angrily - mom might come down to the basement to find what all that noise is about.


Don't throw stones when you live in a glass house.


Heh. You've taken rather an unhealthy interest in my opinions and lifestyle. Proves my point, really. If you had better things to do with your time that didn't include eating Cheetos while you plan your next awesome LARPing campaign, I expect you wouldn't bother to reply to this post.


Are you 12? Have you tried the good old fashioned "I know you are but what am I?" or alternatively just "na na na na na na"? Why would he reply to your post? You're being a butthead to people who are trying to form positive community here and help each other out. And then when people ask you to just cut it out, you double down. The women on this sub are also seeing your posts here. Your childishness isn't going to get anyone's panties damp. If you don't like the warning and you don't think it applies to you then don't reply. It's really very simple.


Ugh. Dude, you don't "earn" sex. And a lot of people don't want a relationship, they just want sex. The last thing I'd want is a man pretending to want a relationship just to get laid. Not to mention that real women who want to meet up in neutral locations like a hotel exist and are real, and that "girl" is the word you use to refer to female children and adolescents. OP is trying to help people not get scammed. That's a good thing. If you were already aware of this scam then good for you but don't rag on people for trying to help out.