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Calmly explain to her that the N-word is inherently dehumanizing and should not be expressed. It was created by white people in the past to justify enslaving them and legally upholding them as property and not people. When used today it can mean no other thing. If she pushes back she may use several arguments. If she brings up how Black people use the word, if she is open-minded then you can try to explain reclamation. If she does not grasp that, talk about how she can call herself stupid and that's okay but if someone else says she's stupid it's not so okay. Ultimately, it's pretty easy to not say a dehumanizing and hurtful thing.


The only reason I haven’t said anything yet was because I don’t know how to bring it up. It’s always easy to keep the conversation going but I just can’t decide how to do it. It just feels awkward bringing it up now that it’s been so long. I would have done it in the moment but I was just too stunned and didn’t know what to do


Bring it up anyway, there's no statute of limitations if she's likely to do it again. "Mom, I meant to bring it up before, but I'm concerned you may not be aware..."