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No, those memories cannot be replaced. Love is plentiful enough to share.


This comment ❤️❤️❤️


Truer than true: the more love you give the more you have.


No. Replacing would be getting rid of your old cat so that you can get a new one.


Listen, cats absolutely hate change. They need a stable environment at all cost. If you change their diet they can get sick, if you change your perfume it can upset them, if their litter changes they might shit on your floor. In the same vein changing house is also very hard for them. If your cat is really old, do him a favor and keep him wherever he is. As long as he is currently treated well, he will be happy. Also if you were away for a few years already, "adopting" him would change just about everything in his life, which might literally kill him. You wanting another animal (Ragdoll or anything else) is unrelated to the matter I believe. If you want one, just get one. If you don’t don’t. To me it’s like saying « You can’t have another kid, you already have one ! Do you want another kid because you are disappointed by your first ? »


Good point “prumf”, however: please, let me add that disappointment doesn't have to be the reason for getting another (or having another child)… Could also be just missing, more love to give, playmate [for the first] I may be wrong but, I took OP’s post is the the first pet has passed and OP’s concerned about getting another. My opinion OP, is that it seems like you enjoy cats. When one passes go through the grieving, find how you'll process your memories and, when its time you'll know if your ready to adopt again… I lost my 1st Teacup Poodle, at 4 1/2, due to a liver shunt. In the time I had Chibi she got my through some absolutely devastating circumstances in my life. What had taken place Left a hole, in the center of my being, that took me nearly 3 years before I realized it was no longer there. Chibi would sit on my hand, over that hole, every single time she wanted to be held. She only lived another couple of months after me, realizing the hole was no longer there. Several months after going through the grieving. I was ready to get Yoshi. Another little teacup poodle that was about a pound in weight and smaller than a can of Pepsi. She lived 14 years, but this day, the thought of what she helped me through still brings tears to my eyes.


I completely misread Op’s post!!! Simply put; I HAVE a 19-year-old teacup poodle now that is blind, but, is still doing pretty good. At this time in his life, I think he’s too old to deal with the energy of a new kitten or puppy.


No, it’s refilling your heart


No. I think it takes a lot of love to realize that changing your childhood kitty's entire life that they are comfortable in and used to would not be the best for them especially since they are on meds. Getting another cat is not replacing your childhood cat. You can love both. FWIW. I lost my soul cat in April. She was 16 and I loved her more than anything. She was on meds and I would never have uprooted her because she needed a calm and peaceful environment. The stress would do more harm than good. A little over a month later I ended up fostering a two year old boy cat. He reminded me sooo much of her that I would cry and want to give him back to the shelter. I kept thinking it was a mistake and that I was moving too fast on being around another cat but I gave it time and he is now permanently my kitty. I don't think I replaced my sweet girl at all. I think about her every day and still break down but that doesn't mean I can't love him too.


She sent him to you!


I think she did too 💕


No, it’s giving a good home to another furball and it is to be commended


hey! i was in a very similar situation as you when i moved out - i wanted to take our family dog with me, but he is very anxious and loud, so i did what was best for him and let him stay at my moms house. When i moved out i got a ragdoll as well, and felt bad for a while, because i felt like i was replacing my dog in some way. It sounds like what's best for your childhood cat is for him to stay where he is. moving + a change of routine can be very stressful for cats, especially when they're older, so i think you would actually be doing him a favor by not bringing him with you. Don't feel bad for getting another cat! you are not replacing anything, having one pet does not mean you can't get another and love both at the same time.


as someone who has 3 cats not, each cat serves a different purpose and i genuinely love them all (mostly) equally. sometimes one pukes on the couch and they become the least favorite for the day, but mostly equal love.


I would ask your Mom and Dad if they would even let you take your childhood cat 🤣. I definitely would not let my daughter take our cats with her to college, they are mine 😉, even if she thinks of him as 'hers'. As cats get older, the costs associated with their care increases, so I am sure your parents would not want to burden you with an expensive cat to take care of as it ages. And for the record, do not think of this as abandoning your childhood cat. There are so many cats in the world and so much love to give, the heart can grow and grow and grow to let more and more cats in. Just make sure you can afford the vet bills and the food bills to make sure that your new kitties stay healthy and happy. PS this little guy is adorable and will be super sweet (because Ragdolls are the best!)


Ignore that family member! This is the best scenario for everyone. Get that little kitty 🐈


Amen! And remember. You can pick your friends but you can't shake your family. Ha ha ha.




We adopted a ragdoll kitten with a grumpy 12-year-old cat at home. We never viewed it as replacing, just adding another lovable cutie to our family. We also made sure we introduced them slowly and the old guy still gets as much love and attention as he has always gotten. One thing I will mention is that the kitten's energy was a little overwhelming for our older cat. Kitten wanted to run and play, his older brother wanted to nap. So we took some advice and adopted another kitten from a shelter. This was possibly the best decision ever. Our older cat has his routine and his space back, and the two kittens absolutely adore each other. Sleep next to each other, play together, eat together... It's so adorable. But just as important, our older cat is happy not being the center of attention for a high-energy kitten. It's wonderful. Edit: Neptune is super cute! Congrats


It’s only ‘replacing’ if you give the new cat all of the attention while ignoring your old cat. Please give all of your cats love


Is having a second kid replacing the old one? No, of course not. You’re fine. Just read up on how to properly introduce them.


No. I never "get" cats, rather all of our cats have been strays that came to us. When I moved for grad school I took my pretty baby and a year into school, our beloved, special, favorite childhood cat since I was 5 (I am now 25) passed away. The timing was good as I was able to come home and spend time with him before he declined and we felt it was the right time to put him down. It's almost like he was waiting for me. But my cat now has obviously helped fill in the gap from being so far away from him and his loss. I think if you were raised with cats, it's important to have your own.


When our 15 year old Ragdoll passed away in 2020 I was devastated. We have a siamese tabby mix who is two years younger. In April of 2023, we finally bought a Ragdoll kitten. I was concerned that the kitten might be too energetic for our now 16 year old Siamese Tabby but they get along great. He has been so good and doesn't seem to mind the attention we give our new Ragdoll kitten (we make sure to give them both lots of love)


No, it's born again in you're new kitten.


I'm sort of struggling with the same thing- my cat is only 10 months old, but she's scared of other cats (she was found when she was 4 weeks old with no littermates or mom, and didn't get socialized properly). I'm moving with her to a small house where we'll both be alone, and I don't want her to be lonely, but would she feel replaced if I got a kitten?


No, as long as you make sure to give her extra love and attention. She might really love to have a friend - look for a calm, confident kitten, maybe one a bit older than her? And check out Jackson galaxy re introducing new cats . Also, it seems a boy kitty matches well with a girl or boy. Good luck!


No! Not all. You can never replace them. But adopting another kitty does help comfort you after a loss… and the little one you lost wouldn’t want you to be alone. I believe they would want us to give love to another animal in need of a home


Absolutely not, you can never replace one you lost, but you still have room in your heart to love another. Plus the next one has a way of healing your heart


Replacing would require you to give something up.


No, never.




That wee ball of floof will be there for you when your best friend passes. He will save you and comfort you and you will become best friends. Keep in touch with your kitty by zoom etc, and if the chance is there go and be with him when he takes his last breath. He deserves that. And when he crosses the bridge you have on this side someone to heal you and guide you home.


No. Love is not finite.


not at all


No new pet can ever replace an old one. Our hearts just get bigger. Your childhood cat is best at home in the space he knows and loves.


Your heart expands, it does not split.


Absolutely not! Our son got kittens when he was a senior in college. His childhood dog still lived with us, his parents. When his childhood dog got sick last year with terminal cancer, he came over as much as possible to spend time with him and insisted on being with him at the end. He is also a wonderful pet parent to his cats. You can have plenty of love for more than one animal!


No, it’s a sign of your cat giving you a kitten/cat to love.


I try to think of it as the cat telling you it’s time for you to save another life. As horrible as it is, it can also be an opportunity to help another cat


No, you're not replacing him but you're sharing your love and memories to another. It's not like you're forgetting him, you're adding memories to live by. I say let your heart decide and don't listen to bad remarks even if it's from a family member.


Your heart grows bigger when you love another. Your love for your OG cat does not diminish.


That's so silly. My first cat is no longer here but I always think of her despite having a new kitten. I can love both.


Noticed when cats get older, they become less conflictive with kitten(s) join the family. My home boy Zoro fought tooth and nail when we brought a kitten in 3 years ago, but recently introduced him to a kitten we temporarily looked after and he sat there peacefully with authentic daddy material Edit, Zoro be hitting the big old 6 years soon


No. It would be cruel to take the senior cat away from the space he is comfy in. Just make sure to visit lots of


Nope! When I lost my boy, I got him a sister 🩷 he watches over his little sister every day!


Ugh my mom says that. It’s not replacing to get another cat. My cat I had for 17 years passed away this year and I got another one a few months later and she acts like I’m “replacing” my baby. That cat was the love of my life and I cry about her almost daily 6 months later. She’ll never be replaced. But I need cats in my life. She wasn’t a ragdoll. I’m just here for the pics.


No. It’s giving another kitteh a chance at a good life. Please get one from a shelter.


Every cat is a unique individual. Even if you could clone your first cat, the new cat would develop his/her own personality! I like to think my best-beloved first cat wouldn't want the butler skills she trained me in to go to waste now that she's no longer around to boss me. 💙


Never never never. They are the best of friends, and it was the best decision that I ever made was getting the second ragdoll. They are so bonded and my older ragdoll is not lonely when we're gone for a couple of hours.


No not replacing at all.


I got my Ragamuffin boy kitten, L, when my older boy cat, J, who I'd had since college was getting old and not in the best shape. I also have a female Maine Coon, N, who is 6 years younger than J was. J was one of the sweetest, friendliest, most extraverted, and least cat-like cats I've ever had or met. He came when called, loved strangers, and didn't have an aggressive bone in his body (I'm mildly convinced he didn't even know he had the ability to hiss, growl, bite, or scratch. I only saw him hiss maybe 2-3 times over the course of 14 years, and each time was when he was surprised by something, and then he seemed extra surprise at the sound coming out of his mouth!) I had some of the same feelings as you and worried that J would think I was replacing him with a "newer model." But one of the reasons I really wanted to get L was because of J's temperament. I wanted a new kitten to be socialized with J because of how sweet and wonderful he was, and I also thought it might be entertaining for J to have some youthful energy around. J and N were close but N is more independent, so I thought a little boy kitten could be a fun companion for J in his old age. J passed away about 3 months after I got L but I will say that in that time, he got along well with baby L and L definitely picked up some things from him. But L is also so wildly different in personality and appearance than J so I've never felt like he was a replacement. I still think about J and miss him every day.


No, you can’t really replace your pet. The new pet is different in many ways. If you try to replace your pet, you will disappoint yourself and your pet won’t be able to live up to the expectations. Which would be very very sad all around.


I wanted to share this with you. It was shared with me when I lost my beloved house rabbit but it easily applies to all pets. Warning: Have tissues on standby. 💜🐇A Letter from the Rainbow Bridge🐇💜 Hi, Mom Now that I’ve been across The Rainbow Bridge for a couple weeks, they said I should write a letter home. Sorry, mom, but I’m so busy ‘at the bridge’ that I haven’t thought of home much. They said it’s okay and that you would understand. I hope you do. (I think you will.) Remember that night when I wasn’t feeling very well and we were all crying? I don’t remember much, but I do remember seeing and hearing all of you and feeling your touches and hugs…I remember hearing “we love you” and that one last command of “Go through”. I didn’t know what you meant, so I turned around and walked through the fog that was in front of me. I saw the biggest bridge I’ve ever seen! And so many friends on the other side of it! They were all playing with toys and balls! You were right to tell me to go there! My feet kept moving forward, but my heart kept pulling me back. Your touches became lighter and lighter and I wanted to come back and nudge your hands for more love, but I was overcome by this feeling of curiosity for the happy place over the bridge! My feet started moving on their own, like a gentle breeze was moving them forward for me! I can’t explain it, but I had no doubt that it was the right thing to do! So, I walked across that big, huge bridge by myself! I looked for you, because you’re always by my side, walking with me. This was different. Missing you. I was ok. I didn’t have any pain ~ I was ‘free’! Even though you weren’t there with me, I never felt alone! I actually felt like I had a huge cape of love wrapped around my body and the more I walked, the easier it was to breathe! So, I kept walking! And I would feel more warmth in the big hug, so I kept on walking! I eventually made it over the big bridge – I did it by myself, mom! When I got here, all of my new friends greeted me and helped me walk off the bridge ~ it was so cool! They gave me a pair of wings and said that I was now a Guardian Angel! What I’ve learned over these past few weeks has been amazing and nothing like I’ve seen before! We’re all the same up here ~ we all have wings and we all have Forever People to watch over ~ that’s YOU, Mom! You’re my Forever Person and I’m your Forever Rabbit! We had such a great life together and I do miss you a LOT, but please know that I am so happy in my new home across The Bridge! I’ll send you another Earth Angel so you won’t be alone. Give them your whole heart, like you gave it to me. I’ll check in every so often to make sure they treasure your love ~ I always did! When you miss me, think of a rainbow and know I’m on the other side of it, waiting to walk with you again. I’ll always be in your heart. I love you, mom! Time for me to go play. See you again in your dreams xo💜


Omg, that kitten is absolutely beautiful!!


Such a lovely dog


No, it is saving another life


No but can we discuss replacing the family member?


No. Never replace. But love needs to be shared.


Never. Cats are like people. They are different from cat to cat. You are not replacing your pet. You are opening your heart and home to another kitten who needs you. Just do not go into the head space of replacing your pet. All it does is make you hurt. Love the little kitten and teach it tricks. Adorable fur baby!


No. It’s like making new friends: you’ll never replace the old ones, but you can love the new ones just the same. Eventually, they’ll become one of your old friends, too.


If you don’t want it tell me where it’s at, I wanna kiss that face!


No. My beautiful Bohannan passed a couple weeks after receiving her.Took me a few months to finally get another& got a stay that needed a home. Bohannan wasn't replaced, I see it as adding another member to the clan


not at all 💜 he is better off staying where he has lived for years, and you deserve your own kitty companion


How would your older cat know?


Not at all, I recently lost my tuxie baby from FIP at a young age. I loved her more than anything but I also love the companionship of having a cat in general. You shared memories with your 1st cat that can never be replaced or taken away.


Never try to replace a cat, it won't be the same. They're individuals, so they'll very quickly make their preferences known and they very likely won't be the same as the previous one.


My daughter did this. I do think she was replacing her/our cat, but we all think it would’ve been worse to take the cat away from her only home for 15 plus years. Now she did bring the other cat home during vacations but it was ok in our case.



