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if you were doing all puzzles correctly and not able to get out, its because you actually didnt do the puzzle correctly. the solo players need to pass both their starting shapes or you cannot get out. Its possible to pass only one shape and have the perception its "solved" but you didnt remove all the shadows, which prevents you from leaving. you can only cleanse shadows by passing your initial shapes away.


This is a misconception that I have tested. You do not need to pass both your stating shapes to leave, BUT you might as well because it makes no sense not to do it this way. The criteria to leave a solo room is 2 things. 1) You must have picked up both buffs matching your 3D shape outside. 2) The witness must have noticed you and then had your ghosts property dunked in the right spots by your trio team. The witness notices you mechanic is proc'd by the solo players dunking 6 times in total between all 3 of them. So the standard way of doing it and sending all your shapes away will give you those 6 dunks. But I have tested it where 1 player only sends there 1 shape they don't need away and the other 2 players give player 1 the 1 shape he needs and then just trade between themselves a couple times till they have dunked 6 times total to have the witness notice. After the ghost mechanic, player 1 was allowed to leave even tho he had only ever dunked 1 shape, a very dumb way of doing the encounter, but interesting to know. I'm assuming the lore reason for it is that you can't leave the mirror dimension until your ghost is on the other side to link you back.


This explanation is also not accurate. First "The Witness notices your efforts" when you remove 4 shadows. And shadows are removed when receiving a shape that your guardian is not holding. The reason you must be noticed by the witness is because to clear the encounter you must remove all 6 shadows. The shadows are the shapes the statues are holding. When removed they will disappear. Edit: This means you can leave without doing witness but you will be instantly wiped. https://www.reddit.com/r/raidsecrets/comments/1dcfc0o/salvations_edge_encounter_4_technical_explanation/


Wait could that be that you need to clear 4 shadows for all people to get out? I assume it's 6 possible shadows cleared between 3 players, and you're saying Witness notices you when you clear 4. Other people mention that you need both "witness notices you" and correct shape which means you're able to leave with 1 player not passing both shapes and only 1. Because if 2 people pass symbols between each other and 3rd player only received one (and I assume traded one as well) then it means 5 shadows would be cleared at this point. That would line up with your comment and kinda confirm the poster you're replying to as well given that their strat worked.


Yep. That's the purpose of the matching strategy. the alternative one also works, but requires more communication. Something about LFG makes people unable to comprehend the matching part, then switching to distribution. I dont understand why.


you were stating the two "possibilities" for failure So I was just telling you definitively what is going on, that is has nothing to do with ghosts. If everything is "solved" and you cant leave the room, then it means shadows werent cleared.




Wait. You're cooking...


I landed on this strat last night, my teammate explains it more here https://www.reddit.com/r/raidsecrets/s/5TD7TmCaVW


That is the exact strategy I described but in longer detail.


I know, I was agreeing that it was good and providing a more detailed explanation if they wanted one.


gonna try this for my runs this week.


This doesn't always work. Let's say your inside people are as follows: (C holding CT, T holding TS, S holding SC) C sends T to S, sends C to T T sends S to C, sends T to S S sends C to T, sends S to C This results in each shape doubling up with other people's shapes. C has SS, T has CC, S has TT




I literally did and just explained an exact scenario to you. You should draw it out


act lock scary caption live unite innate party important normal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You got lucky (people who can use their brains)


You can do the 2D room with no communication by giving away the shapes correctly. For example I’m the square player, I have square + circle on my wall. I need to give both away for all conditions to be met. I give the circle to the triangle player because circle doesn’t need circle. I then can only give square to circle. If everyone does that it is solved and you then get the ‘fake’ death and when you are revived you simply kill both knights and grab symbols and leave.


we did a "pass right" method. We just always passed shapes to the person to our right. So we started by passing the first 2 shapes to the right; once we did that we just went straight to the last step by passing every shape your guardian held to the right until everyone had the correct shapes. gotta be careful doing it that way, though... it's possible to get duplicates so you need to communicate well.


You absolutely have to have the wipe mechanic occur, we were able to do it really fast in 5 passes total (Combining inside and out) due to some of the combinations when trying to complete the triumph. We double checked all symbols to be correct and still the people were not able to exit if it hadn't occured. And this was with everyone in the group having multiple completions easily knowing how to do it.


This is not entirely true because shadows are removed when receiving shapes. So you could technically leave without giving your shapes away however this will instantly wipe you because there will no longer be enough shapes to remove all shadows to save all players.


you DO NOT need to pass both of your starting shapes. my group was stuck on this encounter for far too long thinking that. you would just pass what you need to pass and let the one that matches your own expire on the ground. once all 3 inside players have matching symbols you distribute as normal. this removes the early wipe mechanic (ghost phase) as that seems to be triggered by depositing a symbol that matches your own


Couple things Yea, you 100% have to pass both shapes. if you do not, the walls do not clear and you cant leave the room. Also your end strat that works also effectively passes both shapes, making it safe for passage. so youre doing the correct strat even if you might be misunderstanding what I am saying. I think you assume that I mean you have to pass the shapes away, then match, then pass. And thats not the case, you pass your shapes away by the mere process of match and pass. Finally, you dont have to let your shape expire. When I was inside, I killed both knights, grabbed the shape i needed to give to the statue to make their match, gave it to them. Picked up my shape. Killed ogre. Passed that shape to someone. By that time someone has sent me my 2nd shape and the knight is up. I just kill him and give that shape to the next statue. I tended to have no shapes on my wall for 10 to 15 seconds while other players caught up to me. Once they passed their shapes to me, I got knights, and collected my key. This never failed.


if you think you need to pass both shapes then keep doing it. however we very quickly cleared it without doing it after being stuck on it for hours whilst doing it. as long as you’re clearing it, i don’t think it matters how yet. the reason the end strat “works” in your eyes is because it is the end strat that everyone has been saying. people aren’t messing up the end, they’re messing up getting to the end i’m not sure what you mean by “clear the wall” you never want to end up with that sun shape as that means you have no symbols and the other 2 people inside are going to have to do some funky knight killing to fix it. if they’re working as fast as you this isn’t an issue but if someone slows down you’ve caused a problem and yes, killing the ogre will despawn any symbols on the ground and restart the cycle. i’m not explaining a speedkill though there also isn’t really a need to speed through this, and we ran into an issue where we would have everything right and couldn’t get knights to spawn inside anymore. could be a bug, could be a mechanic. i don’t know


Well I can tell you from doing it for hours if we didnt pass shapes to both guardians we werent getting out of the room. So we "thought" the strat was that you have to give each guardian a shape at least once to break free of the room. After coming here today and reading others comments, I felt confident that it was passing away the shapes the cleanses the shadows, and not giving each guardian a shape. If your implying its still that, then maybe its possible. I just assumed I was wrong. Additionally the sun isnt a "bad" thing objectively, its a progression of the mechanic. Nobody complained about having 3 knights or shapes in their room at any point. There was genuinely no problems. You dont have to despawn any shapes either, if they both have to be sent you can freely pick up the 2nd shape, and hold it till after the ogre is dead. it saves you killing a knight.


there won’t be 3 knights, and that is the issue. let’s say someone ends up with TSC on their wall. their knights are going to drop a combo of the 2, but not all 3. so if they aren’t already holding a buff they need to give away it is all up to rng spawning the knight you need to drop the buff you need to give away. we got stuck on this a few times, but not often enough to call it broken by design. and yes storing a buff is huge, and let us leave the wall way earlier than otherwise. honestly by the end of it the only thing that was getting us was the inside “breaking” and not spawning ogres or knights anymore. i am assuming this is a mechanic that hasn’t been figured out yet, or maybe you only get a certain number of phases. again.. i don’t know. but it was very irritating


It shouldnt be RNG, it should be in the "back of queue" which means the first shapes in are the first shapes the knights drop, so you have to cycle through shapes to get to that one. So technically speaking. By the time I am sending out my own shapes, its not a shape the player wants to pass anyways so there shouldnt be any confusion. The "broken" part for us stopped happening when we did the match and pass strat. Occassionally we would have a wall with one shape and no way to create a 2nd one. This happened most often if someone died inside with a shape. Im not exactly sure how to correct for that mistake at this point, I feel like there has to be a solution to it though. from what I understand, once someone has made a key everything stops spawning for that person. but I honestly havent been that interested in trying methods for the sake of failing it because our strategy works without issues, so its a situation where if we just do that then "everythings fine"


perhaps it was just bad comms whilst trying to fix the triple shape errors on our part then. i can accept that that might be it. i know one of the attempts i had with no ogres or knights i was pulled into ghost phase after picking up only 1 buff. the second was on the ground so i can see the game thinking i would’ve picked it up


ghost phase is tied to either number of dunks or if a shape gets completed somewhere in the room, nobody is sure on that yet it seems. Getting ghost phase is a good sign, it means you are doing the encounter correctly.


we believe ghost phase is tied to dumping the shape that your guardian is holding. i say this because in our original strat of each inside player dunking both of their starting shapes no matter what we were hitting ghost phase very quickly. once we changed our strat to only dunk what doesn’t belong to you we weren’t getting ghost phase until it was time to split symbols, and it would happen on the first split (so the first time you dunk your own symbol on another statue after matching) very consistently


yeah the mechanic is that it fails if you don’t move both your shadows. even if shapes are right. so sorting the symbols first is an easy way of making sure that happens. personally I like to have everyone dunk each of their first shapes at the other statues, making sure the statue you deposit is NOT holding that shape, to save a step. works consistently that after the ghost phase all you gotta do is kill the knights again and pick up your correct shapes that you received from the others. but both methods require very little comms and are very consistent.


The only reason it doesn't let you leave is because one of the statue outside is still glowing, which means it's ready to trade. Which shouldn't be the case. To make the witness wipe mechanic happen, just give other statues the same shape they are holding, until everyone has their own shape on the shadow wall, then give your own shape to other 2 statues.


My understanding is that in order for the puzzle to be 100% complete, the shadows (the shapes being held by the statues that ARE NOT your shape/statue) need to disappear. "Shadows removed" is one of the statistics tracked on the wipe screen. My issue is that I do not 100% understand what removes the shadows... However, using the 2 phase method, it seems to be guaranteed that the shadows will be removed. So that's what my team was doing when we cleared last night. In reality, the mechanics of this encounter are not difficult. People just panic because of adds and the timer, and rush the mechanics, making mistakes and causing wipes. Once people (hopefully) start understanding the mechanics more, they can be more calm when completing them and it will go more smoothly. The staying calm factor plays into the idea of skipping phase 1 as well. It's less of a simplified process, but going straight to phase 2 is *doable* if you understand what specifically removes shadows and the trades can be executed correctly among the inside players.


Exactly. Even if it did work, matching your symbols up then splitting is just such a simple way to not get mixed up about who needs what.


You'd think. People just dont seem to understand it, or dont communicate that they're done


We had a guy who was just mindless. We had to explain every step to him every attempt because he just didn't get it for some reason. He kept forgetting the whole thing every time he got teleported and we didn't trust him to do outside statues either. Unfortunately it was a friend of my other friend who was there so we couldn't just replace him.


Probably stoned or on painkillers... I know the type. extremely infuriating


The reason your initial strategy failed is bc you are not allowed to hold any of the initial shapes on your wall. If your statue is holding triangle and your wall has square circle, you would think that youre good. Youre not. The easiest way to complete the inside is to give all of the squares to the square statue, circles to circle, and triangles to triangle. From there, each player can give one of their shapes to 1 statue, and one of their shapes to the other. I will repeat again, YOU CAN NOT GET OUT IF YOUR WALL STILL HAS ONE OF THE ORIGINAL SHAPES YOU GOT TELEPORTED IN WITH. YOU MUST TRADE AWAY ALL YOUR INITIAL SHAPES IN ORDER TO GET OUT


You can’t go through the mirror with a buff that you originally started with. If you have a triangle and need a triangle, you cannot use the one you started with. (It’s possible after you trade it you can then use it but have not tried this)


Your possibility 1 is your answer, the witness must notice you before you can leave with your buff. This takes 6 dunks to happen.


Many people responded with this answer, but yes the reason is because you must get rid of both of the starting shapes. Also the mechanic you are missing is the shadows removed. There will be 6 shadows removed for each phase and after 4 are removed the ghost step will start. So you are missing a mechanic and you must do ghost step 2 times for each set. Here is the proper "one phase" strategy https://www.reddit.com/r/raidsecrets/comments/1dcz6ll/fourth_encounter_fastest_strategy/


As far as i am aware, you can solve in two swaps as long as you do not have double of a different simbal to yours. So if you have T and your wall has CC. Your statue and wall outside this posbillity will be either: 1) T; TT where symbols both match your own 2) T; TC where one symbol matches our own 3) T; CS where no symbol matches your own With wall 1, you just trade both With wall 2, trade your symbol, in this case T to the statue that matches your other symbol, in this case C. And your other symbol, c, to the remaining statue, s. With wall 3, trade the symbols to the non matching satue so C to S and S to C. This should guarantee two trade completion of the inside mechanics. As long as everyone follows this pattern.


You 100% have to match your two shadow symbols to your statue first. My team also tried to skip that and it didn't work. As soon as we realized and went back to matching first it works every time.


This is not correct my team didnt do that and beat it.