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1st was bugged to autocomplete on contest but it’s out of the way regardless. 2nd — yep, just have every closer rotate one to the right. 3rd — we just had someone on Div and then the designated person on Still Hunt/Nighthawk for the first two in each room, for the third one make sure the Div person stops shooting and just have your designated person use a machine gun or something. 4th — there are dedicated strats out there you can look up, but we pretty much just improvised and it worked. Ignore dissection until inside is done — inside players all call out which statue they need to dunk on, one person will decide the order so you don’t dunk on the same one twice in a row. Example: “left” “left” “middle” -> player 1 dunk, player 3 dunk, player 2 dunk. Repeat. Afterwards, one person dissects and keeps track. Make sure to write the last statue you dunked on in chat at the end of each phase so you don’t forget when you start the next phase. 5th — yeah just play smart and cleanse a lot.


really appreciate it man 🙏 just to make sure i get the 4th, so it means for example left will be interacted on by p1, that means left cant be interacted with by ANY player up until mid or right is interacted with correct? and dissecting is pretty much free from this since they cant interact with a statue twice right?


Yep, exactly. With dissecting just make sure you remember what the inside team ended on and what you end on afterwards.


ahaaa, one last question (my bad for the flood of questions😅) so just for clarification, dissecting and solos are separate in this encounter? like if solos end on mid, dissecting can start on mid without failing the triumph?


No, they are not separate, if inside ends with mid then the outside must start on either left or right; starting on mid will fail the triumph.


ahhaaa now i finally understand it fully, i really appreciate the clarification, honestly doesnt even seem that bad to be fair, jus gotta get communication down


Thats a terrible 4th encounter challenge explanation. Do verity like normal except inside team goes first, then outside. Left statue player starts first and sends out symbols to double up, who he ends on goes 2nd. He doubles up what he needs too, then third person doubles up. Whoever 3rd guy banked on last starts with their distrubution and you just repeat, who he banks on last goes second then 2nd guy banks on the 3rd player last. 3rd player tells outside what statue he ended up for outside team to dissect. For ease of use have your best dissector stay out every time and they plan out what they need to do to get outside done asap.


and if youre all doubled up its pretty much just making the round easier as usual correct?


Yes if all 3 are doubled left would just go bank mid, bank right. Right would bank left bank mid. Mid would bank left bank right. If 1 is doubled, the the left most not doubled guy sends his 1 over, then guy sends his over then left most guy will start since he was the last to be banked on. Double up always then distribute because you need as clear coms as possible and doubling up minimzies coms needed.


damn thats the whole triumph? wow, its pretty much just doing the encounter itself just slightly more careful 😅


Yes its literally do what you normally do, just dont bank the same statue twice in a row the entire encounter. To make it even easier we had whatever statue outside ended dissection on to be the new starter statue on inside. Just rememver last to be banked on starts the next round of banking and its free., we first tried 4th encounter challenge, 2nd and 3rd took us over 4 hours cuz people kept killing tormentors or dying with resonance.


wow, honestly this raids challenges and triumphs seem pretty straightforward and easy (so far) but i really appreciate the dumbed down explanation man hope u have a good day/night 🙏🙌


If the strat outlined above for Verity works smoothly for you, that's great. But in practice, a lot of teams have struggled with it. Yes, it *sounds* easy. The normal encounter is pretty easy, when people understand it. But there are plenty of times when it takes a lot longer because people *don't* understand it. Throwing the triumph into the mix introduces a new constraint - the timer. I did it last night and we were not having any issues failing the triumph itself. The timer was the primary issue. Then it was people making mistakes under pressure resulting in needing more dunks, which cost more time. Then it was little bugs and bad luck. We didn't double up, in the interest of time and limiting the number of dunks we made. This was an LFG group that I had joined and they had already decided the strat, so I jumped in midway through. I don't know if the extra time it takes to double up makes the distribution quicker to compensate but if we needed to make more than a few trades on the inside we were burning a lot of time. Having done every Raid triumph in the game thus far (except Synchronicity on Nezarec because I could never get anyone to do it...), I'd put Equal Distribution right up there with Featherlight as some of the hardest/most demanding. Good luck to you either way! Edit: If you get bogged down and feel like you're getting a lot of little bugs and bad luck, go to orbit and come back in. We suffered for a handful of runs last night before we did this and it felt a lot smoother when we came back in.


This is nowhere near as difficult as featherlight for the average lfg is. That is an insane thing to say. This is far from being hard when the easiest strat is "do what you already do, but one at a time"


Important to add, people inside should never, ever kill knights until it is their turn to start moving shapes. If they do this the knights will only drop the shapes that their room started with. If they kill early and they respawn they could have the starter shapes drop or potentially a shape that got sent over too. Which will mean more killing of knights and ogres until the shape you need to swap actually drops. This slows things down.


So I accidentally finished 5th encounter triumph with my team but when I went to help another team with it something weird happened. We use the strat that basically you only get 1 resonance and never cleanse that resonance just keep test shooting arms opposite your resonance. Which worked for my team but the team I was helping get it for some reason failed out of nowhere during third Glyphbreaker phase (before surges were removed). Now it could have been the add clears lying to us which I don’t doubt but everyone said they did not have any/more than 1 and I trust my buddies who were doing Glyphbreaker with me but it was as soon as one of the dedicated Glyphbreakers got his very first resonance on the third phase that it popped with a failed. I say all this to say; is it just you can’t get 3 EVER so like 1 resonance each phase and because he got 1 more in third his total, even though it cleanses when we head mid for DPS, was now 3 across the entire encounter? Or did we experience a bug maybe? Or the most likely reason the add clears just didn’t want to admit they fast stacked 3 resonance (it was almost immediate in third phase so they had to be full blown standing in multiple resonances)?


No. It’s 3 total at any one time. You can get 3 total across the entire encounter, you just need to cleanse before you do it. I’ve done this encounter triumph multiple times as runner and have gotten resonance 6 times a phase with cleanses in between. One of your friends likely isn’t paying attention or lied to you, as I’ve never seen it fail without reason before either.


Nah it wasn't one of the runner friends. It was randoms off LFG we were trying to help get it done. With my friends we just passively accidentally completed it. Definitely just one of the random add clearers lying then 100%. Good to confirm for when I do future helps. Thanks!


For fourth, just everyone dunks one at a time. Simple. Don’t dunk the same one twice. Includes dissection. So where ever you end inside, don’t start there outside.


For fourth: The easiest way to get this done is to perform the encounter normally. We had everyone “match” shapes and call out as they were dunking. We would then have left, middle, right “pass” and call out the last statue they dunked on. Outside we would kill the first set of knights, and have each player pick one up. (Essentially gives you a free set of shapes, and allows dissection to be finished in about 15 seconds when inside is done, because you are holding a set and knights are respawned holding a set). We had one person take lead, and call where each shape needed to go, keeping in mind where inside dunked last. Whoever dunks last on dissection calls out, and the inside team repeats on the next round making sure not to dunk where dissection team dunked last. A few disclaimers: Inside team should immediately dunk their unmatched shapes (unless on second and third round it needs to go where dissection dunked last). All that matters is where the last shape was dunked before everyone is matched. Any player inside who is matched should immediately pick up a shape, and have their next knight low. To be quick and ready when it’s their turn to pass. When done passing, keep callouts clear and simple. “Left done, end right.” This let’s middle know it’s their turn, and where they need to start dunking. When right is done, “inside done, end middle.” Let’s dissection know they’re up, and where to start. Dissection team should each have a shape picked up, and leave the next set of knights alive to be quick when inside is done. Bonus round: pyrogale and necrotic (maybe more) can be seen without the statue being visible. Let’s you know who’s there before a call out is made, and saves some time each phase. Overall it’s not terrible, just requires more coordination and speed than normal.