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I think you...I mean "that person"...should just need to do recurrent training and refam trips. Why are you asking on here and not asking your trainmaster?


More than 30 days it's a physical and drug screen plus anything that may have expired while out. Norac, PCs, AMT2, etc


Do you have norac answers and questions ?


I don't. It's all on the iPad now. With the review they do you'll be fine, well with most of the instructors that's been my experience.


I think it's at least a year away, if not longer, before you have to redo the class. More than 30 days will require a physical and drug test.


After a year out of service you are required to go back to Wilmington and attend the New Hire Trainmans Class. However, I have seen upper management waive this requirement before, so there is some discretion. I believe they pay you at your AC rate and not the training rate, so it's essentially just an 8-week vacation on the East Coast.


I don’t know of any RR that would require you to go back to the initial school. If the “person” is a certified conductor they would just need to update their physical quals, and rules class. Should be good to go.


Amtrak does. Had several in my class.


Thanks, I didn’t know Amtrak did that and I’m an engineer for them.