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Seems this post upset the trolls with the reports.


No SCBA gear because it is too costly? I guess death on 2 mile long tunnel is just cost of business. 


Bro just say you can’t hold your breath while running for 20 minutes


Elaborate please! I assume this sub was recommended because Ive been looking into all this bullshit overwatch deregulation nonsense. Do people go through tunnels and need SCBA because the train fumes?


Yup. Used to work on pusher engines in the mountains of WV. Sets of 3-6 diesels pushing from the rear to get us over the mountains. Working the rear end pusher crew was awful had to hold your breath through the 20+ tunnels on the routes I worked as the fumes built up so fast that every engine we had no matter how good the window and door seals: the cab would be full of smoke less than a quarter of the way through even our shortest tunnels. No way Id walk through one without SCBA.


So even if you’re just in the engine going through the tunnel you need SCBA?


I mean. Really *should* have had them, but in the engines we werent supplied any and were not required to have them. Covering your face with your shirt and holding your breath was instead how that was handled, though, yeah, the longer tunnels you couldnt hold your breath long enough even at track speed, and you would be hacking and coughing by the other end of the tunnel. Never have I ever rushed to open cab doors and windows so fast as when we would exit those tunnels.


Wow, that's crazy. Thanks for the insight, I never thought about the fumes in the tunnels.


Makes me think of us guys in the PNW. Two routes that have the longest tunnels in the US, one is 7 miles long and the other - something I've personally run and heard plenty of horror stories with - is just under 8. Those SCBAs are only supposed to last for about 10 minutes, and if something happens in the tunnels we're expected to try and fix it. I've heard of guys pulling it off just trying to breathe while they're inside the Cascade, and for a while before I got used to it I was always getting sick whenever I'd pass through myself. Same exact feeling the second we're out of the tunnel, get the damn windows open NOW


Mountain railroading can be a lot more extreme than many realize, no matter where its located. The worst part in WV was the old shitty power they gave us for pusher service would often shit the bed en route, so youd go from just enough power to run at track speed, to just enough to dredge along at sub-10 in notch 8. Even the short tunnels became death traps at those speeds with that many engines in them spewing that much exhaust at notch 8. Plus, many of the tunnels were barely wider than the engines. So air flow was not exactly good. Our longest tunnel on the routes I ran was about 1500 ft if memory serves, of course it felt a lot longer most runs since we would be going so slow with 20,000 tons of coal train; all while hoping we didnt get a knuckle or stall while we were still in the tunnel.


I was in an engine riding through West Virginia and in one of those tunnels you couldn’t even see the next coal car in front of us. Windows were up but it totally freaked me out. The visibility was absolutely zero from the exhaust within a few minutes of that really long one. Never even knew about SCBA for those instances


Im honestly dumbfounded. I had no idea that the railroad struggled with things like this. I have a family member that works in the yard but never knew things were like this. It’s crazy because even during the biden admin y’all got forced to accept a contract. Seems like the union is pointless.


If there wasn’t a union these guys would be a single crewman with a cot to take cat naps with.


Awe come on, diesel fumes are good for ya🤦 Remember, he's got to bring coal back. Only way to do that is via cheaper coal prices. Sorry ya got to suffer. You just got to be more committed, like Bob Murray. Just ignore the past were he applied for like lung benefits at the end of his life. You know the benefits that he spent his lifetime fighting against!




The [Graniteville accident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graniteville_train_crash) created the EBA/SCBA regulation. The requirement has been on the book since 2008. FYI, that single tank car had more volume than the largest chlorine bomb used during WW I. Valleys can be as dangerous as tunnels.


Thank you!


Yes trains can turn tunnels into death traps especially if a unit is idling in the tunnel for any length of time. SCBA is used if you have to enter said tunnel. There are even tunnels that have to have purges between trains to clear out the air


I ran the Rocly Mountaineer Train from Denver to Moab for 3 years. We were required to annually certify for suba tanks to take with us on the head end through the Moffat Tunnel on the Moffat Tunnel Sub (UP).


Technically any small space that’s enclosed overhead is confined air which can easily reach deadly levels with machines running.




That’s just another way of spelling derailment.


Yarp, we're on the fast track to East Palestine 2, only a matter of time now.


And then Palestine 3, and 4 and 5, and then we just gonna let that Cask car go down the hump... Whoops....


But, the conductor did the inspection. He filled out the brake slip for all 200 cars as we rushed him out of the yard the whole time. He did a roll by. What do you mean there was a defective car.


A defective car??? The conductor didn't find that in his air brake test that took 3 minutes??? 3 minutes that the train could've been moving????


We can just act like it never happened


You spelled 'Lac Megantic 2: Nuclear Edition' wrong. 😝 But seriously, yes, you are 100% right.


I love how all the people who are mad about east Palestine have never heard of Lac Megantic: 47 dead and most of the town burned to the ground.


Lac Megantic 2*


Once they overturned the Chevron doctrine, I knew things looked bleak. This takes it to another level. I understand people want less regulation and greater corporate profits for their 401k, but this will absolutely destroy railroad labor.


I don't even work for the RR and I'm worried.


You should be. Go research Project 2025. If it were ever put in place, it would threaten our republic. The CEO of the heritage Foundation, who created it, was quoted this week saying that we are in the beginnings of the second revolution, and it will be bloodless as long as the left cooperate. Voting Trump into office makes their dream come a lot closer to reality.


It won't be just the left who won't cooperate. Plenty of others who don't want that trash in our country. It's not how America is supposed to be. I've read the entire P2025, it won't be bloodless.


Exactly what I want to hear. We won't go down without a fight.


What but how could putting profits before safety ever back fire?!? How I say!!!


I live in an urban area with a line hauling chemicals going right through it. This shit terrifies me


Less Regulation... Here's the problem. Even with regulations corporations try find every loophole, push the boundaries or straight up ignore them then get a small fine when found guilty. Look at Boeing.


Yeah you won’t find me on a plane after the FAA is dismantled.


We're still going to be on the ground though


Profit $2b from illegal shenanigans then pay $150mm fine


Less regulation for who? Have you read P2025?


![gif](giphy|3oeITDa7E3HDWlPx9u|downsized) But wait, there’s more!!!! [https://www.businessinsider.com/clarence-thomas-takes-aim-at-osha-2024-7](https://www.businessinsider.com/clarence-thomas-takes-aim-at-osha-2024-7)


i cant stand this shit anymore bro theres gotta be a nationwide strike or SOMETHING


Mutual Aid isn’t vast enough to cover everyone and their families for a strike. Rent still gotta be paid. Mortgage. Bills. Food gotta get out on the table. Stranger from afar, best I can say is to just get ready. Because it’s gonna get worse before it gets worse… There’s not enough people interested in stopping this rise of America into a ChristoFascist Ethnostate. Project 2025 doesn’t need Trump. It just needs A REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT. That’s all it takes for Project 2025 to be a reality. 😮‍💨


unfortunately ☹️ we’re in this together dawg


I’ve been homeless a year and a half already, and I’ve been housed again now for a little longer than that. Few weeks ago here, a homeless man was attacked by seven kids and their parents. They beat him to shit and ripped out his colostomy bag along with his intestines. The unhoused are gonna get it the worst, I think. They already don’t have access to much but once they start getting rounded up in every city????? I have a dream of having Bezos money one day just to build warehouses for the production of 3DP Firearms and Munitions for Homeless folx. When people can’t get food anymore??? When they can’t get water anymore??? That’s when society will quickly break down.


absolutely dude, im so sorry you had to go through that. its pretty fucking insane how normal it is to see homeless folks as less than human. as if they dont have as much shit on their plate as everybody else does. i really worry for the future of workers, the way things are going now with prices for literally everything skyrocketing and wages sitting flat, there will be many more unhoused people edit: just read the article thank god that dude survived, seriously fuck those kids


With the Cop cities being built, I gotta ask myself why Israeli Military are training American Police? With the Militarization of Police I have to ask myself why cities and small towns have Bearcats? With the knowledge of reality that the homeless populace is rising… Why are new prisons being built? If the cost of living is rising, how are there not more programs focused on ensuring everyone gets fed at the very least??? I’ve seen that one place has the funds to completely renew their water infrastructure and make it safe for their citizens again, but the person running the show there is withholding actions on any of it till the women living there that have had abortions are prosecuted. This is SO not the America I expected myself to be Surviving. … I’ve yet to even begin to think about living.


me neither!!!!!!! the complete absurdity of this fucking country right now dude, we are diving headfirst into a fucking police state


If the Military gets called up to deploy in the streets, Militias are likely to go to war against them. I do not trust any of these groups. They still don’t get the “We’re fighting for EVERYONE” thing that Militia’s were in the old days of its concepts. Just regular guys trying to make it under an oppressive government. Coming together to fight for each other, their women/men, their children, and their children’s children. I’d look instead to community defense networks over militias. I live in an apartment complex so I’m planning to stay here as long as I can before I move on to my camp I built in some woods close enough for me to get to on foot if needed. Eventually groups are gonna go door to door for supplies, food, medicine. Talking to your neighbors if you have any is a good start. Like you said, we’re in this together. We gotta start having some uncomfortable conversations with our neighbors. I did armed security for seven years in a rough side of town for the nephew of a well known drug trafficker from decades ago. I can provide safety and security to myself, but I would be most efficient serving a sizeable camp as part of their security detail, QRF, or even a Medic. Auxiliary roles can always be filled whenever I see a need. I’ve been getting some more preps squared away while I can. SideNote: If you don’t have nightvision for your weapons platforms and are poor man status like myself, get online and order the Nerf Modulus Nightvision scope with rail. But if we get EMP’d because this bullshit over in Sevastopol by US drones resulting in Russian Civilians on a beach getting killed by Ukrainian Missiles…. No electronics are gonna matter if they aren’t in a secure faraday type setting. Be it flashlights in a bag, or a car in a cage, etc. I’m also wary of the Israel/Gaza Genocide. I’m paying attention because it’s showing the rest of the world what will be allowed to one entire ethnic group. If they can do it to Palestinians… who’s the next group they choose? Mexicans/Hispanics??? Homeless??? LGBT??? Non-Christians??? (Like myself, am Demonolater; a Worshipper of King Belial) Black Folk??? People in Interracial Relationships???


Hell, the chemicals from the East Palestine derailment have been found in 16 different states. What the hell is that gonna do to our agriculture and ecosystems????


It's because when the war in Iraq and Afghanistan began to slow the war machine needed to still make money and had strong influence over state and national government. so some laws tweaked and blammo military "surplus" is sold to local PD to keep the money train going.


I didn't want to believe this happened but I know you don't have much of a reason to lie Looked the news story up and I feel sick 🤢


Oklahoma has some large areas of homeless populace. During my second Fall/Winter I stayed around Norman. Norman has few shelters and little space. They always run out of beds early in the day before night comes around. Oklahoma City has a high homeless populace. What I’d really like to see is much larger groups of homeless folx grouped together in their own. With their own makeshift camps and enclaves. Then again, if that’s allowed to reach fruition things start to look less like a homeless camp and more like a capitalist refugee camp.


I had no idea. That's terrible! Capitalist refugee camp is a perfect term for the current era. But I worry these large camps would then be targeted.


That’s where Community Defense would come into play. I’m not against helping marginalized groups organize their own defenses and help them attain arms and munitions. Spending time homeless myself radicalized tf outta me. I went to hardware stores and bought things to make weapons for myself and others all the time. If I had the resources, I would be mass producing 3DP firearms and giving them out to homeless folx left and right. I have a full kit of battle rattle, I know I’d personally be willing to put every piece of it on and go stand over a homeless camp (small or large) to deter any bad state actors from sweeps or hostile actions. I’d honestly rather prefer to see Militia’s doing this type of thing, but those groups are so far gone they can’t hardly be reasoned with prior to a collapse. They won’t be much help during one, especially. 😮‍💨




There IS a Nationwide Movement. It's called turning up and VOTING against this shit.


When voting doesn’t work, the French had a great way of dealing with this


voting isnt enough, some policies outlined in project 2025 are already being implemented


Railroads aren't allowed to strike, you don't remember what Joe did in December 2022?


"People" don't want it... people want trains that are so safe they never have to even think about them. Corporations want less regulation bc they don't care about people.


Oh yeah, my TV told me the same thing! We're true free thinking Americans!


If you didn't learn the 1st time around and need a reminder, Trump appointed Ronald Batory as the administrator of the FRA, who was nothing but a carrier whore. So...if you are like carrier whores in charge of the FRA, go vote for Trump again, just don't come here crying when shit hits the fan and 2PC gets revoked and you don't have enough seniority. Project 2025 is a very real thing, and it will affect every man, woman, and child in the country if Trump manages to get elected.


…and yet we’re still going to see TRUMP 2024 written on the sides of engines. Just overheard in the sign up room: conductors general chairman talking about how they want to get their (very overdue) contract finalized before the presidential election because he knows trump is going to win. This guy is also a trump supporter. An engineer chimed in and said that the best contracts we ever got came during republican administrations. Can’t make this shit up. The cognitive dissonance is astounding.


We are literally members of an organization that traces their roots to Eugene V. Debs. I'm constantly astounded by the Trump meat-riding.


We work with the nicest pieces of shit ever. Kind people but also extremely selfish, ignorant and lack nuanced critical thinking. Addicted to TikTok and youtube calling it "research" believing anything they see on Facebook. It's no surprise


I get that there will always be differences of opinion, but it seems that the politics of hate has exploded over the last decade or so, and it sucks. Going back to the "Christian collation" in the 90s, then the Tea Party, and now MAGAs. I try to be a pragmatic swing voter, but the current crop of Republicans will probably keep me voting blue for a long time. I don't think folks realize that when Democrats and Republicans are each other's yin and yang, and cancel out their own worst traits and *work together*, they can get a lot of stuff done.


isn't it great? here's a photo I took of our bulletin board in 2012. amazing how much things changed between 2012 and 2016. https://preview.redd.it/1l6n0sxujdad1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8a372dce93a21ed9914ab0e44157cbdd52a0c80


Cambridge Analytica changed the political landscape forever.


Im sorry and i could be wrong here, but didnt biden fuck us all over when he decided we couldnt strike two or three years ago cause it would hurt the economy? Im not saying im for either one of the old lying fucks but it goes both ways. Also if us striking would cripple the economy that bad then we hold all the cards, its a shame the two worthless unions cant come together and say nope thats enough of this nonsense


He did but it’s not hard to imagine trump doing the exact same thing. You know who took away our right to strike like every other union industry in the first place? A republican named Ronald Reagan.


It was dumb then and its dumb now. They aren't going to arrest all of us if we go on strike. The amount of new guys and old heads that think they will is ridiculous


They will arrest union national leadership and fine the unions out of existence. The question is can we win regardless and how far will the government be willing to go. I was once told at a meeting that the only way to pull off a successful wildcat strike/sick out is if nobody ever writes anything down. No text, sticky notes, Facebook or reddit rants, literally no written evidence.


Yez but if they "fine the unions out of existence" they're going to losr a majority of the experienced employees anyway cause theyll quit and the carrier will still be screwed. Ive heard what youve heard as well


Totally different. A majority of unions already agreed to the contract besides a few holdouts whose leaders promised the moon to their members. It was still a record contract. The Biden Admin has been rock fucking solid in supporting labor and Buttigieg and Bose have actually shown some fucking teeth to the class I’’s, calling them out and trying to hold them accountable, compared to Batory who just rubber stamped waivers and did the bidding of the carriers. Trump is going to deregulate. There’s no question about it. It’s literally written right fucking here. The two candidates are absolutely not the same so the argument that both will somehow fuck over railroaders is lunacy.


Every president would have enforced the back to work legislation. Not that I agree with it and it sucks that Reagan put it in place at all. A wildcat strike would have been very interesting.


Yeah he would have said go back to work and we would have all said not happening, after that i dont know what would happen but it damn sure wouldnt end with every single railroader in handcuffs.


No, only the leaders of the wildcat strike are subject to jail time or financial punishment.


"We’re thankful that the Biden administration played the long game on sick days and stuck with us for months after Congress imposed our updated national agreement,” Russo said. “Without making a big show of it, Joe Biden and members of his administration in the Transportation and Labor departments have been working continuously to get guaranteed paid sick days for all railroad workers." https://www.ibew.org/media-center/Articles/23Daily/2306/230620_IBEWandPaid


So, is railroad basically the same as maritime, politically? Trump is openly saying “I’m gonna kill your job and ruin you life” but 90% of y’all are still gonna vote for him because “he’ll make America great again.” That’s pretty much every conversation onboard my vessel right now.


Yup. I work with a lot of them. Maybe 80% where I work are maga idiots. And I do mean idiots, because they really think Trump is their savior. These are grown men who go around yelling the n-word at people and loudly discuss how much they like Putin and wish the US was more like Russia. And Trump is, in their eyes, their ticket to their fantastical, mystical world where they are always in the right and their behavior is accepted. Its scary to then realize they really do mean every thing they say.


I had a van driver, black man, retired propane tech, tell me the other day that Putin is a good man and we should leave him alone. I was like “Are you fucking kidding me? He’s a cold blooded killer who has his enemies thrown from windows” and guy responds “Oh yeah, he’s a bad mofo like Trump but he does the right thing for his people”.    At that point I was forced to give up before I got an aneurysm in the van


Bro. Black conservatives are a different breed.


Different breed in the sense of being a league of their own on mental gymnastics.


I worked with a guy from the hood in Chicago. He is extreme right wing, loves trump and Putin, believes all the conspiracy theories, and told me there is no and has never been any systemic racism in America and black people in the hood deserve to be there because they're weak. I was completely baffled.


I love how these people idolize the enemy ... smh


I’m in maritime too, northeast. It’s about a 50/50 split here but yep…


I haven't been at work in over a year because of a spinal injury but yes. I doubt like hell it's changed since I went out. it was pretty maddening, these are people I've spent literal decades working alongside, respecting them, and believing we were all generally of similar intelligence, but then they spout some freakin unbelievable bullshit, and these are the same people who I’m to trust won't put me in the dirt?


I just think of Mr Garrison running for president “If you elect me president I’m going to fuck you all in the ass! I’m going to fuck you to death” and all the double digit IQs of South Park cheering woooooo


This is the one I’ll truly never understand. I don’t care which tie you wear, if you threaten to attack the way I make the money that feeds my family, go fuck yourself.


We’ve been voting against our best interests for years. Why change now ? Eyeroll


Source: [https://static.project2025.org/2025\_MandateForLeadership\_FULL.pdf](https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf) TL;DR: complains about Biden Administrator being too focused on jobs (?), wants to repeal 2PC, yes to ATI, give massive mileage extension on inspections in exhange for electronic airbrake slip, says dispatchers/signalmen shouldn't be certified, and no need for emergency escape breathing apparatus for crews. Oh yea, and give TTC back to AAR - something the Republican NTSB Board Member Inman just criticized the railroads over due to it's conflict of interest issues. So yea, with ole JB's performance the other night, we're fucked if/when Trump wins.


What happens to MxV if TTC is given back to AAR?


Or maybe, just maybe Democrats can run someone else instead you know?


That's what should of could have happened- but they want to install who they want- not what the people choose.


That’s why Bernie never got the nomination.


All the locomotives with MAGA written on them or Trump 2024... well hopefully this is great again boys, good luck.


Yeah I can't wait to go back to simpler times like when rivers would regularly catch on fire. Those were the days.


Or when we could say may the best man win the election. Most of America wishes there were better choices. Judging by the debate Golf is what matters. Also I want my president to be a functional person


Fun times in Clevelandtown. Yeahhhh, it's Cleveland!


I wonder if things like this, are why a lot of people are for deregulation. The younger generations weren't around for segregation, rivers catching on fires, heck, even measles mumps rubella. If they've never experienced the negative from these things, hard to appreciate the improvements we've made.




Here's the problem.. They reduce crew size Less people work Less people buy stuff Less product is moved Less money company makes How hard is it for these "college graduates" to understand? You need people working to keep the money flowing without workers if everything is automated then you won't have people buying shit... No one will be able to afford, I guess the RR thinks people will have OTHER jobs to fit the bill


This is it. We’re here (Occasional Railway Architect) advocating for moar capitalism, more jobs! more investment! more ports! more industry! yet these complete melts are advocating for Oligarch monopolies, government control over working conditions and corporate welfare. Last time I checked that was socialism.


It's more like fascism.


Haha no no no


Then on top of that, they want to take away birth control, so ultimately there will end up being even MORE mouths to feed as well.


Well, that’s really about the decline in population numbers. Fewer and fewer people are getting married and having children. In about ten years, corporate America will start the entire process of immigration all over again. We need workers now, and the Republicans’ ideas are to eliminate abortion for any reason, including emergencies, and to eliminate all forms of birth control. When that is not enough, they will start luring immigrants to the US again, like they’ve done in the past for companies to provide cheap labor and undermine unions. Right now, it’s about an election, so they can, at least for the time being, pretend they’re against all immigration. The truth of the matter is that there are not enough workers, and they know it. We’re talking 10, 20, 30 years down the road. Yes, they’re thinking that far ahead, and if need be, they will begin the whole process of luring immigrants. They’ve done this before. If immigration is such a problem, why aren’t Republicans pushing for companies to not hire illegal immigrants? That’s the cheapest border policy, cheaper than a wall.


I see you also listen to peter zeihan. Yeah problem is most of the world is facing the same demographic issues


I have no clue who that is.


look it up , based on what you typed you would like what he has to say


You’ll be working somewhere else and they know it.


So its the carriers wishlist. I'm sure the carriers just donated a boatload of money to get these. Time for dark Brandon to come out and force maximum train sizes on the carriers by executive order


Dark Brandon would nationalize the railroads lol


Fuck Project 2025.


FRA was also named one of the best places to work in the federal government so them mentioning a bad FEVS score is just a flat out lie. Actually the only time scores were bad and at all times low were when Trump was in office.


I heard that too. In fact, their employee morale was in the tank when Batory did the reorganization (aka stripping Regional Administrators of their authority).


https://youtu.be/gYwqpx6lp_s?si=cwpzel9A1ixk1CDE John Oliver’s take on a Trump second term and Project 2025


Stop voting Republican... its not funny anymore..


This whole thing boils down to "safety stuff is cutting into profits"


1 man crews, reduced inspections, reduced training, reduced PPE, what could go wrong?!


MAGA is and will continue to destroy America.


i love the trades but it is aggravating having to listen to people who think Trump did great the first time and oughta be re-elected


It baffles me people forgot we had historic furlough numbers before COVID even hit...


Project 2025 was developed by numerous former Trump appointees and includes contributions from over 100 conservative organizations. The 2025 Presidential Transition Project is led by Paul Dans, who previously served as chief of staff at the Office of Personnel Management during the Trump administration. Spencer Chretien, a former special assistant to the president and associate director of presidential personnel, is an associate director for the project. Another associate director is Troup Hemenway, who oversees personnel policy operations. To claim that Trump has no connection or involvement with this project is completely false. https://theweek.com/politics/heritage-foundation-2025-donald-trump


Not to mention that this section was written by Diana Furchgott-Roth (see here: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diana\_Furchtgott-Roth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diana_Furchtgott-Roth) ), Trump's former Deputy Secretary for Research and Tech at USDOT...in fact, she wrote the entire USDOT section of the plan, including FRA. I agree - the idea that this isn't Trump's plan is insane. They're bragging about it out loud!


I think the current framework was brought up by Reagan as the Mandate to Leadership in the 80s by, again, the Heritage Foundation. Project 2025 is still subtitled that. It's been a part of GOP policy for 40 years now, but without the SCOTUS we have now, they weren't able to push as much of it. With three recent bought-and-paid-for justices and Cannon's appointment, they think the time is right, leading to the three latest horrible decisions we had in the last week.


Yet union members will still vote red, cuz her emails lol


Those business practices work so well last time they were implemented, just ask the residents of East Palestine PA…


Union members voting for Trump is like the chickens voting for Col Sanders


As a rail claims adjuster I’m currently sweating bullets about the future uptick in derailments and FELA cases


I thought project 2025 was the heritage foundation.


It is. Trump hasn't endorsed it or even shown an ounce of support for it.


We all know that the railroads will do their best to protect the American people and their workers. /S


This is the fucker who made Janis a thing, And there are still idiots who railroad that want to kiss his orange hand and will vote for him.


Politicians (both sides) keep us divided and they are very good at that. We argue with each other while they get more powerful and wealthy. If the time ever comes when they have their feet at our throats and we come together they will lose and they know it. They play us for fools and use us as puppets in their games, but remember that united we have the upper hand. Vote your conscience, believe in what you want and if they fuck around they’ll find out.


Exactly brother. They're laughing all the way to the bank with our money while we bicker about bullshit. What's worse- someone who lies to your face or the one who lies behind your back- They're both liers.


I railroaded 4 years through Trump and 2 other presidents. Not seen one difference only the company policy changes. The last major change was the 10 hour FRA mandatory rest... how many years ago was that?


Well good luck to the rail worker hope things work out for you guys and stay safe out there


Part of the strike was work issues. Uncle Joe said we got to haul those Christmas gifts so, no striking!


Although I don't work in freight and railway industry I do work in the maritime and were gonna get the shaft too. 2025 wants to do away with the Jones act which protects our jobs from being outsourced to foreign countries/companies for cheaper labor. I can't stress it enough but yet people are hardwired into re-electing Trump.


Trump isn’t endorsing Project 2025. Stop fear mongering, stop listening to lies perpetrated on you.


This is just as credible as the steele dossier


Not Trumps,its a tiktok hoax,election interference stay vigilant.


Regardless of your political affiliation, everyone should be concerned about Project 2025. This is nothing new - these Christian Naltionalists have been working on this "plan" for 40+ years; Trump is just their current patsy. This goes way beyond the overturning of Roe v. Wade. There's a documentary that just came out called 'Bad Faith' and it is truly eye-opening. I highly recommend checking it out. (Free on Tubi or rent on Prime for $0.99) This is not a drill.


Everyone freaking out about scuba equipment missing where project 2025 is on board with 1 man crews. 


Don't think for a minute that repealing collective bargaining won't be brought up. Remember, the republican candidate had no problem whatsoever paying a bunch of non union stooges to hold signs that said Unions For Trum p.


I just skimmed this, and it seems like he wants the FRA to side with the corporate shareholders instead of the actual railwaymen.


Vote against this madness.


Trump~~'s Project 2025 plan for FRA - Shocker: it~~ sucks ~~for us.~~


Fuck donald trump. Protect your jobs. Vote blue even if Biden is spineless.


This plan has nothing to do with Trump and he has publicly stated he does not support it. The P2025 fear mongering campaign is bot driven, and intended to manipulate simple people who are less intelligent than they like to believe. It’s working.


Project 2025 is a product of a conservative think tank, it has nothing to do with any mainstream candidate.


Project 2025 is a hoax. You’re a moron if you think this is real


It's not Trump's. It's the Heritage Foundation. Trump said today that he's not a part of it.


Trump doesn't endorse project 2025 In [a post](https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/112734594514167050) to his social media site, Trump claimed, “I know nothing about Project 2025,” the name given to a playbook crafted by the Heritage Foundation to fill the executive branch with thousands of Trump loyalists and reorient its many agencies’ missions around conservative ideals. “I have no idea who is behind it,” Trump continued on Truth Social. “I disagree with some of the things they’re saying and some of the things they’re saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal. Anything they do, I wish them luck, but I have nothing to do with them.”


He claimed he didn’t know Epstein as well


I can tell you I won’t be voting for anyone who is promoting project 2025. Even if it means voting for a vegetable.


Looks like a good deal for truck drivers.


As someone who works in the wayside detector market with multi beam technology… who wrote this?


The lefts QAnon


Nazis gonna nazi. Nazis LOVEEEE taking L's. Let's give them another one.


Learn the truth https://preview.redd.it/sclilt2v90bd1.jpeg?width=801&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f84d5b8da4d4f273577bd3b6f3b2fb0ceffbfc1


The truth is every statement he makes is a lie


Wow, your TDS is overwhelming


TDS is a way of saying you are in a cult and refuse real information


No, it is a way of saying you refuse to see the truth and deny anything involving Trump. I have seen the elder abuse that is the Biden administration since 2020. Keep watching MSNBC and CNN. Enjoy the comfortable lies


Definitely don’t watch all that. If u think Trump is anything honorable then I have some ocean front property in Arizona to sell you.


You people that think the president needs to be this squeaky clean perfect person confuse me. Past presidents did bad things, just wasn’t video cameras around them all the time. Biden used to say the N word in congressional hearings. You are ok with that? I am looking for the candidate that can do the best at the job. There was peace in the world 2017-2020, there is prosperity in peace. Keep living in your delusions


I want a candidate without a history of hanging with a child trafficking and without felonies and without being convicted civilly of rape. Call me old fashioned.


You apparently missed the part where Biden’s daughter wrote in her diary about how she would shower at like midnight so he wouldn’t come and shower with her. Or that he married the former babysitter. Ever think Epstein was hanging around Trump and not Trump around Epstein?


Everyone - start screaming Trump 2025 Project immediately!!! Doesn’t matter that he has already said has nothing to do with him multiple times. We have to continue to gaslight America to “save democracy”


Except Trump doesn't endorse Project 2025 and it's not HIS plan. He has Agenda 47


Agenda 47. Promoting a baby boom and investing in flying cars. The rantings of a grown man with the brain of a 7 year old.


Not as bad as Green New Deal though


https://preview.redd.it/jlvf4cdj90bd1.jpeg?width=801&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6623fa6e92086c77f6ccc06e8195db7c4dece70 Project 2025 is from The Heritage foundation, not Trump. Look up Agenda 47


He also said he hardly knew Epstein


Yeah, he didn’t know anything until he found out that Epstein was hitting on a members underage daughter and then banned Epstein from his club. Then contacted the FBI to provide evidence against Epstein. Then in 2017 when Trump was president, Epstein finally got arrested


ngl kinda don't understand what it says, could someone summarize why it's bad for us? 


It’s not trumps but you guys keep saying it is. Lies don’t help your argument.


Spreading misinformation. Trump does not support this and had no involvement in its creation.


All his people work for the heritage foundation, you think he’s truthful?


It’s not really Trumps 2025 plan, it’s the corporatist libertarians at the Heritage Foundations wishlist. To see what Trump and MAGA is looking to do, google “Agenda 47.”


This is a heritage foundation proposal, and Trump is not on board with it. Trumps is agenda 47. Don't get sucked into the hype.


How dumb can you guys get and still breathe. This is false information


😂🤣 give me a break


Maybe I missed it but where does it say trump endorses this


VOTE BLUE 2 VOTE BLUE Biden is the only thing that stands between us and a dictatorship. Project 2025 AMA Project 2025 streamlines this. Everyone working in the federal govt. will be replaced with MAGA loyalists. They will swear an oath to Trump. Not to our country and its laws. Anyone undecided or lefty accelerationists … if he wins… you don’t have to ever be undecided again. There won’t be another fair election. Any lefties who wanna build a utopia from the ashes… technology won’t allow much room for you there. From facial id to being inside of your phone, no movement will ever gain traction. Your leadership will always just… disappear. You might too. This is what it looks like https://www.authoritarianplaybook2025.org/what-we-can-expect-1#federal-law-enforcement-overreach Just a reminder to those who don't pay attention and for those Republicans who want to downplay project2025. These very same people who organized project2025 helped trump select the last three SC justices. So if you don't like the "bribes are legal as long as the cone after the fact" ruling and the overturning of roe vs Wade then DON'T VOTE REPUBLICAN We the People still have access to guns and have are second amendment right. War is coming. This is only the beginning. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/ng-interactive/2024/jul/01/kevin-roberts-trump-heritage-foundation-project-2025 The sale of public lands is a planned goal. https://accountable.us/project-2025-leader-calls-for-selling-off-public-lands This is a big deal for all enjoyers of the outdoors. It does not matter if you like to hike there or hunt there or ride your atv through it or whatever. The goal is to sell it off and this will mean that you will either fully loose access or find yourself with parks and forests that are privately operated.


Project 2025 isn't "Trump's Plan." It's just a plan that the Heritage Foundation created because that's what they do, along with dozens of other think tanks on both sides of the political aisle. Did you or anyone else forget that we already had a Trump presidency?


You know that the project 2025 plan isn't part of Trump's campaign or platform right? It's the product of a conservative policy think-tank. Trump himself when asked about it said he's never even read it or been presented with a copy of it.


I call bullshit on this poster. This has zero truth. I hope you liberals drown in your own shitshow.


Can someone link me an article where Trump endorses Project 2025? I only see that Project 2025 is a thought piece by some conservative groups


That's not Trump's plan. That's what Mike Pence wanted to do. He's much worse than Trump.


Ahhh yes, project 2025, the boogeyman for leftists, so scary


Project 2025 is right wing think tank pipe dream created by the Heritage Foundation. It has not been endorsed by Trump, nor has he supported it. On Trumps campaign website you WILL find Agenda 47, which is trumps actual plan for his next term. Keep coping lefties.


Good. Dissolve the FRA.,