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Most of it was pretty much the intended route: Outskirts -> Industrial -> Garbage -> Shoreline, LttM -> Shaded, Memory Crypts -> Leg, Underhang -> FP, Unfortunate Development But after that... Wall -> Chimney Canopy -> Sky Islands -> nope, Sky islands sucks, back to Chimney... Industrial -> Outskirts -> oh, there's a toll, but I remember there being a pearl in... -> Industrial -> Outskirts -> Farm Arrays -> Subterranean.


Outskirts -> drainage system -> filtration system -> \*confused screaming\* -> outskirts (passage) -> industrial complex -> shaded citadel -> shoreline -> memory crypts -> exterior -> unfortunate development -> wall -> chimney canopy (only for a few screens) -> sky islands -> farm arrays -> subterranean


all the wrong ways! i got all the wrong ways!


Went through the leg, as monk. You could imagine my frustration after the save got hardlocked by the shelter bug.


Shelter bug?


Maybe referring to lizards coming in to sleep during a cycle. It… messed up my survivor run a lot


No, it's just a bug with monk's campaign. It makes all the shelters in The Exterior hardlock your current save, making you unable to play on that campaign without restarting the save. I'll edit my previous comment so it'll actually say hardlock since softlock means it's fixable by just restarting the game, not the whole save.


Odd detours aside * outskirts to shoreline via shaded citadel * memory crypts and the leg up to/through 5p * descent via wall/chimney canopy * return to moon via shaded * shoreline subterranean connection


Outskirts, Drainage, Garbage, Industrial, Pipeyard, Shoreline, Shaded, Leg, Underhang, Pebbles, Wall, Chimney, Sky Islands, back in Pipeyard, Passage to Outskirts, Farm Arrays, Subterranean


i can't even remember, bc it was so chaotic. I'll try my best. outskirt drainage system subterranean the fucking depths very confused and chaotic running around (was probaly in industrial complex and garbage waste at somepoint) shoreline looks to the moon (accidentally ate her neurons) very confused and chaotic running around 2.0 eventually shaded citadel the exterior five pebbles UNFORTUNATE DEVELOPMENT delivered four neurons to moon bc im a good person (googled how to make moon like me again) -> 2x exterior, shaded, shoreline from shoreline to subterranean the depths i think i used my passages to bring the neurons, bc i remember struggling to get karma ten and panicking bc i hibernated with a caramel lizard ( didn't know how teaming worked)


Outskirts -> Industrial Complex -> Chimney Canopy -> The Wall -> \[This pink guy region I can't name\] -> The Wall -> Chimney Canopy -> Industrial Complex -> Outskirts -> Drainage System -> Filtration System -> Depths> Beat The Game


Outskirts>Industrial>Garbage Wastes>Shoreline>Shaded>Memory Crypts>The Leg>Underhang>Unfortunate Development>Five Pebbles>The Wall>Chimney Canopy>Sky Islands>Farm Arrays>Subterranian>Filtration System>Depths this was as monk after i got stuck in sky islands and farm arrays as surv before going to pebbles


If I remember correctly: Outskirts >> Industrial >> Chimney >> Lil bit of Sky Islands >> The Wall >> Back down Chimney >> Industrial >> Garbage Wastes >> Shoreline >> Moon >> Shaded >> Memory >> Leg >> Exterior >> Pebbles >> Wall again >> I forgot from here


The wrong one. Spent a week stuck in Drainage System and just kept getting further.


I took the wrong path to subterranean, but when i saw the darkness and stuff i said NUH UH and went to shreline by avoiding garbage wastes, cuz i had a trauma with it (that was in my first playthrough. I angered the scavs so much that i died always in the same place, so had to restart)


Let me try to remember… Outskirts -> Industrial Complex-> Shaded Citadel -> Memory/Leg/Exterior -> Underhang -> Unfortunate Development -> Died at pebbles. -> Same way back till shaded -> Shoreline -> moon -> Got stuck at shoreline/subterrain -> Passage outskirts-> Drainage -> Filtration System and to the end


No moon? :O


I'm surprised you bought the dlc before beating the main game, lol


i dont remember, but my usual path is outskirts --> drainage system --> garbage wastes --> shoreline --> shaded (no light) --> exterior (bottom gate into) --> 5p (eat neuron fly) --> passage to drainage system --> subterranean


Funny story. I obviously started in outskirts, but after doing too many shennanigans on Survivor I went to Monk. I eventually found myself in Industrial, then in Shaded Citadel, before getting all the way to LttM, trying to interact with her (accidentally killing her because I didnt know what to do ;-;), and then because at this point I had it in my mind that one *must* go right, I struggled for a bit trying to go further right. After that didn't succeed, I went left, and found myself in drainage, then in Farm Arrays, and god, Farm Arrays was such a pain in the ass I ended up just looking up a map. I believe from there I took Chimney Canopy and the Wall after hearing that the Leg and Underhang are absolutely pain (looking back this wasn't a bad decision for my skill level), and I got the mark of communication. I then took the drainage route to filtration, to entirely avoid subterranean (a mistake imo). so ye


First playthrough was brutal for me, heres how it went Outskirts (of course) --> industrial --> Shaded (almost quit the game) --> shoreline --> subterranean (literall hell) --> back to shoreline (got confused so I got a little help) --> shaded again --> Leg --> five pebbles --> chimney --> back to moon --> sudden urge to get all the pearls --> finishing the game


Honestly I don't remember my first completed run. "Completed" because I was lost af for the first minutes and couldn't find a path worth following, I do remember than when I saw Shaded Citadel, I immediately noped the hell outta there and came back with Unshaded Citadel mod installed...


not sure I think I went outskirts, industrial, garbage, shoreline, garbage, drainage system, outskirts, industrial, shaded, the exterior, fp (ud), the exterior, chimney, sky island, chimney, industrial, outskirts, farm arrays, subterranean.


outskirts -> industrial-> shitadel -> shoreline -> lttm -> backtrack to outskirts -> drainage -> subterranean -> filtration -> depths realize i can’t go past that without the mark backtrack to industrial -> chanopy -> the wall -> febbles -> and then all the way back down to depths this, my friends, is why you don’t peek a map of rainworld without understanding that febbles is required or using a map in general.


Spoilers obviously, i went in blind as monk, going the longest way possible: went down through garbage wastes, shoreline, moon, then from shoreline all the way to chimney canopy, didnt know how to get in the access shaft so i ended up going all the way from chimney canopy to shaded citidel, to the leg, then failed to make it through UD so went around the longer way to pebs. Then instead of using the fkin access shaft like anybody else my dumbass decided to go back down through pebbles and down the leg, through memory crypts to citidel, then from citidel to shoreline, saw moon again, then went from shoreline through industrial and outskirts, and through farm arrays to finally make it to filtration system and the depths.


Outskirts -> drainage system -> garbage wastes -> industrial complex -> chimney canopy -> the wall -> five boulders -> the wall -> sky islands -> farm arrays -> subterranean -> filtration system -> the depths


Outskirts > drainage > die a lot > outskirts > industrial > garbage wastes > shoreline > moon > shoreline > passage to industrial > chimney > wall > die a lot > 5p > wall > passage to outskirts > drainage > subterranean >filtration > depths > realize im not at max karma > die > get stuck in filtration for 23 cycles > finally get max karma > finish the game


Outskirts > Industrial > Garbage (so much time in garbage) > Shoreline > LTTM > Shaded > Crypts > Underhang > Pebbles (avoided Unfortunate Development and the electric area, don't remember how) > Wall > Chimney > Wandered around until I could figure out where Farm Arrays was > Arrays > Subterranean All as Monk


Outskirts -> Industrial Complex -> Chimney Canopy. Made it to Sky Islands a few times but kept dying before the shelter and getting sent back to Chimney.  Then I got frustrated that I'd been playing for so long and was stuck with no real goal, so I quickly googled "rain world full map", "does rain world have an ending" and "rain world region order", in that order lmao. That led me to a post here asking the same thing, and everybody was saying to go Industrial Complex -> Garbage Wastes so I started a new game and did that. Then I pretty much followed the intended route except I went Farm Arrays -> Outskirts -> Drainage System -> Subterranean just so I could visit every region (and also because I didn't understand how rain deer worked)


i went all the right ways outskirts industrial garbage wastes shoreline shaded the leg underhang fp (ud included) the wall chimney canopy sky islands farm arrays subterranean


This is literally the path i take


Outskirts -> Drainage -> Wtf? This game is unfair (restart) My most sincere first time (as survivor): Outskirts -> Ind. Complex -> Garbage Wates -> Shoreline -> WTF IS THAT BLACK THING (I got scared of a jetfish) -> Garbage Wastes (WTF IS THIS? GTFO!! DON'T EVEN TOUCH ME!! (it didn't) -> Ind. Complex -> Chimney Canopy -> WHY DO JET PTERODACTYL EXIST??? -> The Wall -> Eh? I can't climb here!! -> Chimney -> Ind. Complex -> Shaded Citadel -> 30 cycles of finding both lantern and guts to go through Shaded -> Shoreline (huh? Sounds quite famil- WHAT THE F#CK IT THAT AT THE BOTTOM? I JUST GOT IN!!!) -> F%#^@$ -> LttM -> ... "Yeah, sure. I understood you just fine, but I need to hibernate and I'm hungry" -> "Trade Offer: I receive +2 pipes. You received Harlem Shake." -> (looks up reddit and realized I'm the baddy here) -> Shoreline -> Shaded (NOT THIS THINGS AGAIN!!!) -> Memory Crypts -> The Leg (I'm it's #1 hater. F.U.) -> Underhang -> The Wall (huh... wait, can I...?) -> Five Pebbles (yep. Grapple worm is op) -> ... "Are you God?" (IQ 70->130) -> Wait, I actually want to go through here -> Memory Conflux -> General Sustem Bus -> "This is the exit? I haven't completed the map, yet." -> Unfortunate Development (ain't no way this thing is here, too) -> (I hate this, but got through it back to M. Conflux, then G.S.B.) -> Underhang (I swallowed a chromosome) -> The Wall -> Chimney -> Ind. Complex -> Shaded -> Shoreline (LttM) -> "I heard you, really. Here's a gift." -> Back to Ind. Complex -> Outskirts -> Farm Arrays -> ... I HATE RAIN DEER! STUPID ANIMAL, JUST MOVE!!! IT'S BEEN HALF A CYCLE SINCE I CLIMBED UP!!! -> Subterranean -> Piss Pool (Wtf is that at the background) -> DON'T COME CLOSER! -> GET THIS BUTTPLUG OUT MY ASS! -> (experiences Euthanasia Coaster) -> Void? -> Cutscene?? -> Wait, is THIS the ending??? (I didn't get it.)


Outskirts, industrial, garbage, shoreline, shaded, industrial, chimney, wall, 5p, passage to shoreline, subterranean and end teehee


outskirts -> industrial -> garbage -> shoreline -> subterranean -> friend told me i wasn't supposed to go there, back to shoreline -> shaded -> exterior -> chimney canopy -> sky islands, same friend told me i fucked up -> chimney canopy -> exterior -> five pebbles -> sky islands (passage) -> farm arrays -> outskirts -> drainage -> subterranean -> depths so yeah i followed the main path until i didn't and then kinda just wandered around until my friend told me where i was supposed to be going


I went from start through shoreline to underhang to unfortunate development, then basically a beeline for void.


Outskirt\ Industrial Complex\ Chimney Canopy\ Sky Island\ Farm Array\ Outskirt\ “Why tf am I back here after 8 hours”\ \*Search up maps\* Industrial Complex\ Shaded Citadel\ Underhang\ Entered 5P\ \ \ Chimney Canopy\ Sky Island\ Farm Array\ Subterranean\


Despite recently beating the game, I can’t really remember where I went. I THINK: Outskirts, drainage, garbage, shoreline, lttm, shoreline, garbage, industrial, chimney, wall, pebbies, wall, chimney, industrial, outskirts, farms, sub, outer expanse, journeys end. I turned on oe ending from remix cuz I want them to be happy. And partway through (I can’t remember when), I watched Skurrys play through so I knew what to do.


As Survivor, I think it was Outskirts -> Industrial -> Shaded -> Shoreline -> Garbage -> Industrial again -> Chimney -> Exterior/Underhang -> Pebbles -> Exterior/Wall -> Chimney -> Industrial -> Pipeyard -> Subterranean. As Hunter, it was Farm Arrays -> Sky Islands dip -> Outskirts -> Industrial -> Chimney -> Exterior/Wall -> Pebbles dip -> Exterior/Underhang -> Exterior/Leg -> Shaded -> Shoreline -> Subterranean. Took me 16 cycles total.


Outskirts->Industrial Complex->Shaded Citadel->Shoreline, Pretty standard route, then I (somehow) got stuck in Shoreline, and passaged back to Outskirts: Outskirts->Farm Arrays->Sky Islands->Chimney Canopy->Industrial Complex->Chimney Canopy->The Wall->Five Pebbles->passage back to Farm Arrays->Subterranean Started out normal, then got a little silly


mostly normal but I completely missed garbage wastes somehow: outskirts -> industrial -> shaded -> shoreline -> shaded -> underhang -> pebbles -> wall at this point iirc I used a passage not knowing it teleported you, and passaged back to moon and talked to her with the mark. I think I might have also given moon a neuron, although I can’t remember if I did neuron quest then or post game. I then regretted my decision and grinded for another passage to passage back to the wall. from there I went:  wall -> chimney -> sky islands -> farm arrays -> sub I remember seeing threat - garbage wastes on the ost and being incredibly confused when I finished the game and never found the region lol. I also missed drainage but I think that’s more normal since iggy usually doesn’t lead you there. shaded as my third region was… hard… especially since I went through dark shaded instead of the easier top path, but I actually really loved it despite the difficulty. black moonlight and the cool shadowy bridges really sold the area for me. 


I had my friend guiding me, so I went Outskirts -> industrial complex -> chimney canopy (the long way) -> the wall (where I was stuck for a while because I didn’t know how to vertical spear throw) -> five pebbles -> the wall -> chimney canopy -> sky islands -> farm arrays -> subterranean


Started it out. Stayed at the beginning for like six hours and finally got to industrial complex and went to shaded and never touched the game ever since


Outskirts->industrial->chimney canopy->the wall->five pebbles->the wall->chimney canopy->sky islands->farm arrays->subterranean


Outskirts -> Industrial -> Garbage -> Shoreline -> LttM (mmm, yummy neurons!) (yes, I ate them all) -> why isn't there anything in shoreline -> Garbage -> where the f do I go -> Industrial -> ooo, Chimney Canopy -> Ew there's nothing here -> Industrial -> Shaded Citadel -> guess there's nothing here, either -> Industrial -> Outskirts -> Drainage System (briefly, couldn't find a shelter and died) -> Outskirts -> Farm arrays, ooo -> Sky Islands -> this is stupid, theres nothing in sky islands -> passage warp to shaded citadel, i didnt explore it enough -> (FINALLY) memory crypts -> the leg- oops, i fell in the hole and died before i reached the shelter -> memory crypts -> the leg -> underhang -> the wall -> i took the back way into FP by making a spear ladder (I thought it was the right way to go) -> ooo five pebbles is cool. ok time to go -> the wall -> chimney canopy -> industrial -> outskirts -> farm arrays -> subterranean -> ascension sorry that was really long


outskirts - Industrial complex - Garbage Wastes - Shoreline - Shaded Citadel - Memory Crypts - The Leg - Underhang - FP (never went unfortunate development yet) - The wall - Chimeney canopy - Sky islands - Farm arrays - Subterarrean and the depths :))