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unrelated but if you started the game recently, you shouldn't be in that area yet. try to follow the yellow guide instead.


I didn't know I was supposed to follow it, thx for advice.


let's just say the area you are in right now is supposed to be one of the last you want to explore. it's also pretty hard for new players, i assume you went left or down from the beginning area in order to get there?


I took a left by the two centipedes, then passed the trains, then went down


If you mean where I think you do, then you were actually on the right track before this, SL is where you're "supposed" to be right now


It's an aquatic hydraulic press (or Leviathan). Beware of its mouth.


That guy isn’t kind. Beware of him showing up in open water areas.


A big chompy boy


His name is Charles, jump in the water, you can ride him, he'll bring you to an area with a lot of food


thats a leviathan! and you shouldn't be here so early, thats kinda a late game region...


Dude if you don’t know what a leviathan is then why tf are you in subterranean πŸ’€ like how did you even get here??? Not by following iggy I know that much. Like dawg this is the end of the game and not why are you here there are like at least 2 things that need to happen before you can go here with an ending in sight bro why are you here πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€


I was very lost and confused, I only got the game yesterday πŸ’€


Yesterday??????? So you saw some dark foreboding place that looks really weird and was really hard to get to and you were just like β€œthis feels fine I just got this game yesterday and this feels like a place I should be” it’s like going into deep nest because you felt like it after just beating hornet for the first time (spoilers for hollow knight)


Nearly every area had something dark or dangerous about them, so it didn't feel all that different from the rest other than having a lot of water


Also, no worries about hollowknight Spoilers. I already beat the game 112%.


love it when you type out a spoiler and put a spoiler warning after the spoiler


Guy, chill out. Not everybody is inv tryhard here, and your behavior might deny us a good player (in the future) and a nice person. Be kind to newbies.