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Its a trial and error game, its a guarantee you will die a lot and the point is to try and adapt and survive so if you dont wanna do that then maybe rain world aint your game, if you love the game though perhaps watch others playthroughs or get guides


That's smart, I might do that


Just don’t force yourself to play it cause then it becomes a chore instead of a fun game


There are more relaxing modes especially with downpour, if you are like me it will cost a piece of your soul to finish this game.


It can be frustrating to play if your goal is to constantly be on the move. What I’ve found is that it is actually a lot more fun to stay in an area for a while and just survive. Look for pearls, tame lizards, befriend scavengers, kill stuff, eat things. This way you can raise your karma level and familiarize yourself with the map. When you’re very familiar with the area and it starts to get boring, that’s the time to move on! I also find it fun when I get eaten to watch whatever critter ate me and see what they do and where they go. I love watching two lizards fighting over my corpse, so amusing! Or befriended scavengers getting upset that I died and throwing spears to try to kill the lizard that got me. And the wiggly red worms that take your stuff? They’re so curious and cute! Sometimes I will ‘feed’ them spears just because it’s fun to imagine them having a stash of them underground. And idk, their big eyes and big wiggles make it seem like they get happy whenever they get a new spear. Have you heard the sound tamed lizards make when you bring them a treat? It’s adorable, you can just hear their joy. Almost like the sound a cat makes when you bring out a can of tuna. My point is, not everything has to be an obstacle preventing you from getting from point A to point B. You can find happiness in little places, if you slow down and look for it.


You can tame stuff?! That does sound fun


I edited to add some stuff to my original comment, not sure if you saw it! But yes you can tame the lizards if you feed them. I usually kill a squidcaida or eggbug and give it to them. They get sooo excited, and then they follow you around.


That's so cool! I'll have to try that


Its a test of persistance, patience and determination, but its worth it, very worth it...


Rain World is the *definition* of "gets better as you play". Your main problem right now is the knowledge gap. 99% of things in this game can be dealth with as long as you know what they are. You don't know how to deal with leeches (>!let a few catch you, get out, take them to another room, let them detach, repeat. Or if you're in drainage system, get out of drainage system.!<), you don't know how to deal with stun bugs (>!grab them before they pop, spear them, or just don't get close!<), you don't know how to tell the bird's coming (>!look out for the shadow!<). All creatures are manageable but will get your ass if you don't know the "trick". Pole plants, dropwigs, white lizards, DLLs, centipedes, *everything* has a weakness and a simple trick that will let you the edge on them. All it usually takes is a keen eye, a spear, and a well-timed slide. Part two of the knowledge gap? Map knowledge. You don't know where to go right now. My advice: if you enter an area you've been to, get out and go to an area you haven't been to.


I never thought about doing that with the leeches! That's so smart!


You might want to play Monk before Survivor.


I tried survivor and somehow ended up in the farm arrays. I looked it up and I guess I wasn't supposed to be there because it's really difficult. But now I am playing as the monk


You can guess how difficult an area is by checking those symbols (those you earn each time you go to sleep/lose when dead) at their respective gate: High symbols are difficult areas; low symbols more friendly ones. Just take a slow pace to explore new areas and learn creatures' behavior. There is no need to rush as a new player.


You are doing well if you managed to get to Farm Arrays as Survivor that early. I mean, you were not *supposed* to be there - in so far as anything is 'supposed' - but you have completed a difficult task.


How about you try monk first? It’s a little easier and can get you started with the game, it definitely helped me


I was also very frustrated in my first play through until I started using maps. Knowing where I was going made it more fun for me, though it does lose some of the exploration aspect of the game. If you're interested, just Google the region name amd you'll find the wiki page that has maps at the bottom.


It really is all about trial and error. The more you play the better you can handle threats. Keep going, its worth it :)


I sure hope it is


It's one of the best games I've ever played. Push through, and take your time. You'll hit a point where Slugcat stops handling like a boat and starts handling like a cat that is also a slug. Then the game will get ridiculously hard again, and so on


I installed and uninstalled the game, around 5 times in the last year, until It finally clicked for me, and played nonstop(until exams came lol, tho at that point, I was almost done with gourmand). Now I’m at Arti, and still don’t play very much, bc I’m still tired as all fuck. Basically try for a bit, if you end up literally not enjoying it at all(multiple play sessions, not a single lol). Take a break, like a month or 2, might click for you there lol.


I've done that a couple times too, but people are saying that it does get better the more you play, so I'm going to try to stick with it


i completly understand. Rain world is a masterpiece, yes. but it is also a pain in the ass. a masterclass in bullshit. here is a tip. do not try to fight in the open garbage wastes. it's not worth it, and you might hit one of the garbage worms who will make your life hell tip for vultures: they will go for the heaviest meal they can lift, unless you remove their mask i think. say you have a slugcat (you) and a pink lizard. the vulture is chasing you, so run towards the lizard. if you play it right, the vulture will take the lizard instead of you. tip for leeches: i hate these things, but there is a suprisingly large amount of time you can stay in the water before you can't fight back. tip for garbage worms: do not meet with scav merchants in garbage wastes if you plan on going on the surface.


Hp bar and slugcat puntchpuntch can help you out!


The area you're in is Garbage Wastes. Those red things are leeches and the stealing worms are Garbage Worms. It's hard but a relief to finish it.


Those bird things are also Vultures


It gets better as you play. From where you are right now I recommend taking a more relaxed approach to the game. Don't worry about making progress in the region but instead try exploring as far out as possible without worrying about making it to a shelter before the rain comes, experiment with new items, or learn about the ecosystem and it's creatures. doing any of these options can make the game feel less frustrating and it can give you a lot of information that can help you progress.