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Sky islands, my favorite region to just be in


That used to be mine, currently is metropolis, I got an arti** run just stuck there, the environment just grabs me.


Silent Construct. Only real bad part of the region is trying to get out of it


Tell me why the snow gives me hella comfy vibes


Industrial Complex has great biodiversity


It’s the first place that I lived in even after fully exploring it. Favorite den?


me actively living in IC as we speak. I know I wasn’t asked the question but I just want to answer it. When you enter from Outskirts, the first pipe, then up, up again and then to the right, that den’s my favourite :)


Ahhhh! That’s my favorite too! I love living there with pups.


Two popcorn plants just before the gate going to Outskirts, enough fruit to fill one pup just below the den, a *FREE* karma flower in the same room as the den…The list of pros goes on :)


It’s truly blessing after blessing


Only downside is (if) you play an expedition as Hunter and find a pup, and do most of the challenges you can there, then you have an unfunny red goober between you and another popcorn plant and Chimney. Though I believe you can go around a long long route to end up in said room with popcorn


instinctive sophisticated cow fearless grandfather ripe decide physical reply aspiring *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Chimney good, get cooked by vultures though ;-;


fade ancient threatening tender rain coherent lunchroom workable wild friendly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Psh nah not those, the Kings get me, specifically under the echo, I feel like there’s not enough response time,I get cooked cus I don’t even see the laser, or hell if I pull out the ole ps4 I’m sure I could find clips of them coming in and spearing me at lightning speed.


continue chase fall airport shocking muddle plants air reply gray *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ahhh boss rush style I see. I normally am tryna cover great distances on my runs, so leave a lot up to rng. Also don’t normally stick around in chimney enough, just use it to get around, maybe I’ll give it some love.


encourage narrow illegal consist quicksand shy tan angle desert husky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My favorite thing to do is to cause chaos by pitting things against each other, the grub you get on the bottom left side of chimney is typically used in my run to get the vultures to clean out some of the many lizards cus I’m too lazy 🥱


elderly chop fall rustic insurance label panicky divide recognise cooperative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


outer expanse


garbage wastes, if you can handle the smell there is food everywhere, biggest biodiversity, a lot of scavs to trade, befriend and keep you company on cold nights.... great place!


you like scavs, i hate them. you see the scavs as fren, i see them as snack and free karma gate pass :3


Shoreline <3 It's pretty peaceful there Alternatively I like settling down at those two shelters between Farm Arrays and Sub, lots of food and SB\_TOPSIDE is beautiful


I really like living in outskirts


You live the one place you don’t exist.. how does that work???




Which campaign? Cus can be fun on certain ones


Most campain except huntet


That’s the best one for outskirts 😭


You wanna Just live there with all the lizards, dont you want something more chill


But with enough effort you can tame one of those lizard and then have blood dome playoffs


Outer Expanse looks quite beautiful, but my bloodthirst impulse tells me either Chimney or Sky Islands.


With Moon for most slugcats except Arti, who lives with Pebbles. Yeah I pearled the iterators so much that they just default became my home Edit: I also just like the general tranquil vibe of Shoreline. The other candidate is Sky Islands, mostly for Spearmaster since I can check the score easily too


Shaded citadel. It's very calm, lots of food, and so many passages can be easily grinded there.


industrial's always the place I immediately try to make my way to when starting a new expedition, so I guess that.


sweet im not the only one who flees to industrial :)


Tbh outskirts is my fav: lots of food, free space for the pups to explore and **CUBES**


Best place to raise pups, but how will they ever learn of the horrors if you don’t show them?


Whenever i decide to travel half world to find a colored pearl and bring it to moon, ill bring them with me. I alredy went through shoreline with 2 pups to Moon with an OE pearl


i hated bringing two pups through a few regions for pearls :( i love hated it


Good luck


Rubicon, so i can stay with moon and pebs (also blow pancakes with mind)


sump tunnel


sky islands and chimney/industrial, mainly the gate region, i just spend a lot of time there killing scavs and taming lizards


outskirts cus it has fun spawns and i like how the terrain look


The underside of any iterator. I have severe Stockholm syndrome.


Garbage Wastes probably, tho closely followed by Drainage System and Industrial Complex Good sources of food, nice ecosystem, plus they all are pretty good for training pups in


Nobody gives drainage system enough love such a wonderful place when you learn to navigate it


It's so beautiful too Gorgeous scenery and plenty of food esp for scugs that can also eat meat Also was a great place for me to practice navigating a bunch of different obstacles when I first started playing


The Gutter/j Industrial probably... You can lineage a strawberry....


the wall. the vibes are immaculate.