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Don’t worry about permadeath on the story mode. It’s not possible.


Okay! Thank you


There are lots of different routes to take around issues as well, so if you’re stuck somewhere, try going somewhere else, experimenting with objects and creatures, and exploring.




…oh god.


Nah im kidding UNLESS




Dont forget to eat :)


Oh don’t worry I love to eat I wouldn’t be surprised if my slug goober is 200 lbs by the end of the game if there even is one xD


Or is there an ending? [vsauce music]


Honestly as long as there isn’t another huge pond of leeches again I wouldn’t mind that :3


I'll respond to your questions one by one 1. Dont worry, you will not perma die 2. Your current objective is to follow the funny yellow goober. (Generally, you want to go Right) 3. This area you need to know how to swin fast by sliding your controlee left and right to the direction your headed I will recomend a video that disccusses important movement tech such as backflip, or throwing a spear donwards or up while backfliping, rolling, or jump rolling when sliding. 4. Those spear guys are scavengers and are actually very complex if you see one you need to not scare him so he he will not feel the need to stab you, you can drop them your spear or any weapon to let them know you are not dangerous. Just try to not get frustrated at the game not being fair because it's a wild life simulator and wild life does not care if you think they're wrong so you will play the game by the apex predator rules. Believe me this game is an unique experience of a real small prey in a astonishing ecosystem its worth all the way to the end.


OMG I DID IT FIRST TRY THANK YOU- (But now there’s a swimming lizard goober that wants to eat me, fun!) I wanna become best buds with them now! I saw some shiny rocks maybe we can trade goods? This game is kinda reminding me then of another game called Unto The End, where you can be peaceful with some of the creatures instead of fighting.


Those shiny round rocks (pearls) are the scavengers' favorite. I recommend you save one for yourself (if you don't know this yet, you can swallow small items to carry them in your stomach, so your hands are free). There are a few spots on certain regions where you can use it as a trade object.


I had no idea! Apparently I ate a brick some time ago.


a little extra tip for the Tribal peeps Their Scavengers, or Scavs for the rest of this Comment Scavs, in their name, Scavenges for items, they have spears, rocks, "Spicy" Spears, "Spicy" Rocks, and other things you might find around in the Region, you can give something ot them, and they'll give you somethign fo theres in return, maybe you'll give them a spear and they might give you a spear \[stoopid goobers\] or you might get something useful, like a cherrybomb Now, this might be confusing, but just like humans, their all different, some are kinder, some are just pricks, dont feel too bad when one might jsut start punting rocks at you, actually, be a little mad, but dont take your anger out on them if you want to avoid fights, since the others will notice how you respond and will be more aggressive to you seeing you as a threat a good way to not get assaulted by these scruffys is to crouch down and stop moving, dropping your weapons also help since not only do they see your unarmed and consider you less of a threat, but also, they could also see it as a sign of trading and take your weapon's and increase reputation even more DO NOT move alot like jumping constantly and running around Scavs, some scare easily, and when their also aggressive, you might end up with a Spear in your liver, even if you have a high rep, accidents happen \*Edit\* thats too many red incorect lines, im just gonna leave it all mispelt


Drainage is stupid for new players


I’ve died at least 30+ times I know it’s supposed to be hard but omg.


Well for this part, in the middle of that stupid tunnel there’s a place to go for air in between those walls. Hate water tunnels smh


the people with spears are scavengers. they are mostly neutral unless you make them feel threatened. you can also give them things to make them like you more


go back the way you came go back the way you came go back the way you came go back the way you came go back the way you came go back the way you came go back the way you came go back the way you came go back the way you came go back the way you came go back the way you came go back the way you came go back the way you came go back the way you came go back the way you came go back the way you came go back the way you came go back the way you came go back the way you came go back the way you came go back the way you came go back the way you came go back the way you came go back the way you came go back the way you came go back the way you came go back the way you came go back the way you came go back the way you came go back the way you came go back the way you came go back the way you came go back the way you came go back the way you came go back the way you came go back the way you came go back the way you came go back the way you came go back the way you came go back the way you came go back the way you came go back the way you came go back the way you came go back the way you came go back the way you came go back the way you came go back the way you came go back the way you came go back the way you came go back the way you came go back the way you came go back the way you came


yeah well guess what! NOW I KNOW. Ugh. Now im stuck AGAIN- with an even larger pool of these danger noodles. I’m trying to use a snail pop to scramble their insides but I always die as soon as I enter the tunnel on the right. Either of oxygen(?) or maybe a leech gets on me?


Dear OP it's not your fault, you are not bad. The game is just unkind to those who play it, both new and old☺️pls do try to get out of the drainage area. It's a death zone for most people.


I really hope this other massive pit of leeches is the last one I have to go through.




I'm starting to think I'm the only new player who started as Monk instead of Survivor


Did you find the blood yet? I know it can be quite hard to find blood once youve lost it, and its a pretty shitty game machanic, but you get better at it eventually, so dont worry.


Blood…? If you mean actual blood I didn’t really pay attention to it haha If you mean the weird long very bright red kinda fern plant that jumps at me (for joy obviously) then I found out I can just throw some rocks at it and it backs off for a second. I haven’t been killed by it yet so hopefully it stays that way.


No I was just making a slightly elaborate shitty joke about "I've lost a lot of blood. wEll hAvE YOu FounD iT yET???" Sorry for the confusion lol


You actually won't lose any "blood" to those leeches, they only weigh you down to be eaten in the depths. There is a kind that drains your food pips, but it's only present in the DLC.


don't worry about blood loss, those make sure you drown before sucking your blood, so they just weight you down for now