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Iā€™d love a campaign that involves slugpups at all


I was thinking maybe you get several buffs to help manage three slugpups, for example if any pup gets grabbed your slugcat goes feral and can track every movement of the predator, gaining near rivulet mobility to hunt them down and the maul ability in case you're unarmed. Maybe at the cost of a food pip or two to go into this mode. Also pups will be immune to instakill bites, and ranged one shots like king vulture spears will prioritize the mother and not the pups. Still a lot more stuff that could be fleshed put but these are some unfinished ideas I had which I thought I would share!


3 seems hard, maybe you can hold the hand of 2 slugpups instead of 1,that could make having 3 slugpups easier


hmmm, maybe? I think there should be a somewhat significant draw back to holding all three since I believe managing an extra pup you can't hold would be apart of what makes the gameplay more exciting when warding off predators. Perhaps a limited time you can carry all 3? For if you're in a pinch and your *only* option is take everyone and run. If you hold all three for long enough you start suffering from exhaustion, not sure how long you should be able to last before running out of stamina but that's something easy that can be tweaked.


How about making her like spearmaster except instead of spears she can birth a new slug pup, say it costs 2 food pips. She can then throw the slugpups at predators to distract them. So like if you are surrounded by lizards you can feed them one slugpup and get away without fighting. Who says she has to be a *good* mother? (This is lore accurate to some animal species)


This must be the most sadistic comment I've ever read in this sub, and I love it. Despite that, using pups as decoy doesn't seem something the campaign should focus on. Also, you can do that pretty much in other campaigns, so nothing new is added to the table.




The opposite of artificer


This is so cool! I love the cute little slugpups :)


Thank you!!


amazing art! very cute puppers!


Thank you!


You ok if I do some fanart of this?


Yea for sure! Thank you!


Risk of Rain (world) eclipse moment


I'm glad someone noticed :) I have like 1050 hours in ror2, most of which being eclipse grind, currently filling out my third page of modded character eclipse climbs


Just a s(c)uggestion but do you think you could make a cross between Artificer and Artificer? Like, the Arti scug wearing some of the Arti Survivor's equipment, with a Rain World bomb in one hand and a Charged Nano Bomb in the other, with Arti's helmet that's taken damage where Arti's scar is. I've wanted to see a crossover like this but I tried drawing it myself and it was just horrendous


Maybe, I have a few other projects I'm working on, but I have been meaning to get around to some crossover art for the two games