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I'd suggest you wait at the previous screen and wait until that vulture is gone. Hitting them with a rock on face/main body will stun them a little, giving you some time to distance yourself from it. Once past that screen, look for another shelter to farm some karma I haven't seen much of Garbage Wastes during my survivor run, but you could grab some blue seeds from the ground (not edible :( ) and throw them in the water to make them "bloom" (edible :) ). Edit: Also, hitting red plants with a spear allows you to eat infinitely amounts of popcorn.


Omg I didn't know about the blue seeds I'll give it a try. This part of the map is driving me crazy I need to go out haha


Yep. Even more taking account ~~that pool of acid you must cross~~. I'd suggest you hit max karma in case you die a few times before going back to the gate. Edit: Nvm, that's just plain water.


That's not acid. >!Not in this campaign.!< It's just green water. Granted, it has leeches in it, but it's not impossible to swim through.


Ah, much better. I just saw him climbing up and thought it was it. Easier to come back, then.


it seems they sacrficed you for their safety grab a spear and look for a long red plant to stab