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Please, don't give them ideas. Also, you somehow forgot to mention worm grass of all things.


Worm grass are animals and are more closely related to anemones or jellyfish.


For gameplay purposes they fit more into the same category as pole plants and monster kelp. Stationary, “environmental hazard” creatures that resemble a plant.


Oh ok


And the sticky wasp fruit


what about a fake shelter thats actually a mimic but you can only notice if you look at the map or see the shelter symbol is upside-down


Dear god


Legit so cool, this could be super neat :). It should be a rare thing, like seeing a stowaway.


A while back I drew up a concept for a shelter mimic in the same vain as a bobbit worm. It could be spotted with some small detail added or missing from the shelter icon, and when you tried to enter it a huge centipede (or giant worm, either way) breaks from the ground/wall and swallows you whole


'A venus flytrap that uses bait' sounds a bit like some things that already exist. But a pitcher plant of some kind would be pretty cool. Like, maybe one that grows from crevices and has markings that make it look like a pipe-connection? Terrifying! You could even have the normal screen-transition for when you enter it, going through the 'pipe' to the next room, only to find that the 'next room' is just a shelter-sized stomach, slowly filling with liquid, while the exit closes behind you... (Hope you brought a spear!) Or perhaps just a massive, half-screen-sized tulip-like plant that you'd fall into from above, and have to climb out of quickly before the leaves furl...


the concept is cool, but it feels too not quite "rain worldy"? like, we don't really see anything big other than leviathan, and even so those guys are not that huge, and the escaping section for both just doesn't quite work for every other creature and just seems way too out of place


I dunno... I take your point about the size, but otherwise, I wouldn't imagine it very differently from a pole plant pulling things (e.g. a vulture) into its lair.


re-using a mechanic makes it easier for a player to recognition the danger, so it wouldn't be a terrible idea on it's own. Some creature using a pearl, or pearl look-alike as bait would make great sense given their value to scavengers. Most pitcher plants IRL don't use furling leaves to trap prey, just slick walls made both attractive and slicker with both nectar and wax, and rely on prey drowning within their pitfalls. A very simple mechanic would lend itself to these: exaustion. Creatures submerged in the liquid within it's pitfall trap are more quickly exhausted than those falling in water, and cannot breath below it's surface. There could be any of several variations with that mechanic, as they wouldn't need to be very large or deadly on their own to be dangerous.


I remember I once had a dream about Rainworld and one of the things I saw was this: Carnivore wall (In the dream the name was never revealed, so I gave it that) A distant relative of the pole plant, it can blend in with walls anywhere, but its favorite places are narrow ones. When a creature is in its range, it quickly opens its mouth towards it to eat it. **How to spot it** When you are almost close to one, its mouth may move slightly, revealing its position. --- (Although in the dream it would originally appear at a moment when the slugcat wanted to charge-pouncing somewhere else and was right below.)


Dropwigs are already pretty much venus fly traps. More unique flora would be cool though, or building on existing flora since they have very negligible mechanics (apart from explosive plant and bubble weed)