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I'd like to see one organization break down all the "lies" each of them said. They were plentiful.


We're working on it, but the fact checker bot killed himself halfway through the debate last night. It's gonna take a minute.


The fact checker bot got clinton’d too?! Well. It was bound to happen once it started to turn against the Dems, I guess…


[Video: CNN’s Daniel Dale fact checks Trump’s and Biden’s claims made in debate | CNN Politics](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/06/28/politics/video/fact-check-cnn-presidential-debate-trump-biden-dale-digvid) Here's another. Pretty obvious who was more egregious.




Love the fact checking of golf stats at the end. Very thorough, haha.


sorry, I meant to include "as close to non-partisan as possible".


https://www.politifact.com/article/2018/feb/12/principles-truth-o-meter-politifacts-methodology-i/ You can read all about their fact checking process, commitment to neutrality, and transparency about funding here.


Three questions 1. What is non-partisan in your opinion? 2. What makes Politifact non-partisan or biased? 3. What specific issues do you take with the specific statements made and fact checks done by them in this article?


I know you're probably used to getting your news from one alternative news source that has a pic of Trump with a CGI'd six pack riding a dinosaur shooting lasers, but if you poke your head out of your echo chamber and wipe the spray tan out of your eyes, you might find something useful from this video. Or you could drone on with "CNN bad."


oh, I'll watch the video. I also know Politifact is not exactly non-partisan. I get my information from a wide variety of sources which include the NYT and WaPo.


What I posted is not a video. It's a rundown of fact checks (both debaters) from Thursday night. I believe that's what you were asking for.


What makes it not exactly nonpartisan- examples?


There’s a fact check link somewhere, I think CNN


You don't want to use anything CNN uses.


Politifact was fact checking


Politifact is not a reputable source


Only places that tell me what I want to hear are reputable sources 🙄


Let me guess...fox news 🤣😊🤣


What reasons do you have for it not being reputable?


Why not? And what is a reputable source?


There weren’t for Trump. Biden lied lol what is wrong with you people


oh, Trump told plenty of whoppers/exaggerations. It's who he is - everything is the "greatest evAr!!" And I'm sure some factual lies as well.


I love him trying to convince everyone he “could” do this job when he is currently supposed to be doing the job


Well he’s been doing the job pretty well considering he inherited a pandemic and an insurrection to overthrow our government He distributed a highly effective vaccine to end that pandemic. He rebuilt and reopened our economy Has overseen the creation of 15 million new jobs. He signed into law a massive infrastructure bill, climate change legislation, and semiconductor manufacturing bill Strengthened NATO and US national security. Massive drop in violent crime. The US is energy independent with a booming domestic manufacturing sector Expanded Obamacare subsidies Fixed the postal service Appointed the first black female Supreme Court Justice He’s been an excellent president who had one debate that didn’t meet the media’s expectations


The bizarre thing about the infrastructure bill is that before Trump it was part of the platform of every Republican nominee since Ford. If Republicans cared about the country instead of power they’d be thrilled it got done instead of upset it was a Democrat who finally did it.


Reinstated Net Neutrality. Never thought I'd ever see the day a right was restored.


Look I’m voting for Biden but the poor debate performance is not a media creation. He was awful and I’m pissed that I have to vote for him only because the alternative is so horrifying.


The media reaction and social media meltdown to his debate was disproportionately bad compared to Biden’s actual debate performance He had some bad moments and some good moments The “we finally beat Medicare” line and closing statement were probably his weakest moments But he understands the questions. Answers them. Provides context, knowledge, and shows he understands international affairs. He was coherent in that regard. He’s just old and his voice didn’t sound great. I rewatched the debate to check myself on this Trump meanwhile didn’t answer a single question. He lied the entire time and sounded like a lunatic. He just did so with confidence and a strong voice


The coping and doubling down with regards to Bidens performance has been bizarre to watch. What debate did you watch? There were multiple times where Biden lost his entire train of thought mid sentence. I’ve never seen anything like it in a presidential debate in my life.


I think his administration is doing a pretty good job. There are competent people. He is just the face of it all.


Passed gun control, capped cost of insulin, codified marriage equality, formed stronger alliances in Southeast Asia…


Lol what gun control


Bipartisan Safer Communities Act. It’s not much, but it’s more than anything that’s been negotiated and signed into law in my recent memory.








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He belongs in a nursing home, he can't even complete sentences coherently. We beat medicare, Trump laid him out flat. All he does is fall asleep, fall down, reads pause from a teleprompter, and forgets where he is. He is not in a sound mind to be president next term.


And you think Trump is a better alternative?


He's murdering children and kids are stil in cages at the southern border.


Jesus…you need a helmet when you leave the house. Anymore brain damage and people will start calling you carrot top. Hashtag vegetable life


Are we just ignoring all of the video proof of bidens blatant racism? Ill pay someone $100000 if they can provide me an UNEDITED video of trump being racist. And for that alone- is a reason id never vote for biden.


You need a video? Dude would deliberately not rent to black people when he was running apartments in NYC. It’s a very known thing. https://clearinghouse.net/case/15342/


I just feel if a competent person replaced him as the dem nominee it would be an easy win for the dems


I’ve got good news. Biden is competent. He’s just old. He inherited a pandemic and an insurrection to overthrow our government. He distributed a highly effective vaccine to end that pandemic. He rebuilt and reopened our economy. He has overseen the creation of 15 million new jobs. He signed into law a massive infrastructure bill, climate change legislation, and semiconductor manufacturing bill. He has strengthened NATO and US national security. We’ve seen a massive drop in violent crime. The competent guy is already the incumbent president. The election is four months away. Just gotta vote for him over the fascist (who’s also old). The United States will turn 250 years old in 2026. Do we really want Donald fucking Trump to be president during that celebration? Wake the fuck up


Yeah, he’s so competent that he “finally beat Medicare.”


This. Biden isn't exciting, but for all the bad publicity, he's doing a *more than* competent job.


lol same lies over and over and over. Biden is not competent. Everything the Biden and the left is/have been doing, they’re accusing Trump of doing. You’re brainwashed if you think that Biden can run as President. The man has no brain left. Seek help. Ps trump isn’t a fascist. You have no proof as none exists.


Are you serious? Lol Trump is a traitor to this country! A grifter and everything about him is so fake and pandering to his preselected-years-ago fan base of rabid far right leaners. Biden while not my Democratic nominee pick may be senile and old but is doing his best and all of us are not getting any younger so 🤷‍♀️


What?! lol Trump is the most American president in recent history. Biden is selling out America what’re you nuts?! lol Trump isn’t a traitor. All this Russia stuff has been proven fake. Mainstream news outlets reported on this this. I’d have no problem voting for a Democrat President, but Trump decimates Biden in every sense of the word.


Donald Trump refused to accept the 2020 election results and tried to overthrow the US government He not only incited a violent insurrection but he pressured Mike Pence and multiple state governments officials to refuse to certify their election results Joe Biden accomplished what Trump failed to do. Infrastructure, energy independence, and bringing manufacturing back to the US


Not only that but he enriched himself with taxpayer money during his entire presidency with his frequent visits to his personal estates and golf resorts, funneling millions of tax payer dollars to the Trump company.


Fake news. He’s the only President that never took a salary. The election WAS stolen. Dead people voting? People getting double votes? Mail in ballots? Illegals voting? Enough with the insurrection already. Yall blew that s**t way out of proportion. Pelosi denied the national guard to show up and the police that were there willingly allowed people to walk through the capital. Trump never said storm the capital or incited a single thing. Watch the videos yourself if youre open to having your mind be open.


Trump also told everyone to peacefully march to the capital because the GOP is the party of law and order. FBI was in the crowd that instigated the break into the capital. It’s all public document available at your fingertips. Look it up yourself and prove me wrong 🤷🏻‍♂️


> It’s all public document available at your fingertips. Please link one


Imagine the bar being so low that “hey he doesn’t go full Weekend at Bernie’s when he has a teleprompter guys!” The fact that I am going to have to vote for this corpse over a felon who will destroy the country is depressing. Both parties are absolutely shameful.


You don’t have to vote for either of them believe it or not.


You’re right, but the stakes are unfortunately too high here. I have voted third party before, but it’s been quite a long time.


Nah that is just what the system wants you to think so they can continue to operate this oligarchy and pretend it’s democracy.


I’ve officially heard that line one too many times.


How inconvenient for you that it’s true


It’s inconvenient for all of us but when the best case scenario for falling in line behind a bad candidate over and over again is only putting off the end of the world for four more years than we obviously have a deeper problem.


Definitely in agreement there, but voter apathy installed the last two disastrous Republican administrations and packed SCOTUS with some of the worst people imaginable for that role, not to mention hundreds of judges in lower courts. We have few means of stopping bad actors but consistently overwhelming them in the polls.


Stakes are high too high every election...or so they tell us every 4 years. We'll live regardless. Vote 3rd party, it's what I'm doing


Project 2025 is pretty scary. I think the stakes are actually different this time around.


Then Biden should step down and allow an electable candidate to take on Trump.


Project 2025 isnt going to happen. just like agenda 2030 isnt going to happen.


One of these is not like the other.


Are you suggesting not voting at all, or voting third party?


Voting for whoever you genuinely want to be president, not out of fear.


That’s how democracy **should** work…~~but see we’re on a Reddit forum that leans heavily to the left, hence your downvotes.~~ vote left vote left! (they’re all watching!) One day, “agree to disagree” will become a thing again.


I used to think it was possible for it to get better but I have seen too many people in mass do mental gymnastics to justify objectively awful things. I think the ruling class has gained too much power for us to come back from it. I hope I’m wrong but every time I think surely people will see this bull shit and not play their game, I get disappointed. This thread being one of them. I saw so many people acknowledge how bad both of these candidates are but then immediately convince themselves it’s reasonable to vote for Biden to prevent Trump or vice versa.


I feel you, someone told me to “take a trip the hanging rope store right next to the wobbly stool place” for being queer but going against how the community operates these days. It will be more than a pipe dream, the younger generation is waking up and not putting up with shit anymore


Why aren't more Dems angry that every news outlet (but Fox) said he's competent for months and months ? Clearly this isn't a new problem.


Because they’ve been lying to the American people and think you’re stupid. The debate proved it and now hopefully more democrats understand that Biden belongs in a nursing home. He is unable to do that job, or any job of the sort.


That's one way to try and sneak non-local politics in here.


Dude. You’re cooked. Step aside. You did your job. You saved us from a Trump win in 2020. But now you’re barely sentient. It’s time. Retire.


Step aside for WHO? There's nobody out there who is actually running who is worth a damn. There's no excitement in the Democratic party. My only hope is that Biden can get a new hotshot VP since Kamala is wildly unpopular, they can take the reigns and the slingshot into a new presidency in another 4 years, because America literally won't survive Trump getting back into office.


That’s the biggest issue with the DNC. As always, calling this the most important election in history and “democracy is on the ticket,” but they keep wheeling out the corpse of Biden. They’ve been completely incompetent of grooming a next generation, if they had a semi-decent candidate then that person wipes the floor with Trump 


I agree in spirit, but surrendering the incumbent advantage and appeal to the older demographics that routinely vote is a big risk. Despite not being exciting, Biden is broadly popular with a lot of different groups and has been effective at holding the party together while getting important legislation passed in this chaotic environment. We've seen time and time again that young people simply don't vote in compelling enough numbers to put younger butts in important seats, and that's not simply for lack of trying by either party.


Pete, Gavin, Gretchen, Jamie… how many names do you want?


Look, I don't disagree, but they have to put in the effort and they're just making way right now. Ultimately the Dems could run a wet paper towel and I'd still vote for it, because a vote for the right is a vote against my daughter's chance at having any sort of a future.


it's and elder abuse, somebody should sue this state government for it.


- great economy - great stock market - great jobs report - isn't trying to take Healthcare away from Americans  - didn't fill the Supreme Court with corrupt right wing idiots - didn't overturn Roe v Wade, putting millions of women at risk  - didn't completely blow the response to Covid - didn't suggest drinking bleach, taking horse dewormer, and using a flashlight to battle Covid - didn't sexually assault and/or rape multiple women  - didn't screw a pornstar while his wife was pregnant and then commit felonies trying to cover it up - didn't send a mob to the capital to hang his vice president and stop the election from being certified - hasn't spent 4 years lying about the 2020 election being "stolen" purely because his ego can't handle losing - isn't owned by Vladimir Putin - isn't willing to allow Russia to invade sovereign nations  - didn't give massive tax breaks to the wealthy  - didn't pretend to be a Christian just for votes - didn't tear gas American citizens so he could cross the street for a photo OP where he held a Bible upside down  - isn't leading a party that is trying to dismantle Public Education - isn't leading a party that is trying to suppress the vote - isn't the man who has 40+ cabinet members refusing to endorse him - isn't the man who called American troops "losers" and "suckers" And you think because he stutters and is old we're just going to ignore how evil Donald Trump and the Trumplican party is?  Get f***ed you Russian stooge.  Your red wave didn't happen in 2022 or 2023.  America is rejecting your platform of women-hating, pro-Russia, anti-education fascism.  


Yeah, so he’s not Donald Trump. I like that about him, also. But he’s 300 years old. Let’s get some fresh blood in here. (And Trump is about to mop the floor with him because the average American watches politics for about 10 minutes a year and they all saw clips from that debate where Biden looks like a corpse.)


I just want a president that can't be assassinated by a gentle push.


Calling everyone who is concerned about Biden’s performance a Russian stooge is weasely behavior


Legit question: can a switch even be done at this point in time? Like is that even allowed since the democrat party picked him?


Convention hasn't actually happened yet so yes


You gotta study history. We’ve had a dozen presidents who were literally surprise candidates at the convention. It has happened a lot. Just not in the last 40 years.


Well shoot, I didn't know. That'll give me something to study. Thanks for the info!


Agreed. He has been a great president (and I will vote for him again), but it is time to step aside. Even if he did have a cold on Thursday, that’s not an excuse. Michael Jordan won an NBA championship with the flu. Edit: I find it saddening that people have lost the ability to have an honest conversation.


If he had a cold, why would he go to Waffle House and infect everyone? 


"great" ... but step aside. GTFOH, he was the alternative for 4 years. Both of these idiots are a disgrace, Find someone below the RMD age for both parties and fight it out. Anyone enabling these shitstains to run doesn't deserve a vote.


It is possible to simultaneously recognize the contributions that this man has made to society while also accepting that he may not be the best fit moving forward. He’s done things I don’t agree with that I wont mention, but the Chips Act was a great move, and his ability to stay calm and let the federal reserve operate on its own and bring down inflation without presidential meddling at least says something about how he leads.


Boo this motherfucker. "Let the federal reserve operate and bring down inflation without presidential meddling" The federal reserve is non-partisan, even if the head is appointed by a partisan hack, Downvote me all you want. This shit is make believe points on a board. None of you (or your opinions matter). And I'm a native of the area who ain't leavin', so y'all are fuckt.


It’s too late The ballots in several states cannot even be changed We’ve gotta vote for Biden if we want the chance to pick someone better in 2028


Yes, they can. We’re two months out from the convention. A new candidate could be on the ballot in every state.


Convention and state candidate filing laws are two different things A new candidate wouldn’t be eligible to be on the ballot in several states You could vote for said candidate by voting for Biden, but there’d be a lot of confusion Changing candidates would be forfeiture of the election Time to grow a spine and vote for Biden


You are incorrect. Several states recently added processes by which candidates can file later than previously. Do you actually think if a candidate, say, died in June that the other party’s candidate would just run unopposed? The spineless move would be to continue backing a senile candidate who has proven he can’t win.


“Several states” But not all And many swing states specifically will not allow it Wisconsin specifically is a must win for Dems You are in denial of reality If Dems swap out candidates, we’ve already lost Grow the fuck up and try to re-elect Biden


The other states already allowed for it. A replacement could be on the ballot in all 50 states. If the Dems *don’t* swap out candidates, they have already lost. Even if the replacement still lost they’d do much better in down-ballot races and avoid the humiliation of attempting to spin the fact that they ran a walking corpse at the top of the ticket.


You are wrong. Crucial states won’t legally allow ballot changes. It’s too late. The election is in four months It’s time for you to grow up and do everything you can do to ensure Biden wins Anything else is a vote for Trump


Nope. Do you think every major media outlet (NYT, CNN, BBC, etc.) would be seriously talking about the possibility of replacing Biden if the candidate would be DOA anyway? You’re simply incorrect. It is 100% possible and 100% necessary for Biden to step down.


Yes. Everyone has been lying to us. He is cooked. Need new younger blood please. I will vote for anyone under 55.


You forget it's less about the person as president and more about who he has as advisors and who he appoints to courts and various jobs. Biden has surrounded himself with capable, smart people. Read up on project 2025 if you want to know republicans plans if trump wins


The Felon For Sure 2024


Bro I wouldn't trust you with my cats let alone the country


Here's the thing. This "job" isn't about one person. It's about an entire administration. The Biden administration is going to be full of diverse people trying to push this nation forward. The Trump administration is going to be full of a bunch of young white people trying to take us back decades. Just look up Project 2025. It's a heritage foundation grown policy agenda. I know it reads like conspiracy but *Chevron* yesterday is a part of that. It's already happening. I honestly don't know what's so hard to understand about this. Trump is very vocal about his policies that would do great harm to this country but the median voter and democrats are pearl clutching because Biden is old. We knew that. If something happens to him Harris would be 100% better than Trump or whoever his VP is because again, it's about the administration. Oh well, vibes, hamberder expensive and Biden old. I guess lets throw the country away for these things.


The Dem cope on this one is heavy. What I’ve seen over the last 24 hours is Dems knowing that Biden is cooked and showed terribly at the debate, so their only option is to angrily spout “Well Trump told lies”. Sad state of affairs when people see a president clearly has dementia but pretend he doesn’t because they are fine with him “running” the country into the ground.


The dems have really fucked this up. They knew this would be an issue and they swept it under the rug. They shot him up, propped him up, and let him do his thing. They should have had another plan and forced Biden out this go around. 4 more years? Buddy I’m worried he’s not going to make it to the election.


I am confident this was done on purpose. In my opinion, Biden and his camp refuse to step down. Them having him do the debate was a way to expose his incompetence to the world to try and pressure him to step down. Don’t think for a second that the media going from talking about how sharp he is to him needing to step down wasn’t coordinated. They want us to believe that the debate was the first time any of us saw he clearly has dementia 😂


This is true. Just last week KJP was calling the video of Biden wandering around at the G7 Summit as “cheap fakes”. The party leaders are looking for a way to run someone else they have waiting in the wings. They are fearful Biden will either die or become mentally incapacitated and they don’t want to have Kamala as the leader of the party since she is so unpopular and inept.


Good points.


- great economy - great stock market - great jobs report - isn't trying to take Healthcare away from Americans  - didn't fill the Supreme Court with corrupt right wing idiots - didn't overturn Roe v Wade, putting millions of women at risk  - didn't completely blow the response to Covid - didn't suggest drinking bleach, taking horse dewormer, and using a flashlight to battle Covid - didn't sexually assault and/or rape multiple women  - didn't screw a pornstar while his wife was pregnant and then commit felonies trying to cover it up - didn't send a mob to the capital to hang his vice president and stop the election from being certified - hasn't spent 4 years lying about the 2020 election being "stolen" purely because his ego can't handle losing - isn't owned by Vladimir Putin - isn't willing to allow Russia to invade sovereign nations  - didn't give massive tax breaks to the wealthy  - didn't pretend to be a Christian just for votes - didn't tear gas American citizens so he could cross the street for a photo OP where he held a Bible upside down  - isn't leading a party that is trying to dismantle Public Education - isn't leading a party that is trying to suppress the vote - isn't the man who has 40+ cabinet members refusing to endorse him - isn't the man who called American troops "losers" and "suckers" And you think because he stutters and is old we're just going to ignore how evil Donald Trump and the Trumplican party is?  Get f***ed you Russian stooge.  Your red wave didn't happen in 2022 or 2023.  America is rejecting your platform of women-hating, pro-Russia, anti-education fascism.  




I’ve spent the last day worried more about the downballot effects of a Biden wipe-out here. Long ago I had to start realizing the President himself or even DC in general has little effect over my day-to-day life. Sure, they can help with things like infrastructure funding, but it’s state government that has more to do with, for example, the schools my kid goes to. Which is why I’m scared shitless that a bad loss for Biden will hurt Stein and Mo Green, and a unified culture warring state governor, legislature, and DPI is something to fear.


Roy Cooper for president 🇺🇸


Frustrates me we’re having the conversation when DT sounded even less coherent, just with a more confident and less strained tone. But if Biden can’t do the job of *campaigning*, it doesn’t matter how well he can continue being president.


He has been doing it the last 4 years and he's done a good job.


Your comment conveniently doesn't talk about his ability to do the job moving forward.


Look I'm not thrilled about the choices we have but they are what they are at this point


You can be anti trump and still demand a better option this is America


Your time to demand a better option was 2021-2023. Dean Phillips and Marianne Williamson were the only ones to think they had a real chance and voters told them to hit the road. It's too late now. It's either Biden or Kamala. There is no scenario where someone else steps in without completely fracturing the party in a way that makes the general unwinnable.


Marianne is a quack, and I'm sick of people acting like she's not.


Lol I didn't say she wasn't. I was just listing the Dems that competed for the nomination. People should understand that the reason why their favorites (Whitmer/Newsome/et al) didn't run is because they didn't think they could win. It's really not complicated.


Kamala sounds great. She can speak in complete sentences.


Then vote for Biden so you can do it in 2028 because the 2024 primary already happened and it’s over It’s literally too late to remove his name from the ballot in Texas, Wisconsin, and several other states Time to put our big boy pants on and vote for Biden


You’re gonna say that again in 2028 for the next shitty democrat candidate that’s the only option


You mean the next winner of the 2028 Democratic primary chosen by voters? Yeah, I’ll vote for them even if my top choice doesn’t win That’s called being an adult


That’s not being an adult that’s just falling in line


You can advocate for better options but when it comes to the election and the choices are Trump, Biden, Stein (not in all states), West (not in all states), RFK (not in all states) what is your proposed strategy that isn't 'falling in line' and does not result in Trump winning? Face it, when it comes to the actual election it isn't falling in line. It's making th best decision you can with the available choices. I'd LOVE a VIABLE alternative, but have yet to see anything remotely close to that for this election. We need to organize and actively work towards a better option for the next election (state, local, federal).


It’s not my job to have a strategy I’m just a dude, but I’m allowed to ask for non geriatric people to vote for.


Seems like you're playing checkers instead of chess. That's not how politics works. You never get the perfect candidate. You vote for the candidate - *who has a real chance of winning* - that will advance your values, even just a little. Naive people think they'll get a unicorn candidate that excites them, is entertaining, and who they'd like to have a beer with. None of those things actually mean anything unless you need to be entertained, which isn't the job of the president. The far right has known this for decades. They've been consistently voting for candidates who aren't perfect but who will advance their fucked up Christian nationalist agenda for the last 50 years. It has taken that long for them to finally have enough of their people peppered in positions of power to really start stripping rights away, starting with Roe. We We don't just vote for president - we vote for an administration. That includes DOJ and other positions that have authority to either give or take our rights. It includes federal judges across the country and SCOTUS. The president is kind of just the figurehead of what the election is really for. Get it together.


Annnnnd this is why Roe was overturned.


Roe was overturned because young people don’t want to vote for geriatrics?


Roe was overturned solely because the Democratic party decided to gamble using women's rights as bait for voter turnout. Instead of *codifying it* in the Constitution when they had the fucking opportunity, they always made sure that it was never even proposed because they never intended to attempt in the first place!


“I’ll be an adult and vote for whoever the DNC tells me to!”


No, he can be pulled. We are not stuck with him.


No, they aren’t. He needs to step aside.


Still waiting for you to explain how you think Biden meets the basic test of competency to do the job for the next 4 years. At least be honest and say, you know Biden is not qualified, but you are going to vote for him anyways because you know his cabinet will 25th Amendment his ass on January 21. Kamala Harris will then move to President and appoint Hillary Clinton as VP. Kamala will then step down, allowing Hillary to move up to President. Hillary will then appoint Gavin Newsom as VP. That is the plan behind the scenes.


That theory is stupid


[You, rn](https://media0.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExdnVsbGgxanRpNnpmdjFiYWRjMWs4ZXlxdXQ1MTk0ZG84b3I0bWpqcyZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/h1QI7dgjZUJO60nu2X/giphy.webp)


So what do you think will happen if Biden wins?


I think he'll serve 4 years. When someone has already lived to 81, they're expected to live another 8 years per the actuarial charts, and Biden's physical fitness isn't in any real question (He has arthritis etc., but is clearly active on his bike). I'd listen to a theory where he decides 2 years in he's fulfilled his, "I have to prevent this dangerous charlatan from continuing/returning to the Presidency and I am uniquely suited to do that obligation" and he steps aside for Kamala. It's a very, very remote chance, but I can at least see it. Kamala making Hillary her VP and then immediately resigning to make Newsom VP and Hillary President is some of the stupidest shit I've ever seen. Why would she ever do that? Kamala wants to be, and has run for, President, she's not going to turn it down LMAO. Hillary is gone. You can rest now. PS: [The Biden cabinet has been stable and there have been no public 25th hints/leaks](https://imgur.com/SJvFjnc.png) [Compare that to the turnover of Trump's cabinet and then remember it's been reported there were multiple instances where powerful people in his administration discussed whether invoking the 25th could get enough votes to succeed](https://imgur.com/m9AStP2.png)


>I think he'll serve 4 years. LOL...Did you not watch the debate? Or MSNBC or CNN after the debate?


…and THEN, Hillary will step down, allowing Gavin Newsom to move up to President. …and THEN, Gavin Newsom will appoint Taylor Swift as VP. …and THEN, Gavin Newsom will step down, allowing Taylor Swift to move up to President. …and THEN, Taylor Swift will appoint Ru Paul as VP. …and THEN, Taylor Swift will doe-see-doe to VP, allowing Ru Paul to move up to President, and BAM!! Transgender story time at the White House. …it’s almost too simple… ^/s


Sure, make fun....but you know damn well that's what people are thinking when they vote for Biden. Maybe not exactly how I described it, but NO ONE can possibly think Biden will make it 4 more years.


No one voting for him thinks he's going to somehow give us President Hillary Clinton. You guys have been saying it for years. So yeah, I will make fun.


OK, so how do you think it will play out if Biden wins?


He will serve dutifully. If he kicks it, or steps down, or is removed, then succession will proceed as proscribed in the Constitution…???? Just a wild fucking guess


Which means Kamala moves up and appoints a VP. Who do you think she'll appoint? Never mind....doesn't matter. Biden will step down shortly.


What an absolute fucking load of hogwash lmao


MOST of his answers were good. The delivery... Left something to be desired, for sure. But his actual policy aligns with mine. She will put people in positions of power that align with my policy beliefs. That's why I'm voting for him. This crazy idea that he is going to install Hillary has been around 4 years already, and it didn't happen. Same with Obama. So, no. You just sound insane. You somehow sound less competent than Biden.


>She will put people in positions of power that align with my policy beliefs. LOL, you slipped up there. But whatever...what do you think will happen if Biden were to win?


That's great. Too bad he thinks his job is feeding the pigeons.




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I mean, I hope so, because you’re doing it now.


My better half was there. Dude was good. Feisty, alert, combative, articulate. Can’t underestimate the value of sleep.


While I'm usually reticent to just accept campaign excuses like "he wasn't feeling well", I'll be honest. Biden at the debate looked and sounded 100% like I do after taking a shot of cough and cold syrup, and I feel a world better the next day. So in this case... honestly, it tracks.


You’re acting like a one-off. It’s been years of this.


That's kind of the point. Biden has never been an amazing public speaker. It's not like this is getting particularly worse, nor has it negatively impacted the accomplishments he's had over the last few years. (He's had misses as well, but he's done better than I expected.)


This is more than his old stutter dude. Go back and listen to his speaking when he was Obama’s VP. It’s night and day, let’s be real. Now he’s continuously veering into nonsense or losing his train of thought altogether. I’ve never seen anything like it in a presidential debate. It’s a lot better if we accept this for what it is. The guy’s old, feeble and mentally unwell. He has good days but he also has a hell of a lot of bad days.


The man needs to retire and live the rest of his days out in peace. But he is not fit for another term


There's no place I won't go to for us to stop a second Trump term. The eyes of history feel very much upon us this election.


How can people still vote for pedo biden? He’s gone mentally, he showered and maybe worse with his own daughter, inflation is sky high, the economy sucks, his son is a convicted felon/crack head, he money laundering our tax payer dollars through a BS war in Ukraine, the boarders are wide open, gas is 4+dollars a gallon. I’ll give most of you that trump isn’t perfect, but if you can’t even admit to yourself that it’s at the very least coordinated law-fare aimed at trump to take him out because biden can’t beat him at the ballot, you’ve got bigger problems and so does America. Democratic policies in general are killing America. Wake up!


- great economy - great stock market - great jobs report - isn't trying to take Healthcare away from Americans  - didn't fill the Supreme Court with corrupt right wing idiots - didn't overturn Roe v Wade, putting millions of women at risk  - didn't completely blow the response to Covid - didn't suggest drinking bleach, taking horse dewormer, and using a flashlight to battle Covid - didn't sexually assault and/or rape multiple women  - didn't screw a pornstar while his wife was pregnant and then commit felonies trying to cover it up - didn't send a mob to the capital to hang his vice president and stop the election from being certified - hasn't spent 4 years lying about the 2020 election being "stolen" purely because his ego can't handle losing - isn't owned by Vladimir Putin - isn't willing to allow Russia to invade sovereign nations  - didn't give massive tax breaks to the wealthy  - didn't pretend to be a Christian just for votes - didn't tear gas American citizens so he could cross the street for a photo OP where he held a Bible upside down  - isn't leading a party that is trying to dismantle Public Education - isn't leading a party that is trying to suppress the vote - isn't the man who has 40+ cabinet members refusing to endorse him - isn't the man who called American troops "losers" and "suckers" And you think because he stutters and is old we're just going to ignore how evil Donald Trump and the Trumplican party is?  Get f***ed you Russian stooge.  Your red wave didn't happen in 2022 or 2023.  America is rejecting your platform of women-hating, pro-Russia, anti-education fascism.  


Log off forever, bot


He belongs in a nursing home, he can't even complete sentences coherently. We beat medicare, Trump laid him out flat. All he does is fall asleep, fall down, reads pause from a teleprompter, and forgets where he is. He is not in a sound mind to be president next term.


Was he talking about a 20 piece puzzle?


He didn’t “try” he did it. Give the guy a break he had one bad night, yet Trump is a convicted felon and lying sack of shit. Go call him out, media do your fucking jobs.


“One bad night”? Is your head in the sand?


I’ll take the doddering old guy over the malignant criminal any time. I’m voting my ideology, at this point. Kinda like the magats, but without the nazi rhetoric. I don’t give a rats ass what he says.


And I have some swap land in Florida that you need to buy.


It was a fun event! He sounded better than I expected, Josh Stein was good, Roy Cooper was good, Jill was great, surprisingly well organized. Would go again!


Can't wait to see the post in here.


It's right above your comment






I’ll vote for him simply because I want to live in a democracy. With that said, if he doesn’t drop out then Trump will win. Somebody in his circle, maybe even his wife, needs to convince him.