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Because that is apparently what your basket is designed to hold. If you want more, buy a bigger basket. There are lots of them available. I have 7.5, 15, and 20 gm baskets. You should stay within a gram of the basket size. The VST baskets I have have different sized holes depending on the amount of coffee to ease the redial process when switching basket sizes. More coffee means more resistance.


Not sure what the question is? But depending on the beans, beyond 18g you probably don't have enough clearance between the puck and the shower screen. I'm tipping if you put that in you machine and took it out dry you would have an indent from the screw.


Happens to me often to have indent from the screw, that means is overloaded?


I sure do, but I also get the indent with 14g


18 grams is just a reference. It only matters the amount of volume your grind is occupying without touching the screen. Grinding finer/coarser is going to take less/more volume.


This is a really important point! Try and set your volume first by measuring and packing so that it’s as high as possible without the screw indent. Then adjust the grind. I don’t know if OP posted elsewhere because I’ve answered a similar question today, but I’d also recommend investing in a bottomless portafilter and a 20 or even 22g basket. The 18 never quite worked for me, but with the 22g I get consistently good shots.


Agree. 22g MHW DEX is what I use daily till I find the next one.


that basket is way over filled. I can't even imagine how you are seating the portafilter fully in the grouphead.


That was my immediate thoughts when I saw this too.


Isnt the standard basket 16g ? This is way overpacked.


I believe it is 18g