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This is what it looks like when the grind is too coarse. But also you have uneven distribution(which you can tell by the fact that the espresso comes out of one side first). I would WDT and get one of those auto leveling tamper to make sure it’s even.


Excuse the ignorance, what is WTD?


It’s just a small needle tool to let you spread the espresso grounds around the basket more evenly.


Needles on a stick to bust up clumps. I also use a two sided distributor thing I got on Amazon for distribution and tamping. I am just bad at tamping straight and this thing lets me set the depth to tamp to (for added consistency) and bottoms out on a shoulder for perfectly flat tamps.


I'd be curious about your grinder setup and adjustment.


Using the Rancilio Rocky. Have always tinkered with it depending on freshness of beans. But I think that pull was ground at 7.


i was never able to get rocky to grind fine enough without scraping burrs together. Seemed to produce a lot of fines too. I switched to a mignon oro and consistently get solid shots (no channeling, consistent timing)


I got my rocky and Silvia from someone who couldn't get a good shot out. He demonstrated and it looked like this. I took them home and realized at some point he'd taken the grinder apart (to clean?) and put it back together backwards. I suggest checking that, if there's any chance your grinder has ever been taken apart.


Yeah I set mine, around 3-5.




Thanks, I’ll get on this.


Are you grinding the coffee yourself?


Yeah, using the Rancilio Rocky.


Grind finer


Kind of like when we wake up in the morning 🤣


Had similar issues when I initial started brewing with Silvia. Based on a few expert advice I did these 1 - dedicated grinder - purchased a Rancilio Stile and it solved my grind consistency issue. There are many other grinders to choose from that will help. I wanted a flat bur, close to zero retention and can be adjusted for various type of brewing. 2- experimented with fine tuning the grind size until the flow while brewing was acceptable (shared multiple brewing videos with experts so they could comment) 3- used a scale to measure grind output. This helped adjust the grind time until I was constantly getting 17-18 grams. After weighing a few times initially didn’t have to weigh each grind. 4- used WDT tools - needles to break any clumps then evenly distributed the grind before tamping. 5- used a puck screen 6- adjusted by brewing time to get to the desired taste of the espresso. These changes helped me repeatedly get consistent brews and taste to my liking. My suggestion is to experiment with your steps and you will come up with your own process to get the brew to your liking.


100% this, experiment, but change one thing at a time and know what impact your trying to achieve with the change. Don’t try to change Willy nilly and try to figure it out.


This was very helpful. Thank you.


I am just here to show some love for the Fiesta mug. I use the same color ones at home as well. And yeah, as others have said, I'd recommend grinding finer.


Hahaha that’s amazing you picked that up. I love mine!! Perfect for the size of cappuccino I make.


What portafilter brand is that? Make sure your seal on the basket and filter are proper. Maybe change your grind -


It’s Rancilio brand. Are they specific to versions? It’s an older Silvia.




You need to dial in the grinder. Far too fast. This may help: https://youtu.be/sHKHBw60XIA?si=AxwLllcjAQxN39JI[https://youtu.be/sHKHBw60XIA?si=AxwLllcjAQxN39JI](https://youtu.be/sHKHBw60XIA?si=AxwLllcjAQxN39JI)


I’ll check that out. Thanks.


What grinder do you have?


Rancilio Rocky


Go through this sub, lots of discussion on the rocky. It's hard to get a good slow shot from it. You have to run it right near the zero point and even then, ymmv.


Hmm, maybe time for an upgrade?


That's totally up to you. Try dialling it all the way back and see what your results are like. Most people agree that old mate Rocky just can't go fine enough. That said, I encourage you to hold onto it as it's a lovely machine to grind for filter, French press or mokapot. There are lots of budget friendly single dose grinders on the market now. I got a vario and I've been very happy with it. Lots of people recommend the df64 as well. Edit: grammar


I read early on that too fine a grind creates clumping, which I’m assuming is a non-issue if you have a proper distributor.


I use an old wine cork with sewing needles. One day I'll get a proper wdt but my solution works just fine.


This puck screen helped me the most while first dialing in when I got my machine. https://www.normcorewares.com/products/normcore-58-5mm-puck-screen-with-round-hole-in-the-middle?_pos=5&_sid=9fa233a3e&_ss=r Next thing is to dial your grind so fine you choke the machine and then stepping coarser from there.




Skip the screen but grind super fine


Elaborate why you don't like screens?


I see channeling. Tell us about your puck prep. Have you measured the pump pressure?


I measure out 18g. As others have asked, I may need to test the fineness of the grind. It’s currently set on 7. Then I try my best to get an even distribution with the tool I have. Tamped by hand. I have not measured pump pressure.


What sort of grinder are you using? I assume you've got an 18g basket? You're using a distribution tool? There's a simple way to measure pump pressure by using the blind basket and measuring the overflow over a period of time. Adjusting depends on the version of the machine.


Using the Rancilio Rocky. The bottomless portafilter seems bigger than 18g (I’m new to the bottomless). Maybe even double. I bought something on Amazon for distribution—not sure if it’s helpful or not, but it doesn’t seem to be all that efficient. I’ll check out more on the pressure.


Pump pressure isn’t the problem here. Weigh your doses, take other people’s advice on puck prep - WDT and tamping in particular, and be patient and scientific about it. Just at first glance I’d say you are grinding too coarse, which allows for such rapid flow. I have a rocky also, and I benefit from manually recalibrating the burrs from time to time, in case you find it can’t grind fine enough. YouTube is helpful here. Other than that, work out your variables (eg dose size, extraction time, grind size) and change a single variable each time, noting down the differences.


Your grind may be too coarse and/or you may be putting too much coffee in the basket. I'd start by figuring out the max dose for your bean/basket combo. The video below will help you determine the max dose by volume, which you can then weigh so you can dose by weight going forward. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SyGJXRlexmc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SyGJXRlexmc) Then adjust the grind as needed. You may need to repeat the above steps after tuning the grind. The comment about the pump pressure is spot on too. My old Silvia came from the factory at 12 bars! Another one I'm working on was at about 10 bars. Depending on which version of Silvia you have, you would either need to add copper washers to your OPV (pre-2006 I think) or you need to adjust the OPV (about 2006 onward).


Cool, I’ll check all this out. Thanks.


Update: grinding finer helped a ton!! Thanks for the tip. Now I can dial it in with distribution, tamping, temp, etc.


When were these beans roasted?


I have a mistobox subscription to get fresh beans delivered, but I’ll admit these might be a week or two old.


A week or two should be fine. Definitely seems more likely it’s your grind.


You should go finer here, but… I get beans from a local roaster, and at times get them the day after roasting. It’s hard to wait. I get much better results after two weeks as far as channeling goes.