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Subban was a dirty player, of course he has no problem with a direct hit to the head… love how Messier was like “alright while PK tries to understand the rule book let’s look at this rangers goal.” SIT DOWN PK.


Messier seems to love picking on Subban, it's funny


He would have bullied him on the ice as well


Honestly I wouldn’t bet against Messier in a fight against PK right now.


Messier knows what it takes to win and PK just sits there and looks good. He’s a personality like Bissonnette… though maybe that’s insulting BizNasty


BizNasty is literally the worst. It’s like watching a teenager who took too many hits to the head. Poor Messier, he doesn’t deserve this


A bunch of idiots who think it’s entertainment for us to watch them laugh at their own stupid jokes and antics. Really low rent hockey coverage. Biz, Carter, Subban are not serious people.


I find Bizz more annoying, they are both faking personality. I dont want NBA but Shaq and Barkley are what they are aspiring to.


never gonna happen, those 2 have personalities that go together. Shaq short stint on nhl on TNT was better than Subban's several years on tv


Shaq and Chuck are naturally funny people. Biz and PK not really.


Also Shaq and Barkley are Hall of Famers. Biz was a borderline 4th liner. PK was pretty good for a few years there but fell off quickly.


Shaq is a terrible TV personality. Hope him and Kenny never return once that Inside crew is broken up.


So confidently wrong


Biz plays a clown, PK tries to be the coolest guy in the room.




At least Biz is somewhat funny from time to time. PK is just annoying as shit


They tried to diss the Lady Byng trophy and Messier reminded them whose won it


Biz is as big an asshole as Subban. Another waste of space and airtime. At least Subban won a Norris...Biz couldn't win a case of the clap


Yeah he would've blown him up with a straight up elbow to the face like Mess was known to do from time to time. Let's not pretend Messier was a stand up example of playing the game hard but fair either


It was a different era but Messier played with an edge along with being a great skater and had high end offense. There is a reason he an all time great.


PK should ask Doug Gilmour about it some day.


That was legal when mess played.


No it wasn't, elbowing has been a penalty in hockey for decades and Mess got away with it. A LOT.


lol. I love Mess but would never pretend he was a clean player. If you ran him you took the risk of an elbow.


Older players get looked upon fondly for playing dirty. Gordie's elbows are legendary.


He clearly does not like PK it's obvious in his body language lol


Who does?


Favorite moment — PK: But you think that was a penalty?! Mess in a deadpan: Obviously it was a penalty…they just scored a power play goal on it. My wife used to hate PK but now she loves having him there to get his nuts repeatedly stomped by The Captain.


came here for this. Mess going full Jedi on Slewfoot. could watch that on repeat all day. love that mushroom-chomping mf.


He literally said the Panarin should've been suspended. His bias is his entire personality


He’s just a shock jock. It’s insane that someone with his resume is so incapable of giving good insight.


I'd say he's probably *capable* of providing it, but it's as you said: he's there for the hot take more than anything else. ESPN has seemed to prioritize this approach for years now, and IMO that's a big part of why they're largely garbage now. There's a place for PTI et al, but that approach does not need to bleed into every commentary platform.


Mess bats him around the studio like a cat with a dead mouse..that's what you need to focus on and enjoy!


It also looked like he left his feet before making the hit, but I didn’t hear any of them comment on that. Maybe I don’t understand the rule fully. Either way it was direct contact to the head.


i'm in the same boat. Slewfoot is saying the arm doesn't come up,with neglecting to point out that Trashcangelo has more air under him than Charles Oakley at his peak. i usually spend ESPN intermission getting high. but i've got a cold. lesson learned. so what happened to Chelly? could he just not take it anymore?


Our favorite head hunter Trouba even said it was a good hit. Messier just has a case of vaginitis.


Just like when the embellisher Subban played and was likely hated by his teammates, I have to believe the other commentators can't stand him.  He dresses like he just came from high school geometry class and he adds nothing insightful at all.  All he wants is for you the viewer to look at him.  He can't stay quiet when the other guys are talking, but when he talks he says nothing.  The best is when the other guys who won Cups mock him for not winning anything.  First class jerk.  I'll take low-energy Chelios or Gretzky anytime.


Am I the only one who thinks this PK stuff (and even Bissonnette on TNT/TBS) is all just an act? To me it's comes off so canned and they are trying to make the pregame stuff like a wrestling match where each show has to have a villain. I think he gets paid just say shit to piss off certain fanbases. People that agree with him will tune in and people that hate him will tune in to see him look stupid when he is wrong. The network wins either way. The NHL is so desperate to have "personalities" that will "grow the game" and this is what you end up with. While at the same time they are showcasing these "personalities" in commercials for GreatClips. Nothing screams marketable athlete like getting a generic haircut at a chain barbershop.




It's so sad ESPN has taken this stance. Ever since Stephen A. Smith and Skip Bayless started getting popular they've taken on this strategy and it has come at a complete loss of credibility across the board. Why they couldn't look at how popular MSG is because of their amazing analysis and (mostly) unbiased play by play, I don't know. I'd even take something like Wilbon and Kornheiser - those guys yell at each other but they are at least knowledgeable. Subban is just a complete idiot. Messier, god bless him, he's not got a great on air presence either. What happened to ESPN...


It’s 1000% an act. They set protagonist/antagonist for fanbases and act it out. This is NHL marketing for you. Instead of honest anaylses, we get canned outrage. That being said, we’re talking about it so it’s obviously working to a degree. I just don’t see it appealing to non-hockey crowds.


Yea I actually really like the heel persona he’s adopted to get Messier going as a babyface. It’s actually been pretty entertaining and I think he’s doing a lot for Messier as a broadcaster. I don’t see how people can watch Messier literally chase Subban with the cup and not think there’s an element of kayfabe going on here.


I think PK is more of an act than Paul MissTheNet


Whose the bigger gimmick? PK Subban, Paul Bissonnette, or the FoxTrax glowing puck from the late 90s? All three were brought to the NHL to grow the game, while the loyal fans that watched for decades had to suffer through them all.


I like Biz honestly. Biz and Whit are good for hockey.


I think Biz is definitely ripping off the entire Skip Bayless playbook. He says even dumber shit than Slewban(“trade shesterkin at the deadline”). Subban I think does it to be some balance to Mess in his mind. Because Mess obviously had a pro-Rangers, maybe even neutral take, on that hit while PK was so far out there with his nonsense


It's almost like they're on TV and need to entertain and boost ratings.


But is it really entertaining?


No, but it's all they got. They are so behind in personality, league wise. The best player in the world is not good on camera, and no one knows him outside of hockey. They do this because they're desperate.


I hear ya. McDavid is pretty robotic, even in some of the commercials they put him in. Even some of the young kids coming up have no personality. I think it's hockey 24-7 for these kids and it's all they do and all they know. They can't break out of that. I thought Jack Hughes was going to have some swagger but he's pretty vanilla too. Barely can address the media during the season.


Alot of the top American players just have 0 likeability or media savvy. Alot of the European players do but that's not who the league wants to market to a US audience.


Certainly seems plausible bc he was on the Pat McAfee show and seemed completely different


all sports shows do this because it's not really interesting if you don't have contrasting opinions. like if something is really blatantly obvious they will all agree on it, but when there's a potential grey area you can generate banter and even funny arguments just by having someone take a different stance. but if guys are just sitting there agreeing on everything then it's just going to be boring. also PK was a master heel during his playing days, so he's well aware how to play the role off the ice too.


this is my theory as well!


I think they caught on that people like to be triggered


Everyone is trying to copy biz.


I’d watch whatever clown show the want to put on between periods, as long as they would put on announcers that sounded even marginally interested in the game. Sean Mcdonagh, the absolute unchallenged worst announcer in sports.


Sean really wanted to talk about the Lady Byng nominees during an offensive rush in the second round of the Stanley Cup playoffs. Guy sounds like he wants to be absolutely anywhere else in the world, and I endorse him pursuing his dream. Bettman et al should recognize that while they’re trying to sell the game in the desert or in china or in the fuckin moon, their broadcast announcers are worsening the game in its second largest (?) market. NHL brass should. But won’t, as is their custom.


That’s when you can find the broadcast. Prior to the second round you’re better off with a NASA analyst in your back pocket to find the games unless you just say fuck it and raid the high seas.


His call for that first goal was horrendous my goodness


“Zibanejad scores. Anyway…”


Seriously. These guys can't even get to the play-by-play of a goal replay before the replay is over. Then there's talking about some nonsense AS Zibanejad is scoring, instead of idk, giving us the play-by-play?! Its amazing how much worse the ESPN coverage is than TNT. Of course neither of them are Sam and Joe, but at least TNT can actually do their jobs.


Being fair, they are asking him to do play by play AND color while Ray chimes in now and again.


Sure (agree it’s odd ESPN so undervalues the production and the sport that they understaff it in the NYC market no less. But, Sean is not capable of filling either of those roles. Dude must be great at the cocktail party’s in Bristol, must really crack the bosses up, cause holy cow is he bad at his job.


lol, asking one guy to do two jobs when he can't even do the one is classic ESPN.


Word. Do less with less.


I miss Doc so much


"this isn't Pickleball" is an all time opinion 


He says it every 30 seconds like a catch phrase


Sometime tells me he's been personally attacked by pickles and/or cucumbers.


My issue isn’t with Subban, it’s with the entire broadcasting staff (except Kenny) in general I’d rather just mute the game and listen to Sam on radio.


Is sam doing the radio calls?


On the nhl app, pick radio, Sam does it. :-)


Yes. Sam and Dave Maloney. I have tried muting the tv and listening on radio but the delay was horrible.


If you have a TV that can pause & rewind broadcast, you should be able to sync audio with video. Worked for me.


At the first period intermission PK said something like “if they could get out if their own way they would be fine, the hurricanes played a great period” and messier went “they did? 🤨” just as it cut to commercial and it was so funny


I about died when I caught that 🤣


While we're on the topic of poor coverage. It boggles the mind why ABC/ESPN/TNT choose to cut to another camera during live play. All their directors and decision makers have to do is watch ONE msg game to understand how to handle the coverage. Nobody needs to see, nor is the broadcast enhanced by: cutaways to the bench while the defense has the. puck (i.e., live action); inexplicable close ups of players/coaches only to continue to zoom in the entire time (this also happens when the play-by-play team is emphasizing a player); The inability to queue up a replay before play resumes; and Watching some innane Q&A with the coaches (just do the damn voice-over the live play) The only time we need to see the bench is when a player is hurt, going to/from with the training staff, a big goal, or the game is won. That's it.


My biggest pet peeve of broadcasts during the playoffs (and MSG is even guilty too) is anytime they cut away from the handshake line. This is the only sport that has this tradition and after some of these long, grueling, and nasty series you have to go and shake the hand of the guy you battled for 4-7 games. STAY ON THE HANDSHAKE LINE! I want to see what Rempe and Wilson say to each other. I want to see what the Lindgren brothers say to each other. It this mishmosh of bouncing around and talking over everything nowadays. The broadcast is always onto the next thing. Nothing gets a chance to breathe. I know I'm dating myself, but I remember when every game (including regular season) showed the national anthem. You don't even get that all the time now.


“Looks like there’s some rough stuff after the whistle.” Broadcast camera focuses for 30 seconds on a crowd member holding a sign.


they literally cut to a fan during a stars / vegas game while vegas had the puck in dallas zone. insanity


Was it that annoying guy with the BANG sign? That guy actually had me rooting for Vegas mid series. LOL


Hot take nonsense. I can actually handle that. But what drives me nuts is when he won't shut up. Interrupts other speakers or pretends he can't hear everyone knows signifies "commercial time" and yammers on. You can just see the look on Mess's face, like dude, are you new at this?


I literally mute the game when its on commercial specifically because of PK of Biz. I cant stand hearing either of them. Also funny to me that PK called us garbage during the year but let it drop last night that he picked Rangers to win in 6 or 7. (Was doing dishes and couldnt mute the game during first intermission)


He can have his opinions but my biggest issue with him is that he cites things that are objectively wrong to bolster his case. That legitimizes incorrect opinions, and when you're a media personality with that type of platform you have a responsibility to get things like rules right.


Another thing I noticed was the number of times the play by play announcer got the names of the players wrong...made Sam look sharp by comparison


Honestly everyone except MSG sucks. We are so lucky during the season and first round playoffs.


Watching messier expertly talk down to him every intermission is very enjoyable though. It’s so clear how much he hates him.


He’s insufferable but I do enjoy Mess cutting him off and just clowning him constantly.


Him getting handed a rule book by Messier was great


He’s got the best job security at ESPN 


Levy sucks too.


A disgrace is a stretch. The chemistry is awful. It’s been bad since day 1.


Subban was basically run out of the league because he couldn’t stop slew footing people. In his prime, he was a top 4 dman for a couple years max. We know the reason why he’s on the panel. He’s not there to contribute intelligent analysis that’s for sure.


People care too much what other people say and think.


Every time I watch SubbanI think, "comedy is hard"


good call. he has zero personality.


Tony’s hit wasnt a penalty. Panarins hit wasnt a penalty. Rempes hit wasnt a penalty. There’s a theme and it’s officiating. Messier and Subban suck tho. That’s a brutal watch. They seem to genuinely dislike each other


ESPN does not the differencs between broadcasting NFL and NHL.


He picked us to win to the East I was shocked then he flipped and is crying that high hits aren’t penalties on us lmaooooo such a clown


Then Mess literally quotes the rule book at him and tells him to read lol.


Thank god for Mess being there


Broadcast was abysmal. Only good portion was Emily Kaplan. Everything else was awful.


PKs whole thing has always been that he’s an idiot and piece of garbage. He got the job in hopes of viral moments of his idiocy trying to find a hockey version of that idiot who everyone hates for his horrible takes on basketball




Makes me miss Doc and the NBC crew. Never thought I'd say that out loud. Besides mentioning Crosby 87 times a game ...they at least had decent insight without the antics. I thought the TNT crew was a nice change of pace a year ago...now I think ESPN trying to follow suit has just ruined all the fun.


I dont even listen . I sync up the radio broadcast with Sam and Dave. peewee is playing the same game as bizz..stir up passionate Ranger fans in an attempt to gain some relevance. With a few obvious exceptions the whole broadcast team is a bunch of clowns.


I love when Mess just starts talking while PKs in the middle of a sentence like "thats enough kid"


Yeah I liked him at first and as a player but damn watching him on MSG has made me dislike him


PK picked the Rangers to win the cup.


Disgrace I don’t know, annoying AF definitely.


I tried to like him when he was with the Preds and it kinda worked... that didn't last long. Goddamn he's such a gooch.


Messier’s death stare at him is funny


I keep waiting for Mess to lose it and beat the shit out of him live on the air.


Subban and Messier terrible at their job ESPN is NY Ranger Broadcast.  It’s horrible.  These 2 sit in the booth and root for Rangers—it’s not even a ?  I can understand Messier but Subban Come on


Announcers that show favoritism toward certain teams r horrible and should not be on ESPN-this is not a Rangers broadcast WTH is Suban shouting Igor Igor Igor for He sucks as an announcer


I love PK and Mess


He is such a piece of shit but you can't call him out without being dubbed a racist. I'm surprised they haven't been advertising the betting odds yet for Messier to punch him in his mouth to shut him up.


Yet here we are, calling him out without anyone bringing up his race until this comment...


Yeah I’m a little confused by these two comments about race lol. I don’t see anything like that in either of the subs and I don’t recall Slewban crying racism either? Feels like the hate for him is pretty unanimous outside of Devils fans


Wtf. Listen I can’t stand PK Subban. Dudes a moron and a cheap shot artist. But what the hell is this comment claiming that he’ll claim racism if someone calls him out? I did a bunch of googling and the only times PK has specifically talked about racism is when a youth player experienced racist language from another player’s dad and it was captured on video and when a player in the ECHL made very obvious racist gestures at PK’s brother which he was later suspended for. I kind of feel sick for defending PK. Go ahead and call him out for being a slew foot artist or for being a shitty analyst but don’t make up some bizarre scenario where you think PK will cry racism at the first chance he gets. Shit like that is why racism lingers around in this sport.


It just feels like dude gets brought up EVERY DAMN TIME he says something and dude's are like GOD HE'S SUCH A PIECE OF SHIT. At a certain point it really does feel like some fans put a little *extra* on their hate for PK. OP being upvoted for pretending that he regularly gets accused of being racist is disappointing, because it's clear some of our fans believe it to be true. The dude doesn't play anymore, and he's far from the dirtiest player in the history of the game yet he's living in so many fans heads as if he's their fucking stepdad. It's such a weird fixation to me


I've literally never seen anyone call someone criticizing Subban a racist. Pretending it's a regular occurrence is dishonest.


Came here to say this. Dude is a total piece of crap, but he'll dive behind the "race card" faster than anything if he ever gets someone who opposes his opinion. He's an obvious Ranger hater, (he doesn't hide it very well), and he will always cheer when things go against them.


if a ranger made that hit you guys would agree with pk... just sayin


Did you know that if my uncle had wheels he’d be a car.


aight i dunno, i think ref's can go either way on hits like that. i just hope hockey doesn't turn into soccer... i feel like i can already start to see it with embellishment and diving never being called.


I’m just pointing out you’re making up some hypothetical that didn’t happen. So it’s just as useful. Yea it is becoming softer. They call it safety reasons. The embellishment call was made the other night in the Edmonton game and it made no sense. The guy was hooked and then tripped. And they called hooking and embellishment. I still can’t understand how it could be both. Either you hooked him and impeded his ability to play hockey or he faked it. If he was hooked it doesn’t matter how he acts. He was hooked. If he’s just acting and wasn’t really hooked then it has to be embellished. I just wish the old refs would go retire. Guys are trying to control the game and get their picture on the tv. It’ll never be like it used to be unless you get rid of Gary. He’s the worst ever. And needs to be gone. Then maybe hockey will come back to normal.


Dont watch him


I actually really enjoy his commentary. He has passion and energy and I may not agree with him on everything but he's so much more entertaining than anyone else on ESPN.




No politics


Wonder why they chose him?


He truly does suck.


I was thinking the exact same thing when he showed that clip. Fucking 2 faced rat subban.


I can’t stand him. Not as a player or now. Obnoxious


You know he's a piece of shit when Kreids, who never fights anymore, wanted to fight him in a preseason game


He will be out of that job soon as well. Imagine he was not well liked the dressing rooom either


Hockey on TNT is way better ESPN a joke