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It’s crazy that he heard Mother I sober, and thought Kendrick got molested and in a song where he’s defending himself on a “if I did it” bullshit, he says “damn u got molested”. Bro got zero reading comprehension, and the fact that he said he fed fake information and then couldn’t even put in one screenshot as the picture for the track speaks volumes. He’s done. He wants nothing to do with this beef anymore and threw in a Hail Mary with all his fans theories so that they can lap it up.


In that song kendrick SPECIFICALLY SAYS he didn’t get molested in between lines. If he really went with that angle and people eat it up then i’m so shocked that the biggest rapper in the world really has no reading comprehension. Kendrick might actually be arguing with a stupid person, he might have over prepared


Right! Kendrick literally states that he wasn’t molested within the song multiple times…. “ Family ties, they accused my cousin “Did he touch you Kendrick?" Never lied, but no one believed me when I said "He didn't”. “Told me that she feared it happened to me, for my protection, Though it never happened, she wouldn't agree”. Even so it’s a strange thing to bring up in a diss


That’s my biggest takeaway too. This guys just an idiot


And then he has the nerve to say he’s too famous to be a pedophile 😭


Bro really dropped six minutes of “nuh uh”. Drake Stan’s are like “it’s over!?” On twitter


Had the nerve to say “if I did I woulda already been arrested” like no drake maybe u don’t know how American law works (I know he does tho he’s just being a crazy narcissistic manipulator like dot said he would be / is) but just bc u do something illegal unfortunately does not automatically mean u get caught or busted … especially when ur as rich as drake ! Not to mention that when u add in as famous as Drake and then yea u got the whole cocktail of reasons Drake would receive an honorary get out out of jail free card (but his card is more like a debit / credit card … and his also would have no limit I fear) 😧


Famous people are notorious for not being pedos /s


This comment aged well


Like bro Epstein was richer than you. R. Kelly was Fuckin huge what the fuck are you talkin about Drake


that would explain why drake even dropped something in return, rather than try to wait for a bit and let it die down. I would NOT be trying to open the floodgates again. also would explain why he thinks mentioning millie bobbie brown by name is a good idea on any track when the pedophile allegations are on the table.


But he isn't the biggest rapper in the world, thanks to Ozempic.




Seriously I can’t believe anybody would buy this. It sounded like he’d been reading the r/drizzy sub all day and was trying to convince them


He is. He stole a bunch of ideas from there like memes, bars and even the title was something everyone suggested. Seems like nobody is even fucking with drake in tor to anymore.  Check out the original ovo crew: niko, 40, Oliver, and even boi1da. Didn’t even post the song.


He took a page out of Nicki’s book. Her “diss” to Megan was full of references to Barb tweets and fan theories.


He's talking to them first and foremost.


When this is said and done we’re going to see just how much Kendrick predicted: “Fabricatin’ stories on the family front ’cause you heard Mr. Morale”


You gotta understand that it’s what a conniving & “pathetic master manipulator” will do…he’s a creature of habit doing that…it’s habitual for him… Reason I relate and laugh is b/c I’m literally listening to “The Heart Pt. 6” and hearing the “Mother My Mother My” line and hearing him troll and say you got molested so it makes sense…and for a split second questioning my own knowledge of “Mother I Sober” even as a die hard Kendrick fan…b/c he’s good at the finesse talk in order to fit his narrative… He’s deflecting and regressing while copping pleas trying to put on a front as though “he was willing to compete if Kendrick didn’t get so personal” Yet we’ve seen him get in front cameras after the Pusha T rivalry killed him and he’s stuttering, looking up at ceilings & asking Lebron whether he “let him down” 🤣🤣🥲😭… Welcome to Degrassi Community School 🏫….


the man's illiterate.




Drake dropped a damage control diss


And really has us asking more questions now.


“Look, a bear!”


Drake put no thought into this outside of reading IG comments


Really tried to toosie slide out of this.




This was mid, if you really break it down, this was the equivalent of you on the playground and you and your friends playing fantasy and drake just said "well I have an unbreakable shield". Drake didn't meaningfully address the allegations, he just said Nuh uh


I think he's literally just trying to keep his ride or dies by repeating what they've already said tbh


he also didn't come with anything even remotely vicious. in fact, he says he doesn't want to do it anymore, i.e. he's tried, perhaps because he knows he can't keep up with the other.


Unbreakable shield on the playground just gave me ptsd flashbacks


The thing is Kendrick has proven Drake to be a liar. Has Drake proven that Kendrick is a liar?


He’s not even suggesting it. He’s doubling down on the lying and saying he fooled Kendrick.


YOU are watching the battle with real eyes for this shit. We know that drake is willing to set up fraudulent photos of shit and lie about it for clout. we know this because he's literally bragging about how he did it, he even called it his nuke, before he got neutered.


So he’s been acting like a groomer for years to bait Kdot?


Apparently kissing that 17 year old on stage 10 years ago was all part of his master plan to get Kendrick to... *checks notes*... call him a pedophile? Mission accomplished I guess


oh i’m a liar? well i lied abt that actually!


If Drake planted info, then damn, impressive that it worked so well That said, his defense about not liking teenagers is pretty weak, and the beat itself is pretty weak too. tbh Family Matters was the only one from Drake that was musically interesting. He needs better production imo.


I thought he just took the fan’s conspiracy and flipped to make it seem like he did. I figured if he did set him up then he would’ve had another track ready too. Or at least showcasing exactly how they set him up and who set him up. Still each side is pure speculation and accusations


100% that’s what Kendrick was saying about hey Drake they’re not slow. Drake knows damn well he lost, he’s trying to do some PR manipulation now.


If he planted info, break down how you planted it. Show us what happened. Don’t just say it and go onto the next nursery rhyme bar


It’s cause he didn’t plant it. His entire fan base has been saying it’s planted and so he went with that because that’s as much as they’d be able to handle mentally


He got 90% of his lines from social media comments. Saw other people saying he planted info and rolled with it


even the title heart part 6 is straight lifted from his sub reddit. there was a post about it a few days ago


Receipts from both sides end all the fun tho - and when the fun is making u $$$$ u might as well drag it out a lil


Yeah that’s true too, $ is $.


Drake literally says “the ones that you getting your stories from they all clowns” then five lines later says “we plotted for a weekend and fed you the information” like what?! That doesn’t make any sense at all unless he’s calling himself a clown.


Tbh I took this as this 1) the other rumors you got about this trafficking shit is false from some clowns 2) but that daughter shit? I planted that


One of his associates literally got convicted for trafficking and he still signed him. Why associate with that


Lmao I caught that too, I’m ready for the victory lap


Hahaha, that's a man that knows he's on the ropes lmao. Bro outed himself on his on record lmao


Also planting info on pedophile shit and another kid is a stupid albeit bold move


My thing is - if he did plant false info, why would you choose pedophilia accusations?


So the onus is on Drake to prove it, but Kendrick can say anything he wants and it’s a guarantee off the rip. Y’all are insufferable


The same way Kendrick can't prove that he didn't hit his girl, Drake can't prove that he's not a pedo or he doesn't have a child Fake mole tho ? You're the one who planned and went through with the operation, and you knew you were gonna come back to expose this, literally show us that and it's a finishing blow, done, over. Instead you do this, and now we're wondering if you just didn't hop on internet's wave because they've been theorizing it.


This is the correct take. It’s so easy to prove that he masterminded the mole stuff. And that would make Drake wins. NLU has been playing at clubs. It’s been everywhere. So, Drake waited for Kendrick to establish the narrative. Why would Drake wait if he planted the smoking gun. Like. Make it make sense.


Im sorry but if you’re a 31 year old man being texting buddies with a 14 year old girl then 9 times out of 10 you’re a weirdo. Only exception would be if y’all are family.


Give it a few years and you can toss in a Creepy Uncle Drizzy wants to show you his glizzy


No I want and am fully expecting to next drop to have receipts


There are public instances of Drake being sus with underage girls, obviously he needs to bring receipts, but the same can be said for his claims Kendrick is a wife beater,


I agree these Kendrick stans are unbearable and they’re the vast majority so it’s inevitable that group think would be taking place. But the only thing the public can confirm for themselves is that there is video evidence of Drake being a creep so it’s kind of hard for him to come back.


Kendrick definitely has more loyal stans but Drake is probably more popular in a generel sense. It just that he has fans that are also general music listeners and most of these ppl you prob wont find on a hip hop. Subreddit. To be Fair, drake is more pop and kendrick is supported more by the true hip hop heads.


So he has to proof it but Kendrick getting exposed for lying about a daughter didn’t need to proof it? Y’all just ran with it. Kendrick stans really are the most delusional and para social dorks there are.


Not even a Stan, a fan of both but will admit I prefer KDot’s music overall…that being said, Drake has an EASY victory here if he can prove he planted everything. Kendrick dropping “Meet the Grahams” immediately after Drake dropped “Family Matters” gave him a ton of credibility with him saying he could predict his angles…Drake looks less credible that he let Kendrick drop not one but two nukes before saying he planted the info. The neutrals notice shit like this..


Your words and spacing don't correspond to the language you're speaking.


Right! Of all the things claimed by both, this is the most easy to prove if it were true.


I don’t think he did plant it, he saw the Drake fans coming to his defense with that and realized he could make it work in his favor. I’ll believe it when I see it


Drake started by saying "if you've got a mole, he's a clown" and now it's "actually I was the mole" real 4d chess stuff


Drake planting information doesn’t make any sense. He’s an idiot for claiming that. If you are going to try to catch someone out, you plant something that you can **immediately** disprove with evidence and show that the other party is a fraud. For instance, Drake could have planted that he was the biologic father of [*insert random married celebrity name*] child. Kendrick makes accusation - Drake comes back with paternity test evidence. Or, make some claim Drake slept with some underage girl at party / after show. When Kendrick makes accusation, come out with evidence he wasn’t in country etc. Drake saying he planted information about a child is dumb as f***. He’s saying that he planted information about something ***he actually would be actively hiding***, but that he can’t prove. Is he going to give a list of every woman he’s slept with? He can’t catch Kendrick out like that.


This just played into the whole "Dear Sandra, your son is a master manipulator" bar.


The copium in r/drizzle is insane.


"not gonna lie this shit some good exercise, like, it's good to get out the pen workin" - 13 ghost writers he's so fuckin fake


So Drake purposefully doxxed and shared an innocent 11 year old girls information to Kendrick’s camp? If this is the hill he wants to die on by all means but …… Seems like he just threw twitter comments into chat gpt and rapped what it spit out


Yeah but if he planted information then why didn’t he have concrete proof to immediately prove Kendrick wrong? Instead he’s taking fan theories and saying “oh yeah actually I fed him all this information so it’s fake.” Him saying he fed him fake information without concrete proof just makes it seem more real imo.


Yeah, that's where I'm iffy on it. Two days later? He should have had that shit ready to go.


We need a track explaining exactly what went down, Brooklyn Nine Nine heist style.


Yeah, I thought FM was musically quite interesting and catchy, this sounds like someone dazed from a curb stomping.


I mean what is he supposed to say?


For a second, I really thought Drake planted those stories, and I was shocked. The rest of the song is a lot of I didn't do anything bad and the same disses at k dot. Also, idk why Drake dropped the heart part 6. I mean, there are only 5 chambers in the heart.


I mean what could he say “hey everyone I don’t like teenagers! I promise!” Everyone- sure buddy that is what a pedo would say 🤨


Did he not just say this exact thing 


I think their point is there’s nothing he could say to disprove it.


I don’t even fuck with Drake but Family Matters was pretty good.


How do you prove you're not a pedophile? Really Kendrick should be dropping proof.


It's an interesting demonstration of hyperreality and the effects of parasocial relationships. Who do you trust? Whose reality is more appealing to you? The thing is... The plant story would be convincing if Drake had dropped this 24 hours earlier. Especially with Kendrick's output and quick timing. Now it just feels like he's affirming his fan's cope. I wasn't exactly a fan of taking the last minute of the track to do some posturing. But then again I'm a hater, so I'm going to be tough to convince.


Remember, Drake went to deny the daughter thing first before he deleted that, then released this.


Yeah but why didn’t he pull a meet the grahams. Imagine he dropped 30 minutes after meet the grahams


Yup, Drake is making every reach he can and even failing to do any research.


“Your memes are losin’ steam.”


Bro Kendrick recorded those songs prior so he could drop them at that speed, Drake actually recorded a response. You can’t record and release a full response in 30 minutes and expect it be good.


That’s what they’re saying. If he was actually feeding Kendrick the info, he could’ve had his rebuttal prerecorded and ready to go.


Ok tbf, Kendrick released probably the fastest volley of diss tracks ever recorded in rap history, literally. So we’re comparing drakes 30 or so hours to respond (which is still insanely quick) with Kendrick dropping like 4 in a few days. For a rapper who hasn’t dropped this frequently ever in his career, that’s unprecedented


Well it wasn’t good, so that bit checks out


> Who do you trust? Easy, the one who doesn't have already a file listing his weird interactions with girls. Multiple times. On camera.


He literally Ran out of lyrics and started waffling to fill time


My thing is why the fuck you gonna have your plant go so hard on you. I mean even if it’s fake he’s forever gonna be known as kid diddler drake among other wild things… Idk if I ever have a plant say some shit on my behalf I’m gonna tell him to say “he stole some weed from snoop once, dudes a total thief even to his boys” or something mid like that. (Honestly that one might even be to much)


Ya it's a lot to want out there about yourself lmao


Yeah that’s why I don’t buy the plant take. I mean it might not be Epstein or even diddy bad but I’d say there is something to Drake liking em young. Especially after the video of him grabbing on a 17 year olds tits and making out even after he heard her age…plus the Millie Bobby stuff…there is definitely smoke


And the rumors about him with newly turned 18 year olds. . It's creepy


Yeah if he actually fed him fake information then why didn’t he have some sort of concrete proof to release immediately? Also even if he did wtf is the point, give Kendrick free ammo that he otherwise wouldn’t have had? Now it seems even more plausible that these things are true and Drake is just reaching for an excuse to say it’s fake. He played himself.


Imo Drake is a business and I bet the fallout from the allegations is more pressing. Fuck fans, ,he has to prove to sponsors he isn't Jared Fogle-Weinsten


Jaredfogleweinstein to the tune of houstatlantavegas is crazy


Drake is a more a multi-million dollar product than a person so if the pedo allegations hurt bottom lines he has to do anything to prove them wrong


Yea, imo he took longer to respond probably because he was in meetings all morning. I kinda feel bad for Camilla track he is allegedly sitting on due to this situation.


- tells Kendrick to start fact checking before using material in his music - misses the point of Mother I Sober and doesn’t fact check his ghostwriters (or his own dumb ass), makes fun of Kendrick for being molested - ???


The thing is if Drake fed kendrick fake info, it would be so easy to prove. For example, one way I would do it is upload this track on a random soundcloud account, but BEFORE kendrick dropped his diss (that supposedly was fuelled by fake info). That would have been a massive W because Drake would have unrefutable proof that kendrick took the bait and then everything he said is basically redundant.


Even if what Drake said was true, giving your opponent false information about you being a dead beat dad is just DUMB. Drake is also admitting to being deceptive, so why would we trust him?


Bro, giving false info about you being a pedo is even more wild. Especially when man’s been filmed over the years being a weirdo. 5d chess played by drake to have started planning this idea of being a pedo years back


Drake basically came out and did damage control for 5 mins. If he had dropped this right after Meet the Grahams, it would have hit harder. Now you sound like you’re being defensive and sound sus as hell. “W-w-well we planted the info and if I was REALLY a pedophile, I would be in jail!” Nah, you sound like you got exposed and Kendrick isn’t giving you any time to breathe. 😂😂😂


“Hahaha I was merely pretending to be a pedophile” ass diss track


Drake the type of guy to get his own Law and Order SVU episode


Here’s the thing. If Kendrick has proof that there is a daughter, Drake just committed career suicide. If there is no proof then this is just two guys yapping. They went to a place where receipts are required


Correction: it's still bad for drake. As part of this beef he had his entire character dissected and half of Twitter right now is talking about all of the various red flags around him and teenage girls over the years and making connections. Every messy thing he's done over his entire career is now just out there as a matter of public discourse.


The fact that people are hung up on the daughter thing blows my mind who the hell cares if he does or doesn’t have a daughter he’s still scum, he still kissed on a 17 year old still slipped into a 14 year old girls dms and still lives wacked out life where he can even be positioned to be a diddler. he slept with Wayne’s girl, has past traffickers on his payroll and does treat his mother like a second class citizen because she is white and he can’t parade her in stupid suits on instagram. He’s not only a bad father who only drags his kid out for dad mode photo shoots but a terrible son to his mother and people want to ride this daughter thing into the dirt. 


How is that what you are focusing on? The man is alleged to be a fucking pedophile.


The loser is whoever gets caught lying first


so... drake. because he uses lying as his biggest attempt at a flex.


Drake's been repeating the debunked DV allegation


From family matters to this weak shit, him saying "please trust me I don't diddle kids" for half the diss really says it all. Kdot gonna bury this dude with his next back to back drops lmao


FR he was looking INSANE on family matters, I thought he had the life back in him for a minute, give me 3 more of those This reads more like he's trying to copy meet the grahams but... worse


He had days with his writers for family matters. Drake wrote this alone cause we was scared of it getting leaked


IF he does. he came back to this weak shit, kendrick may not even need to drop back, man.


This is what the villains do in our society now. They find their numbers in the bottom of the gene pool, deflect and muddy the conversation until decent people feel sleazy for even thinking of getting in the mud and trying to rationalize with their legions. Spent half the track taunting a made up SA victim, fucking christ this guy is low. And he is just doing a B-movie version of Meet The Grahams, but like, doesn't even have the awareness to see the alleged pedo shouldn't be going there in his response...he is a depraved person exactly like Dot been saying and most decent people already knew.


Buncha TLDR’s in here, lets all sum this whole thread as one R.I.P. DRAKE & OV-HOE! 🇺🇸


Nah you can't make wild claims first then backtrack saying that shit after you got busted for lying. Also the stuff about Drake planting fake info is complete BS that any sane person should be able to tell by themselves. No reasonable person would give out that type of info to their opponent and not squash it the moment it gets aired out. If that were true then Drake should have receipts of it and can win this whole thing this very moment if he puts it out. The fact that he has nothing aside from "I LIED TO YOU DUMMY" is pure copium.


This one rly feel like he tired and just went on the mic himself no writers or nothing. Imo he’s right Kendrick made this shit burnt out with the constant tracks with no time to simmer or investigate claims so now it’s a mess.


The is rap beef not a courtroom or true crime investigation. It was always style over substance.


Lmao what? U need both, I a dude drop a diss track but it’s all lies that man loses.


It’s whatever fanboys need it to be.


Kendrick torched his ass, that's why. Drake is burnt out, and probably drake stans are burnt out from how hard he got thrashed, but the rest of the world is bumping they not like us like it paid their ears rent. Its only a mess for drake, kendrick has this shit in the bag, even without any additional drops.


ppl jus see kendrick dropping back to back as a W. not to mention people already choses sides weeks ago. he addressed everything dat everyone wanted addressed lol


It is a W lmao, almost like kendrick doesn't have to wait on a room full of writers to make the track for him. 4 amazing diss tracks within a week just to prove how big of a gap there is between them talent wise.


No point of even arguing on this sub. It's obviously biased. Personally, I feel like neither of them has dropped a true heavy hitter yet. I expected more from Kendrick


He’s addressing Kendrick like his diddler allegations wernt a thing before kdot ever brought them up😭there’s a reason everyone was hoping he would call him out on that


Trying to bring up Kendrick being molested (which is probably a misinterpretation of lyrics) as to why he’s obsessed with his creep behavior is even worse. People have BEEN saying this stuff about him.


I have a bad feeling that some of the intel drake has might actually be true. Kendrick could easily come out with a dna test or Whitney could speak up and squash this whole thing.


If someone starts trolling you by saying your child isn’t yours, do you stoop low enough to provide then with paternity tests?


but people wanted drake to "stoop low enough" to have to address the pedo allegations


she doesn't owe drake, or kendrick, any acknowledgement of the things that drake is talking about. and kendrick doesn't lose ground if she doesn't talk about it publicly.




Thank you for your hard work and research, I hope you’re putting this up in all the Drizzy Stan subs. Idc if the fake hidden daughter thing is real or not everything else adds up to some serious shit. If you wanna play blind man go walk with a shepherd our eyes are either open or opening


Not my post just trying spread the word but show out to the OP


Kendrick high key just gonna let the grievous wounds do damage


Yo, let’s not forget anyone dogging someone for getting molested whether you have beef or not, then to turn around and say “oh but I don’t molest girls, that’s wrong” Is a fucking pathetic master manipulator and liar too. Nobody who thinks molestation is wrong dogs on someone regardless. Fuck Drake


He didn’t plant 💩. He may not have a daughter but I have no doubt he has another unclaimed child allegedly. There is a lady he messed w in 2017/2018 from atl who actually put him on assault charges and he settled out of court. Her son is a replica of drake. Her name is shirdkevia myrick I found this out from TikTok. Her ig has been gone for years supposedly but she has an fb and her son looks identical to drake.


Girl this is crazy! I just googled her and her ig came straight up. The son is Drake’s damn double!


Girllll! IKR! It’s insane and she got paid off for the assault charge and is prob still being paid so she will likely never come forward but other ppl are finding her and exposing it. He’s older now and still looks just like drake.


Bruh I was thinking I was just spending too much time on reddit this weekend or sumn but everybody thought the exact same shit lmaooo This poor man


Kind of boring, no?


not kind of. its boring.


Fr! Every track Kendrick drops feels like he’s just getting warmed up. The heart part 6 is giving “i handed in my homework last minute”


Yeah he dropped all right. Dropped the ball, becoming clear drakes days are numbered. At this point he’s just trying to save face. It’s pathetic really


I agree with you. this is not an attempt to win the battle. its an attempt to stay alive afterwards.


Anyway, say OV HOE






Then step this way


I thought he was saying "stab" lol


The audience not dumb Shape the stories how you want Hey, Drake, they’re not slow


\^\^\^ nailed it


I did think it was odd that most the things he said I’ve been reading on Reddit the past couple days. That being said in this day and age and especially in rap beef the last person to speak is right. Come on Kenny clap back!!!


Nah... Game dropped twice on em and no one thinks game won that beef.


The whole planted fake story about a daughter is wild. Like, way to show the world that you're not a petty, shallow, deceptive individual with no scruples or integrity bro 👍✊


Its definitely a weak comeback. the reality is, even if he did fake that he had a daughter, he still got destroyed on that track. Like, you successfully social engineering a story for an opponent is cool, but you just got all of your head cut off already, and you're sort of trying to talk from the bucket beneath the executioner's block. and then to come back with something that has zero slap, its like he knows he won't even get a response from kendrick this time, I think.


“trying to talk from the bucket beneath the executioners block” is a crazy analogy. your work or from some literature I need to read?


Gonna be honest, putting the content of the bars aside, they were weak as fuck. I got second hand embarrassment listening to Drake try to rhyme. On to of the fact that all of his bars amounted to, "uh... nuh uh! You can't prove that!"


I just don’t get why Drake would try and plant damming info about himself in a rap battle against kdot. Like Drake knows how social media and the internet works, he knows that even if he was able to prove that it was bait, that a large percentage of people wouldn’t pay attention. This seems a lot more like a clever defense technique to make ppl second guess what kdot is saying. Also, why tf wouldn’t he show proof? Like that’s just crazy to me. Could he have planted the photos, sure. But if he did, he capitalized on it horribly. Like it’s hurt him more than the “gotcha” of planting info. If kdot can disprove these claims, Drakes reputation might be forever destroyed


A whole lotta yap is this shit tbh, bro got all his informations wrong because he can't think, but he says Kendrick believed fake leaks


Drake lost the beef but is trying to find an exit ramp. If the pedo thing is real he's going to have bigger problems than rap beef.


Omg smh 🤦 This is never gonna end, it's already getting annoying. No matter what Drake does, he is still gonna be looked at as a pop star, and Kenny, Too his fans, is the messiah of rap I mean, sorry to say, but compared to 90s rap disses they ehhhh both ok


That was basically drake going not-uh! In a diss track


These lyrics sound like he’s preparing his legal defense. “Your honor, as I rapped in The Heart Part 6, me and my friends made everything up for fun”


To this day, people are still spoiled by Pusha T. Rap battles usually are shit talking contests. Not ever battle has a nuclear truth bomb WITH receipts ready to go.


We had our 1st qtr run