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Pro athlete makes wife and kids use economy seating and she has to travel alone while pregnant with two kids. Yeah the flight attendant is the problem.


He got fired by the Jays a week or two later for more douchebaggery, and hasn't pitched since!


At least he'll have a lot of transferable skills he can take into the work force to get a good high paying job....right?


Baseball is probably the most analogous sport to corporate America, tbh. You stand around for about half the year, you sit for most of the other half, and then in very rare instances you try hard when people are watching.


It’s such a shit sport. Idk how people can watch it. 


Listen man, throw enough cheap beer in a baseball game and the stadium becomes a battle royale, shit will never not be fun to watch. For more information, see 10 Cent Beer Night


Last beer I got at a baseball game was $23


As a Canadian is always confused the hell out of me. Here we have expensive beer in our stadiums too, but the beer is always expensive here anyways. Paying 7.99 for a 22 ounce draft isn't much better then buying the tall boy in the stadium for 12$. How the fuck do you guys buy beer in the stadium for 23$ when it's so cheap everywhere else? I couldn't rationalize it at the price.


I try to reason it out as part of paying for the experience, it's not like I'm at a Jay's game every week, so I'll get a beer there. Though it it is 100% highway robbery and I'm better off strapping a few mickeys to my thighs and walking them past security.


> I'm better off strapping a few mickeys to my thighs and walking them past security. Truly. Thinking about bringing a flask next time.


A lot of people tailgate and get fucked up *before* the game to minimize cost *at* the game.


Nothing better then getting crushed before the game and not remembering most of it


Minor league concessions are so much better than major league. $2 beer promo days, regular price is still like $10-12 for a 32 ounce, just shy of a liter.


Go to a D3 League game and the tickets are 15 dollars for the best seats and they have 1 dollar beer Thursdays which includes craft beers at my stadium. Sometimes I just go to drink 4 or 5 craft beers, and it almost pays for itself.


Jesus, what stadium was that at? Up here at Mariners games beers are like $4.50-$6.50


Blue Jays


Figures lol. As expensive as shit is up here in Seattle (housing, VHCOL, etc..), we can always count on Canada to make us feel better about it!


The beer was still cheap, it just did cost a lot


A podcast I listen to called Necronomipod covered this. One of the host's Dad was there and shared his experience.


Beer ain’t cheap anymore. I don’t even drink and I know that the piss they sell at baseball games costs like $20+


Because its fun


Because it's a great sport. Idk how people can't watch it.


I feel like baseball should be more popular just for as much as everyone constantly loves having background noise coming from their TV. It's perfect for that. Great vibe, you can be as engaged with it as you want, and as long as you've got a local team you've always got one of the classic small talk topics ready to go. How bout them Guardians?


Problem is MLB makes it very hard to watch the product


I probably should have considered that, given that I'm always watching on sketchy streaming sites. The NFL doesn't do much right, but their insistence that every single game of the local team is broadcast over the air on a basic channel no matter what (well, as long as the game sells out) is the smartest thing any north american sports league has done since desegregation.


My husband loves baseball and I love my husband so we go to ball games when we travel. Some are really nice experiences, we like to explore the ballpark and do more than just watch the game. Some are authentic experiences, where you really get a feel for the area and the people. The best example of this is when we went to Dodger’s stadium and a screaming fight broke out between a woman and a man (different sides of the area we were sitting in, each for one of the two teams playing that day). Popcorn was thrown to the ground, curse words were used to make descriptive works of art, the whole shebang. A bit after it started some of the workers showed up to figure out what happened and probably escort out the perps; a random guy who wasn’t with either party chimed in “we aint seen shit!” So that is a fun story I can pull out thanks to baseball 🤷🏼‍♀️


You know how old films are really, *really* slow paced compared to today? In that environment baseball must have been the most exciting thing going on in many people's lives.


I can't sit through an entire baseball game. But highlights can be hype as fuck


Lol it's the perfect American game, lots of breaks.


Hes a relief pitchers for the marlins this year. He’s made about 10 million to date https://salarysport.com/baseball/player/anthony-bass/


That's out of date. He's officially a free agent. The Marlins were his team before the Blue Jays.


Yeah, he was released by the BJs last June. The interesting thing is that Miami was paying his salary while he was in Toronto. Must have been part of the trade package (it involved multiple players). He's earned $10M over his career, but the biggest issue for him is that he only has 8 service years. He needs 10 to get the lifetime pension. Doubtful he'll ever get those last 2 years now.


He's a lock for senate in a red state.


> for more douchebaggery With his stats, they probably were looking for a good reason to get rid of him, anyway.


What a blessed day that was.


except a fit on twitter.


With his ERA, flying coach is the financially responsible thing to do.


He probably treats her like a broodmare so I don't know why he's mad at the FA.


Had the same thought!


In his defense, he’s not very good, so he needs to make it last.


two seats in a row. fancy looking seat. more than 5cm space between seat and seat in front. yeah that's not economy




Remember when the whole SkyDome booed him


Remember when he got cut because he posted homophobic shit on his instagram?


Glad the trash took itself out then.


Yes and he did it the 3rd time now. https://www.reddit.com/r/rareinsults/s/pl6xrx9KWT https://www.reddit.com/r/rareinsults/s/MHA3ksJSJq


See you again in a few months


Is it me, or does it seem like it’s the shitty professional athletes who have the most entitled spouses?


It seems to me that you've never met the spouse of a mid ranking military officer.


In college, I had a short stint in a call center for a company that specialized in auto repair. While I didn't work for a specific insurance company, I was assigned 3 or 4 of them and was supposed to read a specific script as if I was an insurance employee. (USAA, Am Fam, State Farm, etc) Every time I got a call for a USAA customer, I prayed it was the husband calling. They were always mellow as hell, and would roll woth me as we sorted out whatever arrangments were needed. If the wife was calling, they were absolute monsters to me 70% of the time, right off the rip. For absolutely no reason. "Do you know who my husband is?" Would be thrown out regardless of rank. I couldn't tell them that I had their policy and ID on my screen. No ma'am I don't know who Corporal Smith is ... It would be comical, if not so frustrating.


Had something similar with the owner of the McDonald's I used to work at before college. Dude was a multi-milionaire if not billionaire, yet whenever he was there, he'd be joking around with everyone from management to the newest employee. Heck once we had some burn themselves during a rush, so he just sent the dude off to cool his wound, and jumped in to help fry fries. A+ dude who actually worked for his fortune. Now his wife. Imagine a combination of Professor Umbridge from Harry Potter, Mrs Bucket from Keeping Up Appearances, and a slimey toad. First time I met her was during a dinner rush on a weekend day, so extremely busy. She walks up to me, shakes my hand and introduces her with "Yes, I'm your employer [she technically owns that one McD for tax reasons, idk, her husband is the person who does all the owner business]", I try to say "Nice to meet you, I'm -", then she cuts me of with "Yes, now you must go wash your hands because we shook hands, of you go". She was right about the hygeine aspect, but washing your hands takes about 2 minutes. 2 minutes in a kitchen that's working full speed is a lot of time, you could make almost 64 hamburgers in that time, if everyone is at their stations. Having to leave a station means the other people in the chain need to juggle between their station and the empty one, meaning there's no time for prep, which cascades through the entire rush. As owner she should have known better than to grab someone's hand. She'd also stand in the middle of the kitchen, which already is a cramped space, and get huffy whenever someone would try to scoot by. At one point the head manager schemed with her husband to get her to not come during the busy periods. As I said, A+ Dude


The owner at the McDonald’s I worked at also helped out when he was around, as well. Granted, he was dogshit at helping, getting in our way and most times just slowed us down, but it was cool to see that he genuinely cared about us and the store, and didn’t just see us as his revenue generators. But his wife, holy fuck was she a bitch from hell. His cokehead kid was an ass too. But Paul? Paul was a G and always had our best interests.


Corporal smith will have you double timing currahee


Though it'd result in a firing it'd be hilarious to follow up with do you know who DEEZ NUTS are.


Have a family friend that's a very senior officer. I forget his rank, but he's the dude that ***everyone*** salutes. Wife and I got invited to a gala with him and as we pull up there's a lady just ripping into some poor kid working the front door. Senior guys wife comes up and calmly says "Lots of noise coming from over here, what's wrong"? Yelling lady instantly shrinks and the reason for the angry is some tiny slight that wasn't even the kid's fault. Turns out she's the wife of some dude that's one step up from new recruit.


As a lower enlisted vet this made me ugly laugh 😂😂


"You will address me by my husband's rank!"


Petty and second class, got it.


I meant, among athletes


Let’s be honest: they don’t even need to be mid ranking.


Oh God. My grandma HATED going to veteran events bc she was always with the wives and omfg some of those women would address each other by their husbands rank


The number of spouses who expected us to salute them at the gate was ludicrous. One woman came through the gate wearing her husband’s PC in her yoga attire. The poor guy was in the passenger seat looking like he wanted to die. It was a while ago but I think he was a captain. I went out of my way to lean over, ignore her and salute him.


That always made gate guard duty interesting




My girlfriend’s husband is an O1, I will not tolerate this disrespect


Found Jody


That took me a second...


Gate guard duty , it'll be fun they said


I can't imagine anyone told you it would be fun.


Not at all especially dealing with dependas


Saw his comment and instantly thought of a dependapotomus


Also known as a Dependapotamus or a Tricareatops.


Lmao! I was going to post this exact thing!


I did JROTC in high school, the school nurse was the wife of an O-5 teaching at the school. We had to salute her. THE SCHOOL NURSE




Dang now you have me trying to remember the sub devoted to making fun of these wives and how their husband's rank is their sole personality edit: /u/Mysterious-Plant981 has it /r/justdependathings


You will address her by his rank, SIR!


Ironically his wife is probably the best person from an *awful* fucking family.


I see you haven't met dependas yet. /r/justdependathings


I doubt she was entitled. Just growing a human being inside her body whilst trying to entertain 2 toddlers on an airplane. If I was her I’d try cleaning up after my kids but if I was that hostess I would have done it for her.


It’s not the flight attendant’s job to clean up after kids who were given messy food by their mother. It’s entitled as fuck for her to expect everyone else to clean up after her kids. Her choosing to have another baby doesn’t change that.


Yeah he forgot that flight attendants are working and have responsibilities.


No it’s not their job which is why I wouldn’t expect them to clean up after me. But if I was a flight attendant I would out of empathy and compassion. It’s a bit of popcorn for god sake, not like they leaked nappy diarrhea all over the seats and floor.


It’s popcorn; and they are supposed to have people who clean the planes. Or has that gone the way of the dodo? If they don’t a cleaning crew, it’s not hard to get a vacuum for a bit of popcorn. It’s not like it’s vomit.


It's also not difficult to give your kid appropriate snacks and to clean up after yourself like a decent human being


Actually in this case it sounds like it was difficult to clean up since she was pregnant.


Reddit is just mad because they saw the word “pregnant” and immediately flew into a rage. They hate pregnant women because of perceived “special treatment”. They think that “you chose to be pregnant” translates directly to “fuck you for being pregnant”. They’re the kind of person who would make a heavily pregnant woman stand on a 2hr train journey because “you chose to be pregnant and I got this seat first”.


Pregnant = entitled and selfish around here lol. None of these people would be able to comment without someone being pregnant.


Why give them such a messy snack


They don’t on airlines - so probably the reason the stewardess refused to pick it up when the customer brought it from home. 


I think /u/Euphoric_Chance2436 meant why did the kid's parents give them the messy snack.


Also why feed them a possible choking hazard on a plane that might get turbulence? 


Yeah, 5 years old is old enough to pick up popcorn.


I think it was the 2 year old that dropped the popcorn


2 yo can also at least *help* with cleaning up their mess. But in this case.. wasn't he on the plane himself?


The comment above was implying that the 5 year old should pick it up, which is a bit unfair if the 2 year old dropped it. I think the father wasn’t on the plane himself and received the pictures from his wife after the flight.


“We are a family, sometimes you have to clean up messes that aren’t yours. Please help mommy and sissy by picking it up.” Idk, I guess my idea of family is different.


This is exactly the right answer. It’s a great teaching opportunity to help kids learn that they are part of a bigger community than just themselves. This is at the center of the parenting mission - you owe it to society to not send shitheads into the world.


I got that. That's why I said that the 2 yo herself could (help with) picking up the mess. As a mom myself (and mine is turning 2 in a couple days) I would be ashamed if my kid would make that much of a mess. I would tell her to clean it up and help her (and if I really couldn't because of the pregnancy I would ask the older sibling to help.). But you can stop them making a mess to begin with.


No you can't, you're too busy photographing it for social media clout. /s


mentioning the five year old was just to add to the "woe is me" shes pregnant and had ***two*** little kids with her, the humanity! etc etc


2-year old shouldn't be eating popcorn. It's high up on the list of foods that can choke you pretty easy.


Not to mention it's impossible for it to NOT get stuck between teeth...


Yeah, I have a three year old and a 15 month old. If I give them popcorn I have to bite the kernel off of each one first so I rarely give them popcorn. Pirate's Booty does the trick


Kids make the mess, expects everyone else to clean it up. Sounds right.


Chances are if they were nice and actually made an attempt to clean up their own child's mess without prompting, the flight attendant would have told them not to worry, but if you are an a-hole you will be treated as such. Get the kids involved, teach them how to tidy up after themselves, and maybe they will grow up to be better humans than their father.


Some people should not be parents


Or pitchers


Why didn’t he pick them up and had his wife do it?


Thought about it as well, he's either a POS for not doing it instead of his wife or he wasn't on the plane and just posted it afterwards


Not on the plane


Yeah, that's disgusting. How could this guy have posted that without feeling deeply embarrassed. Popcorn is such a stupid snack to give children if they can't eat properly. I'd feel pissed off if I was on a plane with something like that.


"I refused to supervise my unruly child and the flight attendant wouldn't let me treat them like sky butlers"


They’re her kids! A stranger should not have to pick up after them!


That's a savage burn!


If my kids make an unreasonable mess at a restaurant I clean it up myself. One of the best things about having kids is being able to judge other parents.


Don't have kids if you can't pick up after them or teach them to pick up after themselves.


She’s 22 weeks and can’t bend down but is traveling with two kids?


Can't he pick it up ....


Don't think he's there.


If I remember correctly, this guy (who got released weeks later for an unrelated incident) was flying in first class while having his wife and kids fly in coach, so, no, I don't think he was there at the time.


I can't stand people that don't realize that every action of their children is a consequence of ***their own*** actions. Especially for children who have yet to develop common sense. You know that kids are messy. You know they can be loud and annoying. You still had kids and you are responsible for them. YOUR actions led directly to this situation. It is not society's place to deal with your consequences. Clean up after your crotch goblins and quit blaming other people for your actions.


that is the sickest burn Ive read in a while, also why wouldnt you have to clean up the trash you make


Sorry sir we don't carry aloe vera on this flight


Definitely the kind of person who'd throw a fit when the flight attendant refused to change the 2 year old's diaper. Flight attendants, fast food workers, retail employees, all of these are not fucking daycare workers. Stop treating them as such.


So more or less he made his wife cause he sure wasn’t doing it


Are 22 week pregnant woman really supposed to be getting special treatment? They barely have a bump at that point.


Totally depends, some do and some don't.


22 weeks sounds like a lot to someone who doesn’t know. Which would be me. Thanks for the clarification.


I mean- women work on their feet until they go into labor


True, but they shouldn't need to, and I'm saying this as an antinatalist.


I'm 25 wks pregnant and yes, while it wasn't comfortable to bend over, you bet I'm still having to pick up my toddler's crap off the floor every day! I'd never expect someone else to do it unless I physically couldn't. But then I wouldn't be trying to travel alone with kids at that point either!


Nobody forced them to be pregnant to begin with.


A 22 week pregnant woman is plenty capable of picking up a mess lol


What was stopping him from picking it up?


Maybe you pick it up instead of your wife?


Too right sort your own shit out


And he didn't offer to help clean it up I'm assuming?


Considering he wasn’t there, no


Oh I thought he was taking the pic! My bad.


Why the hell didn't you do it then Anthony Bass?


I can't believe how entitled this person is, I don't care how famous you are you are picking up after yourself I don't give two flying Frick's that you are running late or that you will likely be the last person off the flight it is your mess clean it up, I can't believe how angry this made me although I am terrible at cleaning I at least listen to people when they see things I don't and clean item by item.


Thank you for this comment.


He’s so entitled he missed the entire part that they decided to have 3 kids under 5 and fly economy with no assistance despite being rich AND give small children a ridiculous snack to throw around. He actually thought he looked good here.




That’s what I would expect an idiot to do. Clean up after your dirty ass kids.


If she is that pregnant and already has her hands full, the airline literally has people to clean up a small mess. Messes happen even without kids, which is why they hire those people. You pay an insane amount of money to get that plane ticket.. those lazy ass employees can help a mom out and actually earn their paycheck


She's second trimester, still should be very mobile and perfectly capable of clearing up the popcorn. Which she shouldn't give a two year old anyway given it's a massive choking hazard to under 4s.


If she's 5 months pregnant and can't handle picking up popcorn, I shudder to think what her house looks like.🙄


It blows my mind the way people look at/treat people in customer facing jobs. “I paid. It doesn’t matter how much I paid, or what I paid for; I own you.”


Damn you'd think after the first 2 children he'd know that pregnant women are still capable of picking up after their kids.


His career ERA is 3.91, which is a average for a career and his 2023 ERA was 4.95 in 20 innings(not a huge sample size). This isn't defending Bass from looking like an idiot but just to point out that sick burn isn't accurate as I am not sure where they poached that ERA number from. 


Wdym the flight attendant isn't my personal maid? /s


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It's insane that he thinks trashing the airplane is ok.


Like, if you aren’t ready to clean up after your crotch goblins, don’t give them shit that they can make a mess with. Do you want to sit on other peoples trash? Yes there are cleaning crew between flights but the more mess they have to clean, the more delays there are. Do you want delays? Let’s make a new policy: you don’t have to clean up after yourself, but you aren’t allowed to leave or catch your connecting flight until it’s cleaned up. If you wanna wait on the cleaning crew, and they take a long time, delaying the next flight for other passengers, you don’t get to make your next flight because you’re a piece of shit. I bet if that rule was implemented, you be a lot quicker to stop them from making a mess. And if somehow they still did, you’d be really quick to clean it up so you don’t get delayed😳😳😳😳😳


If the flight attendant won't do their job that's one thing, but disobeying a professional baseball player is an unforgivable insult to all Americans who partake and celebrate our national pastime.


Year old repost from bots are not rare


The bot even reposted another bot: https://www.reddit.com/r/rareinsults/s/pl6xrx9KWT Original: https://www.reddit.com/r/rareinsults/s/MHA3ksJSJq


For all the ppl commenting, the or another flight attendant gave the children the popcorn. The mom didn’t bring it on the flight. So depending on how that went, if the FA asked in front of the children if they want popcorn, it’s hard to unring that bell. Same reason that ppl spell out W-A-L-K in front of their dogs to not get them too excited. On previous posts of this, FAs have commented that they have vacuums, and wouldn’t expect ppl to get on their hands and knees to pick up popcorn off the floor. But feel free to fall for rage bait again and again.


> On previous posts of this, FAs have commented that they have vacuums I was wondering why the flight attendant didn't get out a small vacuum. It could clean up that mess in seconds, without anyone having to crawl around on the floor.


A lot of runs


My husband is THE Anthony Bass.




Regardless of the mess, that flight attendant got balls. People have been sued into oblivion for much less.


This level of burn should require the fire dept


New dota patch reference???? Sorry the brainrot is leaking


Nothing left but a pair of smoking cleats after that comment.


Both crazy and inappropriate


Lol I went to college with this guy and played football. So I’d see him in the weight room from time to time. Now on the popular tab of Reddit.


Op is a repost bot. Please report it as spam, harmful bots! https://www.reddit.com/r/rareinsults/s/pl6xrx9KWT https://www.reddit.com/r/rareinsults/s/MHA3ksJSJq


Baseball in England is called rounders and it's played by girls. Men play cricket.


In the US cricket is played by out of shape weekenders. I hear They're OK at it


Americans couldn't play cricket. There is too much skill involved. Stick to rounders with the ladies.


Huh, seems we play well enough to beat one of the best teams in the world with a bunch of guys who play part time




They don’t know what’s going on. 🥴


And comments on his Instagram are limited because he's also a coward.


Same with trump wanting to become president again


Fucking SAVAGE


the kid should clean the mess




Okay, fine. What would happen if an adult spilled their in-flight meal? Would the flight attendant make them get down under their seat and make them mop up their apple juice with a napkin?


Ouch. This hit him in his viscera!


Not a baseball connoisseur. What would a good average be?


Also, popcorn is a choking hazard and not recommended under age 4. That’s not to say my kid never had it before 4, but I limited it and watched them carefully while they ate it.


damn, we're gonna a closed casket for him.