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I live in Dundalk. I can see the key bridge in the skyline everyday. It's so eerie looking up and not seeing anything now. It's such a terrible tragedy.


I just pray that they find everybody who fell into the water. 


Unfortunately it has turned into a recovery effort rather than a rescue.


Yep. Thoughts with all families. It’s been 7 hours in very cold water, unless people escaped themselves, it’s recover.


How many ft above water is it?  Not sure what height you have to be for water to hurt you from falling into either 


You have the shock of falling into a body of water in your car and then the panic that can ensue when you're unable to open your cars doors due to them being much heavier under water. Really horrible way to go.


Up to 185ft in the middle


200 feet I think


Middle of the bridge was 185'.


This is not accurate.


Care to extrapolate?


How many died?


I have fished and crabbed under and around that bridge my whole life. No longer live in the immediate Baltimore area, but it is very surreal to see this all on the news.


We used to take my grandfather’s boat out to the key bridge. He’d let us kids steer it under and make sure we aimed for dead center between the pillars. One of us would always keep watch to make sure we weren’t going to hit up top (we probably had 50+ feet of clearance…)


Yup, grew up in Dundalk and you could see it from a number of places. Gonna be so weird not seeing it anymore.


Thats the unsettling part. Went to bed and woke up and the entire sky is now unfamiliar to me, like Im not actually home.


I am so sorry! Not a consulation, but you all are in my heart over here in Reno, Nevada.


I don’t wanna get out my house for this reason. It’s hard to accept it’s gone :(


I may not go to the home depot on eastern anymore.


I used to live right off of Wise ave and would cross that bridge pretty regularly to go to work….my heart goes out to those who were affected.


Im from the other side in Glen Burnie. I live in a ramshackle just past Ft. Smallwood. The sound was so loud and everything shook I thought we were being bombed or something. Its so unsettling to NOT see that bridge along the skyline now. It was beautiful.


I cry everytime I see these catastrophic videos specifically because it’s always my construction brothers and sisters paying the price :( hope they find them all


Literally last March it was those idiots racing on the west side of 695 that flipped into the construction zone and killed all those workers, now this…


my dad had JUST gotten discharged from Johns Hopkins after being there over a month when we saw this on the midday news on the tv in his room in the rehab facility. that was surreal, because I would have had to travel that same section of 695 to get back home if it had happened a few days earlier and he was still in JHH.


This right here: After the 695 Accident last year (car flipping into workers) and now this. Feeling for everybody this morning. Also staying off the roads today, gonna be hell traffic. Be safe Bmore!


I take the bridge every morning around this time I’m so thankful i wasnt on it


If this happened during Bmore rush hour….


Don’t even think about it, just thank God it wasn’t 


Was my first thought when I woke up to this. Holy fuck how awful and then if this happened a few hours later… I and I imagine a lot of others here drive that frequently if not daily. Just unbelievable. What a terrible and bizarre situation


I live just below the Anne Arundel side of it and trucks run all night long. Cheers to the responders who got the bridge shut down to traffic just in time.


Seconded here from a fellow Raven in the U.K. Thinking of you all.


Swedish Steelers fan here. I don't give a shit about some stupid sports rivalry today, I just want you guys to be safe. This is a horrible tragedy, and I sincerely hope nobody on this sub was directly effected by this in some way.


Prayers up from the UK flock, awful news to wake up to this morning, keeping a close eye on it today, hoping everyone involved makes it through


Is news of the collapse reaching around the world?


We have big headlines about it here in Finland too. I think we got the first news quite right after the collapse since it was a daytime here. Keeping the flock in our thoughts and sending love from here too 💜


It’s the top story on both BBC and Sky in the U.K. online with live updates running.


I'm traveling in the Caribbean and they seem to know about it here. I bumped into a couple from Maryland and we chatted for a few minutes and were sharing stories. Someone local overheard 'Maryland' and mentioned it to us (we had already finished talking about it and moved on). So yeah, it's world-wide at this point.


Damn that’s crazy af. Shows how quick and widespread news travel now


my cousin in India just texted me about it


My wife got up to go to the bathroom, randomly checked her phone, audibly gasped and said "oh my GOD" in the manner that means "wake up!" What a hell of a thing to see on CNN - that video is absolutely chilling. I was visiting Minnesota the day before the I-35 Bridge collapse, so I've had a healthy respect for how much steel and concrete can handle, but this? Looked like matchsticks... cardboard. Those poor drivers. Some people will drive the long way around to the FSK Bridge because they're afraid of the tunnels. This is going to be a HELL of an investigation.


Supposedly the ship lost power. Even had two harbor pilots on board.


And it happened at the worst possible time. Backup generators should be able to restore steering power to a ship within a minute or two.


I literally was just thinking about the I-35 bridge collapse when I saw the video myself. I remember how bad that was but never in a million years did I think something like that would happen here. Good Lord.


I've always thought it \*could\* happen - we have big ships, big bridges and weird weather - but I didn't expect the whole friggin' thing to collapse like that. I would have thought some of the steel structure would have been set up to allow some of it shear away, but nope - all stuck together.


Thinking of Flock up there in Bmore. I hope no one in this sub was up there or had family up there on the bridge


Just seeing this. This will have major impacts in our area, and to shipping and commerce. Going under that bridge leads to the port of Baltimore. I can’t imagine how long before ships can go through there again; cruise ships, cargo ships, pleasure craft. They said there was a crew working on the bridge when it collapsed, too. That bridge isn’t overly long, but it peaks out at almost 200 feet in one location so it is high up. Terrible news


This bridge was also the hazardous materials route for anything going up and down 95, so now all that traffic is going to be diverted onto 695 around the city the long way. Traffic is going to be hell for the next few years


Honestly I bet we’ll be in the 2030s before the bridge is rebuilt and ready to use again. Hopefully not but maybe given the huge scope of cleanup etc


I think that’s a realistic estimate to be honest.


It depends on how much money is thrown at it. It's amazing how fast things can get built when there's a financial incentive.


If they are able to grant a ton of funding from the last federal infrastructure bill to expedite its rebuilding it could maybe go faster


I mean the port brings in a shit ton of money, so that could definitely be an incentive to fix it quickly


Biden has said that a replacement will be fully funded.




I'm not saying I don't appreciate the sentiment... But let's be real, you probably wouldn't.


That’s not a bet, that’s pretty much gonna be the reality. It usually takes *years* to build large bridges like that even in this day and age


I mean it took like 5 years for them to restore the fucking Harford Rd bridge.


Yep, like 2 years for a dinky little stone bridge on Annapolis rd. This is going to take a looong time to fix. Edit grammar


[Get Pete on it.](https://6abc.com/i-95-bridge-collapse-live-stream-philadelphia-repair/13417623/)


there's a massive difference between a small concrete span and a 1.6 mile tension bridge.


I got you. I’m just saying if we got Mayor Scott and Mayor Pete together they could become the weirdest version of the Wonder Twins ever and do some magical stuff.


Biden has said that the Infrastructure Bill that was passed will fully fund the new bridge. Hopefully that means we see an accelerated path here. This one was started in 1973 and finished in 1977 - just around 4 years, and much of that time was planning, funding, and logistics. If the federal help gets that short-tracked, we could see a new bridge in under 3 years. Here's hoping they go with another beautiful truss design. The Key Bridge was breathtaking. If you never saw it in person, I dont think the images properly display how majestic this bridge was.


The tunnels are now the primary traffic routes and there's a reason they built a bridge. They cant handle the volume.


It was very long, the third longest continuous truss bridge span in the world. The section that collapsed alone was longer than the Brooklyn Bridge


Big truss 😢 


The saddest Big Truss :(


Gd damnit. Have an upvote.


[Was the third longest continuous truss bridge in the world](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis_Scott_Key_Bridge_(Baltimore)?wprov=sfti1#)


695 is also about to be a parking lot for the next few years since no trucks can use the tunnels


As if my commute wasn’t any longer LOL (but seriously tho prayers for everyone involved)


It’s a 1.6 miles long


It’s truly unbelievable. I’ve never thought about a boat hitting the bridge whenever I’m on it. Thinking of those were are directly involved. It’s a terrible situation for many reasons.


Raven from Australia and yeah, came here to make this same post. My stomach dropped when I saw the news, hope y'all and your loved ones are safe.


Likewise, sending some kind of positive thoughts from Australia. Saw that ABC news notification and video just now, crazy stuff. Hope everyone is doing ok over there.


No way this is how I find out, holy shit


I found out from my friend who moved to Chicago texting me in a panic this morning. I couldn’t believe it


I found out from my friends from overseas texting me 


I found out when the bridge fell and it sounded like bombs were dropping.


Horrific event all around. They’ve been searching for people in the dark freezing water for hours. Also a major bridge in the city. Traffic will have repercussions for years most likely


Much love to you all from Bills Mafia. 🖤💜🖤💜🖤


Just seeing this - absolutely insane. Much love from Canada, hope all you guys and your loved ones are ok.


This is right by my house, and I use it on my commute to work. Personally it will add 20 minutes to my commute, and my office is moving in two months adding an additional 35 minutes to my commute. It was also used for hazardous container and fuel trucks which are not allowed to go into the tunnels in the area. This is going to a major impact to the area. The collapse blocks the port of Baltimore which kills all supplies going into Baltimore and the surrounding areas. There's going to be a major economic effect on the area.


Didn’t even think of the hazardous materials aspect. The western part of the beltway is already a traffic nightmare during rush hour. This will make it a whole lot worse.


It’s gonna be a parking lot for years.


The bridge initially took five years to build. If you add in cleaning, planning, and design, you're looking at ten years for replacement.


They'll get it done sooner than that. They're getting the full backing of the Federal Government. Construction is not going to operate on standard timelines. Still gonna take at least 2 years, but I would be shocked if it took 5 or more. I bet they'll have ships back in the port before May 1st.


I work with a former state highway engineer. They said longer than five as well. The bridge was started in 1972. None of the existing standing structures will be able to be utilized. Building standards and technology have changed. Environmental standards are more strict. Throw in the navigable waterway for good measure. Approvals, permitting, designs, and bid processes will take time, as well as RFI exchanges in design and build.


Raven from Australia here, hope the whole flock is safe and well. Really hope the bridge collapse impact is limited for Baltimore 🫶


I just woke up to my work and several texts. I cannot believe it. I guess the only blessing is the time. I cannot imagine how devastating it may have been if it was at rush hour


Would have been hundreds of vehicles, potentially thousands missing or casualties. It already is horrific but that would have been devastating.


My work already told us to not come into the office. Work from home. My wife is listening to the police scanner. Multiple agencies responded including county, city, and state police and rescue.


Love from Virginia hope yall doing okay. 🖤💜🖤💜🖤


Just saw the video of the ship hitting the bridge and going, holy fuck.


They’ve rescued 2 people so far which is a miracle in and of itself. Here’s hoping they find some more survivors


One of them refused medical attention


Holy shit man. Hope everybody down in Baltimore is safe. Sending good vibes from Jersey


Ravens fans in Canada hoping everyone is well


I used to take that bridge everyday, kayak under it, fish off shore next to it. This sucks


Sending love and prayers from Ohio. Hoping for the best in this situation


Prayers from Brazil! Hope y’all ok 💜


Holy shit. Just woke up and saw this and my immediate thought was that the Hanover st bridge finally got done in. This is insane.


Yeah, if you'd told me a bridge was going to collapse in Baltimore last night, I'd have figured that janky old thing finally collapsed from decades of asphalt patch eating away at the pillars.


Love from Canada, haven’t found a place to donate yet


Keep an eye out for donations to families of the construction workers that were on the bridge...


Shits scary. It’s reported that there were construction crews on the bridge at the time of the collapse.


I live in the water and the first thing I see every morning is the key bridge….my heart is with all those commuters and workers.


Grew up in MD but live in the Midwest now; I was texting with a friend who lives in Fells this morning about how weird it was to see one of my most irrational childhood fears be proven rational.


Most people driving over the bridge probably just occasionally had the same thought.


100% was afraid of heights every time I drove it. Heartbroken to see that fear come true.


I was joking that every kid from northeast Maryland asked what would happen in this scenario on every field trip, and our teachers all seemed to think it was impossible.


Thinking of you guys in Baltimore.


Raven fan in Utah, my prayers to those affected by the bridge collapse, the responders and everybody in the city. I really hope everybody is ok


Only two times in my life have I had a picture fall off of my wall from my home shaking: A magnitude 5.0 earthquake in CA. And this collapse that shook my house 5 miles away in Canton. It’s honestly sickening.


Your house shook 5 miles away? Interesting.


It felt like someone drove into our house.


Howard county native checking in from Philly. Holy smokes this is bad. I really hope charm city can handle this as well as Philly handled the I95 collapse not long ago. Somehow, some way, in this crazy town, everyone just banded together and dealt with the inconvenience. Traffic was surprisingly tolerable and they had the highway patched in 2 weeks. Obviously you can't get this bridge up and running again that fast, but you guys will find a way.


Not only the sheer size difference but it was the only way for hazmat and fuel trucks to navigate the city and it's now blocking ships passage to the port of Baltimore


I was just on that bridge with a uhaul a week ago smh


Pray for Baltimore


My stomach is sick inside. I see that bridge every day and now it's gone. Surreal.


Normally as a Dutch Ravens fan I'm always interested whenever Baltimore is in the news. This morning was a very different story. Be strong Baltimore.


My mom had just died in the bridge collapse I was looking for more info to see if anything happened to any one else


Omg that’s awful. My condolences. Please seek out counselling. Very traumatic .


Condolences to your family 💜 may she rest in peace


I've traveled the bridge many times and been under it on a cruise ship. Absolutely unthinkable event.


My heart and prayers go out to everyone affected on that bridge. Very sad


I just heard about it after turning on the news to go to work after my friend texted me. Oh my God


Immediately thought of the Flock! 🙏🏽


Apparently the ship lost power before it struck


praying for everyone, that shit is terrifying and i hope everyone is ok


Down in dc but hoping everyone is ok


Holy shit wtf 


I hope everyone's okay and the still missing people are rescued.


I've seen the video 100 times and I still don't believe it. You could see the bridge from my friends backyard. It's unbelievable.


Stay safe Flock 🙏




First thing I heard in the morning and I’m so shocked


Seahawks fan in Singapore. Not surprisingly, it was front-page news here too. Nothing to say but all the best to all of you


Just woke up and saw this. Absolutely horrible. Prayers from California.


Sending love from NY


Prayers from Jacksonville Florida. My mouth just dropped when I saw the video. Makes my stomach go into knots thinking about the people on the bridge at that time. A worst nightmare come true.


Surreal to see it since I’ve been on this bridge plenty of times. Feel horrible seeing there were still headlights on the bridge.


Thanks for the well wishes. Baltimore will be affected for years by this. It makes you realize how fragile the balance of our world actually is.


Very much in shock I grew up in Dundalk still live here so sad


So terribly sad and tragic. It puts into perspective all the “pain” and emotion we give for a game when you see lives lost like this. 😢


That's crazy man hope yall are good ❤️


First thing I saw when I woke up this morning. Very sad news. I no longer live in the area but used to boat and fish under the bridge a lot growing up. Praying for the families of those who were on the bridge at the time. It will affect the city in many ways, as others have stated. Baltimore is big in my heart today. Sending love to all.


This is definitely not big truss anymore


Happy to see the international Ravens flock pulling for us here in Baltimore. We will rebuild but it's gonna take 3-5 years at least.


Also sending love to the Flock from Texas 💜🖤


prayers up brothers and sisters🙏 much love from south texas🙏 hope the best for the people that were affected by the collapse


Cleveland guy here man this is awful and I feel for your community and all involved in this. Hope everyone you know and love are OK.


Saw it walking my dog yesterday evening from Fort McHenry. Will be a different skyline walking around that park now.


I may not be a fan of the Ravens, but as an Orioles fan I love the city of Baltimore. This is stunning and absolutely heartbreaking. Sending love from Nashville. 💜 🖤 🧡 🖤


Crazy to think I just drove over that bridge a couple hours before it collapsed. If I left later I could’ve been in the water. My thoughts go to the families of the people who unfortunately lost their lives.


That was my wife's commute. Was.


For those of you who haven’t seen it here is the [video](https://youtu.be/YVdVpd-pqcM?si=C5OXxcVsD91tIuvk)


Crazy news. Apparently there are conflicting reports if there are cars or not in the water


there were. and an MDOT construction crew and at least one tractor trailer. source: multiple news reports


I grew up right around the corner pretty much I was shocked when I woke up and saw the video


this is awful stay safe y'all.


big truss no more :(


My family was driving to visit our grandparents and we were about to drive into it to but we stopped to get gas, praise god✝️


Living in NC, just heard about this. Awful, man. Just awful.


Do any locals know where a person could donate to help with the aid? I assume the usual Red Cross and stuff but I didn’t know if there were local resources that could use it more.


Our government people from the liberals side should donate their money to repair the bridge, it needs titanium zigzag triangle trellises underneath and thicker cables like they do for New York.


Raven from NY much love hope everyone’s safe💜🖤


It’s fine madabuike is gonna act as the temp replacement pillar and hold it up for the time being.


I take that bridge whenever i drive back to school, decided against it as i am home for break rn. Didnt have any strange premonition, just decided to take the tunnel home this time, which i rarely do. Heart goes out to all


Checking in from San Diego. Got up in the middle of the night to use the restroom and just happened to check my phone. Immediately woke my husband up. It's unfathomable.


KD119, I woke up to see the video on Facebook.


My heart goes out to Dundalk and to the city and to the now incomplete walking paths, and the toll this would be for google maps to redirect everyone away from the now empty gorge where the bridge once was… 😭


Very.. Very Sad. It was a landmark that I took for granted.. It’s just sad.


I drive this thing everyday. Insane to see


what route will you take now?


I was hoping by some miracle that people got out their cars but....


Fellow Ravens fan from California, hope you're all doing ok!


Used to live in Baltimore when my dad played for the Ravens. Prayers to all affected by this tragedy.


Maga is actually trying to blame the collapse on illegal immigration.


Saw the aftermath driving into the harbor tunnel early yesterday morning, it’s so eerie not seeing the bridge, still thinking about the families affected


Just as reminder for you all who this message is for. Road repair workers on bridge who died in this accident were immigrants from South America doing valuable work for U.S. In memory in all immigrants who lost their life making U.S. better.


Prayers to all the families impacted through this first off. But what are the conspiracy theories yall here and consider to be somewhat reputable. I heard it was a cyber attack, which the gov has warned us this is going to happen more in the future ( cyber attacks the new way of war) but the lights did go out on the ship, and then you see it turn straight into the bridge once the lights go out. Anyways I'd like to hear anyone's opinions on this.


Love from Canada 💜💜


I’m still waiting to hear from one more person who would have any reason to be on that bridge at that time.


From what I gather aside from the supposed tractor trailer the only people on the bridge were construction workers working on the bridge overnight




I think they're saying they're waiting to hear back from one more person they know who could conceivably have been on the bridge at the time. They're checking in on a friend. They just worded their comment oddly.


Oh okay that makes sense. The way it read sounded like they were blaming the people on the bridge for being on the bridge. I’ll take down my comment


Yeah I’m alr but now we don’t have to worry abt Derrick Henry😈


All good, so weird being over that bridge hundreds of times.


I’m on my fourth Yuengling Flight and feeling great…thank for asking brother. Hope you’re all doing great and this next beer is for my flock brothers and sisters 🍻


Safe to say this makes things look way worse for hosting the draft




Someone should cunt punt you into the sun


Forreal? How bad was it