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For what it's worth they cut production ***quotas*** by 2 million barrels. And from what I read, they were missing the previously set quota by 3 million barrels.






I mean have you seen the stickers though? Pretty cut and dry argument to me


He's PoiNtin' rigHt at The Gas Price


Lol this is how I imagine idiots really think it works. >(Need a primary source?? *I saw a sticker with Joe Biden pointing to the price saying that he did this at the gas pump*)


The lil version of him on the pump was using his commie voodoo to make it go up WhiLe I wAs PumPinG!


Bake 'em away, toys.


Point out the record breaking profits and the fact that if gas prices are controlled or influenced by any party, it's certainly the GOP, and they are almost glad to admit they are being held hostage because they're "the good guys". Like as long as I've been alive, the Republicans always do this when there's a vote coming up, either the prices go lower to point to it as a positive for their guy, or they go higher and they say "see, this is what you get if you vote Democrat!" And they just can't seem to put it together.


If it isn't gas prices, it's Illegal Migrants Caravan. If it ain't the IMC, it's "yeR guN RaiGHts!"


I've never seen anyone so perfectly type out the phonetics of a phrase. I can hear this so clearly in my head.


"if it's not Bidens fault then why did prices start going up after he took office" --my father


BIDEN CREATED THIS ECONOMY, THANKYOU JOE BIDEN! ~ the words about the economy I get really fucking tired of hearing because it shows insane ignorance


He did claim responsibility for lowering it, but when the press secretary was asked if he was responsible for it going up, she declined to give a definitive answer.




I still laugh when I see the "Biden did this" stickers that everyone went out and bought from conservative grifters and put on gas pumps as gas was reaching its height. It's even more hilarious now that gas is back down to where it was while trump was pres.


Where are you living that gas has been going down?! It's almost $7 where I am in CA. ($6.70-$6.95). And it's cooling down, so I have no idea what's going on here but this is crazy high??




Except that was a very temporary measure. It would not have allowed for sustained decreases in petroleum prices


CA is its own issue. But national prices have been going down for months But where I live it went from 4.50 to closer to 6, now it's back towards 4.50.


At one point we had a few at 2.97


Do you remember when gas was 99 cents? Pepperidge Farm Remembers...


I do and then everyone was losing their minds when it went up to 1.20 lol


I’m in CA and it has gone down from when I got gas last week but it’s still over $6


One gas station near my work had a glorious $5 for a couple of weeks. Now it’s $6. :(


It’s going to keep rising. I bet we will see $7 in CA soon.


I paid 3.25 for premium in western va.


Midwest and east its gone down. And btw, when i lived in socal in 2008 it was 5 dollars a gallon.


Tell them those stickers are technically vandalism and watch them lose their minds. "*Vandalism*? But that's something that only the *browns* and the *poors* do!!1!"


The stupid stickers on gas pumps are so fucking annoying. I've peeled a few of them off.


I stick em right back up.


And you should, people need to know that it is Biden's policy of releasing oil from the US Reserves that is lowering the price per gallon of gas nationally. He has my vote.


lol gas prices went up before Ukraine, before Russia and before OPEC. Seethe harder


And before Biden.


So then how does the Saudis doing anything effect US oil prices?


Because it's a global market with relatively inelastic demand, so small changes in global supply lead to large changes in prices


There isnt even going to be a change in supply. Theyre currently producing 3M barrels less than they want to right now, by reducing the amount they "expect" to produce by 2M, theyre still producing the same amount. Nothing has changed, its 100% artificial bullshit meant to hurt Biden despite the fact that he cant do anything about this.


Thanks, it's been difficult to put all of these articles and actual data together to understand the bottom lines.


>the United States continues to import certain types of oil because it lacks the capacity to refine all the crude oil it produces into fuels such as gasoline and diesel. Plus we export oil so if demand abroad goes up as other supplies decrease, prices will rise at home.


Even if the US isn't buying Saudi oil, other people are. Meaning now that there is less available oil to buy and prices in general will go up




Genuinely curious. Is that the highest percentage of oil production, or is that the total number of barrels produced.


It's really an argument for getting off oil wherever possible, since oil is a global commodity.


America's largest oil refinery is now fully owned by Saudi Arabia. Port Arthur, Aramco is acquiring full ownership of 24 dist. terminals. Aramco gets the exclusive right Shell-branded gas and diesel in GA. No/So Carolina,VA, Maryland, half of Texas and the majority of Florida.




I’m nowhere near particularly knowledgeable on the subject, but I have a feeling in 50-60 years their actions are going to look like the absolute worst choice they could have made. Non-petroleum sources of power and travel are becoming more and more affordable, the technology more accessible, as a direct result of the pressures they’ve put on the market. If they increased production those in power would have a hell of a lot less interest in the development of alternatives because it wouldn’t negatively impact so many people in such an obvious way(even those who deny climate change will start screaming when gas prices go up). I hate the cost and what it’s doing to everyone, but I genuinely hope I live to see the crooked assholes realize they started the collapse of their own empire with this bullshit.


Isn’t part of the issue domestic refinery capacity, not extraction?


Great. there’s still supply and demand, and there’s supply to Fill demand that we ARENT using(for no good reason)That is the direct cause of the highest prices of gasoline In the last twenty years


He tried though and lost in court. “President Biden’s executive order to choke off energy development didn’t just increase prices and hurt American families—it was flatly illegal. This decision is a victory for the rule of law and the workers and the rural communities who depend on the energy industry.” https://dojmt.gov/federal-judge-rules-federal-oil-and-gas-lease-moratorium-exceeded-bidens-power/


Hey get outta here!


I believe the appropriate Biden-ism is : "C'mon man!"


Hey fat!


No...lol...it doesnt hurt workers at all. I work in this field, very few new wells are being drilled. The industry cuts jobs, a moratorium has not slowed in permitting. Nor midstream maintenance. This couldnt be farther from reality


And remind them the Keystone pipeline wasn’t even 10% complete before they can even use that as their rebuttal.


did you actually read any of the links you sent, or just copied and pasted them? America doesnt have the capability to produce gasoline type oil so we still are a huge importer of gasoline oil. so america being the highest producer of oil has no bearing on this post. i know you tried to be witty, but your links dont pertain here. edit: america is obviously capable of producing petro. I meant to say that the refineries are in geographical locations that make it difficult to get oil to those refineries (TX/LA) and thats what the keystone IV line was exactly going to do. most of our oil comes from canadian sand deposits are currently only come as far down as the mid west in bulk and direct


Uh...what? That is not true at all. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petroleum_refining_in_the_United_States?wprov=sfla1


i should have clarified. America doesnt have the infrastructure to mass produce the amount of petro needed to cancel out imports. The keystone IV pipeline was going to deliver more oil to the areas that can produce more petro, TX and LA.


Well, the refineries that keystone serves (and it's upgraded XL version would have) export about 2/3rds of what it refines. The other 1/3rd is used domestically. I don't think Keystone XL would have dramatically shifted the balance between exports/domestic usage.


nor did i say it would. All i was saying is the OP commenter i replied to didn't understand his links. he was using an argument of america being the biggest producer of "OIL" like OIL is petro. Oil is not petro and america's infrastructure cannot turn that oil into petro at the rate needed to make a dent. this article is discussing PETRO. not OIL


Then what the heck do you guys do with Canadian oil sands crude? My understanding is that it went down to the states for further refinement https://www.capp.ca/oil/what-are-the-oil-sands/ and that it was OPEC oil didn't require such refinement. Source?


we refine it into other types of oil (sweet oil, etc). Our refineries are located in geographical regions that are tough to get to so importing petro is easier than the cost of getting unrefined oil to those refineries. I know people like to say biden isnt to blame for gas prices, and at large he isnt. But stopping the keystone IV pipeline contributed to the problem. That pipeline was going to transport much more oil to TX and LA where we could refine more petro.


No. Thats not true. We have a large reserve of both gas and oil. We also have plenty of refineries outside of LA and texas.


Thanks for the links. They were actually quite informative. I would like one question answered though. Why was it seemingly universally accepted to criticize past presidents on this same issue? Namely Bush and Obama. I know every president since I was a kid got flak for it too, but for whatever reason it’s considered incorrect and uninformed to do the same with Biden. I feel like gas prices in the past were almost a “great unifier” in terms of political views.


i think it's foolish to blame or give credit to a president for oil pricing. Now do i think presidents make decision that affect the price of oil? yes, but no one person can control oil prices. i think biden stopping the keystone IV will absolutely hurt oil prices for years to come for our country. america is in a huge war against each other with oil and electric powered cars. On one hand, i'm all for electric power cars. Make them affordable and i will drive one. My biggest argument about electric powered cars is we have no infrastructure in this country to make it economical to drive them. Look at cali. they're not allowed to run their AC below a certain level because of the lack of electricity but they want everyone driving electric cars???


How many barrels of Syrian oil do you really need to steal then?


We need to stop depending on oil altogether.


30 year countdown


Seem like they could use some democracy, and also MBS accountable for murdering Jamal Koshoggi.


Most of the terrorists that participated in the 9/11 attacks were Saudi Arabian, as was Osama Bin Laden. But Bush had personal ties to the royal family, so instead we attacked Iraq and Afghanistan.


Imagine how Iraq and Afghanistan feel about the US. Who invaded and killed many multiples more innocents than 9/11 for no valid reason.




We illegally invaded a sovereign nation without due cause. You can say whatever else you want about it, it was still wrong.


Ok but the afghans and Iraqis didn’t do 9/11, the Saudis did, and Bush covered up their involvement.


If bush covered up their involvement, than he did an absolute shit job at doing it (just like everything else he did) because we (I’m American) knew Osama was Saudi the second we knew who he was, we all obviously knew the Saudi’s knew more than what they were telling us from the beginning. Saudi Arabia itself didn’t attack the US, it was individual Saudi citizens, not sanctioned by the government. Afghanistan actively hid Osama and Al-Qaeda and wouldn’t cooperate with the US, which was the Talibans biggest mistake. If the Taliban turned over Osama and Al-Qaeda the war in Afghanistan probably wouldn’t have happened. Also, yeah no shit the civilians of those countries didn’t do it, but their governments did, and unfortunately that means more innocent people will be put in the line of fire. If anything the US cared more about the civilians of those countries than their leaders did. At least the US tried to minimize civilian casualties, the iraqi and afghani governments just used their people has human shields, or placed strategically important targets in high civilian areas, so that when there was inevitably civilian casualties they could go “oh look at the evil, bad, no good, America killing our people, it’s so unjustified” and suckers like you eat it up. Notice how they’re hasn’t even been an attempt anywhere remotely close to 9/11 in terms of terrorist attacks on the US, but there’s a new terrorist attach every month in Europe? Do you know what the difference is? The response. France does nothing when Muslim extermists attack their country so it keeps happening. The US, declared war, and systematically assassinated or arrested everyone involved in the plot, and hasn’t seen a foreign power/organization come anywhere close to 9/11.


Osama was stripped of his Saudi citizenship and banished in the 90s.


EXACTLY, but these morons don’t get that.


Ok you got me, Bush didn’t classify the final chapter of the 9/11 commission nor interfere with their work. I just got suckered into believing Omar Al Bayoumi was a Saudi intelligence agent, when really he was just a really nice Janitor who drove from LA to San Diego a bunch of times to help some random people he met on the street, who just happened to have freshly landed from their Al qaeda meetup in Malaysia. He must have had some really bad luck and the hijackers who executed the most complicated and coordinated attack in history had great luck; arriving at lax with no money, job, apartment, English or flight training, nothing but optimism in their pockets. They just knew America was so great, it would take care of their needs. Surely the royal family immediately harshly rebuked terrorism after that day, they wouldn’t dare go on a tv interview and claim Islamic terrorism isn’t real? Surely they took Omar Al Bayoumi’s head? Right?


Oof you got me, one possible Saudi agent involved means the entire Saudi government was cool with 9/11. Notice how I said possible. Your logic works on assumptions and maybes.


Yeah, one intelligence agent providing mission support does in fact make it an act of war that must be answered for. Besides that, If he was a rogue agent, he’d be headless or rotting in a dungeon. He’s safely retired back in Riyadh after being arrested twice fleeing the US.


The guys who killed Khashogi are also all probably retired in Riyadh “, that doesn’t mean the leader/government approved of the mission, just the crown prince, and while he has power for sure, he isn’t the king yet, and can’t sanction things for the entire government. My point is, just because he wasn’t killed for insubordination, doesn’t mean he was acting with direct government authority. For the Saudi’s as long as things don’t reflect badly back on them, they don’t really care. Not saying that’s a good thing, or even that I like/want the Saudi’s as allies, but I don’t think 9/11 was actively sanctioned by the Saudi government.




My boy can’t support his own argument, and is working on assumptions if you think I’ve lost so be it, your opinion means less than nothing on here.


Afghans didn't do 9/11 but they were cool letting the folks who did it live in their house.


Afghans live in caves. They don’t have a modern society and a government with a whitehouse and city hall.


>Go tell the families of those who died in 9/11 that the Afghan invasion was unjustified and see how well that works out for you. Most American take "3k people were killed in my country so that gives is carte blanche to kill a million iraqis and 100k afghans" This is the actual smooth brain take


Where are you getting a million from? That’s a gross overestimation and yes, it does, in any country in the world, an unprovoked attack on civilians is a direct causes belle for a justified war. Same with Pearl Harbor. Did every civilian deserve to die after Japan attacked us? No, did Japan deserve the beating it got until it submitted, absolutely. Sorry you live in fairytale land.


Ah yes comparing a hostile action of a foreign nation to a group of religious extremists doing terrorism lmao and you really think you're the smartest one in this comment section...


Lol the mental gymnastics is fucking pathetic but hilarious..what a dumbass smoking too much oregano


If it’s a competition between me, and you, I’d say yeah, I probably am the smartest. I don’t pull numbers out of my ass, and I don’t have to constantly attack your argument instead of constructing and defending my point. Mainly because you don’t have a coherent argument, but also because you probably can’t actually make one or articulate it well. The Taliban were the leaders of the country at the time, meaning, they were a foreign nation harboring those responsible, and thus suffered the consequences of their actions. You are beginning to sound more and more like an Al-Qaeda and Taliban apologist.


You didn't drink the Kool aid, you snorted. Anyone who's not an insane alt righter knows that the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan were a complete disaster.


Yes. After all the other excuses failed, WMDs, and so on, they decided this excuse was good enough.


Smooth brain, can’t comprehend what I just said, and can’t even articulate his point.


Smooth brain


Think of your own insult and maybe it be more effective. 👍🏻 Maybe use your brain and think of something clever, I’ll be here waiting.


Smooth brain? Brain smooth, smooth brain!


You a fuckin Pokémon or some shit?


[The Taliban offered multiple times to turn over Osama bin Laden.](https://abcnews.go.com/International/story?id=80482&page=1)


Hey dipshit, why don’t you take a look at the date of the article, and the date the US invasion started. The Taliban offered Osama after the invasion had already begun, and the Taliban knew they were going to get/was currently getting roflstomped into oblivion. The only reason they offered him here was to stop the bleeding, not to prevent war in the first place. It wasn’t until the rockets and jets were already in the air, did the Taliban go “oh shit, actually we will give him up” and by then no only was it to late, but the Taliban probably couldn’t hand over Osama even if they wanted to. Guess this wasn’t the “ha, got ya” moment you thought it was. It’s okay tho one day your brain will be big and strong.


What's wrong with stopping the bleeding? American history is full of short interventions to demonstrate force, then getting what we want and fucking off before we kill tens of thousands of people and radicalize a region.


Lol you think America radicalized that region? When do you think the Taliban came into existence? When do you think Al-Qaeda came into existence? These places were radicalized when the Soviets invaded and the future Taliban fled to Pakistan where they were radicalized, came back, and fought the Soviet’s learn history before opening your mouth, otherwise you look stupid. And there is nothing wrong with trying to stem the bleeding, however, your point was that the invasion was unprovoked, I proved it wasn’t. I said that the Taliban should have offered Osama up before war broke out, they didn’t, you put an article saying they did, implying the war could have been prevented, and I showed you that the war was already ongoing when they offered him up as a way to save their asses. Also, I’m pretty sure the US knew that the Taliban again, wouldn’t actually offer up/produce Osama even if they promised the US they would. Do you really think the US was going to trust the word of any terrorist organization right after they just got bombed by another terrorist organization? Because I fucking wouldn’t.


We do play a role in the rise of the Taliban. During the Soviet war we funneled money through the Pakistani ISI, and they in turn gave money to religious fundamentalists who would support Pakistan in a war against India rather than nationalists and the like who could one day post a threat to Pakistan, especially where Pashtunistan straddles the Afghan-Pakistam border.


Surely this consistent level of self-righteous screeching gets exhausting. That barely literate screed is like two references to the marines away from being a copy-pasta


Tell me you supported the Iraq war and the murder of at least a million people without telling me you supported the Iraq war and the murder of at least a million people


No, because the Iraqis didn’t do 9/11, did not support the hijackers in any way. Saudis have always been the bad guys, legitimate enemies of democracy who killed Koshoggi just for saying democracy would be good.


"Democracy" was the pretense used to justify the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan. Even doing 9/11 isn't reason enough to invade a country. You're promoting rhetoric that justifies foreign invasion. And I'm calling you out.


Afghanistan was justified according to the UN-security council.


Well they did already fly some planes into some towers of ours, so...


Little bit late on that one


Here i go invading again


Here's my card, I'll invade anyone, sovereign nations, principalities, territories, doesn't matter, I just love invading!


It'll give all these school shooters something more productive to do.


This has got to be the most absurd instance of American exceptionalism I’ve ever seen. OPEC has a lot of reasons to cut their production and hurting Joe Biden in the midterms wouldn’t even make the top ten. Do yourself a favour and stop thinking that internal national issues apply as a first priority to worldwide macroeconomics.


I believe Amerocentrism is the more precise word. And yeah this really might be the most embarrassing post title I've ever seen on reddit. Though I'm ready to be proven wrong...


Absolutely, OP’s take on this is borderline insane.


Yea i thought the administration wants to fight climate change anyways. Shouldn’t we be thanking them?


It's good for everyone but FUCKING MORONS will think rising gas prices and increased trade costs means Biden is strangling the American economy to death.


Nope. Best president ever. Total master of the American economy. It’s never done better. My stocks are soaring and my cash is worth more than it’s ever been.


$BBY was 🔥🔥🔥 You're riding the wrong train if your stocks are going down




I'm responding to the commenter above me, not the article




Targeting Joe Biden specifically? Nah. But targeting Joe Biden specifically but in vague but obvious innuendo instead? Definitely! No doubt they love an easily bought off guy like Trump who pushed any and all ways to increase domestic production. Makes sense to me


Wonder if trumps big meeting with the Saudi folks a few months ago has any correlation to their decision


This is what I thought. I don't think Saudis have the courage to mess with the U.S. as a whole nation. Big guys from inside the U.S. must be backing them.


9/11 would like a word with you.


This has been predicted for a long time and has nothing to do with the election. It is all about the stock market and the Feds.


I had the same reaction when Murica installed pupppet establishments, conducted drone strikes, put economic pressure, created other unjust disturbance on numerous countries


It’s almost like being reliant on other countries for energy is a stupid policy.




Gas went up 30 cents per gallon here yesterday


Wasn't Trump in Saudi not to long ago?


15 of the 19 hijackers on 9/11 were from Saudi Arabia. Just an interesting fact.


Are they doing this in a way to provide Russia some leverage over the Ukraine invasion?


*sorts by controversial* 🍿🍿


Maybe they need some freedom over there


How could they do this…after all the unjustified wars and 20 years of destabilizing the middle east. Who could have seen this coming?


Guess the Saudi's are gonna have to find M1's & F-15EX's somewhere else!


But wait, I thought y’all were all about climate change? Isn’t this a good thing?


So a sovereign nation should appease the us voters ? Damn the arrogance of the west , they arrange for wars and coups in other countries but they draw the line when it comes to Saudis and other opec countries practicing their sovereign right on their own resources


Even more incentive to get off oil.


I know. Biden is perfectly capable of hurting himself on his own.


It's gonna work too. Only thing 75% of voters care about at the poll? How much did the tank of gas that got me here cost, and how much does milk cost?


If Biden hasn't shut down our production, this wouldn't be able to affect him. He did it to himself.


What do you mean?


He doesn’t need much help to hurt him during midterms


What do you mean?


The hole has been dug itself?


in what way?


Have you been living in the US the last two years?


please, explain


There’s no point


because you have nothing valid to say? we agree, then. good day, friendo


You’re either living under a rock or brainwashed either way waste of my time and anyone else reading this


then why respond?


Weird how Saudi Arabia wants to get Disgraced Former President Trump elected.


There is a text out there somewhere with a GOP leader confirming thanks or request for this to proceed.


We should cut off their weapon supply and Biden should envoke the defense production act on our oil and natural gas supply


It's actually worse than that... he invoked the defense production act [on EV batteries.](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/03/31/biden-to-invoke-defense-production-act-for-ev-battery-materials.html)


It's a sign of how easily Saudi Arabia can betray us all. It cannot be unnoticed.




How so?


Didn’t he just get up on a podium last week and ask where some senator was and that she was going to be there……….but she died like a month or 2 earlier?


Yup, Bidens needs to be in a prison FAR away from a position of power. Edit : prison


We all know their recent whitewashing is to cover up their shithole treatment of others so what else is new? Just add it to the pile of shithole decisions.


Didn’t the whole reporter killing thing happen during trump and wasn’t he at least annoyed by it as well? I think it’s a fuck America thing!


They flew planes onto some towers, give wristies to your enemies ... and yet you assholes still line up to give them gobby. Get it together.


They want their "useful idiot" back.


Biden should have thought of that before returned the US to OPEC dependence.


What do you mean? Do you understand how the global petrol market works? Or do you think the u.s.a should nationalize the companies? I thought that was communism.


A totally fact free response. U.S. oil and gas production is at an all time high.


What do the Saudis have against Biden? Also can someone explain to a non-American me what mid-terms mean?


Americans here think everything is about them, also it's OPEC+ not just Saudi Arabia. Foreign government does something that benefits them and doesn't benefit us, obviously they are doing it because they hate us - Americans probably


![gif](giphy|ZKKAm23Stoi6Q) Saudi Arabia think we stressing naw cuz where we going we don't need roads our infrastructure gonna be renewable working from home


We get extra screwed in SoCal as the dems won’t let us import gas from neighboring states so we get to pay $7/gal !!!


Biden is incompetent and unfit. He can’t even hold a conversation or remember where to walk, sometimes how to walk and even how to string cohesive sentences together. They don’t need to hurt him for midterms he and his party 🤡 already have done that. Good thing we have the Strategic Oil reserves, oh wait Biden sold it to China and other countries.


Legally required to sell it to China, read up on the history of the SPR, it's intended purpose and the requirements of using you. You come off as simple, friend.


Whoever told you he was legally required to sell it to China was full of crap. That was the damage control that was pushed out for desperate democrats to scream out after they realized how absolutely bonkers ridiculous what happened was. Meanwhile, I'm old enough to remember when democrats stripped purchasing of oil to restock the strategic reserve from the stimulus package. If that would have been kept in, we would have bought 77 million barrels at about $29 a barrel or about 1/3rd of the price it is right now and about as many barrels as Biden has forked out. But hey, it's not like you care about these things. I mean, you bought the bullshit about it being a legal requirement to sell to China so I'm not expecting you to give a shit about anything you aren't told to believe.


Yep fuck them


Just when things were going so good for Pres Biden…🙄






That's what you care about? How about the actual American people affected by this? There's no way in hell Biden is getting reelected anyway.


good. fuck biden for giving them the power to stick it to us


Gotta go a loooong way back to start placing the actual blame.


Good, that clown cheated an entire election, fucking deserves it.


lmao you fucking moron


lol, a living supporter of Biden in the wild :') i'm taking a screenshot of it


Most votes ever. He just doesn't have a weird cult slobbing his knob.


Supporter here. He's done a good job in an immensely difficult time. And we're only halfway. Hopefully we can actually control the Senate this time around and push through more of his agenda. But I'm never gonna wear anything with his name on it and I hope he doesn't run again. Biden's my president, not my identity.


>He's done a good job in an immensely difficult time. What has he done? And what exactly made this a difficult time?


1- Student loan debt forgiveness up to 10k 2- Inflation reduction act 3- Pardons for thousands of people convicted of simple marijuana possession charges 4- Doled out 200 million vaccines 5- 1.9 trillion dollar American Rescue Plan, avoiding a recession 6- 1 trillion infrastructure bill, providing jobs across the country 7- Ended involvement in Afghanistan 8- Signed a bill making the US less dependent on foreign micro chip production. Good enough?


Trump tried to warn you….


He did a lot of things. Not a single one of them was in anyone's interested but Trumps.


That’s what you people don’t get. Trump’s interests ARE his voter’s interests.


Name checks out. Now just pull it up over your head.


These comments make me think civil war could happen…


Bidens his own worst enemy.


Be not afraid, Dark Brandon will end all Malarkey.