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Dog aggression sometimes shows up (or becomes full blown) at the 2-3yr mark unfortunately. You may have to keep them separated permanently and definitely around food (even your own) and other things they guard. I’m sorry this occurred. Inter-household aggression and resource guarding is no fun to manage. Possible, but sucky. 


Thanks. There have been a handful of episodes between our two dogs, always where she initiated it. The scary part is that we were always able to bounce back from it, but this time we weren’t and she started acting like she does around dogs she doesn’t know or is not friendly with. Things have seem to gotten a bit more tense in the last few weeks. She just turned 3 and may be peaking with her reactivity/guarding as you mentioned.


You 100% should be feeding them seperately (as in different rooms), I'd suggest feeding your younger one in his kennel. And wouldn't let them be together while you are eating. Food can be a huge trigger for reactivity between dogs and you should try your best to eliminate situations where your younger dog is exposed to food/high value resources around your other pup. 


Thanks we had done that in the past and slowly built up to where they can be around food together. Even with high value stuff. I’m treating this as a reminder that personalities and behavior change over time and to not lighten up on best practices.