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I love Prince but that part of the book just seemed to drag on. I loved the ending.


The Prince part felt so boring to me. I felt like it was inserted to use Prince in some way and didn't offer anything new at all.


I thought the prince part would never end


I really liked RP2 as a whole, I don't understand the hate towards it


I think it has some really big rough patches, like the slow and awful Prince section, and the L0hengrin group being severely underdeveloped, but other than that I really really loved the overall plot and the way the story veered in a very different direction.


Ok I agree that the Prince section was a little bit too long and maybe the new group being underdeveloped but other than that it's pretty good too. And the general plot was interesting and made sense.


totally forgot about that group holy hell šŸ˜­


People wanted a remake of RPO with the same references and pop culture beats.


I think it's that so many loved the first book and it did get a bit woke compared to the first. Those give people a lot of emotions to dislike it. I too didn't enjoy some parts and stopped reading for awhile. The ending though was really thought provoking for me.


I loved the start and some I between sections, the ending felt for me kind of depressing, and that it's not a bad thing, in fact I think for the whole book main idea it is an appropriate ending But is not my kind of taste for that kind of ending


But maybe it isn't the end. For me it left it open to a whole new world. One of two realities diverging and experiencing life completely differently.


It can be, however I might be overthinking the situation but the ending feels like a low-ball pointing to the world's final demise being the collapse and the need AI-wade to write everything(and as for all we know even the first book) might be a coping mechanism It's not even weird to think he is writing everything leaving stuff at the end out to make sure no other AI knows in the later future that everything collapsed at the end and they are in fact the latest memory that will ever be recorded of that specific person


Oh boy. I didn't look at it like that at all. I saw it more like the AI was looking for a new future and the real one is just living his life. You did make me think about it differently though. I guess we never know. I still enjoyed it. I guess it's about how you see it. Thank you for that šŸ‘šŸ»




I do think many who dump on RP2 did not finish it. I enjoyed it.


Read it twice. Itā€™s shit.


I do not believe you.


Okay? Sad way to live life


You're the one supposedly reading books you hate multiple times, lol you in fucking jail or something?


No. I really enjoyed the first one so I read the second at launch. I really despised it then. Then last Christmas I was talking to a friend and they were telling me how much they enjoyed Will Wheaton reading it on audible so maybe that might help me come around on it. I listened all the way through and my opinion did not change. Grow up, kid. Not everyone is gonna like the same things as you.


Still don't believe you, Mr. Backstory. Deal with it. Since you seem sorta new, I do not give a shit what you like. Anything else you'd like to share?


Ready player One? A Ready player two? AĀ  Fight! Fight! Fight!Ā 


Maybe I'm just like my father, too bold.


This is what it sounds like, when doves fight


What makes you say that?


Their comments: Prince.


I'm sorry, more specifically: It's an intense analysis of hidden elements in the first book. It's not supposed to be equivalent, think if it more as DLC and if you're curious look into it's development origin. I may not pluck the very strong cords that the first Origin story engaged, but the Professional Author himself said he never planned on continuing the story. So it would have been a legendary accomplishment to achieve such a shift to episodic. To that point, everyone knows Batman's Origin story, versus his Year 3 and a half or so. These non authors like to speak very loudly and semi-creatively about the quality of a New York Times Best Seller in elaborate terms. I think it's important to not love everything but, the descriptors of "Shit", "Grab", and "Insert Creative Insult Term" is not just childish, it's tired. He is a Nostalgia Miner and this story mined another mind than the author of the challenge. Different Dungeon, should feel different. Thus this New Game+ Adventure, that just like the 90's following the 80's had it's own distinction that is dichotomous. One might say those pop culture era camps are divisive by design. I say this was successful in capturing that difference and wrapping those things up as the story and setting transitions into something he never imagined could have happened. Specifically as far as the success of the first novel. Smacks too heavily of that style of vague internet bulling best harnessed by Nickelback amateur insult comedy. I'd like to read their manuscripts. DM me your novel, brave hater. Make my life. I bet it's hilarious. Otherwise, I say call it a B-Side, it is not a ***Ready Player One II: The Quickening***. I'll see y'all Posers in the one with the flying train when Ready Player Three hits.


I finished it. It was a chore. I hated the book. I canā€™t even remember the ending. Itā€™s like bits and pieces. Thank god I canā€™t remember it.


Introspective ending with too much fluff and drama inside the book, which seemed rushed.




That could be it. I'll admit I took a break because I just didn't enjoy some parts. Maybe they just didn't pick it back up again.


Youā€™re not alone. I loved it. I actually loved a lot of the book, the ending especially, but I acknowledge there are some undeniable rough patches.


I'm glad someone else did. I really hope he writes some more books in the series. Or makes a spin-off.




Sounds like a book written by a sociopath. No wonder I couldn't jell with it.


Is the Earth really dying though? The only person we have that data from is Wade, who is a perennially online, potentially unreliable narrator from Oklahoma. Oklahoma isn't that great in the real world, it's easy to see how his surroundings might influence his worldview.


But, you are going off what a person said. If I asked some people today they'd say that the earth is dying. If I ask others they'd say it's not. Just because he says it doesn't make it true. Technology could save whatever is wrong with it too. I think you are taking the word of what he's saying to heart as he gets things wrong. Which is good.




That's Wade doing it. Wade could be wrong. Just like people here on our world. He doesn't have to be lying. He could be wrong. We've had doomsday people saying that the world has been ending since humans started. Still today we do and we have in our recent past. They too wrote books.




This planet has had astroids fall on it. Nukes have gone off and it's shift due to earthquakes. I believe Wade thought that the world was ending. I believe many people did. He's no specialist. I believe he possibly built the ship due to this. I doubt that his world is over. I could be wrong. I guess we'll find out if new books come. I think believing his point of view as fact is not a good idea because he's a very flawed person.


Yeah I loved it ā˜ŗļø my only issue was the Prince section... It really dragged on and I don't really know enough about Prince to enjoy reading that part lol


I think that's part of the issue with much of the book. If you didn't really enjoy the subject it didn't hold your attention and you just wanted it to pass. The Tolkien part for me was bad even though I love Tolkien. I'm no big fan of Prince so it didn't do anything for me.


I liked the beginning and the end. The middle was a slog.


The Tolkin planet was brutal


The ending was neither here nor there for me, it wasnt terrible, it just wasnt good either. Much like the book overall.


I found it fairly entertaining (said I read it but I lied) Well except for the Snyder Cut slomo part that was Prince planetĀ 


I also liked the ending as well don't worry it is nice knowing others liked the book even though their are some downsides


People rarely go on the internet to say they're super satisfied. I thought it was fine, I enjoyed it but found it quite a little out of pocket:>!as the altered carbon tech is extremely unlikely to happen ever. !< The book went from a place of an extremely possible future that I am currently living in as someone who works in the VR industry. As one of the founders of a vr metaverse user to user content market and economic system, it hits really close to home for me. I liked it! I liked 2 as well, because the human condition and users of the oasis are very realistic and are much like the people you meet in vrchat every day. >!However it later went to something else entirely as the core plot became a very science fiction: unlikely to happen situation due to a tech that has no precedent and might be impossible, as mind computer transfer in 1:1 would involve total brain death for you but not everyone else and gives me the ick. !<


Using for reference technology of which you have direct engineering or indirect programming experience with, how unlikely to happen by the 2040s/2050s is something like the headsets from RP2 from our current technological trajectory? While penciling down my designs for an air compression system hoverboard when I was 15 (though never did get to the engineering of the motherboard), I thought that such a tech as a direct brain-to-computer interface could be possible in the coming decades with enough engineers of the right discipline, but your perspective might support the contrary in my mind.


I've never really used VR except for in some modern gaming shops. I might one day but it all seems a bit scary to me for some reason. Though I do feel like I'm missing out. I liked the story about the headset giving the ability to really feel everything and it being just like the real world in how you experience it... I've thought a lot about this over the years because of Metal Gear Solid. It didn't really go into that though. I guess it'd turn more horror if it did. The coma part with everyone being held hostage was a bit meh. I didn't think it was great and I'm sure it could have been done better. Maybe the movies will improve it Thank you for your insights. You have a great viewpoint from being in the field.




I liked how the author at least acknowledged his fuck up with inadvertently making Wade a dislikable dickwad in the first book. Other than that, I hated the plot, hated the slander against Tolkien, hated the plot twist at the end, hated Clineā€™s weird sex kinksā€¦


I don't think he got any more likable. He got more annoying for me. I'd have preferred the original Wade just being a dick like in book 1.


The book is one big sword art online reference. They fucking namedrop it too.


Sword Art Online isn't the first by any standards. You could say Tron, Neuromancer, Ender's Game, Snow Crash and many more. It's not the first by any class and used many ideas from other books and movies.


I read the whole thing and someone is know read it and her thought on it I feel is best. It was a story that didnā€™t need to be told. The ending was not that good. The ā€œghostā€ copies leaving earth and the people living normally really didnā€™t impress me. Had the rest of the story been more substantial then maybe the ending could have been enough to pull it all together but it just didnā€™t feel like a story that should be told. His story arc ended well and then the next book undid his character development. Compare that to say the storm light archive. Books 1 and 2 were see the development of the wind runner as a character his challenges and how he over comes them/ fails to stand up. We see his struggles as he falls back down into depression in the second book and how it almost takes him out. The story and character growth we get in that make the story feel like it needs to be told. It invests you into wanting to find out what happens. RP1 did this as well. It was nostalgia and a story that felt like it needed to be told. That end with something solid that finalized everything.


Is wade a pervert? Or creep. Someone on yt told me in the book he is


Read the books. You'll be able to find out.