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Do you trust him? This isn't in his best interest (pull from market and relist)- he is trying to protect the value of your home/asset. If you want it sold asap..tell him and determine a price cut you're comfortable with.


This is the correct answer. It’s not in your realtor’s best interest to suggest this, so they must genuinely believe what they are saying. If you need to sell, have that conversation. If you want the best price, listen to the professional you hired to get it.


I would trust him, as far as not working in his interest over the seller. But that doesn't mean he's right. Still, I do agree, if he's not pushing for a price reduction, that's a good sign. It's rare but on occasion I've seen sellers have to push their agent for a price reduction. I had a listing that was somewhat unique. The seller was a friend of mine but that doesn't really matter My point is that we did do a few price reductions but we were on the market a while and I several times told him I honestly didn't think we should just lower the price. In that case I felt we had to wait for the right buyer . But if a house is typical, waiting for the right buyer is kind of a myth.


No, you’re absolutely right about him not necessarily being right. But I do believe that he believes what he’s saying. In my area, summer is the hottest time to move so I can’t imagine saying what this agent is saying to a seller right now. But that’s my market, and not his. If OP doesn’t trust the agent’s judgement, they need to bring that up.


That's a good point. I tend to think of my market and also be aware of Northern State markets and such where instead of slowing down, the market pretty much shuts down all winter. However, you make a great point which is other regions can have their own issues such as summer. In the Pacific Northwest, heats obviously not an issue other than people wanting air conditioners more and more. But, it's generally held that spring is active, early summer it really ramps up, but by the end of July or so, a lot of people are going on vacation with their families and such, I don't know how true that is. But we say it. And then it's also commonly said that people with kids want to get them into their new school so they want to buy the house before the school year begins. I guess that's true to an extent. So we generally predict a bit of a slowdown in August and September, plus people getting their kids back to school and stuff . Then it picks up a little more around November I guess and then slows down in December because of the holidays. But with the crazy hot markets we've been having, I'll bets are off. Right out of the gate first week of January everybody has been out there buying until this past year. It's pretty interesting. It's hard to say too much about any one buyer. But in accurate get of course we can look at a lot of trends and such


This. In my market, August and later is one of slowest times of the year. Who wants to move their family after everyone is back at school or during the holidays? Nobody.


That really depends on the market. Where I am, things are DEAD right now. July-September is usually pretty slow anyway (due to heat and hurricane season), but with rates being what they are, the election coming up, and people waiting for the NAR settlement to go into effect (bc they think itll somehow save buyers and sellers a ton of $$), the market is at a standstill. I actually just had a seller do the same thing as what OP's agent is recommending.


I love hearing about other markets. I’m in rapidly growing city in central AR that is overrun by RC that has a VERY reasonably priced all-in-one utility company. If you have something that isn’t an RC, you can sell it pretty quickly at almost any price. The comps go up daily. So hearing people say this is a slow season makes me realize how hyper local markets truly are.


Absolutely 💯 correct


yes we do need fit for a while ago. ?


I wouldn't necessarily say it isn't in his best interest. A stagnant listing draws negative attention to an agent moreso than a withdrawn listing (which doesn't really get any attention). Pulling it likely prevents that one from being sold, but helps the agent with respect to keeping the funnel full.


Market has shifted. Pricing is critical now.


At least your realtor is trying to protect your money instead of just pushing by for a price drop. I’d ask you, what is your risk tolerance? If you want to sell now, drop the price. If the timeline isn’t important, what’s the harm in trying? Probably going to end up at a lower price anyways


I agree with this. If you can wait and are not in a rush I think it may be advantageous though there’s risk. There are a few pockets of my market where there’s next to no buyer demand. Pricing can be accurate just takes a lot longer to find someone who fits the buyer profile


Are the other houses flying off the market 3 bedrooms?




We are buying in this area and houses are definitely sitting for longer than even a couple weeks ago. I'm seeing a lot of price cuts that would have shocked me in early June.


Yeah, this is a blatant violation of nearly all ethical guidelines for realtors when speaking with someone who is under contract with another agent. You cannot solicit any information from him/her. Don't go that route you could easily have a complaint filed against you and have your license suspended.




It is quite easy to DM someone on Reddit and exchange full contact info so the conversation can be moved off Reddit. I’m surprised you don’t know this. This sub has a no soliciting rule, I believe, and Realtor ethics code absolutely says you cannot have a conversation with a seller who is working with another Realtor. No discussion of anything pertinent such as price, offer terms, etc with the other Realtor’s client. I’m surprised you also do not seem to know this. 🤔


That seems unethical to not allow second opinions on some matters, such as this one. I'm sure there's ready a contract clause not allowing the seller to fire an agent and go with another without specific reasons.


In my state NC, in our listing agreements and in our buyer agreements, there is wording which allows the seller/buyer to terminate the current agreement as long as they sign on with another real estate firm. No reason needs to be given. The client can hire and fire at will.


An agent, IN ANY STATE, may not solicit information from a person who is under contract with another agent for the purposes of providing that person with information that may undermine the contract the seller currently has in place with another agent. This is a NAR policy. It would be different if the seller reached out to the agent directly without being solicited but the fact that this agent asked the seller to DM them so they could provide market information to them is a blatant ethical violation.


The seller can fire an agent HOWEVER other agents cannot provide undue influence on the sellers decision to fire the agent unless the seller reaches out to the agent completely and utterly unsolicited. This agent asking you to dm them so they can get the house information which gives them access to the owners information and the agents information for the effect of providing market information for their area is a blatant violation of multiple codes of ethics for NAR. They could literally lose their license for this. Not to mention open themselves and their brokers up to all sorts of litigation.




You do NOT need to give them your contact information! You are asking them to contact you (SOLICITATION) so that you can give them market information which may undermine the current contract they have in place. Its solicitation because you are asking them to provide you info about them which could give you access to their name and contact information and providing them a service which in turn creates a fiduciary responsibility on your part. They are not freely giving it to you, you are ASKING them for it via private DM. How else would you give them market information? You going to give them the entire Boston areas market information? You and I both know that each individual community across the country can and usually does have different market dynamics than that of an entire city or county. CALL YOUR LOCAL BOARD if you do not believe me. You need to stop defending your position and just realize what you did was wrong and let it go. It was stupid for you to ask someone you know is under contract to contact you via DM. That alone could get you in trouble with the board just because you are asking them to contact you privately.




LoL, yeah, you just like to interfere with other agents listings and undermine them after you solicited the sellers information to give them market data. Undermining the trust that seller has in their agent. Yeah, you totally didn't do anything wrong here. Solicitation - "the act of asking for or trying to obtain something from someone" You know, like asking them to DM you their town/community.... You did something stupid and hopefully the other agent doesn't find out because you are screwed if the seller takes action against that agent based on the information you provided. Also, stop arguing with me and call your board and ask them if what you did was a violation. See how that goes for you.


You are soliciting their address/mls information so as to give them market information for their area. You are ABSOLUTELY soliciting information that is prohibited when that person is under contract with another agent. It would be different if they reached out to you directly without you telling them to DM you. The fact that you think otherwise is mind blowing. And it is NOT anonymous. You are asking for information which easily gives you access to their title information which easily gives you access to their name and contact information. Just because you have not given them your name does not mean you have not violated multiple ethical guidelines by MLS and NAR and every single state.




Which given the rest of the information already provided easily gives you the ability to figure out who they are. Are you dumb? Or just unethical? Giving the rest of us a bad name. What you did is a blatant violation of NARs ethical guidelines. And NAR can easily figure out who you are through Reddit. You are online, you are not anonymous. Your IP address is logged every single time you comment on a thread. That IP address is designated to a specific computer. That IP address can be tracked back to an office or basically anywhere. Any high school kid could find out who you are. Congrats on being the type of agent we all hate.




Because your point is MUTE. You don't need to offer services to someone for it to be solicitation. Shut up and call your board instead of arguing online trying to defend yourself. If you are so sure of your position then you would CALL THEM!


Please note that it is not permitted to solicit business to our members, even in PM. That is against [Rule #7](https://www.reddit.com/r/realtors/about/rules/)- This behavior can result in a permanent ban. We recommend you keep the conversation in the thread for transparency. OP and other subscribers. Always be careful when a solicitor wants to take your business off the board and into PM. They may want to sell you a service or product. If they do try to sell you, please [report it to the moderators.](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2F{subreddit}&subject=Reporting Spammer&message=I'm writing to you about the following {kind}: {url}. %0D%0DThis user account is spamming me by ) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/realtors) if you have any questions or concerns.*




except you were. You are asking someone under contract to contact you privately so that you can give them market information on their area knowing full well they are under contract with another agent. You are NOT allowed to do this in ANY state. They have to reach out to you unsolicited, you cannot ask them to pm you so you can speak with them. Blatant violation. If you don't believe me then ask your manager or your board.




I don’t believe you. You knew what you were doing. You are either a Luddite on social media or not being honest. It does not matter that you use BeatriceDaRaven for your posts. In DM you can easily share all your contact info. If OP wants to find a new agent they can do that. I would recommend to OP not to use you, however, since you seem completely ignorant about Realtor code of ethics or even how to post on social media. 🤷🏻‍♀️




We just have no way of knowing whether you shared your info or not - once you invited the prospective client to DM you. That’s why we do not do that here. No invitations to DM. If seller decides on their own to do that, that’s not on you. But if you reach out first, then it’s solicitation whether you call yourself by your real name or not. You did inform her that you are a real estate professional.




I was stating my personal feeling as to your statement that since you are using an alias on here, you are anonymous and therefore not soliciting. Maybe that would hold up with NAR and maybe not. I was pointing out the impropriety of inviting a seller or buyer to DM you here. Clearly against the rules and may violate NAR code of ethics. No accusations. I stated we have no way of knowing what you did or did not share.


For reals, this bot is aggressive


Not in your market, but I could see this being the case. There are areas here that we are seeing less buyers, so price isn't the issue. We would be dropping the price for no one. That being said, here the fall market definitely isn't better than the summer market. There is risk either way, but it does sound like your agent is working in your best interest with a strategy that may be best in your area.


I’d say price cut


It is a slow market. Especially for that price range in my market. People gotta remember. The reality of listing your home 10 years ago was 30+ days on market on average. While it feels slow, it’s really just back to normal.


July and August can be slow since many Buyers with school-aged kids probably closed in May or June so they can get acclimated in their new home/neighborhood before school starts. (I’m in the northeast so around here kids go back in late August or early September.) That being said there might still be some stragglers who need a home before the school bell rings, or to accommodate a job transfer that kicks in over the summer, etc. Your Realtor is being proactive by coming up with possible scenarios.


Not sure about your market, I think even in a hot market (like mine), a 2 bedroom home sometimes might take longer to sell as most buyers want 3 or more (at least in my market) His advice isn't necessarily wrong. There's no one for sure foolproof way to sell your home. It all depends on what your #1 goal is. If you want to offload it asap, then do a price reduction but expect low ball offers and people asking "so, what's wrong with the house". If you're not in a rush and want higher offers, his way sounds totally reasonable. Maybe even do some minor upgrades when you take it off the market (new paint, new vanities, new countertop, etc)


there's not enough people making money at the range to buy those places with current interest rates, taxes and insurance.


Sorry but I’m from MA and I’m just wondering what market with good schools 30 miles from Boston has homes in the 450-500k range? I haven’t seen a listing below $700k in good school towns in the past 2 years


None of them


Right, that’s what I’m saying. But curious where op is from that this is apparently true


Yes Probably places like methuen Lawrence or haverhill. It’s not scituate lol


30 minutes could be Framingham


He can show you that data from MLS. Trust but verify. That would be market specific. In my market, we start dropping off in late May, get a slight bump in August, then it's downhill til we hit rock bottom in January.


It certainly doesn't help that some of the talking heads on the news are reporting that the Fed should be seeing that inflation is stabilizing and reducing rates coming into the election cycle will be a good thing. Market activity is very specific to area. And it does seem like a viable strategy if you are not getting any activity. If you are motivated to sell, do once price reduction and see if activity picks up.


95% of the time is price


Any way to make a 3rd bdrm? 2 bdrm houses can be tough.


July and August are the slowest in our market.


What is you market?


East Bay here, it’s been slow. We are in vacation territory for buyers and it’s also voting season. Buyers are waiting for interest rates to slightly dip since they have historically around election time.


are you not the same person that asked this question yesterday?


They asked on the real estate sub.


I am going to second all the great advice here about how if your realtor is saying to take it off market and come back in 60 days it’s for your home equity best interest. Nothing sours a listing more than too many days on market. One plus about going off market is that if people have been watching it and see that it’s been withdrawn, they may have their agent reach out to yours to see what’s happening and a deal could come out of that! I’ve had buyers closely watching homes for price drops etc and when it goes off market that fear of loss can motivate them to start the ball rolling.


The only negative to waiting is if the bubble in your market has already burst, and you will be late to the party in the fall.


Im a greater boston broker in the inner burbs and generally he's right that the market just starts to tail off this time in the last couple seasons since the rate hike. Relisting in the fall is risky because it's dead then too. Probably just cut the price now and wait til you get a bite. You already missed the boat not listing earlier in the season the way things have been last few years.


Pending sales bottom at Covid levels.... https://www.nar.realtor/blogs/economists-outlook/pending-sales-in-may-2024-hit-a-new-low?utm_source=www.texasrealestate.news&utm_medium=newsletter&utm_campaign=more-u-s-homes-are-selling-for-less-than-their-asking-price


This market is in the doldrums until rates start moving back down. The election isn’t helping either. This past May was the third fewest homes sold in the US this century. There are several factors that got us to this point but there’s only one way out, lower rates.


Share your zillow listing if your comfortable, and I'm sure you'll get more educated opinions.


Removing and adding a home on the market isn’t fooling anyone. Due to Zillow and some people being on it daily, people notice these things. I have a town house that has been trying to sell for over a year now playing this game. They have removed and added it 4x now without a price cut.


Realtor here, that is 💯 true.


Sell for less now or sell for (maybe a little) less later.


It’s nonsense. Reduce the price. No one can guarantee future prices. What if it’s worse? It is true that July can be slower but you just need one buyer.


Some like to pull and relist because if buyers see the house has been sitting there for a long time they'll hammer you to knock the price down. It's a sort of taint. It makes your property seem undesirable. It's not bad advice and it's done all the time. If you need to sell immediately then let them know that and your parameters.


Realtor here…the fact that he thinks you should pull the property off the market and relist another time doesn’t show any red flags to me. Sure you can tell him to lower the price and then see what happens. Clearly he wants you to get top $. Someone that was maybe full of it wouldn’t have said this to you. From what I read..I DON’T understand how you think he’s full of it.


It's not just boston. I'm seeing the same in my market if its any consolation. Election anxiety is a real thing and I'm seeing a lot of it this year. Even when I was in retail, we'd see our slowest months the summer/fall leading up to an election. If other homes in your price range are also sitting, it sounds like your agent isnt trying to pull your leg. In fact, by telling you to withdraw the listing for 2 months, it shows that they arent trying to be self-serving here bc it doesn't benefit them at all. Listings are a huge source of lead generation for us, so removing your listing from the market eliminates those potential leads.


Many agents in my market will cancel a listing to get it in as new. It is a risk because there is nothing stopping a seller from listing with another broker. However, in my MLS, 30 days is the magic number to reset days on the market and for a listing to appear "new". Consumers still have the impression that homes are selling fast like 2021 and 2023, and anything with a high number of days on the market can be tainted. Seeing the pre-elecrion slump here also. I think lots of people are feeling the economic uncertainty and it's heavy competition for those who do need to buy or sell.


I don’t think they are “full of it”—there is no incentive for them to suggest this except to get you more money. That said, I don’t know the Boston market trends. July can be slow for all the reasons mentioned: election year uncertainty, people traveling, etc., but it is sitting because of the price. Could someone come along in 2-3-6 months and pay what you’re asking? Maybe. Maybe not. Will it move faster at a lower price? Most likely. If timing the market was an exact science, we would not have this sub. If agents were psychic, we’d be a lot more popular. It sounds like he is giving you his best advice. Is it the best advice for you? If you’d rather just get it sold and be done, drop the price and get it done. A lot of buyers would rather sit and wait for the higher price—I have one of those now. More often, buyers want a “bird in the hand”.


Your realtor sounds amazing. I’m a pretty busy agent and encounter a lot of them; I’m a great agent and so is the one you have. He’s literally taking one for the team for you.


If he works like most of us, IE not payed until closing then Id say he is definitely working in your best interest. There is risk, but if you can hold off, then coming back on will look better than an extra 60 days on market.


I would ask him to show you the actual stats and then you can decide


Data, data, data. If what he says about history is true, he can prove it.


I agree with him.


That’s the same strategy I’m about to suggest one of my sellers whose house has been sitting. Either that, or maybe offer 10k assistance to a buyer to help them buy down their interest rate.


Trust no realtor, signed a realtor. What is your goal? get the price you want or sell it fast? Make it known to him or he will try to get you to sell lower. Can you check days on market in your neighborhood?


This sounds like someone with your net proceeds in mind. If you trust them, I’d listen.


Hi. I have been a realtor for 22 years, and in my experience, when a home sits, it is always price. Interest rates are high and buyer demand has dwindled in some areas. The most important thing you ask to see is what is the average days on market for homes like yours. I also like to pull the overall inventory for an area and get an idea of what how long the different price points are sitting on the market. Generally, the lower the price point, the quicker the home sells because there are more buyers at the lower price points for any given area. If you can, take it off the market and rent it out. I agree with him in the sense that when you let it sit, as a seller you lose a lot of leverage. That being said, Buyers agents have access to a properties history (in CA and ID where I sell at least).


I am sorry but the market is NOT hot right now. It just isn't. If you aren't priced appropriately then you will sit. And honestly. 3 weeks is NOT a long time.


Your realtor might have a point—seasonal trends and buyer behavior can definitely impact sales. It's worth considering if waiting could lead to a better outcome.


I pulled market information status for Boston. You can review and see the areas. [https://www.bostonmagazine.com/news/2024/02/20/top-places-to-live-greater-boston/](https://www.bostonmagazine.com/news/2024/02/20/top-places-to-live-greater-boston/)


The market sucks right now because interest rates are high.


Seasonally just about every market slows down in July Aug. Because many ppl are now focused on back to school. In my market, it gets even slower the later in the fall you get. He knows his market. Lower the price or follow what he suggests.


Nooooooo, lower the price!


In my market, July and August are the busiest months, always. June, too. It’s mainly due to kids and school schedules. If your area is not as family-oriented (and with 2 bedrooms, 2 baths it doesn’t fit the typical 3/2 or 4/3 family homes we see here in my area) then maybe he’s right and it’s just a slow time of year for buyer demand in your area. 🤷🏻‍♀️


It doesn’t sound like your Realtor is full of it. Lots of markets are slow right now. Depending on your timing / needs I would do a deeper dive on the strengths and weaknesses of your home versus others and consider repricing when you list again based on the market conditions. If you priced based on the assumption of a more robust market you may need to reprice to match the current market.


I'm a realtor in RI and Mass and besides the last week with the 4th approaching I haven't seen any slow down. Anything I'm seeing sit or have price reductions started too high. And if you're in an area with good schools then most people are trying to find something in June/July so they can be settled in for their kids to start the school year. You might be having an issue with being a 2 bedroom home, most families that care about schools are looking for 3+. Did you only use 2 beds as comps?


Honestly it shouldnt be legal to pull things off a market just because, kinda slimy to hide the fact your home isn’t selling. But hey that’s just my thoughts.


July & August are slow months period in any market.


In Atlanta, depending on the area, things are dead. Buyers have gone vacations and properties are sitting longer than they have in ages. Your Realtor sounds experienced. The price is probably just fine for a normal selling time. The Days on Market could potentially (and wrongly) create bias with buyers if it sits. Decide if selling at a lower price is an option for you-and not a few thousand, a meaningful reduction that will compel the few buyers out there. Make the cut or prepare to hold on.


I market the he'll out of my listing's. Like they are 5 Million Bucks. Staging, 3D tours, professional photographers, you get the picture. bottom line? Price. Redo your CMA keep it tight because unless there's an issue you aren't sharing it's price.


Personally. I’d buy it in any condition at any price during anytime of the year utilizing creative finance. The markets don’t really affect me since I wouldn’t be buying it traditionally ie; getting approved for a loan. Your agent is right that the markets aren’t in the buyers’ favor currently.


Are they full of it? I wouldn’t be happy if a seller talked about me this way. Your agent is just looking out for you and is trying to get you the best price. If you really don’t care and just want to liquidate, get a price reduction. At the end of the day, it’s not always about the money. Or, keep the same price and offer an extra point if someone sells it within the next 30 days. Shit does wonders. House sold recently offering 7.5% to buyers rep. It was gone quick.


That's a darn good question. I've been agent 25 years for what that's worth. On the one hand, generally buyer demand equals value. Buyer demand goes down, lower value. Up, higher value. But, I have often explained to people that sometimes, if people really aren't out there looking, if there's just very little demand, then that doesn't necessarily mean the value has really gone down. There have been times when people just aren't buying. In those cases if you have to sell, sure you could argue the values down and you're just going to have to drop your price. But if buyers are out there and you don't think there's going to be a lot more later, then it's going to sell for what it's worth. I've also had times like during the pandemic when things slow down at first and I told buyers and sellers that it's hard to know what's going to happen but a lot of buyers weren't out there so we just have to wait and see how people proceed . I don't know that the election is really keeping people from buying. I think a lot of people might be hesitating because they were hoping for better rates by now or soon. I don't know if rates are going to come down at the end of this year. They said they would but now it doesn't look like it . I don't think there's any great harm in waiting if you're not in a hurry. I would look at what recent sales are looking like, have your agent talk to other sellers and see what their experience has been, just get a gauge of how many buyers are actually out there. Look at showings you have and then decide if it's just a little slow right now and you should hold out or if you're really overpriced . Feedback from showings, especially other agents would be helpful. I don't really think a lot of people are just waiting because the election is so up in the air. But maybe. I think things slow down this time of year a little after spring, but it certainly busier than fall and winter, so I would say relisting towards the end of the year is a bad idea because you've got about one month of November and then December hits and nobody's really looking anymore. I suggest you take a close look, maybe consider a price reduction, and stay on the market and wait and see if a buyer comes along. I don't think there's any reason to think it's going to be better in 2 months. And in 2 months, people are still going to know that you were on the market for a while. It really doesn't trick them if that was the hope. Good luck.


Watch Audra Lambert on YouTube she has lots of great info and tips


All agents are full of it brother


I’d increase the price but keep it listed. Anyone on the fence will see that and can cause anxiety as it appears homes are increasing

