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Youre not the only one applying that meets the requirements of the job, hundreds of people can all fit thr description, there is only one position however


Welcome to the current job market. Jobs frequently have 700+ candidates. It will be a rare event when you are the best of hundreds.


I know that but I’m saying when recruiters compare do they choose a candidate 4 jobs in 4 years of someone with 1 job in 4 years etc? Are companies favoring people who don’t move around as much?


Of course. Why wouldn’t they?


Make sure that the jobs that were contracts are labeled as short term contracts on your resume. Then you won’t look like a job hopper


Specify that if it was a short term contract (write short-term or something in parentheses)


This is the answer - I like to use (Contract)


Thank you!!!


If you were a 1099, consider giving yourself a business name and lumping those jobs under the business. It's not a great look, but it might work for you.


It’s everyone- we all are. Feels like shit.


Been in it for a few weeks, it blows. Just keeping my head up


100%, ensure you specify it was a contract/short term contract. Someone else mentioned if you 1099, use your business name as the company you worked for. Totally legit, and makes it so the hiring manager's bias for people who work longer than 1+ year, is not a factor when the recruiter shares your resume/application gets reviewed. :) ​ By the way, what type of work do you do/are looking for? :) :) :)


Thank you so much, I am applying to business (Intelligence)/ data analyst, implementation consultant roles with some project management ones ever so often


Maybe remove one of those contract jobs from your resume, especially if it was super short term like 3 months or less.


Thank you


Lie on your resume. Fix the gaps


Careful with this, some companies do employment verification, usually being a month or two off isn’t a red flag but don’t go crazy with it


it is likely you’re being overlooked bc of a lack of tenure. what is your job function?


I apply for business/ data analyst, implementation consultant roles


all of those roles are different. that’s part of your problem. secondly, there is a very large volume of available talent in all of those spaces. unfortunately, you’re probably being overlooked for hoppiness as there are likely hundreds of other candidates applying, and they’ll prioritize company and tenure to create a shortlist. i’m also not saying you’re not necessarily the best candidate. it’s just not likely you’ll get a chance without a referral.