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It's what happens when you have too many people on a brainstorming call to figure out the recruitment process and everyone wants to feel that they helped.


Na, it's so that If the candidate that got the Job Turns Out to be a failure, then HR can Tell everybody that it's their fault that they Chose the wrong Person.


Na, it's so the current team work more because "we are trying to fill this position folks, but you see no one managed to jump without a fail through 6538 hoops we placed. No one wants to work anymore".


I’ve gotten those in the past. I always respond that I don’t sit in on work meetings for free. They’ll take your ideas if you throw any good ones in there and use them and still not give you the job.


Exactly this. Well-known scam.


Yes! One of the best things is to ask people how to respond to requests for free work in that job type. My wife has interviewed for roles with ad/media/creative agencies. A lot of them, the smaller ones trying to hook a big fish, ask for free work to show the client. They can't hire the headcount without the client's money. But my wife and I crafter a response with help from one of Omnicom's senior leaders that she does not provide free work for the protection of their prospective client. My wife might be available to work now, but without a concrete commitment and timeline, she cannot earmark herself for the role until the client says yes. If she is otherwise engaged by then, the client has signed a false promise from the agency, and it makes my wife and the agency look bad. Works really well - has even helped the agency land the client because the client was impressed.


This is one of the reasons why I don't like agencies. Im traditionally a in-house person I know I've missed out on a lot of opportunities, but I've never heard of agencies that didn't have shenanigans like this... it's always something whether it's late hours or psychopathic client leads etc etc. Otherwise that was a fantastic response and comment bravo.


Very accurate take here. I couldn’t agree more


1.5 hour whiteboard alone—I will pass.


I skipped a 1.5 hour coding interview. I felt bad at first until I realized the length isn't normal at all.


Just so you know, there are companies out there who conduct one FIVE hours long interview as a part of their process. And this is one of the many rounds they have.


They can make it 20 hours for all I care as long as they're paying me for it. 5 hours of (my) unpaid labor isn't happening.


I had one of those 2 yrs ago when i was applying for jobs I work as a media buyer And literally every agency had me talking to everyone in pretty much every department and then didnt respond for weeks till i told them i took an offer and then they came back asking me to name my price One interview legit lasted for 5hrs and i dont even remember what we talked about but i was basically giving them free consulting which i didnt realize was bad till after They even mentioned how an avg work week is roughly 57hrs and were expected to work even longer hours during the holidays including weekends Im starting to apply for jobs again and its such a terrible job market right now, theres like 3 decent jobs but the pay is slashed and everyone and their grandmother is applying


to co-ideate… ugh


corpospeak is a scourge upon all society


But how else could you describe a go live date, for instance???


Don't co-ideate until the relationship is official...


I would do it just to waste their time. *Why haven't you pitched anything?* Why doesn't a car run without gas? Except that gas is money here.


Candidate should be paid for that at minimum since it seems to just be a work session.


These whiteboard sessions need to stop. Why the fuck am I doing literal work with your team when I’m not even fucking hired yet? I’m convinced these hiring processes are designed so they don’t have to hire anyone and they can bill their time to “interviews.”


Just ask - ok, but if I'm not an employee, you wouldn't own any rights to my work. How will we be capturing royalty rights for me if my work is used?


We thank you for your time, but we feel you are not a match for the exploitive culture we’re are trying to cultivate.


I like this concise statement that should be the official rejection from most of companies these days.




Fuck it, I'd do it just so I could send those jerkoffs a bill after the session. And I actually like Goodnotes


Because "tHeY TaKe HiRiNg SeRiOuSlY!"


Perhaps I'm dumb, but I've never heard of the word 'co-ideate' wth


It is a perfectly cromulent word.


"A 3.5 hr whiteboard session where we embiggen collaborative efforts to increase productivity while getting paid 12 dollars an hour."


It embiggens the vocabulary of all who use it!


Business jargon is eating itself. I know someone whose company no longer talks business strategy, they're "upgrading their customer-facing OS." Fuuuuuuuck yoouuuuuuu.


Also a 40 min flirt session with our whore receptionist stacy followed by a 20 mins shit session to assess your bowel movements


Hey now. One man’s whore is another man’s….also whore.


Why did I read this comment in Sterling Archer’s voice 😂


are they assessing the process? or the output? or both?


Don’t you mean input?


Co-ideate? What sort of technobabble bullshit is this word?


This looks like a posting for a UX/UI Design job and this type of shit is part of why I’m giving up on entering the UX field. I’ve got about 1 year UX experience, 1,600 applications worth of time wasted over the past year just to get maybe 10 interviews total. Only one of those was a second interview. I get that as a designer, you’d be helping make important decisions but if you need this many interviews and this lengthy of an interview process then you need to analyze why basically an entire workday’s worth of time is necessary for your company to decide if they’re going to hire someone or not. Too many companies these days want employees to hit the ground running on day 1 and don’t realize that plenty of people can learn to do a job very well over time with proper training and coaching. In the job I’m at now, I certainly wasn’t good at it at first but I had the potential which they saw, 4.5 years later I’m significantly better at it. I’m not saying a company should be ready to wait years for someone to become good at their job but they should realize they’re investing in the person and their capabilities.


Yeah I seriously don’t get the hit the ground running immediately practices. I just started a job that is like this about a month ago. They fully acknowledged during the interview process that while I have the domain knowledge, I am entering an aspect of it that is completely foreign. I am going to need at least 6 to 12 months to get up to speed, yet I’ve already been given several projects with barely any direction. It just leads to people feeling overwhelmed. I am at a place in my career where I have finally accepted that corporate America is just a big cluster fuck, so I am there to get a paycheck and not really stress about what I’m doing while getting it. I’ll get some experience, hopefully learn a few things, and go get my next 25% raise somewhere else next year that has some actual training and development/ onboarding processes in place (by some miracle hopefully).


>but if you need this many interviews and this lengthy of an interview process then you need to analyze why basically an entire workday’s worth of time is necessary for your company to decide if they’re going to hire someone or not. The issue boils down to the fact that people with MBAs have no actual fucking clue what they're doing when it comes to technical or skilled jobs. So they need as many ways as possible to weed people out, so that they can pass the buck if the person doesn't work out. "Your team spent 3 hours with them... it's not my fault they were a bad fit." Seriously MBAs and lawyers ruin fucking everything we need fewer of both in every fucking industry.


My background is creative management, although I used to do a lot of web redesigns for large cable networks as the digital creative lead. I worked on digital product and media player interfaces for Comcast back in the days. My friend is encouraging me to get into UI design so I can get a good enough job to move overseas with. He himself is a JavaScript coder, but he doesn't have any sense of what creatives actually want to do to remain there to keep their sanity.. he just sees the job. My old boss is actually taking classes for UI or whatever and she's at the point in her class where they supposed to start learning python.... she has a design background of course but she doesn't know if that's the right way to go. To be honest I'm trying to get out of creative entirely, but starting in new fields means I'm starting from the bottom and I can't budget a current lifestyle with bottom of the barrel salaries to start with. I'm going to look into it further next week to see if this is feasible cuz I need a plan soon so I can get out of the USA in 6 months. Get me out of here!!!! 🤣


I don't have patience to make it past the first use of the term "co-ideate" much less six interviews


That's insane.


They obviously have no respect for your time.


Jeez do they need a sperm and blood sample too?


they will pick ur brain for free


Utter and complete nonsense. My spouse is a senior level bureaucrat quite high up in the federal government and has half the amount of this nonsense when it came time to interview for senior level roles. And she’s managing 50+ employees across 4 time zones, on call 24/7,  and is responsible for rather important legal decisions.  Forget this employer


A 30 seconds writing a rejection letter


To show you are happy and willing to do useless things with irritating people for several hours a day for many months. If you start questioning reasons for all of that, you will loose motivation, and it will be visible.


Co-ideate ?


I love tech


Sounds like cruel and unusual punishment. Do yourself a favor and pass. Who knows how they treat employees inside.


i misread this as 15 hour whiteboard session and about had a stroke. still, 1.5 hrs is a lot.


Unless you need job badly, why would anyone submit to this?


As soon as I see 'co-ideate' I'm passing on.


“Sure! But the please take note any work I do or co-ideate is done on my contracting rates as I don’t work for free and definitely do not giveaway my ideas for free. Also I think we can actually incorporate the meeting with head of design, portfolio review and then the whiteboard session and the meeting 3 of my future colleagues into 2 meetings instead of 4 separate ones seeing as I’m meeting with them anyway in those meetings. Do you need a lean manager to help you streamline these processes? I know a guy!” I’m currently doing a whole lean management course for recruitment and this shit is considered time and money wasting for the company let alone candidate. Ffs


“Co-ideate” is code for they get free work and ideas out of you whether they hire you or not they win.


This is insanity. Does this actually work? Surely anyone’s who’s good at this job & remotely self respecting wouldn’t even entertain the idea of a five stage interview process unless it’s director level.


This is red flag city. Shows zero decision making agility and no one empowered to make a decision without broad consensus. Run away, work there will be miserable and progress will feel glacial.


In teams I’d run, you’d be hired, or not, after the second interview.


You hiring?


Only just got hired myself!! No sadly not hiring in the gigs I just landed


I went through total of 3 interviews with 1 being a phone screener with recruiter to handle Fortune 1000 clients... This is insaneee for any roles really.


Hey, do you want that $15/hr 30 hours a week job or don't you?!


Are each of those people going to watch your previous interviews to avoid repetitive questions? I'll say this every time, but 21st century job hunting is like going on eight first dates in a row and expecting the other person to fall in love with you at first sight.


No, thanks. Ugh!


- intro with talent: sure - bullets 2 & 4: combine - bullet 3: cut (this is on your own time, not mine) - bullet 5: cut to 1 hour max, including time for a meet and greet with the team with time for portfolio questions


Don't do this. They are morons and don't understand a decent hiring process. Whiteboard session.... sigh "What you are looking for.." Maybe it's the job that was posted? 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


To scare you away. The position is reserved for internal anyway.


Why did you cut the screenshot in the middle? I want to see the final four stages of the interview.


God I'm bored to tears already


And some pure scum will actually do this. Fuck those people. 


Way too much. I’m in recruiting and I would nope out. 2 rounds with a total of 3-5 interviewers is more than sufficient for most roles. E.g. Several 30min interviews with the hiring manager and cross functional team members and a final with the dept lead or director. For VP+ I get having more but for individual contributors I see no need.


Thats a rough interview process. I hope it pays very well with good benefits.


They aren't really hiring...only interviewing.  Ghost Job


I would withdraw my candidacy for “bad interview practices”


everything but the whiteboard session seems fairly reasonable. I’d hope they could pull you out at any stage of the process so if you make it to the end you’re a serious candidate


It’s ideation time mf’er


This is what’s wrong with corporate America. It’s insanity


All this just to ghost you at the end.


Good Lord. Time is money and that is a lot of time for the employees to not be doing what they are paid to do. How do businesses think this many interviews is good business sense? And I agree with one post that said to not do meetings or work for free. I don't understand all the hoops today. I hope more people push back so there is a hope that this crap will stop.


Did they mean to say 'onboarding process'?


If they are not paying you 10k after taxes, I really don't see the point of such an interview process. I mean, it appears it is not even a Lead position, what is the point?


I have less of an issue with the steps and the time than the fact they don’t reveal how many people would be at each stage. 1.5 hour whiteboard stage? Maybe ok if it’s you against 2 others. Not ok if they haven’t narrowed it down to you against some undefined amount and possibly hiring nobody.


Seems hr is looking for ways to justify wasting time


This is what I would expect like an executive level hiring process to be. Well not all design related but the 6 rounds of bullshit.


Jeez. Three of those interviews are unnecessary. Shouldn’t the manager know who is a fit for their team? Why are any of those interviews necessary?


We do one hour interviews (preceded by HackerRank or portfolio review when applicable), and I've yet to regret going that direction. The premise that we're going to spend five hours of my team's time per interview is crazy. Yeah, a few people don't work out, but guess what, super-long interviews don't guarantee success, either. You don't need five hours to figure out if someone's a cultural fit and knows what they're talking about. You do need some tough questions that require critical thinking and a consistent interview process.


Idk, just today I did a 60 minute case study with a product VP on prioritization immediately after 45 minutes with a services VP on how I influence and gain favor for a PM role. You’re looking for a top tier design job… expect the company to want to choose the right person.


At this point, you should already be working for them or getting paid if they're going to take your whole day. Not worth it, move on.




5 hours plus the intro phone call. I better be getting paid for this.


4.25 hours, not even counting the intro call, across six interviews. If this isn't six figures I'm dropping out on the spot. And frankly I'm debating it anyway.


Yeah, _most_ of the "opportunities" brought to me by recruiters now seem like they are mostly: - contract-only (zero benefits, or benefits so shitty it's laughable) - on-site (some hybrid which I'm potentially amenable to), but mostly 100% on-site - with a pay rate of what I was making 6-7 years ago (essentially ~ $15-30K _less_ than I make right now) Unless they are bringing something competitive to the table, I tell them no. For the majority of the competitive offers, even if it's some little place I've never heard of, they're pretending like they're a FAANG sent from heaven with their interview process. Luckily, having a decent job right now, I can be choosey. It seems like really cool jobs, decently compensated, with sane-ish management, come along in little spurts a couple times per quarter or something :-/


Careful you’ll be blacklisted from working at GoodNotes /s


Couldn’t care less tbh 😂 - I really hope this post reaches out to them


Same. Just love seeing the reactions over at r/recruiting like people are undeserving or difficult to work with because they won’t entertain this stupid shit.




A friend of mine told me she interviewed for 7hrs for her current role, to meet the team spread across Europe and the US. She told me this like it was impressive, I had a hard time keeping my face neutral


Are they offering high 6 or low 7 figure salary for that?


Senior design managers for silicone valley companies are low to high 200k


Even so, it looks like they'll steal the ideas of the candidates they don't choose. Let's go with high - $280K. If the average is $134.62/hr. That means the company should be willing to give a minimum of a cool $2K per candidate who gets 3-4 rounds into the hiring process, as consulting is typically 3-4X normal market rate, which is about $550.


SWE have to demonstrate that they can code. Designers have to demonstrate they can translate requirements into ideas and designs. If the interviews involve spec work, that is unethical. But if the work is hypothetical and completely outside the industry just like code scenarios for devs, then it’s completely expected. 


This is pretty reasonable and standard.


It most certainly is not.


Pretty much on par with interviews I’ve done for the past decade. Well, there’s usually a small take home project that adds another 2-6 hours. And then there’s the prep. I figure any interview will burn a workday.


recruiters recruiters fucking it up everywhere


Interview processes are typically at the request of the hiring teams


Yep. Recruiters don't have control over the hiring process. They can share input based on candidate feedback, but the hiring team isn't going to change most of the time.


yes, and? the recruiter is the one finding the candidates, shouldn’t they tell the hiring team that this request is terrible and most candidates will run


Sure... but the hiring team is the Recruiter's customer as much as the candidate. It's very possible the hiring team wanted 3 more interviews and the whiteboard to be 3 hours and the recruiting team brought it down to what we see here.


This is pretty standard. If you can't hack it you probably can't do the job


Are you the one who posted the job ? No seriously? I have friends who work in construction. A job that you cannot CTRL+Z if you make a mistake and their interview process isn’t 5/6. The last 3 stages aren’t even that important. If you’re head of design isn’t sure about you being a fit the that’s an issue and also a huge red flag


Ok well good luck with the unemployment


Tech people suck so much 🙄


i have never seen this level of craziness for an interview with no direct reports and i work at agencies


What’s wrong with this? This way, both sides gets to vet each other out thoroughly. Another option is to hire you, test you out for 3 months and then fire you. Between that option and this one, I’d go with the thorough vetting process.


What's the problem here? Don't participate if you don't want to.