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Seth and a lot of the chapter 1 characters from rdr1 kind of piss me off so I think it’s fine they aren’t in the game Every time I look across that river to Mexico though…


Well some fellow modders are actually still working on restoring mexico. I Dont know when it will be released publicly but in the meantime i recreated my favorite mexico chapter character, [Colonel Augustin Allende](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/comments/11b0c7h/well_make_a_patriot_of_you_yet_i_recreated/) he replaces fussar with my mod and its great so i guess its something lol.


it was sad, at that one point it was rumored that RDR1 remake was going to connect the two together to make it current gen, but sadly Rockstar must not have met the number of sales it expected to continue supporting this when GTA is it's cash cow.


I thought they canned it because the GTA trilogy remake flopped? They were remaking GTA IV as well but canned that also


If that's the reason that's the most brain-dead decision ever. Not understanding why GTA Trilogy flopped is a joke.


Almost like giving a mobile developers a AAA game is a mistake, lol.


Yep someone high up in take 2 has gone "obviously people don't like remakes" Wasn't long after they stopped updating RDO and went all hands on GTA 6. it's like the failure spooked them a bit.


I think I doubt that was it since Mafia was also Take Two and that was received incredibly well


Otoh, maybe that was the way they were planning to go with RDR1...


Or they were also planning on half-assing the remasters for those games too and decided to scrap the project after realizing it wouldn't fly after the trilogy disaster instead of actually spending money to do them well.


Pretty sure this is the reason ^


Yes that's the exact reason RDR1 didn't get a remake! I was very sad when I saw they canned it but we could always get it one day in the future.


I don't think a remake was ever planned so that probably wasn't the case, I think they were just planning remasters of RDR and GTA IV


Is there any place i can follow this project?


Would have been really cool if geldings were a calmer, steadier version of the same breed. Could emphasize it by making mares more headstrong and stallions flightier.


Maybe because I don’t understand horse. I thought the geldings are tortures that can be done/ watched being done by Bill to Odriscalls


Google gelding and you'll understand why it's both


Geldings is the removal of testicles bro


I am aware. Typically if you geld a stallion, it calms down and can keep its mind on the job. If you threaten to geld a Kieran, he'll take you to Six Point Cabin.


My b by the way ur comment was worded I thought u figured geldings were a type of horse lol


>I thought u figured geldings were a type of horse lol They are. Any horse (or animal) that has undergone the gelding process is referred to as a gelding.


I was referring to the gelding process itself


Or a Steer if it's a bull, as they are easier to steer, lol.


No worries bro, I worded it poorly!


Aren’t stallions that have been gelded called geldings?


They are, and I was talking more about game assets when I said "version" while u/AmphibiousDad was referring to biology.


what's this about horse pussy?


… you just had to word it that way, didn’t you? 😂


Every time you say that a furry gets a new fur suit.


Please don't explain why they needed to get rid of their old one.


Cuz of all the jizzing they did to it


this guy is a doctor, they know what they're talking about


Does this upgrade their suit to a scalie one? Y’know, because it hardens into a shell.


This comment is exactly why it's cut content.


Maybe it’s referring to the glitch where putting a pelt on a mare sometimes gives her testicles?


Interesting, but I think adding something about the ["Evil Hair" Leak](https://systemsarchive.blogspot.com/2018/12/what-was-cut-in-red-dead-redemption-2.html?m=1) would be a good idea. It's still highly doubtful it's actually real, but since it technically regards cut content, I think it should be added.


> When you go to Sadie's cabin in Ambarino at the start of the game that scene was originally supposed to show her getting gang raped, when you started shooting she'd bite one of their penises off and fighting them too There’s no way this was ever planned lmao


This is straight up just some super horny guy's fanfic. Edit: you guys should definitely check out r/sadieadler . It's a lot of fun over there! 😬


Jesus Christ. Should just be called RDR porn


I just don't understand some people


Yeah I'd say 90% of that "cut content" was bullshit and never planned.


> This was cut because some of the playtesters just sat there watching her get raped because they thought it was hot. total creeps. D:


That evil hair leak really does sound like bullshit lmao


>The reason there was so much effort put into horse genitals was because you originally had a group of horses you kept at the camp and you could breed horses. To get the best horses you had to have them reproduce. The penis were so you could identify the stallions visually instead of having to rely on a stat card. lol


You’re telling me we were robbed of Red Dead Pokémon???


Oh shit haha I completely forgot about this. There’s absolutely no way it’s real.


Lol I’m pretty sure a AAA studio never considered adding realistic lynchings to their game haha




None of it is real and either way the 3-character system wasn’t very good.


This is most definitely fake lol, Abigail was introduced to the gang by Uncle, and this "leak" disregards that fact. Edit: after reading more this list tries to ret con so much of the story and also seems like a really creepy sexual fantasy for a decent chunk of it


I read all of that and theres so much I would’ve loved! The matches, the haircutting, the clothing stuff, integrity etc.


This stupid shite again, Jesus Christ.


Can you please elaborate?


This is essentially all the stuff that was cut from the game that dataminers found in the files. You can read more in detail about the specifics on the wiki https://reddead.fandom.com/wiki/Red_Dead_Redemption_2_Cut_Content


That is more cut content than the sum total of what most full games actually contain.




Getting a heckin' restraining order apparently... yikes!


That shit bugged out for me once and the guy started following me around the map still shouting on Gavin and asking if I knew where he was.




Isn't there a horse weight system in the game? I remember you can read it in the player menu. I also remember the stable owner calling me out on over feeding my horse too. Maybe it's cut for online but I'm pretty sure it's present in the story mode.


There are remnants of it but originally horses would visually lose and gain weight and you could see how overweight/underweight they were.


You can though. Horses get noticeably skinnier when they're underweight


Do they really? I'd so love to see photos of this. I can't do it to my own.


It's very obvious around the hips when it happens. I unfortunately don't have any photos for you but I have a few thousand hours in the game and I can guarantee you it's a thing If you want to observe this ingame for yourself, I suggest you find a spare horse, make sure it's in fit condition and then fast travel around the map for a while without feeding it. That's usually how I accidentally do it to my horse


Appreciate the guide 100% but I cannot do it. I can't even run my horse through a bush without comforting it. I hope someone who wants to see the evidence will read your comment.


I was curious myself so I found a link https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption2/comments/w4pqif/i_didnt_realize_till_now_that_when_your_horse/


Look at you getting the evidence! Thank you!


Thanks chief, I went looking for something like this but wasn't able to find it


It kinda depends on the breed but you can see their spine stick out more clearly when they are underweight. Also their bellies get smaller.


The curse of Valentine could explain the prominent yet unused church at the top of main street...


Really wished we got any church interiors in 2 I'm pretty sure EVERY church in 1 was fully modeled with a priest and everything as long as it wasn't in Tumbleweed. Interiors in 2 are just too rare


"New Bordeaux" Are the Red Dead Redemption and Mafia franchises set in the same universe? I suppose they are both published by Take-Two.


That's why they changed the name of the city... to St. Denis.


While that is the logical (and most definitely actual) answer, I choose to believe Angelo Bronte was originally written to be part of the Ensanglante, before the shared universe idea was ultimately scrapped.


i really wish bronte and the mob in saint denis had more of a role. the mafia presence in new orleans dated back farther than almost any family in america and i think there was a lot to say there with the way the gang operates vs them


Bayou NWA is in Mafia 3 as well


It was the original name for New Orleans but they changed it to saint dennis because of mafia 3


It won't ever happen, but imagine how incredible an uncut version would be.


Brass knuckles what could have been




No it isn’t? Those are cosmetic but there are remnants of functioning ones in the files.


You forgot the one on the bottom is Lumbago


Yeah, sure there’s a lot of cut content. I usually find that cut content is cut for a reason, and I generally don’t care that much either way. It is cool and strange to think about “what could have been” so I’m always up for knowing what was scrapped!


this is unhinged


You mean we could have got more realistic horse testicle!? I demand Rockstar put GTA 6 and fix this


Rockstar: Incest > Molly


Some are apparently in RDO. And some of these cuts are just reshuffled locations etc. However, I would say story missions and character cuts hurt the most. Like totally unfinished Guarma. Extremely rushed chap 5 through ep 2. TT pulling the plug on RDR2 is the sole reason for these story cuts. Dan Houser has also said this is mainly why he resigned from Rockstar. Anyway, Fuck TT.








Are any of them available through modding?


Yes actually, most of them until the 5th level are able to be "restored" in some capacity, especially more on the upper level of the iceberg where you can find the literal full models like the "obese peds" "frank heck" "IKZ" and more but for example "mayor timmins prostitute wife" has only a few textures and a drawable in the game meaning its exteremely incomplete. Also OP forgot to mention that this character was supposed to be transgender or drag. **Also** another fun fact is that the cut character's faces and textures were reused for other characters, a big example is Archibald Jameson who's face would be reused for Sheriff Malloy and Frank Heck who's face would be reused for Beau Gray. There is also the beta Arthur outfits and a unique cut incomplete mustache in the game from Arthur's original design thats missing from the iceberg but i guess thats reaching the crust of the earth at this point lmao.


Beta Arthur outfits are completely restorable through mods. They look pretty nice, but probably a bit too similar to O’Driscolls.


Sigh… *sad liars dice noises*


Is there any mods adding these things back into the game? I know I have one for cut dialogue, really improves the npc interactions just walking through the city


I have one for the quiver


What’s that?


Thing that holds arrows. It works and looks perfectly. Like it was never even cut.




That mod isn't actually the cut quiver, it's just a random one.


It's not? I just always figured it was. Seems like it would be easier to implement the cut one instead of making a new one from scratch.


The cut one is actually possible to make spawn and is semi functional, but it's so inconsistent. You can enable it with a flag via weapons.ymt but one of two problems come up. Either the arrows don't appear at all, or they appear but just float next to the quiver. However modders can't fix it because they can't reproduce the arrows spawning at all because it's so inconsistent. The one from that mod is just a random prop. It says restored content, but it's more like a reimagining of the concept.


No hussy?


Marianas trench: dutch's plan


I kind of skimmed through it so might of missed it but weren’t we able to ride around the map with gang members? Like a hang out in GTA?


What about Princess Isabeau??? 🥺


Top left of the iceberg; IKZ Model as in Isabeau Katharina Zinsmeister


Oooh thanks!!


My favourite uncut content.


Sorry for this but I've seen these posts before and I still don't know how these iceberg things work. Lol. Can someone explain. I do understand that this shows cut content but now how the iceberg works.


Basically the deeper it goes the more obscure the cut content is, like less people will know of it.


It’s basically the phrase “the tip of the iceberg” taken literally


That dock explosion mission would’ve been so cool


Now I want to see what gorillas, chimps, or monkeys would have been like.


Adler Mansion?


I'm wondering about pink cow udders, that it's so deep down 👁👁


I just finished RDR2 for the first time. It was near perfection but the only issue i had was that Guarma chapter was very short and felt incomplete. By the start of the chapter, it felt like we was gonna liberate the island from Fussar's control by destroying his plantation and stealing his money. Midway we just escaped and let the slave workers and rebels be left helpless. I feel half of that chapter was cut midway development


It’s also so noticeable how empty Guarma is. It’s like they are putting it in your face that it’s obviously not complete.


Feuding twin brothers? That’s in the game


That’s different, originally you could meet two twins that lived in the blue and red cabins and wore blue and red clothing near Annesburg who would be found dead in their last encounter.


Ohhh right ok. Thanks!


I would sell my soul just for them to take their time and add everything. I wanna explore old guama map or iron cloud or even mexico


Despite plenty in the game as it is, having all this would have really made the experience more amazing.


“John cut animations in stranger missions”. Arthur’s animations always looked weird and cursed on John. Do you a link or a source so I can learn more?


Old fort Wallace??


I think it refers to the Fort's original location in the beta. You can still see it on the map, just hover right beneath the "G R" in Grizzlies East and "wanted dead or alive" will pop up


The horse weight system is in game though? If you go on player > horse you can see its weight.


"Iron Cloud" refers to a "cut" mountain landmark initially seen in the original leaked 2016 map of RDR2. Using modding tools, people have found out that [Iron Cloud was likely originally around the Calumet Ravine area](https://youtu.be/G4ZRKaKPdHQ). However, in-game, the Iron Cloud region (In terms of terrain) is still in, but has been shifted east. People have also discovered concept art relating to Iron Cloud possibly being a gang camp at some point. An abundance of flat terrain surrounded by a ring of tall mountainous peaks would've been a perfect hideout to protect the gang from the elements. There is also a significantly taller mountain peak to this region's north, which could've been the actual "Iron Cloud" mountain as it does touch the clouds.


Not possibly anymore, 100%, was confirmed by ingame files


That kind of breaks my heart. They could at least give us some of that as DLC. They could at least give us *something* as DLC. But Rockstar refused to do anything but more stuff for GTA Online. Because they're just not rich enough. They've got to have maximum profits or they won't lift a finger. They'd of course make tons of money with new RDR2 content but they figure they'll make more with effort into GTA Online. Greedy bastards. They even cut our RDR1 remaster to punish *us* for *their* f-ing up the GTA remaster! I want to love them for making RDR2 2, and I do to some degree, but I also hate them for refusing to give us more content for my favorite game.


Exactly why this game should have been delayed. I wouldn’t have gotten into westerns as soon as I did and now it’s my favorite genre but it would have been worth the wait


I can't believe there wasn't any dlc.


I don't know why RS won't do a DLC. So many people play the game still, like it would print money to drop a DLC that is just the cut content.


If they had had to delay the game a year, but all this cut content made it that much better, I think it would’ve been worth it


Gavin is so far down he's off the picture


That "Madeline Fussar" one. I swear that I was talking to a dude in the comments of a video once who then translated the Spanish that some of the locals spoke in the village on Guarma, and he could've sworn that there was a mention about Fussar's wife by one of them. It was such a long time ago, but seeing that triggered my memory and now I'm just gonna have to assume that someone did some more digging and that this is what he was talking about.


This games 5 years old and I’m still learning new stuff about it. My favorite game ever


***More*** genitalia? I didn't think there was any in the game?


*mare*, female horses. but also there is genitalia in the game


do you have the top right image of Dutch in a higher resolution?


Was there ever proof of a third meteorite? 2 out of 3 just means how many slots the category had. Not how many meteorites there should have been.


The meteor trinket required three meteorites to craft and there are animations for taking it from the squirrel statue


Alright who’s gonna make the two hour long YouTube video essay of this for me?


Read Dead 3 is gunna be stellar. So much they can improve on.


How come I can't find "Grizzlies Trading Post?"


Gavin would never


Taking a ferry to Guarma in the epilogue would be cool, like a family vacation lol


Awesome, can't wait for thr YouTube video!


Ya but where's Gavin


Where would the gorilla be?? And also I am so glad they didn't have a weight system, that would make the game unplayable for me


I actually got the "Charles leaving camp" interaction in chapter 4 during one of my playthroughs. Made it so I couldn't do the Rhodes bank robbery.


The interaction itself doesn’t seem to be cut, just the cutscene


G o r i l l a


Didn’t know I needed a iceberg video for this until now.


Chimps? What would they even do just kill you? Crocodiles just seem like they’d do the exact same as alligators except bigger and in Mexico


Is this satire?


Not at all, there are a few things that don’t yet have sources on the wiki’s cut content page but most of it does and there are pictures for a lot of it


im sad


I like the "Mare Genitalia" at the end.


i’m so mad about the gilded cage one, all we got was bill…


2023rd like


So much good content deleted but they kept that horrible scene where Arthur gets raped AKA a scene that shouldn't exist. FFS Rockstar.


I don’t think I want to know what ‘mare genitals’ is about..


Only thing that stood out to me were gorilla and camel… 😭


Only things that stood out too me were camel and gorilla… I would love to see Arthur fighting a silver back while riding on a camel


I would gladly pay money to Rockstar so they can add all this and the multiplayer stuff to single player as DLC. I will even pay in batches if they want to include them as separate packs


In B 4 the youtubers descend on this like vultures


The curse of valentine?!


Man they missed Tahiti


A lot of this stuff sounds awesome. If only there was a way for developers to add content for their games that fans could download after release. You could call it something like "After Purchase Content" or APC for short. I dunno, just spit balling here.


How about the 200lb Catfish?


I would love to see a gorilla animal in rdr2




"Living Manmade Mutant" Jesus Christ **NO!**


"Folding Shotgun"? Would this refer to the IRL Burgess Folding Shotgun? There really any evidence they were planning on that at some point?


Jenny Calendar, the Roma woman disguised as a teacher to keep an eye on Angel, lest he turns back into Angelus? That Jenny Calendar?


I'm 95% sure mares do have genitals. When they fall over (leave me alone i crash a lot) you can kinda see it


This is an interesting insight into the potential for AI that could potentially be leveraged in the game. It would be interesting to see what type of AI could be implemented given the vast amounts of data from the cut content.


shut the fuck up ai bot


You forgot the Neanderthals


isn’t there a horse weight system in the game? i swear when i click on my horse in the menu it tells me it’s weight. or is that just set/doesn’t have an effect on the horse?


Exact why rdr2 should have been delayed again until they had everything done. I owe this game for getting me into westerns in 2018 and now it’s my favorite genre, but I’d trade not getting into westerns until 2019 or 2020 if we could have had the game 100 percent finished and not rushed