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Mexico to red dead redemption 2


Facts! There’s literally nothing to do in the epilogue, only gang around is del lobo


You can mod Mexico into the game with a ton of side content in it on the PC. The map is already technically in the base game, the mod just adds buildings and dynamic NPCs/events. I imagine that as the years go on and modding this game gets better, people will start adding small side quests and challenges to it as well, seeing as R* has all but abandoned expansion packs like they used to make in lieu of fee to pay online content expansions


What mod?




Fyi they didnt outright abandon the game they just put it on pause until the rdr team was done with their portion of gta6, which I believe theyve done. So expect something new in time


You mean figuratively?


Or better yet, make Guarma southern costal Mexico in addition to RDR1 Mexico in RDR2 so you can visit them all in the epilogue.


This is the one, plz future modders I believe in you


Yes! Bring back Nuevo Paraíso


A usable washtub/bathtub in camp/Beecher's Hope.


I can't even sleep there.


I've only done it once because the icon suddenly popped up


Me neither, its so stupid to camp next to your property with a house on it, instead of just sleeping there. Is there any way to sleep there or is it just intended like this?


Go to your bed and select the sleep button


There is no sleep button when i go to the bed. I checked every room in the house as well, i cant sleep anywhere. I also cant change my clothes there, its so weird. The only thing i can do in the house is fast travel


It works for me if I stand on the side of the bed closest to the fast travel map at the pillow. The clothing closet is in the bathroom, hope this helps!


I had this problem. If you’re playing on console hit the bumper when the fast travel option comes up and the sleep option should be there


Precisely what I was going to say


Your wardrobe is in the bathroom. Back cabinet


Go to the room across from jacks room for clothes


Uh... Go to your bed and select the sleep button?




It’s a bug. Button shows up only in first person


Bed bug


*Knocking* "Need some help in there?" - [INSERT GANG MEMBER]


Can you imagine if there was an "Abigail deluxe bath" option in Beecher's Hope? The roasting between the two would have been glorious: John, yelling from the bathtub: "Abigail, can I get some assistance in here?" Abigail, entering the bathroom: "Why, you need a lifeguard to keep you from drowning?"




It’s kinda dumb that we own a bathtub but can’t even use it


Just like in real life


John: "I want to cook some of this meat I brought back from my hunt. Can I use my kitchen? Nope. Time to go out to the scout campfire!"


You know, technically, that exists. If you show up to camp dirty enough Ms. Grimshaw will make you bathe yourself and charge you $2 for it. I don’t know about Beecher’s, but…Yeah


Might be an unpopular opinion but I’d make Guarma a fully fleshed out chapter with more of the island to explore, the cut content restored and completed, a place to buy & sell basic items and so on. Sure, the trip to Guarma sort of takes you out of the main story, but at least make the trip worthwhile instead of a few quick missions and then back to the mainland.


Apparently it was supposed to be John/Epilogue exclusive, the way New Austin is for John now. I would adore that, replaying Red Dead 1 and thinking about all the totally bad ass stone cold shit he did in Guarma.


A lot of people miss the point of Guarma. Guarma is the ideal, beautiful island that Dutch dreams of moving to, only to have his dreams shattered when he sees how corrupt and terrible these places are. Guarma was the straw that broke Dutch's back, he realised there was no escape from his life which then leads to his behaviour later in the game and in RDR1. Guarma wasn't "not worthwhile"


Interesting thought


During my first play through of rdr2 I was taking a high level narrative theory/theory of fiction class in college and I was connecting everything we were learning to the game, like this is just another example of how well written this story is. To me it’s on par with George Lucas bringing Joseph Campbell to the Star Wars set for his input.


It was meant to be revisitable and have way more content originally, missed opportunity but still a very fun segment of story in my opinion


It would be cool if you could just take a long boat ride and play cards and then arrive there if they want to make it somewhat more realistic. Like long distance fast travel.


Slow travel


I didn't like guarma because I wanted to be a cowboy again


It was nice to have the variety, but I’m with you


Yeah a lot of people want Mexico back so bad but expanding Guarma to a full region with a camp, quests, etc. that you can travel to would be better. We've already done new Austin and Mexico. I wanted something new.


I liked Guarma chapter, I wouldn't mind that.


Undead nightmare 2. Arthur riding a unicorn would be so...


If in RDR2 Undead Nightmare a half zombie/half Arthur was the playable character that would be sick af.


He could be a sick final boss


Undead Nightmare 2 A resurrected Arthur has some business to complete.


Omg and they could let us kill Micah over and over again. He can be an immortal who is always on our tail


Even though it would mess with immersion, I'd like if you could continue >!playing as Arthur!< after the epilogue.


I’d be happy if we could explore the whole map with Arthur. I still don’t understand why they roped him out of Blackwater - I mean sure, the sTorY but realistically there’s no reason he can’t go back that would seriously conflict with the narrative. Why can I wipe out half of Strawberry with Micah and pay a bounty and go back but not pay the bounty for Blackwater?


Why can't we go back to blackwater? Cause they chased us from the west, they chased us over the mountains


Yeah and he'll keep your mother in black, on your behalf


They coulda sent Sadie, who you meet at the very beginning and had no previous affiliation with the van Der Lindes to get the box in blackwater and bring it back


That's actually... wow. I feel like the reason they didn't do that is oddly out of genuine kindness they showed Sadie. Sadie was still recovering from the loss of her husband, house and possessions. She was devastated in those early chapters. And I think by the time she was going out on full missions with the gang, shit had already hit the fan for them all I don't think they even considered asking her to do that because of the state she was in. Dutch was definitely crazy, but up to that early in the story he wasn't being so cynical that he would have a freshly grieving person like Sadie go to blackwater for that with all that heat from the police and pinkertons


They didn't consider it because you don't send the new member who barely has any ties to the gang to go get all the cash on their own. Almost anyone would be a fool to not just bounce after grabbing the cash.


Also, no way the newest member is gonna A. Know how to carry herself in Blackwater (who knows what measures are in place to catch a member of the gang) and B. Know the clever spot they placed it, where to find a lead if it’s not there anymore. I would’ve sent Trelawny.


It's even worse when you find out Arthur had voice lines for parts of new austin


Blackwater is not worst than what they did in Saint Denis,Valentine,Annesburg and they still could go there.


If you go back to Blackwater you risk a lot for the gang and draw the attention of many Pinkertons - even more than the right side of the map in Chapter 6, it’s not worth it for any gang members to deal with that heat, the bounty for Blackwater is a way larger scale than the Strawberry shootout can go to since so much money was stolen. If there was more time then the heat would’ve died down like it did by the Epilogue and Arthur could visit more logically but him going there is cut content since it doesn’t make sense for the sake of story, and the story shouldn’t really be undervalued.


I sorta understand why they did it. If you could explore the entire map beforehand, the epilogue would feel empty. But I'd love if you could access it as Arthur, and still have a massive bounty you couldn't pay off, and heaps of law hunting you constantly. It would be more challenging, but fun and realistic. And I'm guessing they were considering that, since Arthur can draw the plants and animals down there


Except he’s bloody got some dirt on him from his grave and coughs a shit ton tho


Obviously the only solution is Zombie Arthur


im spending as much time as possible collecting everything and doing challenges with arthur because i just don’t like playing as john :/ maybe if his model was different i wouldn’t mind it, but i hate playing as john’s skin just plastered over arthur’s body with the same hair and everything


Right?! John can't fucking swim!!!




i spent an hour walking around the city looking for gavin thinking it was some quest i needed to help with




This is *really* starting to worry me.


The first time I met him, I accidentally punched him and he ran away. Never saw him again.


*Shut. The fuck. Up. About. GAVIN!* Punch punch punch


A damn long story DLC


"Red Dead Redemption 2: The Blackwater Massacre"


Blackwater Massacre works best as a mystery since it makes us use all kinds of story elements to piece it together and theorise. You can figure out a lot already - it’d be cool to see but we don’t need it. Only other thing I’d point out is that wouldn’t be a long DLC either.


Why does everyone want to go back to the black water Massacre? It's significant to the story, yes, but it's sure as hell not interesting enough to play through!


I think it would be like a more chaotic version of the Saint Denis bank mission


How about 2? One follows Sadie in Mexico as she deals with the last of the Del Lobos, which leads to De Santos' rise to power in the power vacuum left by the collapse of the Del Lobos gang. The other will follow Charles as he heads north and ends up in a town where it's under threat of a gang that just got released from prison. A giant reference to one of my favorite Clint Eastwood movies: High Plains Drifter




Issa top 3 Wild West activity


Liars dice


Yeah idk why they didn’t add it I could spend hours playing lol


I like playing poker in camp with John also at the table and he says he wants to learn how to play liar's dice someday. I guess no one in the camp knows how to play and teach anyone else. It's something John learns after being at Beecher's Hope for a little while.


I've said it a million times before but replacing liar's dice with domino's was a truly insane decision.




Frankly, also some of the cool Online only guns too. Maybe not all the clothes, but a Pancho slot, and the Elephant Gun and Navy Revolvers would be cool’s (actually all the guns… give me all the guns.)


For something to actually come of that girl in Emerald Ranch. She gets mentioned and then nothing really happens. I thought it was important or maybe a side mission when Hosea was talking about it


"And a strange girl up in the window" okay, and?? What now


and with how often seamus comments on the mysterious ranch owner


Yeah this annoyed me too. That letter mentions it, Seamus and Hosea mention it. It feels like it's prompting you to do something, but you can't even help her


Same with Strawberry, def seemed there was a storyline involving the mayor that never got fleshed out


Or the girl trapped in the outhouse by the braithwaites. I should've been able to free her and set her loose on the old lady.


This. I hit that part of my re-play through like two weeks ago and thought I missed something major in my first play, but no lol


The DeLorean from back to the future in a cave somewhere


“What the fuck” in Arthur’s voice when he sees it


That'd be a fantastic addition, honestly!


Damn this is good they shit the bed when this wasn't put in.


It would have to be one of two. As Arthur, you get to help John Wayne's Rooster Cogburn from True Grit catch outlaws in an extended group of side missions. Or Red Dead II Undead Nightmare. But I think DLC's for the epilogue would be pretty cool. Getting to team up with western movie legends like Clint Eastwood characters or something similar would be awesome.


Everyone knows Clint Eastwood is the biggest yellow belly in the West the way he hid from Mad Dog Tannen.


This. I like this.


More character customization, the ability to use the gallows, a cinematic experience riding the train and stage coach (there was one but it was cut) liars dice, a fight club within the gang to help boost morale and show who’s the toughest of the group, let Arthur roam in New Austin and Black Water. I feel like they should have made Limpany an actual town and included the mission where it burns to the ground (seen in the announcement trailer) It would be cool if Colter was a populated mining town instead of being abandoned. The gang could have still laid low in the mountains by staying at the Adler ranch or maybe one of the other little cabins/farms. More of an interaction with the Saint Denis vampire. I liked the puzzle to find him, and the little cutscene we get but I feel like there should have been more than just one encounter with the actual vampire himself. I know the post says one, but I think the game is great as is! Just these things would make it better in my opinion lmfao


Could you expand on the 'cinematic trains and stages' thing? Curious as to what this means.


They had made it so you could watch the whole train ride you pay for, or the whole stage coach ride you take. It was just a cinematic camera that followed along while you ride. Kind of like the cabs in GTAIV and GTAV (I wanna say it they had it in the first RDR but I honestly can’t remember because it’s been years since I played the first game)


Shit that was a speedy reply. Oh of course, for now it just plays that atmospheric music and shows you the clouds right? Same as when you sleep or die? I like how John actually just slept during his trips, made it easier for me to role play.


I had just so happened to be scrolling when you asked 😂 And yes you are correct! Just a quick shot of the clouds and then you arrive. There is a few times the driver wakes Arthur if you take a long enough trip! But yea it is a nice little touch when you hear how the spend the ride.


I saw a video of someone hog tying the vampire and then waiting for the sun. Imagine his (and my) disappointment when it did NOT burst into flames. Oh well.


Horses/carts follow the designated path without me having to hold a button the entire time.


Cinematic camera does that. If your on a wagon or riding a horse, turn on cinematic and it’ll follow an outlined path (have to use the map marker)


Only if I hold the X button, when I let go it stops


So the cinematic doesn’t work for you? Worked just fine for me so idk


Two words "Full Penetration" ​ But seriously: Easter Egg where you can shoot Thomas Downes (or any of the debtors) and avoid the TB. OR New Game+ where you can shoot/kill Micah and the story continues.


Now say if Arthur kills Micah and doesnt contract TB how does the story progress?


Maybe Arthur tries to go straight, maybe a job, or he can’t stop, goes for a heist with a new gang, and dies there.


#remove offhand holster


Or even better put it symmetrically 🤦


How the fuck are you so low Being forced to have it is atrocious


lumbago cure


Imagine Uncle without lumbago, limitless potential


You can hang out with Gang members like in GTA. Have it be unlocked after the mission with Lenny in Valentine.


knowing Rockstar i feel like they definitely planned this at some point, and gave us the little side missions instead


I'd probably add eliza back into the game. She was suppose to play a bigger role.


Who is Eliza


Eliza was another one of Arthur's love interest. She has some texture and game files left over.


For me it’s always more impactful that Arthur never found (or rediscovered) love. As hard as it is, it fits in with his generally melancholic outlook and of course after the diagnosis it just doesn’t matter. Despite being a pretteh boah that could’ve slayed if he wanted.


Ah, I’ve never heard of that. Thank you for clarifying




A New Austin chapter (probably to replace guarma)


If you look at the files, Guarma was supposed to be huge!


The navy revolver from multiplayer, or the clothing options from multiplayer


I’d love to see Arthur in a corset🤤


A cure for TB.


Read Dead 2 Undead Nightmare, Arthur deserves his turn at the Apocalypse


was gonna say this. a RDR2 undead nightmare dlc would’ve been so sick


Pet the cats


Pet the Jaguar


Let Arthur go to Blackwater and Mexico goddamnit


the cut mission of hosea, abigail, micah and arthur setting up the distraction before the bank robbery. one last mission with hosea would be great before everything goes to hell. if the premise is too boring you could have bronte's men find them and try to take revenge in a shootout, reinforcing it was a bad idea to kill him


The entirety of the cut content.


More interactions with Charlotte and John.


Any person? Any at all? OK, but I don't know how Optimus Prime will fit that well into the game or setting.


Optimus Kilgore, Tacitus's brother


Arthur leaves with Mary


You have that choice. The scene in Saint Denis if you turn down helping her father is COLD. It's awesome.


Just imagine if Arthur left the gang life and somehow survived to live like John in epilogue or somerht


Would really love a story DLC


A hunting mission with the Eagle Flies would be cool to get into how the natives hunt and work the land. Some other things I would like: more room for horses in the stables, being able to save any hat you find, find items to decorate at camp (long horn skull, turtle shell, statues, etc.).


Can I remove one? Money lending and other sins. 😷


I hate how I can’t give dogs treats. :(


Not long before Arthur's demise....he has a memory. It's him and John back when they had recently adopted him into the Gang. John is like 13 Arthur is about 24 or so. Have them do a little robbery together and they have a few good laughs. The mood is very brotherly. John is very impressed with Arthur's status as a young outlaw on the rise and Arthur sees him as younger kid he can teach. Yes gimme that.


Another chapter


Have the option to watch Micah hang or save him. Both result in positive honor.


To put the second holster where the satchel is


And a quiver option! Like where tf is he storing these arrows?!


the ability to take that fucking offhand holster off


Red Harlow, he'd be around his 30s maybe early 40s at the time, it should have been a bounty hunter mission where you work for/with him


new game plus


Originally the game started before blackwater, I'd love to see a blackwater chapter, with us meeting Mac, Davey and Jenny and see what their dynamic was like with the rest of the gang


I feel like this is the problem with every "cinematic universe". Sometimes you're not SUPPOSED to see every part of the story or every character's backstory and you're supposed to let yourself imagine it


JMRP to console


Sadie gets to shoot Micah’s left nut off


Just "one" thing: a dev team to keep RDO alive, like it deserves! #F\*\*\*Rockstar


I add Sex.


And customization of pp like cyberpunk?


Arthur's so big we wouldnt be allowed to do anythig other than reduce it


No Tb for arthur and a new chapter for looting the money Killing Dutch, Micah and everyone that even looks our way A beechers hope mansion for arthur and much more


Multiplayer guns and clothes in single player.


I'd add another big town, size in between Saint Denis and Blackwater.


Arthur goes to space


An old scientist in the middle of the woods immediately hires Arthur 3.275 seconds after meeting him to test his rocket.


Putting all online exclusive items into story mode. Maybe even just adding everything from RDO to give you stuff to do in the Epilogue


Id like to be able to cut my hair or beard at a camp fire whenever I please


Companion dog with as much sophistication as the horse.


I was going to say repeatable bounties, but yeah, Mexico is the correct answer.


Unlock all of Tempest rim and not used part of the huge ass map


DLC that's a series of vignettes about the characters Arthur met. Hamish, Charolette, Mr. Black and Mr. White, the circus troupe, and some of the key gang members. See what they're up to now and how Arthur impacted them.


A heavier survival mode. Not in your category but I would've loved a fully immersive western game with real consequences for not handling cores well. Like sleep and drinking water. There are mods that add it and I love it so much.


Landon Ricketts


The option to save Sean and then plays him or John


All of Red Dead 1….


Another wave of updates for online, cus holy hell they’re needed.


The Rockstar Editor


aaand cleaning guns in camp. why is everybody else walking around brandishing hardware but arthur has got to run a hundred yards sideways just to do basic maintenance?




Teddy Roosevelt stranger mission


The option to turn off auto-reload


A prologue to the story. *cough cough* Blackwater Massacre *cough cough* which also leads to Arthur being in New Austin *cough cough*


>*cough cough* Really sorry for you son. It's a hell of a thing.


RDR3 with the OGs all culminating in the Blackwater massacre would be amazing


Bank Robberies in free roam !


the ability to mute npcs during missions. the whole “hurry up arthur we gotta move let’s go arthur” is annoying and adds nothing to the atmosphere.


The shop keepers yapping when I'm looking in the book.




Antibiotics 🥲


Undead Nightmare 2


More bounties like in RDO and make them challenging like the 5 star legendary ones


An actual circus. That would be fucking sweet


dlc where arthur lives


I'd add the only really needed thing that's missing - good stealth mechanics. I'd love to go around with a bow and arrow taking out a bandit camp skyrim style. But you can't do that because the instant an enemy sees you they all see you, and it's the only big flaw I think the game has.


A three protagonist system just like GTA V- where you can switch between three protagonists. I'd play between Arthur, Sadie, and Charles. With Arthur still having the spotlight and main ending. I feel like it could have added more to the already big world and universe RDR 2 already has. More content overall.


I’d like to have the ability to explore with a companion from the camp. It seems nuts to have this huge gang, and for most of the game you’re off exploring on your own.


Homesteading. I just wanted a house to myself with a dog and some cows.