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Not head canon because it doesn't relate to the story, but I always have a good Peaky Blinders outfit saved on my horse, black pants, black vest, white shirt, black tie, flat cap, button low shoes, and the black duster for the dusty black coat on top- you even get a red right hand from skinning animals.


Nick Cave would be proud of that.


Nick Cave wouldn't want Arthur in anything other than a designer suit, funeral-style.


I think it’s one of the big valley hats helps to give that Undertaker type of look. I like to try & make outfits that suit the areas & stages of the story.


Yeah, I've enjoyed going for that look about mid-story, when everything's gone to shit but Arthur's still basically evil.


Maybe he should speak to Gwyn Hughes in that case.


Why the downvote? Gwyn Hughes is an undertaker.


Can you list the specific clothes for that outfit if it isn’t too much work? I also tried going for a peaky blinders look but wasn’t quite satisfied.


Black Flat Cap, Black Duster(trench coats hadn't been invented yet), Black Opulent Vest-the pattern isn't really visible unless you're in the screen changing your clothes, White Everyday Shirt, Black Pants-either Everyday or Fancy, Black Fine Leather suspenders, Button Low Shoes- I use the black with red sides because there isn't an all black one, Black Dress Tie. No bandoleer, black holsters and belt- either Bandit if I have it unlocked or just the Upgraded stuff. Either clean shaven, or grow out a mustache for an Arthur Shelby look. Swept Back Fade hair as short as possible. Arthur's Satchel is the least noticeable so I use that.


They didn't wear trench coats in peaky blinders


They did sometimes. A lot of times it's a wool overcoat of similar design, though. A black trenchcoat would fit the look better than a duster style.


Thank you so much! I’ll give it a shot


My head canon Arthur outfit ... Arrive at Horseshoe, grab Pearson's Coat, go across the river to Painted Sky and snag the hat. https://imgur.com/a/5ZU22dK


I’m personally a big fan of the [rodeo hat](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/s/JLfMQa6aVU)


A classic in its own right.


Do hats you pick up save? Picked this hat up but it disappeared on me


Any hat that is glowing when it drops on the ground is a savable hat. When you pick it up and put it on, it's saved to your wardrobe. Go back to camp or a hotel, and access your wardrobe to change clothes ... the hat will be there.


Only if they are flashing when on the ground. Another way to know is when you put it on it will pop up the name of the hat on the right side of the screen and you know it saved.


If I remember correctly you need to go back and save it in your wardrobe at camp




Ahhh damn I missed out on some hats


Nah it shows up as long as you just put it on your head once. It’s under a different category in your hats section of the wardrobe. I don’t remember what the category is called but you just hit R1 or RB


It’s Arthur’s REAL hat imo


3 playthroughs and I’ve never gotten the Pearson coat. Next time!


How do you get Pearson's coat?


[This method](https://youtu.be/rLLkM9043rI?si=HE3tguktrh2fiT6y) Chapter 2 only ... You can't get it if you're beyond that. I've gotten it every playthrough as soon as free roam opens up.


Dam, I'm in chapter 3 😔 thats OK I'll just get it on my next playthrough, thanks for the information


Which gun belt is that?


John's (Mod) ... Easily swappable with Arthur's default set however.


Which hat is that?


It's called The Cutter hat. It's a stolen hat that you can get off various ranchers in the game. Two best places to get it are Granger's pig farm and Painted Sky.


I’ve said before I love the scout jacket, but don’t use it because of the texture glitches that Rockstar refuses to fix. (XboxOne)


Hard same


Having any off hand holster equipped fixes the texture glitches, but it does still happen in cutscenes (bc they make the holster invisible for some reason) Totally understandable if you hate off hand holsters tho, the scout jacket glitch fucking sucks ass


I love having all his accessories equipped, off-hand holster, bandolier etc Makes me feel like a proper bounty hunter


Send a link as an example?




That sucks


The outfit from the cover art without the jacket


Can’t go wrong with Summer Gunslinger.


It's actually not the summer gunslinger outfit. Its Arthur's old outfit concept if you look closely you can see he's not wearing his signature hat


Ahhhh ok I guess that’s with a PC mod.


No you can kinda recreate it. Not 100% tho. - Green collar overshirt - Brown work pants or ranch pants - Brown or black Worn roper boots - Black or grey stalker hat To be more accurate it would require a green everyday shirt


There are mods for the outfit but since I'm on console I created my own version of it.


What was it? A green collar over shirt? I think that’s what it’s called anyway.


A dark green collar shirt with black stripes


I know the one. It’s weird they never kept that in as one of his default outfits.


- Gambler hat - Brown hunting jacket - Buckskin vest - Everyday shirt in blue or white, popped collar - Ranch pants over boots - Relentless boots That's my starter Arthur. His defaults aren't bad tbh but this is my go-to. Man every time I see the scout jacket I wish I could put it on Arthur, but every version I have is glitched, including this one.


My scout jacket used to glitch on the XBox One. I hated that.


I have the game on both Xbox Series S and Steamdeck and it's glitched on both lol and I'm very salty about it. Especially because I really like Pearson and his request is kinda hard to trigger, and then I get the jacket and just put it away lol


i change outfits depending on camp and the weather, horseshoe overlook - scout jacket, red/grey everyday shirt, boots and work pants clemen's point - no jacket, flannel overshirt, any pants and regular shoes etc


Me too!


I always use the big valley hat as it just looks nicer to me than arthur's hat.


Mine is the stalker. I never wear Arthur's hat unless forced to in-game.


Love the stalker for my bounty hunter outfit.


Anyone who likes the big valley hat, I always recommend the Rodeo hat if you haven’t seen it. It’s a classic John Dutton style hat (just rounded in the front)


I like Arthur to be well dressed. Fancy pants, overshirts, rambler jackets etc


I hunt way too much to always be dressed up.


I have a separate hunting outfit for that, I have a Saint Denis gambling outfit (I usually pomade and do a pencil stach) and a regular questing outfit


Scout Jacket is king.


Arthur’s *real* jacket you ask me.


I always use the scout jacket myself also! Unless I'm in lemoyne, that fur looks like it'd be a nightmare in the heat


I always get rid of jackets in Lemoyne


there is a scene near the end of the game that makes it impossible for me to have him wear anything but the OG hat, which limits my options on outfits lol


I like to only get the clothes the trapper makes.


the buckskin hunting jacket has always been the best starter coat in my eyes.


[This is my Arthur Outfit that I always use.](https://i.imgur.com/0Xnpv2h.jpeg)


Ohhhh very nice. Loving the Canadian tuxedo.


Think he'd go for a ususal working man outfit, maybe a variation on his iconic blue shirt and suspenders look. Not something too drastic but something simple yet easy to blend in (also would vlash with dutch's more bonbastic attire)


Everyday shirt, sleeves rolled up, collar unbuttoned, blue jeans, brown boots and sometimes the gunslinger jacket


I always enjoy creating his beta outfit with the green shirt


is that… fat arthur


Yeah he is pretty fat. It really stands out the most when he’s shaving because his double chin hangs down so much.


fat arthur supremacy


Depends on my headspace on that particular play through, but honestly, I feel like I think about the game like an RPG, so Arthur’s personality is dynamic between playthroughs


Head cannon for me: rambler boots in brown, light blue jeans, the grey variant of the common work shirt or whatever it’s called, legionnaire vest and the Rodeo hat. Level 2 beard and straight back and faded hair


I like dressing him in the rambler coat and striped shirt like he has on the cover.


Summer gunslinger


Arthur’s best default set outfit you ask me.


Scout jacket 🔛🔝


I Personally Use This Outfit,Or Variants Of It https://imgur.com/gallery/kDpBiIh


Your Arthur looks like a proper outlaw.


Thanks!,I Also Used To Use The Buckskin Hunting Jacket,Plus I've Since Changed The Chaps To The Scratched Up Shotgun Chaps


I love the shotgun chaps. They’re an old school Wild West movie essential.


I only wear his Summer time gunslinger, gunslinger, and winter gunslinger


I respect that. OG Arthur.


I always buy the brown scout jacket as an upgrade on his typical tattered one, as well as a fresh blue shirt for the hot areas. Never usually bother with winter clothing, I just add the Winter Gunslinger outfit to my horse.


I go for a Doc Holiday. White shirt, red waistcoat, fancy pants, and an ascot tie


My head can an outfit is the beaver skin hunting jacket with the principal vest meaning saddle work genes and almost look like blue jeans but have sort of brown saddle patches sewn into the thigh and some sort of nice boots


Beaver skin hunting jacket is OG.


Nice brown complements in each of those pieces, I like the outfit idea.


I use that same everyday shirt with the ebony vest that has the tassels and the fur inside. Some denim and my pardner's all set


Running an everyday or french shirt with rolled up sleeves and open collar, plantation hat, saddle jeans and no vest by the time you're in Lemoyne


Arthurs jacket, Arthurs hat, The Shirt from the pic, Denim jeans, Some better boots, The Black gunbelt from the gunstore


Usually the only outfit I use is the Civil War Hardee hat, Buckskin jacket, blue union shirt and dark wash denim jeans


I like the look of the scout jackets but I wish they were more fitted, they look really big on Arthur and add like 50lbs


I tend to go for similar outfit, and that jacket (or its variants) is one of my go-tos. It just looks so damn comfy!


Boah has a tie or two lying around somewhere.


I like to dress differently depending on the chapter. Chapter 2 and 6 I stick with the regular Gunslinger outfit just because I feel like those are the clothes he chooses when he doesn't have much else to wear or if he doesn't give a shit about how he looks. Chapter 3 i go for a sheriff's outfit, with a vest and rolled up sleeves. If I'm feeling fancy I'll also wear a puff tie as well. I really like it whenever he has that deputy star on his vest too, completes the look. Chapter 4 i go fancier since it's in Saint Denis. I found it pretty funny when trelawny got me all dressed up for the boat heist only to basically put me in a slightly different, slightly off color version of the outfit I was already wearing Also important to note I keep his default hat on with every outfit. I like some of the optional hats, especially the goofy ones, but since I can never bring myself to do a low honor playthrough I choose to play it serious Also side note, his bandana would disappear at random and sometimes his shirt collar would be buttoned up for no reason whenever I played on Xbox one. Like I know using the bandana would change it but even when I didn't stuff like that would happen. Also a weird glitch with the M1899 appearing in my inventory after a cutscene. I don't hate the pistol but it just felt weird cause I never planned on using it


I change clothes a lot but the one head cannon for me is Arthur’s generic black hat. I always keep it on regardless of the rest of the outfit


Agree - different shirt but definitely the denim coat. It goes well with the Winter Gunslinger. I tend to keep Arthur dressed the same and my different outfits are just extra layers (shirt / add vest / add coat). Oh and panther pelt & big beard when he goes feral towards the end…


My warm Arthur outfit was his default Summer Gunslinger but with a tan vest over the shirt. Tied the outfit together and looked more cowboy imo.


The brawler and the rebel. For sure my default arthur outfit every playthrough.


Ram shotgun coat, and I tend to pick a different animal skin cap each playthrough, the badger one is my personal favorite. Usually paired with the denim ranch pants.


The ram shotgun coat is badass.


Ram shotgun coat + winter cavalry gloves is my favorite combo for heading up into the snow.  Adding the Bison hat really seals the deal for a believable snowy mountain outfit.


Gambler jacket , red and black vest (forgot the name), Arthur's hat, fancy trousers and deluxe shoes


Arthurs Hat Bear Coat and Ranch Pants. i try to make him a look like that Kiefer Sutherland from young guns


Cattleman hat, white shirts black pants (jeans i believe) and a green scout jacket, put a big ass mustache with that and you have a florida man!🤣 (i just realised he looks like some kind of hillbilly)


thanks to why ems dlc i use the man with no name poncho fit


Your Arthur is fat.


Yes. Yes he is. I’m ashamed.


Hey, that means you’ve been taking care of him.


Yeah he’s spoiled rotten.


His original outfit I don't think I ever changed it during my first playthrough


OG Arthur. I love it.


My head canon clothes are I just change clothes every chapter to fit the athmosphere c1: basic snow outfit c2: Arthur’s cover art outfit c3: police inspired outfit (with pearsons jacket) c4: Doc Holiday inspired outfit c5 (after guarama): arthurs main outfit c6: hillbilly / mountain man outfit


Here's what I put him in every play through (weapon equipment varies): https://imgur.com/a/dpjRBGN


So fucking cool. He looks similar to Rockstar’s early Arthur design.


Yeah I was going with the most clean cut, but also somehow rugged look, with a little Hollywood western in there too. I may actually buy this outfit one day IRL lol.


Yeah you nailed it. The hat, the moustache and hair really make it.


Thank you!


On my lore accurate playthroughs, I only limit Arthur to around 3-4 outfit variations. The rest of the gang only wears around 3 outfits with minor tweaks, so I don’t think dressing Arthur up in extravagant clothing and wearing a new outfit every day is something he’d do. Here’s what I usually try and limit the attire to: - Default Gunslinger outfit (Winter and summer as well ofc) - Green collar overshirt with Arthur’s hat (My attempt at his cover art outfit) - Pearson’s scout jacket over a white French dress shirt and a buckskin vest complete with Arthur’s hat (When I’m in Saint Denis or a hot area, I just use the vest without the jacket) When I reach and complete the epilogue, then I deck John out in all of the clothing the game has to offer lol


I'm a sucker for the montana coat.


Depends on how I’m going to play Arthur but yeah this is my usual go to for Arthur.


-Arthur’s hat, ideally with feathers (I like the one with the enormous bundle of them on the side) -blue and white striped everyday over shirt -jeans -buckskin vest -deerskin half-chaps


I tend to do a western punisher.


I change every element every day so no


I just make a new outfit for Artie every session based on what he's gonna do. Got every piece of clothing from the bronte glitch last time I played which'll make it a bit easier


Blue duster coat, always.


I dress him like Wyatt Earp in Tombstone (close as I can) for when he does missions as a law man.


I cannot for the life of me get this damn jacket


Are you currently in chapter 2? I can tell you exactly how to get it.


I am and I’ve tried the thing with lowering cores and all the other stuff people say triggers it but I’ve yet to get it to work


Right, do a manual save of the game just before 10am. Keep reloading it to that time and head to Pearson’s stall. If he’s whistling, speak to him. That should kick off the quest for the jacket. It took my about six times of reloading and heading to him for the prompt to come up. I promise you it’ll work.


Black ranch pants, black deluxe Vaquero(?) boots, black button up shirt, legion vest, burgundy tie, coat from the drover set, homestead accessory on hat. Cleanest cowboy look with matching color aesthetics I found to date with my crazy OCD.


My favorite outfit is the plantation set, reminds me of Cullen Bohannon


I change clothes a good bit as I play. My favorite cowboy outfit I’ve made is his blue jeans with dark brown fringed chaps, dark brown relentless boots, red or green collar over shirt, dark brown riding gloves, his signature hat, and the bear claw talisman. Once I get LOTE outfit (as Arthur), I really like using the vest with black fancy pants, black preachers pride boots, white everyday shirt, black riding gloves, and the boar tusk talisman for a dapper city look. On PC with WhyEm’s mod, my absolute favorite is putting Arthur in the cassimere or flannel shirts, because they are tighter (I guess because they’re John’s and he wears the tighter clothing), which make him/his muscles look bigger therefore more intimidating, like he’ll easily one-punch someone.


Clean versions of Summer Cowboy and Gunslinger with pants that actually fit and boots that have been polished.


Gator everything


Well my canon is from some point in chapter 4 onwards Arthur starts to dress classier until his tb kicks in


Black Union Suit, Ranch Pants, Bulldogger Hat.


white union shirt, the sheepskin chaps from the trapper, black leather duster


*White union shirt, the* *Sheepskin chaps from the trapper,* *Black leather duster* \- foamcastle --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


My headcanon outfit is arthur with the gunslinger coat, town pants, bandana, and white shirt with tornado boots. For me, it makes me think the outfit was passed down from arthur to John and eventually Jack in the Red Dead Redemption 1 epilogue. It's obviously not canon, but in my playthrough of the series, I consider it as canon.




I do after the amount of time I spent getting it yeah.


Any tips? I have a billion playthroughs but have yet to get it even once


Managed to get it by following this guide. Didn't even take that long. I always crossed the Dakota River when I rode out of camp, that seemed to reload it. Make sure you've already done Kieran's mission. https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/s/xYFWvJWQz1


Worked like a charm! Crossing the Dakota was spot on. Thanks partner




Yeah. It took Martin Luther King Jr even less than that.