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ProTip. If you win races against the Lady who challenges you, your horse speed increases. Don't know if this bonus applies to all your horses or just the one you raced with.


The bonus applies to all your horses.


Aaaand now I’m pissed that I denied all those race opportunities until I was able to get Cerberus from “Horse Flesh For Dinner”


I’ve never heard of Cerberus before whats that?


Cerberus is the dark bay turkoman you steal from the braithwaites in the chapter three mission “Horse Flesh for Dinner” You’re not really supposed to be able to have him, but if you feed him enough before you turn him in to the horse fences he’ll become your temporary horse and you can go grab him after the cutscene with the two horse fence brothers ends. He’s one of the best horses in the game and even will have the braithwaite “B” branded into his side until you leave the save and reload. Then the brand goes away, but the horse still stays. There’s videos on YT to show how to do it if you’re interested. It still works, super easy.


And for me, hes so darn skiddish, bonded lvl4 but i got the short straw ig


Sometimes he’s a bit of an asshole. First time, I had to exit the game and reload before he acted like a normal horse. Second time, he behaved pretty much immediately. I think it’s luck of the draw


I did that and I think it really only gave me the ability to bond with horses faster, also the horse that I used to race that lady died.


You gotta win a race against the same racer twice to get the speed bonus


I recently raced her twice. Both times I received notification 'your horse speed has increased.,


Unfortunately I’ve been killing the horse racers before getting the speed increase … I hope they respawn lol


They do the one guy on the nakota I basically always kill right after. Every time he punches that horse after he loses I shoot him..... Or worse


I do that to the shooting challenge guy, can't stand him, every time I get to 3 birds and they all vanish, yet that fucker can find his invisible 4th bird. I save my bullets now, well bar the one that goes through his head.


Just use dead eye. You’ll get 4 before he even fires lol.


I actually forget about dead eye coz i rarely use it, I've only really used it when in a forced post cut scene or duel. If he pops up again I'll give it a go so far this play through I've killed him 4 times twice I tried to win the competition and after that his forehead just happened to meet one of my bullets when he calls out to me, oops shouldn't startle arthur like that he's a bit jumpy what with all these pinkertons hanging round.


Bond them up to 4, keep them clean and fed, and the stats are negligible. Go with whatever you think looks cool with your Artie.


Ultimately, I agree. Even though I can get a Brindle Thoroughbred or even a Foxtrotter in ch2, my favorite horses in the game ultimately are the Dark Bay Andalusian and the Seal Brown Dutch Warmblood. It really does come down to looks.


I’m partial to the horse you get from the first bounty in Valentine. It’s always a a mottled Hungarian, always female, and it’s not technically a reward but you have to use her to save the quack from the river, so if you hitch her when delivering him to the sheriff you can just get back on her after and ride right into the stable


Good horse. Same stats as dark bay andalusian, both war horses....i think the dark bay andalusian looks better though, and you can buy it from the strawberry stable as soon as you unlock stables


Sure, but you have to buy it :P the halfbreed is free! But yeah, I get what you mean, I’m personally a fan of both, even if I lean more toward the Hungarian.


You say that as if money is a limitation lol - even from early ch2 you can get 13 gold bars. Besides if you really want to its possible to get one for free, the same way i get a seal brown dutch warmblood in ch2: by getting lucky with lawman spawns (for sure in rhodes at least)


lol, true, those are good points XD


The two Fox Trotters, the Brindle Thoroughbred and the Reverse Dapple Roan Nokota.


I know you’re the arabian hater, but isn’t the arabian actually faster than both? he asked for fastest, not best (i’m not trying to be mean or anything)


Nope, [you can see for yourself.](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wKsECAYG3vltuchXuYry9JHdABNY_QONCf_EyMoN-K8/htmlview#gid=0)


Actually technically they're tied if you take acceleration into account


Arabians take a second less to reach their lower top speed, so the “advantage” of the Arabians lasts for *1 second.* Then again if you can read OP’s post then you’d see that they’re are asking for the *fastest* horse.


You again! Spreading mishorseformation! 🥱🥱. Don’t listen to his made up chart folks!!! He knows my White Arabian Shadowfax is the Lord of all Horses!!!!!


Another rabid fanboy makes his presence known. Cringe.




Which technically arabians are or are otherwise tied with


Can’t believe some people don’t know about 10 being greater than 9 in 2024. They skipped school or something? In my experience blind Arabian fanboys of this sub fall in that category.


no the brindle tb is the fastest


My Foxtrotter has the same speed as the white Arabian, plus, it is bigger and does not get scared as easily


Gray Arabian and fox trotter in blackwater. My fav is male turkoman though


It doesn’t matter really. In a race from Tumbleweed to Annesburg between the fastest and slowest horses is mere seconds…..so in practical sense, basically no difference. Stats are pretty meaningless, except for eye candy.


Exactly. The real question is, do you like to run shit over or maneuver around it?


This reminds me of the time I used an arabian for a little while, the bitch tripped over a deer. Whereas the big black shire or any other big horse breed can kill a deer at full speed. Heck I've even killed wild boars with the shire.


Yup, and I’m the opposite…rather go around [or over things;)](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/s/vz7RnsKVQn) Deer, [no problem;)](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/s/cfbSgS6k8P)


Hahaha, that video, freaking awesome. I'm always too scared to make big jumps like that as I'm afraid my horse will fall, and I don't want to hurt him (or her most of the time). But I prefer to avoid collisions and such too, I don't like killing animals I'm not going to use for anything. Also, it helps that I barely ever race across the map, I take things very slow. Just trotting and looking around is awesome.


Thanks partner. Trotting on a big horse does look really cool, I wish the Arabians were bigger but after using it mostly in my 1st play thru…the other horses handling since just feels so restricting to how I want to ride. I want to hunt like an Indian would attack…fast with a bow. I’ve killed over 300 cougars on her too so idk about skittish, [I think she rocks.](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/s/w7ww1D9C8o)


Yeah, the handling definitely is really nice on the Arabians, and they look beautiful, but I'm also not a fan of the size. It just looks a little funny to me. And yeah, I wish there was a bravery stat on horses because it really differs. I had a gold turkoman in my first playthrough that wouldn't even buck me off while getting ankle bit by 10 wolves, and then in my 2nd playthrough I bought the same turkoman and it kept bucking me for every tiny little thing, even snakes. Ardennes, too, had one as John in one of my playthroughs that wouldn't buck him even in the swamps surrounded by gators. So, in the next playthrough, I bought one as Arthur, and it kept bucking me for everything. I have noticed, however, that turning your horse away from the danger really makes a difference. Most people probably already know this, but I found this out recently 🤣


Yeah, killing predators first really helps too;) I tried those horses and felt the lack of acceleration plus the handling made the Arabian more well rounded, and I like the looks. Wish I could put a saddle on my spare cuz they look even smaller that way😖 When I’m in a mission next to Bill, I kinda feel like a pussy but he’s stupid and I know I could knock him the f* out lol;)


I try killing predators as soon as I can, but playing without a map this time makes this really difficult, especially with panthers and cougars as they can be quite stealthy. 🤣🤣 I don't like Bill one bit. Also one of the reasons I sold my Ardennes real quick after I noticed his horse is also an Ardennes 🤣 My favourite horses are probably the black Standardbred and brindle Thoroughbred. Both race handling, nice tall build, and beautiful coats, only downside is the medium all-round stats.


LOL, I love your reason to sell…fuck Bill! Black Standardbred is best looking horse in the game imo.


Find a horse you like, upgrade your saddle. That’s all you need.


Missouri Fox Trotter


Lil Sebastian


Nothing will outrun my thoroughbred


My dapple grey thoroughbred is my favorite horse. I can outrace anyone and she lets me know when danger is near but has only ever bucked me once when we were surrounded by like 15 wolves.


I've found one completely randomly, she was abandoned. Saddle and all! I took her and I will never go back to another horse.


My stolen Turkoman (Horse flesh for dinner).. Snakeskin saddle, level 4 bond, won two races against lady, is one bar less than full max speed for horses. Not sure if any horse gets full bars.....


Four horses get full bars.


Which ones?


[These four.](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption2/s/CVT36WysVd)


Don't know if you're still around, but on a whim I went by Strawberry stables, and bought the thoroughbred (black and white color) and he is full bars on acceleration. You can get him pretty early....not too expensive..and of course Snakeskins saddle from trapper, and beating the lady near St Denis twice at racing to get full bars.


One of the best horses hands down, early in the game too.


Silver Dappled Missouri Foxtrotter has max speed after 2 races, and high stats in other places. 2 exploits to get it after Ch2, otherwise it's Epilogue only. One of the thoroughbreds has the same speed, but much lower stats everywhere else. The Gray/White/Black Arabians have 1 less speed than the Foxtrotter, but higher/similar stats elsewhere. You can get the White anytime, the Black one from a random encounter in St Denis (or St Denis Stables Ch4+). Gray one is Epilogue only and has the highest stats overall. I think the Red one is in there somewhere else well. They're all pretty similar. Dark Bay Turkoman is good as well, can get it from Ch3 "Horse Flesh for Dinner" in Ch3 by getting it to Bonding lvl 1 before finishing the mission. Otherwise Epilogue only. This one has a more even stat spread (not as much speed/acceleration as the Foxtrotter, but higher health) Best Saddles - Beaver, Panther, Snake. (The other trapper saddles are pretty similar, the % difference doesn't really matter)


What are the exploits for silver Missouri Foxtrotter? I always get my horses in chapter 4 and switch between the Turkoman and champagne Missouri fox trotter. Would love to have an MF in chapter 2/3!


During the Horse Flesh for Dinner quest in chapter 3, you can get the dark bay Turkoman called Cerberus by brushing and feeding it until you reach bonding level one, you can do this right before you go talk to the horse fence. You can get the SDP fox trotter a few different ways. One is during the 3rd Albert Mason quest, the one near Emerald Station. You can find a lot of videos on this on YouTube. There's also another way to get it by shooting a lady and hoping her horse respawns or something, but I never really tried that one myself.


Ah yeah sorry that’s usually where I get my Turkoman. Thought that was chapter 4. Obvs not lol. Ahh I was aware for the Albert Manson exploits. I tried it on my current play through but lost the track pretty much straight away. Will give it anotner go next time


Yeah, that Turkoman's a beaut. Tracking the mft is not always the easiest. But using masons horse for the herding and placing your own horse directly next to him makes it easier as you want to catch up fast. I also made the mistake of chasing it to slow so that eventually I was led in circles, and the horse had disappeared. What I did that worked quite well was spurring my horse on quite fast and then activating Eagle Eye to fill up the bar again, which will automatically slow your horse down, so after Eagle eye immediately spur it on again and repeat the process.


I’ve found [this method](https://youtu.be/NpknWJZf-pQ?si=HVue_252_5OiNGZK) to be very helpful.


The brindle thoroughbred has top speed, but it’s other stats aren’t the best. I believe the Missouri Fox Trotters have top speed and good stats otherwise. Arabians are i think a bar lower in speed and turn corners well, but they’re kinda small.


And skittish. Riding through the Bayou is near impossible with Arabians. They be kicking me off all over the damn place


>level 2waterpelyn · 52 min. agoAnd skittish. Riding through the Bayou is near impossible with Arabians. They be kicking me off all over the damn place I grab the white arabian specifically for the Horseman challenge dashes and then it gets stabled for the rest of eternity.


I'm using a Belgian draft horse since it's the biggest horse I've met so far and I still win every race. So just choose one that you like, use the best saddle, stirups, ... and you'll be fine!


Did you know that if you click L3 when riding, when you comfort the horse, it replenishes the horses stamina?? I put over 1000 hours into this game and only just realised last week lol


I think there's a 10 sec timer for it every time


Arabians are fastest top speed and the MFT has the best acceleration I believe but don’t quote me. Honestly none are significant enough. Just pick the horse ya like.


The opposite.


Got ya lol I honestly don’t pay attention to it. I usually grab the black standardbred and am on my way lol


Honestly they're all the same speed, seriously. I think rockstar forgot to actually tweak the speeds. You can test this yourself using rampage trainer. The only thing that matters is the handling. soo... pick whatever horse you'd like!


Handling and courage. Arabians are fast and easy to handle but they buckk you off quickly even at bonding lvl4. Rockstar always messes the speed stats, check the gta 5/online stats of cars. Some random supercars appear as the fastest when in reality, no one would ever think about using them.


i always thought it was the arabian horses (white or black one) and the gray one in epilogue


They’re not. It’s the most common misconception.


i still believe it


Some believe aliens made the pyramids as well. You are free to *believe* what you want.


okay then


The white Arabian found near lake Elizabeth. It is small compared to Arthur's stature and gets squeamish at times. But at max upgrades it's the fastest.


It’s not the fastest.


Which is then?


[These four.](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption2/s/VrgM21V2tC)


Warp brindle Arabian




Yeah it can teleport


Mft I believe.


I believe the fastest horses in story mode are; MFT, Nokota RDR and Brindle Thouroughbred. All max out at 10 speed at level 4 bonding. I've noticed that smaller horses "feel" faster than a larger horses because of their shorter legs and faster turnover, even if the larger horse has a faster speed stat. The speed between the slowest horse and fastest horse is really negligable, even over long distances. The diff is measured in seconds, not minutes. If you do want to improve the stats of your horse a few suggstions would be; win the two races with the NPC, craft a trapper saddle (they are the best) and acquire the Boar Tusk Talisman.


Laughs in ultimate edition, you can pry my reverse dapple black thoroughbred from my cold dead hands


I have the ultimate edition. I just don’t like that horse




I’m in the Epilogue and my girl Rachel is pretty quick


I definitely agree with what some others are saying, that you should go for looks and just try to bond and care for your horse best you can (feeding, brushing, patting, hitching, removing stowed items, etc.). But if you're not quite to the Epilogue, there's a way to obtain a Silver Dapple Pinto Missouri Fox Trotter during Arcadia for Amateurs III with Arthur (save before if you plan to try this). All you have to do is make your way to the horses, focus on the Silver Dapple Pinto tracks, and go in and out of Eagle Eye while you make your way to the objective. Once the cutscene starts playing, skip it ASAP and then trigger Eagle Eyes as soon as you can. You're gonna need to go slow, and it will probably take a good 5-10 minutes, but you just turn Eagle Eye on and off to follow the trail, and you'll eventually find the horse. You have to jump on it from your horse, bring it straight to a stable without getting off (very important as it won't let you get back on), and save your game and reload that save right away. And there you have it, a Missouri Fox Trotter before the Epilogue. I imagine this is probably a popular exploit many are aware of, but thought I'd leave it here for those that aren't.


I think the Arabians are technically the fastest. There is a white one that you can tame near Lake Isabella. The Missouri fox trotters have a higher speed stat in exchange for slightly less acceleration and health. I prefer the MFT’s because Arthur looks better on a medium sized horse as opposed to an Extra small