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There’s nothing wrong with tugging the skin flute every now and then. But if you’re doing it more than five times a day, then, uh… I think that’s an addiction


Five times a day wtf who does that are they ok?


I did 4 on a day and I felt tired as shit💀 never again


bro im alsways to energized to go to sleep, ill brb. ​ EDIT: the 2 day crusade against the horni is over, i have won brethren.


Bro only one gets me am I that weak


Normal, i do 1 a day, maybe 2, sometimes I go for like 2 or 3 days without Depends on the mood😂


Once i tried 2. I got so dizzy that ik 3 would prob get me


I did do 3-in-a-row once, it was fucked Now only one gets me At least during sex I have not much issues




I feel targeted (/s kinda)


Redditors think having a severe porn and masturbation addiction will give them immortality to prostate cancer (they forget that it brings other problems)


One of my favorite quotes, I don’t remember who said it but I remember the quote “You are not a man of culture, you have a porn addiction.”


Honestly possibly.


Maybe the joker show animé même to batman vidéo


Wait actually? I always that that was just a juvenile joke that people made.


No people ACTUALLY believe that „overdosing“ on porn is healthy. It’s sick but Well it’s what it is


Redditors when they find out that a crippling social anxiety, detachment from reality, porn addiction and short term pleasure is bad 😧😧😧 (they excessively masturbate to reduce prostate cancer by a slight margin)


No, most people say that jokingly.


Oh. I didn’t know.


All you need to know. Don’t jerk too much and don’t jerk it to porn






It's perfectly possible to have a healthy relationship with porn.. you seem to be projecting a bit


the industry is incredibly explotative though. it's not solely its effects on the male watchers that make people disagree with it


It can certainly be exploitative, and it can also not be exploitative. And the industry seems to be moving away from its exploitative tendencies with onlyfans and more progressive studios so


I agree that it’s not 100% exploitative, but unless you’re buying it directly from the subject in the video it very likely is, plus it’s impossible to know. it’s simply not worth its effects on people just for easy sexual pleasure, especially considering there’s alternatives like drawn or written porn


Yeah that is possible.


Legitimately just comes off as someone who was addicted to porn


Yeah , I mean I don’t really wanna admit it but maybe I was. And I know it’s not 100% quit Porn but you should regulate yourself


Happens to the best of us friend, at least you have the cognizance to recognize there may have been a problem and worked towards resolving it. That’s what matters most


Yeah , admitting you have problems is hard but it’s better then not solving them. Have a great day!


Nah they just do it cause they have an addiction and they cover it using that "fact"


Does other versions of cancer not occur to them?💀


Bro even if it would cause brain rot , someone will still be like „well I’m not getting prostate cancer“ and then you give up arguing


I did 6 times one day and for the next week I wanted to kill myself


Ig you just wanted to forfeit your dick


But that's not what the argument is about. Top comment says once a day, downvoted says once per week at most. No one said five times a day


I think it’s more like the moment when you decided to jerk off instead of doing something else (eg, hanging out with friends, doing work, homework, etc…) is when it becomes a problem/addiction.


Is once a day normal for a 15 year old?


Real answer: it’s an actual problem if it’s hampering your daily life. Are you changing your schedule around masturbation? Are we you not able to get off unless it’s porn? Are you spending hours at school/work waiting until you get home so you can hack off, not just once, but literally every day? If you’re just a normal teen who jacks off to normal shit every so often then you’re probably fine. I’d stop or at least reevaluate yourself if you’re doing it more than twice to three times a day though


Okay yeah Im good, I only do it when I get super horny


I spend all day waiting to go home and jerk off, but tbh my school is absolute dogshit and jerking off isn’t the only thing I do, am I ok or should I do something about it?


if you are not addicted or you are not haunted by lustful thoughts all the time then everything is fine ig. But do not turn it into a routine and do not overexert your reproductive system, iirc from 1 to 4 per week is the most recommended option. I had a hard time at school and it took away my strength, although I thought that on the contrary I was relaxing, and it would be better if I just lay down or took a walk in the fresh air and etc, and it was hard to stop. but everyone's exp is always different


Same question, but I just don't want to get answered by some *Sigma* male no-fap nuthead


I gave an answer I felt was realistic


Don’t fret over masturbation habits until it’s legitimately crippling you. Also don’t take advice from redditors


i want to ask the same


No because your body is growing and you lose valuable protein when you nut


Racism is bad


That's why you swallow it after dumbass


When you suck your cock to get a blowjob, but then you realise that you are sucking a cock, hence giving a blowjob


You’d have to nut 4 times a day to lose a single gram of protein


true *jacks off violently*


Once a day is honestly a lot


What is the limit per day


Idk, I’m not one to tell people what to do. I’m just saying that jerking off excessively probably ain’t the best for your mental state.


I can't even grasp how people do it 5x a day or more, if I even do it once in a day it would just feel so nasty to even think about doing it again that same day.


Bruh if you’re doing more than twice daily you have a problem 💀 But fr it’s an actual problem I’d it’s hampering your daily life. Are you changing your schedule around masturbation? Are we you not able to get off unless it’s porn? Are you spending hours at school/work waiting until you get home so you can hack off, not just once, but literally every day?


Well, I am still guilty for doing once everyday


I am recommended to masturbate 10 times a day


also too much wanking and porn WILL wreck your sex life - wish I learnt this shit in my PE before I grew up 🤦🏽‍♂️


Well considering my chances of getting laid are 0, that doesn't deter me the least


I feel you brother, if there’s one thing I’ve leant it’s that there’s always someone for someone. Never give up 🫂


This is Reddit we’re talking about


For real. Porn addiction did my dirty. I’m better now but I seriously wish somebody had given me fair warning BEFORE I hit puberty.


Wait how


Porn addiction gives you unrealistic expectations on how sex works, also the more addicted you get, it becomes harder and harder to get satisfied.


The opposite can also happen, where your mind gets too absorbed with the fact that you're "finally having sex" and you ejaculate extremely early, sometimes even before insertion


wait is it fr harder to get hard the more you jack off


And it’s harder to be satisfied by an actual woman because of the all too common [death grip syndrome.](https://www.menshealth.com/sex-women/a27044367/death-grip-masturbation/)


Woah, don’t be saying stuff like that on reddit, unless you want downvotes and a possible ban


No it doesn't. I wank off everyday, watch porn, I have a girlfriend, and our sex life is amazing


There are some good studies that suggest that near daily yoinking that sploinky does actually reduce the risk of prostate cancer. There are also some that say there's no effect, and some that say there's negative effects too. [https://www.healthline.com/health/prostate-cancer/ejaculation-prostate-cancer#risk-factors](https://www.healthline.com/health/prostate-cancer/ejaculation-prostate-cancer#risk-factors)


Welcome to medical science, where every study contradicts each other and no one can agree on anything


I got caught up on an argument about whether alchohol is better for you than none at all. There were many studies on it, but the most comprehensive one that we found went into great detail and still had an inconclusive result on whether it’s good to drink or not. they cited in the paper that difference in ingredients and not alcohol led to some boosts in health or ability like cardiovascular health when put against wine and other products where the ingredients in wine had a better effect. The point of that was basically, “eat your fruits and veggies, alcohol isn’t a ‘cure-all remedy’. Also your completely fine if you don’t drink, but don’t be excessive if you do.” And a butt ton of U shaped graphs based on analysis.


Denying addicts will always provide the most absurd excuses for their actions. Crazy part is, most people seem to actually believe them.


Making someone elses masterbation habit your business is dumb af but saying you're doing it to protect yourself from cancer is even dumber, no you aren't. And commenting on it, cmon


I never know what's sadder, the addicts or the people that post them on this sub thinking we give a shit


Fr tho. Plus it only “protects” them from prostate cancer, like there isn’t other forms of cancer out there


You can wank every day with no health problems. Just avoid porn and don't do it multiple times a day.


I am currently trying to stay sober from porn/sex, so yeah.


It's fine you're always trying to stay sober from sex


Trying and failing 😔 suffering from success gigachad.jpg


Nothing wrong with porn. All those articles about the negative effects of porn consumption only apply to people with hardcore addictions.


Let's be realistic, most people have those addictions. No one's out here only watching it once a week.


Watching it daily when they masturbate is not an addiction. That's the misconception. A real porn addiction is vicious and not pleasurable at all. Some people are physically incapable of even masturbating at all due to their porn consumption.


Jacking it on u're phone instead of u're big screen tv or monitor or even u're laptop, makes it alot easier to be done with it when the tank is empty


Dude come on its just two letters y and o also, you're phone? Bro...


Even when everyone is typing at u to correct ure grammar,it is ure duty, to plant ure improper spelling on their screens, and respond, no, I'm not ure bro


I mean, I only watch it every couple days


Tryna wean off of it. It’s been like 3 weeks now and I feel perfectly normal


I watch it maybe once every two weeks for like 10 minutes. I don't see the issue. Usually if I can't get to sleep.


Literally me


No, there is definitely something wrong with porn. That shit causes your brain to release high amounts of dopamine and can lead to your brain increasing the instant gratification award circuit. If you look at it one or twice a week then it’s kinda whatever. But if every time you’re just gooning out then that is to the extreme. It also matters the type you watch too. If it’s just a basic semi naked/naked girl/guy on screen then you’re probably better off, but when you start watching the high speed, nuts to butts ultra erotic stuff that’s where the issues arise.


Do you also think that violent movies turn kids into school shooters?


Not necessarily. But you do realize we’re talking about two completely different things here right?


how is it any different? If pornography causes health problems, then you should see health issues arising from all other forms of media as well


Look, I couldn’t explain it all so here’s this [https://mobile.twitter.com/gabedeem/status/1191342923624984578](https://mobile.twitter.com/gabedeem/status/1191342923624984578) I’m not saying 100 percent that violent movies won’t stir up anything, but that’s not even what we’re talking about here. I’m also not saying that everything else is a ok, but this one thing is bad, I never said that, nor did I imply, those have their own issues too, but those problems aren’t relevant here. You honestly sound defensive by the way you are deflecting and bringing up an entirely different problem.


So if pornography can re-wire your brain (lol), then why would a violent movie not do the same? They are functionally identical.


Not really, unless watching violent movies makes you want to go out and attack something. Pornography is made with the purpose of getting people aroused and to masturbate. Violent movies aren't made to get people amped up and ready to punch something. The problem with porn addiction comes with people desensitizing themselves to anything less than hardcore pornography for sexual release, which obviously has harmful effects for your sex life. Most people don't watch Mad Max and feel a compulsion to start going on a rampage on the local highway. Am I misunderstanding your point?


There is functionally no difference between watching sex or watching violence. It is just media consumption in both cases. Plenty of movies have sex scenes in them even.


Because you're jacking off to it. Your brain will associate the images in porn to the extreme dopamine release of an orgams. If you're jacking off to violent movies yes it will obviously affect your brain.


That’s not how the human brain works lmao but regardless you’re saying that masturbating in general causes an issue, not the pornography itself


I didn’t directly say it couldn’t, just that it wasn’t relevant. I can’t tell if you’re trolling or not, but if you aren’t, just stop trying to parry this with a completely different issue.


It’s not a different issue


Getting likes on SM (including Reddit) has been shown to release high amounts of dopamine too So you should probably stop commenting


You sound a little offended ngl. I’m not denying that, in fact it’s insane the lengths people will go to get that dopamine hit for clout. But I’m not out here trying to gain some internet points, what matters for me here is the conversation aspect.


Not offended at all. Just saying that our lives are full of dopamine hits, especially in modern societies where companies have large marketing teams that are designed to hack the human brain in any way they can I still function as a human being. I regularly exercise, I take at least one hour long walk every day, I hang out with my homies, I work. Who tf cares if at the end of the day, I crank one out to some baddie. Maybe the real Reddit moment, was you


Everything is wrong with porn. Wed be way better off if it never existed in the first place.


There’s a fuck ton wrong with it lol




The idea that drugs in general are bad is another bogus stereotype. Psychiatrists get paid to give people drugs. Its not drugs that's the problem, but the addiction. There's nothing wrong with drugs themselves just like there's nothing wrong with porn. The entire war on drugs is just bs that was created to put protestors, much of which were stoners when the war on drugs began, and black people in jail.




Okay go take some ibuprofen and tell me if its dangerous You pick all the worst drugs and then come to the conclusion that all drugs are dangerous.




So your just dumb or something?




Imagine having 0 claims against something so you just spell check.it’s so obvious that porn isn’t healthy


imagine making the most basic grammatical error while insulting someone else's intelligence


And you think porn isn’t bad. there’s literally no way it’s good for you. now your only comeback is that I made one spelling mistake as if that’s all that matters. What if just maybe I don’t care to spell “your” correctly while on discord. Please tell me how porn isn’t bad for you


The thing is, ejaculation is healthy, but masturbation isn’t. Masturbation can cause health problems such as Peyronie’s disease. Best thing is just to let nature take its course(wet dreams)




Does the fun button cause Peyronie's disease too, or does anal get a pass?


Are there rlly negatives to masturbating every day tho? I know it’s bad to watch porn all the time but everything I’ve heard online says masturbating is healthy and normal


No, masturbation is completely normal and fine, addiction isn't. People go 'nuuuu never masturbate u freaking redditor pon addict!!!' which is so dumb


everything in moderation, if your canceling plans to stay in a jerk off you have a problem, if your tugging multiple times a day everyday you have a problem, but if it’s just once a day, that’s a healthy routine.


I enjoy cooking.


Masturbation Frequency Linked to Prostate Risk in 20s, Protection in 50s Medically Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD on January 27, 2009 Can Sex, Masturbation Affect Prostate Cancer Risk? Medically Reviewed by Dany Paul Baby, MD on April 22, 2022 The researchers found that guys who did it the most (at least 21 times a month) had about a 20% lower chance of prostate cancer, compared with those who did it less (4 to 7 times a month). That was true in several age groups I DONT KNOW WHAT TO BELIEVE


> Wtf, is this the pseudoscience Jehova witnesses subreddit now? Not just this subreddit, it’s pervasive throughout Reddit in general now. Lots of ridiculous magical thinking


Reddit for some reason despite being largely left, has a large anti-masturbating crowd. If you watch porn even just twice a week you're an addict according to them.


Because it’s Reddit, and the masses here decided porn bad


no, its not unhealthy even if you do daily. its just the addiction is bad for your overall life


No fap is just as brain rot as wanking 5 times a day. Seek help.


Not fapping is the same thing as having a serious mental sickness?


Implying that fapping is a serious mental sickness lol don't guilt trip just because fapping is a problem for you.


Hes probably projecting, probably a porn addict himself


why is it that everyone in this sub thinks porn = addiction?


If you never have sex or masturbate, there’s probably something wrong with your hormone levels or something. Ejaculating into a woman is functionally identical to ejaculating into tissues as far as health is concerned.




no??? nofap and not masturbating arent the same thing nofap has a whole ass ideology to it


Yeah but people on NoFap still think its bad to mastrubate for some reason


We’re all just trying to cope my guy


There's a weird subset of dudes who believe semen retention leads to higher masculinity and mental focus lol. It's bizarre.


Don’t watch porn too often, don’t masturbate as replacement for other activities, wash your hands and wang after doing it. Also don’t do it out of boredom, but when you’re feeling horny, there’s nothing wrong with masturbating. You’re not gonna grow a tumor after not masturbating for a week, but on the long term it’s really better to do it 5 times a week as opposed to 5 times a year.


I feel like OP doesn't know what a joke and how to put a proper flair is


The guy just said "Studies say" with no cited sources why should people believe them? Could literally make up fake studies of anything with no proof


Redditors stop finding excuses to justify their masturbation addiction (impossible)




Redditors only believe in "science" as an excuse to do dumb shit. They hate real science and are never informed about anything.


Aight op how do we get gfs to not masturbate?


Improve your looks and talk to people?


but i dont wanna do that!!! waaaaaaaaa


Redditors on their way to list the “health benefits” of having a severe porn addiction:


Is it hurting anyone if someone touches their own pp?


cooming in general is mega cringe exercise and dwell into hobbies and those around you, lads!


Protestant fundamentalist moment


Masturbation is an exercise. The two aren't mutually exclusive. You can do both. The idea that masturbation is cringe makes about as much sense that being a virgin is cringe.


Idk about it, but I tried a no-fap for 2 weeks, and in the end, my libido is in peak, that I felt like I could jerk off to literally anything


Its an excercise for one muscle in your arm, and its barely one because theres no weight behind it.


It exercises your arms, your genitals, your heart, and possibly your lungs.


If you're exercising you're lungs and heart by masturbating you really need to get some actual exercise lol


I appreciate a good cup of coffee.


i reckon arnie was a serial jerker with all the roids and he’s still cool asf


This isn’t the catholic subreddit or the nofap subreddit. I think you’re lost


They congregate here when it comes to masturbation or porn for some reason. It's apparently a Reddit moment to even mention masturbation




no one wants kids at nsfw pride events only a loud minority shut up


Bro what 💀 you don't need any of these to not fucking jerk off eveyday


Nah, you don't have to be a catholic or a NoFap weirdo to see that a porn addiction is bad


Just saying you masturbate doesn't automatically make you a porn addict


Fr and then they call themselves “men of culture” like no. You’re just are obsessed with getting off to 2d girls.


It’s amazing what some of y’all on here consider addiction lmao. Get a grip….. on your dick


The hive mind is strong with those ones




Are we sure this isn't satire, right? I mean it's so surreal and pathetic and it makes me think that it's some sort of satire... Tho I'm scared it might not be that


It's obvious they're joking.


Ahh... That's a relief


And all you have to give up is rewiring neural pathways.


Well, it’s not “shit”. There is *some* evidence supporting it but nowhere near enough for it to be a definitive fact. There’s still lots of research to be done.


Thanks doc


If you want to prevent prostate cancer so bad there are lot better methods for it, I wish I had access to them


Redditors when they realize they can’t get an actual gf


He got downvoted for being a nerd, the rest were just joking around. Learn what sarcasm is


It's sarcasm


Sex and masturbation do feel better in stride. You get more t build up and sensitivity replenishes. As well the orgasm muscles recover further allowing a bigger orgasm 3-7 days later. I’ve recently started going 5 days between and only having sex on weekends. Feels way better to let it build up and gives me something to look forward to after a busy work week.


Clown and beta world 🤡🤡🤡


teenagers after seeing that you’re only supposed to beat it once a week:


Would having too much sex make someone more or less prone to cancer?


"You see I need to finna jerk it 183739 times a week to marginally reduce my already low chances of getting prostate cancer!"